InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Moving Up in the World ❯ Shop till you drop! ( Chapter 6 )
Alright sorry for the wait, here you are. I'm pretty proud of the new direction we are going. This chapter has a few purposes: 1) an interlude a.k.a time waster till we get to the plot. 2) Slow introduction into the new personalities of the characters without shocking the pants off of you guys.
Sorry about any grammar mistakes in there. Hope you enjoy. Also I put a cameo of Jakotsu. I know he is *extremely* out of character but I thought it was cute to put him there. I did NOT mean to offend any extreme Jakotsu fans or people who are touchy about how homosexuals are portrayed (though I think he is portrayed just fine)
Note: sorry about the absent updates and slowness of it all. If you feel the need to hear me rant about my woes and make excuses for myself then you should check out my profile. You should check it out cause it has thanks sometimes too. Plus my email is out for a while till I set up a new account. hotmail took it away since mom had our internet down for more than ten days. I am hoping to get the same address. (If you go there and get it right now just to spite me I will kick your but! And I will send porn to you!)
Sesshoumaru was surprised to find himself incredibly relieved. He hadn't known that he cared all that much whether or not she decided to be his assistant. It's not like he *wanted* her to work for him…right? She was just a homeless girl… who smiles… that beautiful smile. Whoa, time to pull himself back into the real world before he got even more confused.
"Good, now let's get some breakfast." He quickly covered the gap he had created in the conversation.
"Oh yeah! I love chocolate chip pancakes. At least I think I do." Rin went off into her own mind, to Sesshoumaru's relief, and they went back into the kitchen.
"So, are you Sesshoumaru's new assistant?" Inutaisho inquired as he wiped sleep out of his eyes.
"Of course." Rin replied as she pulled a chair out for herself. "I'm just so surprised he would consider me…" just that moment she realized that Inutaisho had no clue that she was homeless. Did Izayoi know? Yes, she had to, but what about Inuyasha?
"Why not? You seem to be a nice girl." Inutaisho said as he scooped ramen into his mouth with chopsticks.
"Feh", Inuyasha added over his own heaping bowl of ramen.
"I'm sure it just took her by surprise." Izayoi said as she winked at Rin. Rin was instantly relieved that Izayoi truly was in on this. All the time Sesshoumaru stared at his plate silently while picking at his eggs.
"Would you like some pancakes?" Izayoi asked as she passed by with a tray of them piled high.
"Oh, could I please?" Rin asked wide eyed at the massive amounts of food before her.
"Of course, dear, have some syrup too." She said as she put three pancakes on the plate in front of Rin. Rin cut some and put syrup on it. She speared a big piece with her fork and sniffed it tentatively and in the blink of an eye she had shoved it in her mouth. She then started shoveling pancake in an Inuyasha like manner. Sesshoumaru was a little surprised at this, but couldn't help but think that she still looked cute, even when chocolate was smeared on her nose and her cheeks were stuffed with pancake.
"That was the best thing I ever tasted!" Rin said after the rampage was over as she patted her bulging stomach. Izayoi chuckled to herself.
"It's nice to know you cooking is appreciated." She said as she gazed over her husband and son, who had both finished massacring their breakfast as well. "What is on the agenda today?" she asked.
"Well, its Sunday so no work…" Inutaisho began plotting. "Inuyasha, what do you think of heading to the megadome to see some boxing?"
"Yeah! Box seats?" Inuyasha eagerly replied.
"Sesshoumaru, do you want to join us?" Inutaisho asked hopefully.
"No, I have work to do."
"Suit yourself."
"Will you be needing Rin?" Izayoi asked, obviously plotting as well.
"Good, then we can go shopping!" Izayoi was obviously thrilled.
"Shopping, why?" Rin pondered aloud.
"Well, you will need some business clothes for your new job." Izayoi explained.
"But I-" Rin nearly admitted she had no money before she was cut off by Izayoi.
"We will work things out." Izayoi winked at Rin again. "Come on, come upstairs and I will get you some shopping clothes.
Rin------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------
Rin was wearing a white T-shirt and some flared jeans that Izayoi had lent her. They got into Izayoi's fire red convertible and buckled up.
"I don't have any money…," Rin admitted.
"I know, Sesshoumaru is paying for them." Izayoi answered as she turned up the stereo. It was blaring the song `respect', which oddly fit the tiny woman who utterly controlled her husband and son. The only person Rin respected more was Sesshoumaru himself. She couldn't believe that he was paying for her clothes. He didn't have to do that out of guilt or anything.
