InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On (the rewrite) ❯ Chapter 4

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Moving On*

Chapter Four
~Inuyasha's POV~
Stupid wench. How dare she resist me? Me! She doesn't know what she's missing. The pleasures she would experience with me are far better than she's ever had or ever would have with anyone; eventhis mysterious Kouga. Why do I care anyway? She's just some stupid human. I was stomping around the island mad for reasons I couldn't explain. Just what was wrong with me that she had to resist so diligently? I should send her away. But I don't want too. I don't think she's quite well yet anyway. Yeah, she's not better yet. If I send her away now I might still end up with her death on my conscience. Plus she is a good cook. It wouldn't hurt if she stayed just a little longer.
~Kagome's POV~
Stupid demon. How darehe try to keep me here against my will? Just who does he think he is? He may have been able to step all over any other women he's had in his life but he'll soon learn he's met his match in me. I wonder what other women there's been, and if there are any now. I hope not. Why should I care anyway? He's just some stupid perverted demon. I didn't really think Inuyasha would do anything if I didn't clean up but the place was filthy. So here I am with a bucket of warm soapy water scrubbing the floor in the kitchen. I wonder where Inuyasha went. He left the house I know that much. Maybe he's left the Island. Are there even any boats here? Just then I heard the door open and someone walked in.
“What are you doing?” I looked up to see Sango standing in the kitchen doorway. I realize how I must look to her. My hair in a ratty looking braid hanging over my shoulder, the kimono she'd given me yesterday splattered with soap and water. And me with my sleeves rolled up sitting on my knees and scrubbing the floor.
“Apparently, I am now that scumbag inu-demon's captive. And my master,” I spat the word out. “Has ordered me to clean his filthy house.”
“And your just doing it like a dutiful little slave?” She asked incredeculously. “Get up.” She ordered me. She made her way carefully over the slippery floor and pulled me to my feet. “Inuyasha really isn't that bad a guy,” she said.
“Yeah right.”
“Just hear me out. He's just a little rough around the edges. The thing is you have to get him to respect you, and he won't if you let him walk all over you.” We left the kitchen. “I actually came to bring you some more kimono's. I know I only brought you one before.” She glanced at the clock on the wall. “I've got to get back to the baby. The kimonos are on the table. Why don't you go to the spring and take a bath, you look awfully sweaty.”
“That's a good idea.” I grabbed a robe and walked with Sango to the door.
“Remember,” she said. “Don't let him walk all over you.” With that she was gone. Yeah, forget about the house. If he wants it clean he can do it himself. I headed for the spring anticipating a nice leisurely soak.
~Inuyasha's POV~
After stomping around for a bit longer I finally headed back to the house. I fully expected Kagome to be there dutifully cleaning like I'd told her too. But she wasn't, and the house was still a mess. The kitchen floor was half clean and there were footprints in the drying water on the floor. It was then I noticed Sango's scent. She probably came over and whisked Kagome off to her house to coo over that baby. What is it with women and babies anyway? Personally I think all babies are just fat squalling little brats. Well while since she's gone I guess I'll go take bath. It was pretty cold out and the spring was nice and hot. The steam rising off it was so thick I could barely see my hand in front of me. But I didn't need to see. Taking off the towel I'd wrapped around my waist I quickly slipped into the water. Leaning against the rocks that ringed the pool I closed my eyes and breathed deep. This was just what I'd needed.
Suddenly I heard something, something like a sigh. I sat up and listened. There was nothing. It must of just been the wind. I sat back again and let my thoughts drift. They drifted right to Kagome. I thought about her body, the way it had fit so perfectly against me. Her full soft lips, beautiful brown eyes, and silky rose petal skin. Stop it! I shouldn't be thinking about her this way. Humans, especially human females are stupid and fickle. Didn't Kikyou teach me that? What's wrong with me? I heard a sound again; the steam might hamper my eyes but not my hearing. If I'd heard something twice there was definitely something or someone lurking around. The sound had come from the far side of the spring.
