InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On (the rewrite) ❯ Chapter 3

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Moving On*
By: InuLover
~Chapter Three~
~Kagome's POV~
I rolled over into a hard muscled body. “Kouga?” I murmured.
“Guess again princess.” Said a deep voice. I awoke confused. What was going on, I'd only been asleep a few minutes. It was Inuyasha I realized.
“What are you doing?” I demanded. “We can't both sleep here.”
“Why not?” asked Inuyasha. “If it was warmer out I wouldn't mind sleeping elsewhere, I often do so on my own. But in case you haven't noticed it's cold out and I'm not giving up my warm bed just because you tried to drown yourself and washed up onto my island.”
“I'll sleep somewhere else then.” I started to climb out of the bed but Inuyasha grabbed me around my waist and pulled me back against his chest. His naked chest.
As of now you're my captive. And you'll do what I say when I say. You're staying in this bed. Go to sleep.” He wrapped his arms more tightly around me and went back to sleep. I lay there stiffly for a while and soon relaxed enough to fall asleep.
~Inuyasha's POV~
It's nice waking up with a warm, soft body snuggled up against you on a cold day. I looked down at Kagome. She looked so soft and peaceful. You'd never guess what a hellcat she is when she's awake. Sometime during the night she'd turned toward me and her soft bosom was pressed against my chest. I kissed her neck and sucked on the skin a little but stopped when her eyelids flickered and she murmured. I didn't want her to wake up yet. I didn't want to get up myself but it was colder than usual so I got up and turned up the thermostat then laid back down. Unaware of what she was doing, as soon as I laid back down Kagome wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me closer, snuggling into my chest. I stroked her hair yawning and decided it wouldn't hurt me to sleep a little longer.
~Kagome's POV~
When I awoke my arms were wrapped around Inuyasha and his around me. I don't know how I got into this position but I knew I needed to get out of it. I slowly inched my way out of the bed watching his face for sounds of wakefulness. I breathed a sigh of relief when I was out of the bed. I decided to go down to the spring for a soak while I had the chance and so I gathered my things and headed out. When I got to the spring I heard splashing and voices so I dunked behind a bush and peeked at the spring. Sango and Miroku were in the middle of the spring kissing. I decided my to wait till later and went back to the house.
I didn't want to get dressed until I'd bathed so I pulled on a robe I'd found and started on breakfast.
~Inuyasha's POV~
I woke up as soon as Kagome had started moving although I didn't let it show. When she left the room I sat up. Whatever am I going to do about this human? She's bewitched my mind. I can't stop thinking about her. Maybe I should just send her away; she's well enough to leave the island. But I don't want her to leave. I heard the door open and Kagome's soft padding footsteps. I wonder why she came back so soon. I lay down and faked sleep just in case she came back into the room. She didn't. She went to the kitchen and soon the delicious smell of eggs and bacon came wafted through the air.
~Kagome's POV~
Surprisingly the breakfast I made, omelets and bacon, came out very well. I was fast discovering I had a knack for cooking. I was setting the table when Inuyasha finally woke up. “Well aren't you a dutiful little slave.” He said yawning.
“It was cook or wait for you to wake up and do it. You lazy son of a bi-” Inuyasha covered my mouth.
“Watch your language. I wouldn't want to have to knock a few teeth out.” He removed his hand and gave me a quick kiss. “I'm going to take a bath, I'll eat when I get back.”
“I wouldn't do that if I were you.” I said quickly.
“I've already been down there. Sango and Miroku are using the spring.”
“Looks like Miroku got his way after all. Do you want to join them? It could be fun.” He pulled me roughly to him.
“You're disgusting.” I pushed him away and sat down to eat.
“This is good.” He said chewing thoughtfully. “Are you sure you've never cooked before?”
“Maybe in a past life.” When I finished my food I left the table. “I'm going to take a bath.” Sango and Miroku were gone when I got there but they'd forgotten some clothes. I was enjoying a swim after washing up when I heard a strange noise in the bushes. “Who's there?” I called but no one answered. I didn't hear anything else so I climbed out and reached for my towel. Then I heard the rustling again and screamed. Inuyasha was there in an instant.
“What's wrong Kagome?” his voice faded away when he saw me standing there dripping wet, angry and only half covered by my towel.
“Turn around.” I ordered sternly. He obeyed meekly and I fixed my towel. “You can turn around now.”
“What's wrong I heard you scream?” he said when he'd turned back.
“I heard something in the bushes.” Inuyasha walked over and rooted around in the bushes for a moment.
~Inuyasha's POV~
Truth is I already had some idea of who was in the bushes and I only had to search for a minute or two for my suspicions to be confirmed. I came up holding my little buddy Shippou by his tail. “Hello Shippou,” I said not at all pleasantly.
“Heh, hi Inuyasha.” Shippou smiled sheepishly. “Nice woman you've got there.” I traded my grip from his tail for one on the back of his shirt.
“Kagome, meet Shippou. A visitor I have on the island sometimes.” The little kitsune blushed and waved.
Kagome looked at Shippou with narrowed eyes. “Your on my bad list now you little pervert.” She punched him in the head then talked off back to the house.
~Kagome's POV~
Inuyasha joined me in the house a few moments later. “I sent the little brat to visit Sango and Miroku. That should keep him busy for a while.”
“Good.” I said shortly.
“Yeah, now we can finally have some alone time.” Said Inuyasha coming toward me with what could only be called an evil smirk on his face.
“Oh no,” I ran around the table.
“Come here Kagome.” He ordered.
“Make me,” I answered somewhat childishly. He chased me around the table for a moment then finally jumped over it. He pulled me into a crushing hug and his lips sought mine. I twisted my face every which way to avoid him but he soon tired of that game and simply held my face still. I bit his lip.
I thought he'd be mad but instead he smiled. If it could be called a smile. “Now, now dearest. How am I to kiss you properly if you if you insist on taking a chunk out of my kisser?”
“Maybe I don't want you to kiss me.” I struggled trying futilely to break free.
“Of course you want me to kiss you wench. You know you like me.” He crushed his lips back to mine then lifted his head for a minute. “Normally, I don't bite. Unless I'm asked. But for you, if you bite me again be assured that I'll bite back. And it won't be pleasant.” Once again he kissed me. This time instead of resisting I did the complete opposite. I went limp as an overcooked noodle in his arms. I put everything I had in not sub coming to his kiss. Finally he let me go abruptly and I dropped to the floor.
“Since you seem to find kissing me so damn repulsive, I'll leave you alone. For now wench. Now make yourself useful and clean up this place. It's a sty.
A/N: Hey you guys. Well how do you think it's going? I like where it's going I wanted to make it a bit longer then the original Moving On, which is only five chapters. It seems a bit rushed. I may end up discontinuing it though seeing as only two people have seen fit to review out of the 278 visits. Well see you. Don't forget to review and check out Captive, a sort of prequel to this on how Sango and Miroku got together.