"Okay we're here!" Izayoi practically sung. This was obviously something she enjoyed. They entered a posh-looking building and immediately were greeted with the most expensive looking place Rin had ever laid eyes on. Everything gleamed.
"Mrs. Takashi! So nice to see you. What can I help you with?" a flamboyantly gay man asked.
"Oh, Jakotsu. Nice to see you too, but this time it's not for me, it's for Rin here."
"Hmm…yes she is quite pretty isn't she? What will we be getting for Miss Rin today?" Jakotsu asked while examining her.
"Well, she will be Sesshoumaru's new assistant, so we need business outfits." Jakotsu began plucking things off the shelves immediately.
"Here, go try these on so we can see what we are dealing with." He handed her the pile with a smile and pushed her towards the dressing rooms.
"Jakotsu?" Izayoi whispered.
"Hmm?" He replied while still pulling things from racks.
"I think it would be nice if we could make sure Rin looked very…attractive…you know…"
"Still matchmaking Izayoi?…don't worry, have I been known to pick out drab things for a lovely girl?"
"I know, I know… it just seems a mother's work is never done."
"Yes, and that Sesshoumaru is so handsome but completely oblivious." Jakotsu commented as he waited for Rin.
"Umm…" Rin interjected as she walked out of the dressing room in a ruffled blouse and a skirt that hit right above the knee.
"Is there something wrong dear?" Jakotsu and Izayoi chorused at once.
"Well…no, but you see it's just the price…I mean I have no money… This skirt is 200 dollars!" she stuttered nervously.
"Oh honey…don't worry. Sesshoumaru has enough money that you can buy whatever you want and a mid-sized car and he still wouldn't be short on cash!" Izayoi soothed. "Jakotsu? Could you give us a minute?" she motioned for Rin to join her on the couch that she was observing from.
"Of course Mrs. Takashi." He smiled and bustled off with a wink at Rin.
"Rin dear, I know this may be a bit extravagant for you, but you will be the personal assistant to the vice president of the number one grossing company in Japan! So you will need to look your best and Sesshoumaru knows that too. That's why he gave us his credit card." Izayoi coaxed as she patted Rin on the back reassuringly.
"Well, I mean if your sure…" Rin complied.
"I'm sure. Now why don't we try on that lovely blazer Jakotsu picked out?"
Sesshoumaru----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Sesshoumaru was busy shuffling papers on his desk at work. He had decided he needed to organize some things so that Rin would be able to move in easier. Wait…he wasn't doing it for *Rin*, he was doing it so she would be better able to help him. Yes, that was it. Suddenly he heard a muffled sputtering and the heavy oak door flew wide open. There stood Jakken in all his toadlyness.
"Milord! I got demoted!" he shouted as if the president had been shot.
"Yes. I knew this." Sesshoumaru sighed as he knew his peace was shattered.
"B-but…they say you have a new p-personal assistant…"
"Indeed. Do you have a point Jakken?"
"How could you? All these years!" the toad began throwing a fit.
"Get out of my office before I demote you further."
"Yes milord." And he shuffled out quick as he came.
So much for getting anything done…
Rin------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
"Heels?" Rin asked unsure of the spiked object they were strapping onto her foot.
"Well, of course Rin, That is what women wear to work." Izayoi supplied.
"Surely not all women…" Rin said as she thought of old Miss Kaedae, the homeless widow, in those spiked heels and pointed toes.
"Well, not all women, but those who want to be noticed do." Said Izayoi.
"But, I don't want to be noticed!"
"Don't be silly dear, of course you do." Izayoi finished strapping the other one and gave Rin a push to watch her trip and lank in a pile of empty shoeboxes.
"I-I…um…" Rin sputtered.
"What dear? What is it? You can tell me and Jakotsu. We need to know what you want." Izayoi comforted.
"It's just all this black…black shoes, black skirts, black suits…Isn't there something more cheery?"
"Cheery?" Izayoi responded as she wondered how Sesshoumaru could have ended up with this girl so completely opposite from him.
"I think I have just the thing!" Jakotsu popped in with a bright yellow skirt in one hand and a chic purple suit in the other.
"Wow." Izayoi and Rin chorused.
Sesshoumaru----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Sesshoumaru wondered how Rin was doing with Izayoi. He wondered if she was overwhelmed, not that he *cared*. Sesshoumaru looked across the wide empty room and looked at the desk that Jakken had just spent several hours slowly cleaning out, all the while sniveling. What a weakling. He hoped Rin would do better at not annoying him. It was an anomaly to him that he hired a girl had simply seen on the street one day. He just saw her and something drew him to her. It was like they had met in another life. God, surely he was going soft, first hiring the homeless then wondering about past lives. What's next? Kittens? Bunnies? Stop torturing Jakken? No, he knew that one would never happen as he thought of bashing the toad's brains in and smirked.