Carefully, with all my senses alert, I made my way around the edges of the spring where the water wasn't very deep. As I neared the other side I heard another sound, it sounded like a sob. I was no longer worried that who or whatever it was was dangerous. But still I didn't speak and announce my presence. As I moved closer a half familiar scent wafted over to me. It was the scent of that perfumed soap Sango liked but mixed in with it was a tantalizing scent of flowers and comfort and warmth. Kagome's scent. Now that I knew it was Kagome and not some intruder I know I really should either announce my presence or leave. Preferably the latter. I was just preparing to do so when Kagome started to speak aloud.
“Kouga,” she sobbed. “Why, why did you have to leave me? I didn't care about the silly war; I didn't care that only the free thinkers would approve of our marriage. I would have done anything for you, followed you anywhere. I love you and you loved me so why did this happen. Isn't love supposed to prevail no matter what the circumstances are? I'd rather die than be with out you my beloved. I wish I would die!” The last word came out in an anguished scream. Suddenly I was afraid. What if she tried to drown herself? What would I do then? Making a split second decision I moved in closer to her.
“Who's there?” she asked when she heard the soft splashing of the water around me.
“Don't get your panties in a bunch. It's just me.” I growled. Mentally I kicked myself. Great way to comfort her Inuyasha, insult the girl right off. Sure enough I could almost see the emotional barriers going up around her as she sunk down in the water so I could only see her neck and above. And just barely that, what with all the steam.
“Go away Inuyasha. How dare you spy on me?”
“I wasn't spying, wench. I happened to be trying to enjoy a peaceful soak when you interrupted me with all your wailing and sobbing. I thought you were at Sango's.”
“Sango just stopped by the house to bring me more clothes. I thought I'd have a soak since I had nothing else to do.” Kagome said sniffing quietly.
“Nothing to do? I told you to clean the house, it's still a sty.”
“I am not your slave, or your maid. Clean your own damn house.”
“Kagome,” I said hesitantly. I wasn't sure if I should bring up what I'd heard, she seemed to have forgotten it at the moment.
“What? Why are you staring at me?”
“Uh, you don't have to sink down the water like that, I've seen you naked already.”
“You baka.”
~Kagome's POV~
“You baka.” I sniffled again. Suddenly for reasons I couldn't explain I burst into tears.
“Don't cry.” Inuyasha said horrified, there was an edge to his voice that almost sounded like begging. “I can't stand it when females cry.” I just cried harder. “Ah, hell.” He moved closer and pulled me into a hug. “Look,” He said softly stroking my hair as I sobbed. “I heard what you were saying earlier, and…um… Don't cry Kagome. Come on, please?”
“I can't stop!” I wailed. “Why did he have to leave me?!”
“Come on, Kagome.” Inuyasha stood and picked me up. He carried me slowly back to the house and set me down in the bedroom. Then he left. When he came back he held a fluffy white towel and he began to gently dry me off like I was a small child; and all the while I sobbed uncontrollably. When I was dry he sat down and held me stroking my hair and murmuring soothingly in my ear. He didn't say anything really, he was just making sounds in the back of his throat, but it comforted me nonetheless.
“Kagome,” He finally spoke. It seemed like we'd been sitting there for hours. “You really should put some clothes on.” It was then I realized that I was naked and Inuyasha wore only a towel. I jumped away from him grabbing up the towel he'd used to dry me.
“I…I'm sorry Inuyasha.” I ran from the room. He followed me but didn't try to come into the bathroom when I closed the door.
“It's okay, Kagome. Whoever this Kouga guy is, and whatever happened with him; it's okay. Some things just need to be talked about.” He was silent. I couldn't bring myself to speak. “Fine. I'm leaving; I'll be at Sango and Miroku's house. Have some dinner ready when I come back.” He walked away from the door and soon I heard the cabin door slam. I couldn't help but feel that I had hurt his feelings.
A/N: Hey what do you think? Pretty long chapter huh? Review please.
Thanks much.