InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving On (the rewrite) ❯ Chapter 1

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

*Moving On*
By InuLover
~Chapter One~
~Inuyasha POV~
“What should I do about her clothes?” I wondered aloud. “If she isn't already she'll get sick in those wet things. Don't think she'll be happy with the idea of a stranger undressing her, but she'll just have to deal with it.” I undressed her making as little contact as I could. I tried to be modest but I couldn't help noticing she had a nice little body. When I finished I wrapped her in a blanket like a makeshift dress then put another blanket over her and left her to sleep. I headed for the kitchen to make some broth.
~Kagome POV~
“Kouga?” I moaned as I awakened. I didn't know where I was and I hurt all over. And, I realized with a start, I was naked with a blanket wrapped around me and another on top of me. I heard a noise and sat up and turned to gaze into a pair of deep violet eyes. “Your not Kouga.” I said stupidly, then hopefully. “Where am I? Am I dead?”
“Nope, not yet anyway.” He answered. “You washed up on my island. Now drink this.” He held a cup of broth up to my lips.
“No!” an anguished scream tore from my lips. I knocked the cup to the floor and threw myself down on the bed sobbing. “Why did you bring me here, you should have just let me die!”
“Well unfortunately I have a strict no rotting human corpses on my Island. I could always throw you back into the ocean and let you drown.” I paid him no mind. I just cried and cried and cried. Soon I fell asleep. While I slept I dreamt a most terrible dream. It started out happy; with Kouga and me picnicking by a peaceful river surrounded by our romping children. When suddenly our children began to disappear starting with the one in my belly. Then Kouga shouldered a pack that had come from nowhere.
“I've met someone else Kagome, some one younger and better. And with the children gone there's really no reason for me to stay.” He walked away and soon faded from my sight and I awoke calling his name. The man who had rescued me was once again standing beside me a puzzled look on his face.
“This Kouga person,” he asked. “Is he someone I can call to get you off my Island?”
“Not unless you can contact the dead.” I said rolling away from him. He walked away and soon came back. “Who are you anyway?” I asked over my shoulder.
“I'm Inuyasha, this is my island.” He answered. “Who are you?”
“I'm Kagome, do you live here all alone?”
“No, two other people live on the other side of the island. How did you end up here? Was there an accident or did you jump? Is there anyone I can contact to come get you?”
“How I ended up here is none of your business.” I said a little sharply. “And there is no one.”
“Whatever. Here's some more broth, drink or don't. I don't care.” He walked away. I turned over and saw the plain wooden cup on the table beside the bed. I sighed then sat up and took the cup. Immediately after drinking the broth I felt sleepy. There must have been sleeping pills in it. I fell into a deep dreamless sleep.
~Inuyasha POV~
“None of my business my ass, it's my island your on.” I grumbled as I walked away from the rude little wench. “She jumped.” I left the room but kept the door cracked open. If she drank the broth she'd be sleep within a matter a minutes. I stayed until I was sure she was sleep then left the house to visit Miroku and his wife Sango, they were the couple that lived on the island. I suppose I could call them my friends. They did name their first child after me.
When I reached their house, well it really was mine but I didn't want to live in it, I knocked on the door. Miroku answered. “Hey, Inuyasha what a pleasant surprise. Have you come to see little Inuchan?”
“I don't like children. I came to talk to you and Sango.”
“Ah, my darling is still on bed rest since the baby's birth was so difficult. She's resting in the living room, follow me.” He led me through the house to the room where Sango was.
“Inuyasha,” She started to sit up when she saw me but Miroku gently pushed her back down.
“No you don't,” he said lovingly. “Your to stay lying down. You know what the doctor said.” Sango, who had always been an active person glowered at her husband and grumbled. “So Inuyasha, what's the news?”
“Some woman washed up on the island near my house,” I said bluntly.
“Oh my god, was she alive?” asked Sango.
“Just barely. She's a jumper, tried to drown herself.” I answered.
“How do you know?” asked Miroku.
“I asked how she ended up in the water, if it was an accident or if she jumped. She said it was none of my business. She's a jumper.”
“So what does she look like? Is she beautiful? What about her body?”
“Houshi…” said Sango warningly swatting him on the arm.
“You just left her alone Inuyasha?” Sango asked.”
“No, gave her some broth with sleeping powder in it. Her name's Kagome.” We sat in silence for a moment.
“Why would she jump?” Miroku wondered aloud.
“Death in the family or something.” I said. “She kept calling out the name Kouga and when I asked her if he was someone who I could contact she said he was dead.”
“That's so sad.” Said Sango. “Well would you like to stay and eat dinner with us Inuyasha?”
“No, I'm leaving now.” I got up and left before they could say anything else. When I got back to the house I checked on the girl. She was still sleeping. I went to the kitchen to find something to eat.