Rin------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
"Muh-m-makeup?" Rin asked horrified as a lady was picking colors.
"Just mascara and blush dear, you are already lovely." Izayoi soothed.
"It's so expensive." Rin said in awe as she saw that only one tiny tube of mascara was 25 dollars. Izayoi giggled.
"Yes, but you see Rin you and me are ladies of luxury now. We can afford the good stuff." Izayoi replied as she was matching foundation to her skin tone.
"But I'm just a homeless girl…" Rin said dejectedly.
"Nonsense. You live with me and the boys now, and I expect Sesshoumaru will be moving out since he became vice president. He will want to be in the heart of the city. Probably a penthouse. I imagine you will go too." Izayoi chatted as Rin gawped at her.
"What?" Rin jerked and utterly messed up the mascara the lady had been applying.
"Hehehe. Well I'm sure Sesshoumaru will not want to be without his assistant." Izayoi said suggestively and raised her eyebrow at Rin.
Sesshoumaru----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
"This is it. A beauty ain't it? A large man in a suit asked Sesshoumaru.
"Hmmm." Sesshoumaru looked at the silver Porsche that gleamed in front of him. He had decided that he wanted some freedom. That silver Lexus that father had got years ago for Christmas was certainly not the best he could afford. He didn't need people to think it was. The Porsche was definitely more the kind of thing he deserved to drive. He smirked at the thought of speeding down the road, hair blown back in the wind. "I'll take it."
"Really! Oh, I mean don't you want to know the price?" the sweaty man fidgeted as he talked.
"No. Charge it to this card." Sesshoumaru handed him the plastic square and the portly man hustled in to see if the card was accepted. Sesshoumaru ran his hands down the smooth lines of the sleek vehicle as he waited.
"It's approved! Here are the keys. 10 year warranty is all setup. You're ready to go." The man said in-between heaving breaths.
"Good." Sesshoumaru stated as he grabbed the keys and got in the car. He adjusted the seat to fit his long legs and he swiveled the mirror and drove away.
Inuyasha-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------
"So what did you want?" Inuyasha said lazily.
"I wanted to talk about our little deal." Kikyo said slyly and seductively.
"So? Talk then, I'm all ears." He said while pointing at the fluffy triangles on his head.
"I meant privately…"she practically purred.
"Fine, give us some privacy guys." He said to the three others sitting at the table, but only Miroku and Sango got up and left. The third, a stubborn looking woman sat defiantly.
"And *who* do you think you are?" Kikyo said maliciously.
"Leave woman." Inuyasha said dully.
"My name is Ka-go-me! And I am not about to leave! It is my *job* to stay and that's just what I'm doing." She stood as she shouted this with her hands on her hips.
"Humph." Both Inuyasha and Kikyo chorused.
Rin------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------
"Now what?" Rin whined because her feet had long since begun to ache. She had never ever dreamt of so much money being spent on her. They had already charged more than five thousand dollars to Sesshoumaru's account and Izayoi showed no inclination of stopping.
"Well, we just need to stop at the all-purpose store to get you some things you will need then we are all done." Izayoi chirped.
"Like what?" Rin asked.
"Well…everything!" she said joyously. Rin just sighed.
Sesshoumaru----------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Sesshoumaru sped down the open road. This was what he deserved. This open freedom and ability to rule himself and those around him. But even in this freedom, thoughts of tomorrow's workday kept creeping into his mind. Rin was to start tomorrow and no doubt that would cause a conundrum. He simply could not explain how this had come about no matter how many times he thought over it again. It simply didn't make sense. And now he would have to live with his mistakes in judgment. This girl was surely homeless for a reason. Perhaps she is crazy. That makes since what with her smiling over those dumb flowers and all. Or she could be a kleptomaniac. She had probably stolen those flowers anyhow. She could be a prostitute… he didn't really think she was that though, such a young, innocent girl, surely couldn't be anything but a virgin. Whoa, that type of thing was definitely something he wanted to stay out of, especially with such a naïve girl such as her. Sure, he was a man and came to like that kind of thing. He had made the mistake years ago with Kagura years ago, but he was young then and had only been seeing to his carnal desires. Hey why had he begun thinking about all this anyway? Lust had nothing to do with Rin.
