InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On (the rewrite) ❯ Chapter 2

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Moving On*
By InuLover
~Chapter Two~
~Kagome POV~
When I woke it was still dark so I guess I hadn't slept very long. I sat up and looked around. A hanyou with long white hair entered the room whistling. “Who are you?” I demanded, clutching my blanket around me.
“It's me Inuyasha. You know the guy who found you washed up on the beach. It's about time you woke up you've been out of it for three days.”
“Liar!” I accused. “I may have been slightly delirious but the Inuyasha who found me had black hair and violet eyes. And he was human.” I stood and began throwing everything within reach at the stranger. I immediately found my self pinned to the bed.
“Would ya calm down?” he asked. I kneed him in his privates. “Guess not.” He used his legs to hold mine down and held one of my wrists in each hand. I continued my futile struggle to get free. “You know,” he said after a moment. “Your pretty cute. And you have a nice body too. I tried not to look when I was undressing you but it's sorta hard not to notice.” He added with an evil grin. And before I could get the air to scream his lips were on mine. I continued to struggle but almost swooned when he deepened the kiss. But I thought of Kouga and remained strong. I bit his lip. He pulled away from me surprised. “I've never kissed a girl who didn't submit after ten seconds.” He said mildly. “I wonder how long it'll take me to break you?” I worked a hand free and slapped him. He grabbed my hand. “Now, now, none of that; and no more biting either. I really don't want to have to hurt you.”
Again he lowered his lips to mine. This time I could not resist for long. Forgive me Kouga. I thought before once again tugging my hands free but this time to tangle them into his snow-white hair as I returned his kiss.
~Inuyasha's POV~
It really shocked me when the first time I kissed her she didn't succumb. That had never happened to me before. I was sure it was a fluke so I tried again. And what do you know, I was right. She couldn't resist me; in fact she shocked me with her responsiveness. This girl was one hell of a kisser. And I told her so. Wrong thing to do. It broke whatever spell it was that I had over her and she untangled her hands from my hair to slap me again. “Don't ever touch me again!” It seemed the only way to keep her from hitting me was to keep her busy with kisses. I didn't mind that one bit. I was lowering my head to kiss her, holding both her wrists in one hand and running the other down a leg that had come exposed when I heard familiar voices behind me.
“Honestly Inuyasha, can't resist a pretty face can you?” asked Sango.
“Good for you,” chimed Miroku from behind her.
I turned my head slowly and glared at them from over my shoulder. “Can't this wait till later?”
“No.” Sango answered simply. She bustled over shoving me out of the way and introduced herself. “Hello Kagome, that is your name isn't it? I'm Sango and that lunkhead over there is my husband Miroku. We live on the other side of the island. Inuyasha told us about you while you were sleeping. Seeing as your clothes were torn to tatters I brought you this,” she held out a dark purple Kimono. “But first I'll take you to the hot spring so you can get cleaned up.” She grabbed Kagome's hand and hustled her out of the house.
“She sure has a lot of energy,” I commented.
“I know,” said Miroku. “It's from having to stay in bed so long after having Inuchan. I wanted her to spend the morning with me getting rid of the energy in a more satisfying way. But she wanted to come here. You looked like you were having fun with, um, what's her name again?”
“Kagome, and I was keeping her busy so she'd stop attacking me. She's a handful.”
Miroku snorted. “I bet she is.”
“I left her a the spring,” Sango announced coming back in. “I brought some food over so I'm gonna go warm it up. Either of you go near the hot spring and I'll kill you.” She headed for the kitchen. Miroku looked crestfallen and I raised an eyebrow at him.
“Guy's gotta have some fun.” He said shrugging.
~Kagome's POV~
Sango was very nice; it's hard to believe she's friends with that scumbag Inu demon. After showing me the hot springs she headed back up to the house and left me to my own devices. “Kouga my darling, I'm sorry to have failed you.” I said aloud. “I've tried three times to join you in death and each time I was foiled.” I sighed. We were meant to be; I still believe that. But maybe we aren't forever like I thought. Depressed I sunk down into the deep dark water; it was like sinking into oblivion. I stayed under as long as I could then surfaced and began to wash.
When I returned to the house Inuyasha was talking to his friend and Sango was in the kitchen at the stove. “Let me do this,” I said to Sango. “I've never really cooked before but it looks easy. You go rest.” I herded her out of the kitchen. I stirred the soup for a minute then tasted it and decided it needed some spice. I searched all of the cabinets only to find pepper in the fridge. I was stirring in the pepper when I noticed Inuyasha standing in the doorway.
“It's nice to have a woman cooking me dinner.” He said leaning against doorframe. Sango and Miroku went home, something about the baby. Sango said she'll try and stop by tomorrow but if I know Miroku they'll probably spend the morning in bed. If you know what I mean.” He sniffed the air. “Smells good, I might just keep you instead of booting you off the island as soon as you're well.” He said with a smirk. Then he turned and walked away. Leaving me fuming.
Later on while we were eating I could no longer take the silence. “I suppose I should think you for saving me. But you really can't keep me here against my will.”
“Can't I?” Inuyasha asked one brow raised. “Sango first came here as Miroku's captive. He'd kidnapped her to get back a family heirloom her brother had stolen. She hated him at first, and look at them now. Besides I'm stronger than you so if I say you'll stay, you'll stay.” He licked his bowl clean and patted his stomach. “That was good.” He burped.
“Your such a pig.” I said disgusted. “I'm tired is there something for me to sleep in?”
“Go get one of my shirts. That should be good enough.” Sighing I went to the bedroom and pulled on one of his shirts then climbed into the bed. I was asleep before my head hit the pillow.
A/N: That's it for now. And if anyone's interested I have a fic in progress about how Sango and Miroku met and got together it's called Captive. Check it out. And don't forget to review.