Rin------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
Rin was again in Izayoi's red convertible. After nearly seven hours Rin had a new wardrobe, more makeup than she new existed, shoes out the kazoo, a billion `necessities' that Izayoi had told her were really necessary, and a six thousand dollar debt to Sesshoumaru. She didn't know how she would look him into the eye next time she saw him. Before she knew it they were pulling into the long driveway that led to the mansion.
"We're here! Oh, don't worry about the bags; I'll have the boys see to them later. Hey, who does the silver Porsche belong to?" Izayoi said in her almost sing-song voice.
"Hello? Anybody home?" Izayoi called out when they reached the entry room.
"Yeah! We are in the kitchen!" Inutaisho shouted back to her. She and Izayoi quickly traveled to the kitchen to find Inutaisho and Sesshoumaru sitting at the table.
"Where's Inu?" Izayoi asked.
"Miss Kikyo called up saying she wanted to talk about the project." Inutaisho explained.
"Wow, and he actually went." She said reverently.
"Yeah, he wasn't too happy about it but he went. I guess he is finally getting some responsibility." Inutaisho commented with his arms behind his head.
"Who's is that silver Porsche out there?" Izayoi asked.
"Sesshoumaru's, can you believe he bought it? And with his own money too." Inutaisho informed. Rin was truly flabbergasted. She had only heard of cars like that. But now her boss *owned* one with his very own *money*.
"Congratulations honey, it's truly beautiful." Izayoi cooed.
For the first time Sesshoumaru looked at Rin. She was wearing a new shirt and flared jeans that actually fit. He saw now that she was actually beautifully formed. Or at least what some other men might think was well formed. Her hair had been professionally styled. It was now shiny brown. It had been layered and highlighted. He looked at her face and saw she had *makeup* on. And he also noticed that it truly wasn't needed to make her beautiful. Her deep liquid brown eyes always sparkled and her smile was just as bright without a coat of gloss on it. Though he was merely making observations. He didn't think she was attractive or anything. She was too young. But it crossed his mind that other males might be attracted to her. He wouldn't tolerate them hitting on *his* secretary.
Rin noticed him staring at her. He was not ashamed to stare at her directly either. First he skimmed her body. She wondered what he was thinking, his eyes betraying no emotion. He then looked up to her face. He examined her new look thoroughly. She wondered if he approved. He then met her eyes but didn't seem to be looking at *her* but more to be looking *at* her. He then looked away and showed no apologies or acknowledgments that he had indeed been caught staring at her.
"So Sesshoumaru, what do you think of Rin's new look?" Izayoi said because she had seen him looking at Rin.
"Fine." He stated coldly.
"Well, when does she start?" Izayoi asked pleadingly.
"Tomorrow." He said as he got up from his chair and left.
Thanks for reading! Sorry I'm unfaithful about thanking everyone but I swear I love all you reviewers. Sometimes I thank A few of you in my profile.( If I don't it doesn't mean I don't like you, It just means you didn't review in that lucky special time where I happen to be reading reviews and making a new profile that is impossible to predict.)
Q: What is Project Shikon?
A: I don't even know the answer to that question. I suppose I will know at some point when it comes time to give you guys more information. I write the story as I go. Like, for example, a week and a half ago I had no clue Sesshoumaru was getting a Porsche or that Jakotsu was going to make a cameo. I just knew Rin and Izayoi were going shopping at some point. I find it slightly more fun to write if I have no clue what's going to happen next. It might make me a better writer to plan everything out but it's less interesting, and at this point in my writing career (Fan fiction) I am more interested in fun than quality.
Q: How come Inu and Sessh have their white hair and ears and tails and whatnot in the middle of Tokyo? Wouldn't people find them freaky?
A: They have their feudal age accessories because I like them and couldn't imagine them without them. People don't find them freaky because I control the people. So before they think `hey that hot guy has dog ears!' I make them just say whatever I wanted them to say because I'm the authoress and I do what I want in my pseudo Tokyo/ New York.
Next time!: work! Work! Work!
(plus private time for Fluffy and Rin!)
Again sorry non the delays! You reviewers are always on the back of my mind. I really hope I don't disappoint you. Update times *should* become normal again. But as you see in my profile god doesn't seem to want me to review.
(Anyone who isn't MythSweet can ignore this)
MythSweet- hey next chapter I'm using your idea on Jakken! I think everyone will love it! And if they don't they can go to hell cause I love it! I hope I got the right person… I'm pretty sure I did but its 12:30 and I'm tired and dumb so sorry if it isn't. You know who you are!