InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Bubbles ❯ Mr. Bubbles ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Mr. Bubbles
Disclaimer: I make no attempt to claim ownership of Inuyasha, Kagome, or any of the other characters I manipulate in my hentai ways. I could ask for Christmas, though. Mistletoe, tinsel, hmmmm…
Mama Higurashi put a cup of beef Ramen in the microwave and lit the flame under a pot of stew. She wasn't psychic; anyone within a half mile heard the bickering coming from outside the well house.
“Baka, this is a math exam. You know the one with the weird magic symbols?”
“Keh. I don't get how that stuff is math. You have three fruit, two are gone, and you have one left. You thump the runt and eat the last fruit. That's the sort of math you need to know.”
Kagome smothered a laugh. For feudal Japan that was about as much math as she needed. The rest just sort of happened. She'd watched Inuyasha help construct the addition to Kaede's small hut and was amazed at how the hanyou figured out what supports and materials were needed. And no algebra or geometry was necessary.
“Inuyasha, I have to know this stuff to pass. Everyone in this era has to.”
“What do they use it for?”
“They use it for… need it to…” the young miko trailed off as she removed her shoes. Before she could come up with a good reason to use the math she dreaded, Mama entered the living room.
“Welcome home, Kagome, Inuyasha, how are…good heavens what happened to the two of you?”
The teens looked at each other. Before arriving at the well they'd run into a nasty little imp with the ability to manipulate mud. Between the mud flinging mud creature and the dirty imp the two were filthy.
“Imp.” “Mud demon.” They replied. Mama just shook her head.
“Kagome take your socks off before you track mud into the house. Inuyasha give her your jacket. I can start that soaking in the washer before we leave and Kagome can finish it.”
“Where are you going?” Kagome called dropping their things in the laundry room. She could smell the stew and ramen. Mama doesn't miss a thing. And I'm starving. When she got to the table Inuyasha was already there, practically salivating as he tried to hold back until Mama placed everything on the table.
“Souta wants to see some robot action film from one of his video games but the rating is high enough that a parent has to accompany him. I lost the bet with the other mothers so I get to take him and his friends. Grandpa is at an antiques show and should be back tomorrow afternoon. He called to say he found a good number of `spiritual artifacts' and they should fetch a good price.”
“Keh, maybe I should stick around so the old man don't get eaten by some possessed demon pottery.”
Mama chuckled as she set a bowl of rice and stew as well as ramen in front of the half demon. Knowing Inuyasha, he'd be happy with only the ramen but the boy was going to get some vegetables into him.
The three were interrupted by a blue jean clad blur running into the kitchen and launching himself onto Inuyasha's lap.
“Inuyasha! Do you want to go to the movies with us? It'll be great! It's like one of my video games only all the action is on screen so you can't control the characters but all the people are the same and you'd recognize them cause you've played the game with me and you could meet…”
The hanyou sent Kagome a pleading look. Her Inuyasha had faced down demons, oni, and Sesshomaru and he was afraid of a nearly nine year old boy.
“Souta, I'll be home for a couple of days for my exams. I'm sure you can hang out with Inuyasha then. You need to hurry if you're going to make your movie, right?” She glanced at Mama.
“Your sister's right. Both of you need a bath and then straight to bed. Kagome, I don't want you studying tonight, you look exhausted. Have a good night you two.”
Kagome chuckled at the hanyou's relieved expression as he shoveled in his heaven sent mixture of noodles and broth. He glared but didn't stop eating.
“Do you want more to eat or are you ready to bathe?”
“Keh, I'm good. And it's not gonna be like before when your brother tried to boil the skin off me will it?”
“No, I'll set the temperature in the tub. You need to take a shower first so you can rinse the mud off anyway. You don't want to si…I mean soak in dirty water.”
“I hate that word, wench.”
“I caught myself.”
“This time.”
The shower room was spacious with a wide, deep tub and a shower stall with a frosted door. Kagome stopped at the linen closet and grabbed a handful a fresh towels.
“Okay, I'll show you how the shower works and how to adjust the temperature of the water. Since the door is frosted I won't be able to see you inside. Just rinse off really well and wrap a towel around your waist before you get out.”
Inuyasha eyed the tub warily. The last time he took a bath here Kagome's little brother tried to cook him and when he ran to Kagome's room for help, she'd screamed and thrown things at him.
“Inuyasha? Come here so you can tell me if the water's too hot.”
Ridding himself of his undershirt, Inuyasha hesitantly stuck his hand under the flowing water. Unlike last time, this was almost cool to the touch. As he nodded to Kagome to turn up the temperature his nose twitched. It wasn't Kagome's scent he was picking up but something light, something he'd smelled on her a couple of times when he'd shown up in the middle of the night and watched her sleeping. Turning his head, he spied a white box with round, pink shapes on it. The largest one, with arms, legs, and a face, reminded him of Shippou in his bubble form.
“Hey, Kagome? What's that?”
She turned to see what Inuyasha found so interesting and was surprised it was just a box of Mr. Bubbles bubble bath.
“It's Souta's bubble bath. He must have left it out.”
“That pink thing with the eyes sort of looks like the runt.”
“Yeah, I guess it does,” Kagome smiled. “Do you want to use some?”
A blush crept up the hanyou's cheeks. He didn't want to seem like a wuss but the bubbles looked fun. And he remembered Souta putting them in the tub last time but he didn't get to enjoy them. Luckily, Kagome read the expressions warring in his eyes and picking up the box, dumped a large handful under the warm water.
“Get in the shower and rise off while I finish. The `H' knob makes it hotter; the `C' knob makes it colder, `kay?”
Kagome tried not to think about the naked male showering only a few away. She'd seen Inuyasha naked on several occasions but had always been too embarrassed to really look. She remembered the time he'd bathed with Souta, she didn't think that image was ever going to leave her mind, but how do you react when the boy you're attracted to barges into your bedroom covered in nothing but soap suds?
Turning, the teenager came face chest with the half naked hanyou. The water droplets glittered in the fluorescent overhead lighting and his face looked even younger with his bangs slicked back and his ears lowered.
“What are you staring at, wench?”
And then he opens his mouth. Kagome snapped out of her daydream and pointed to the filled tub practically overflowing with bubbles.
“You're all set. Just let me know when you're finished so I can have a turn.”
Just has her fingers closed over the doorknob, a hand shot out to grab her wrist.
“Why don't you take one of those shower things while I'm in the bath?” Inuyasha's face turned crimson. “I mean it's not like you can see anything with the bubbles. You brought enough towels with you.”
Kagome tried to think of some excuse. She couldn't be in the same room showering while Inuyasha was naked in a tub of bubbles. She was a good girl. Good girls didn't have naked male anythings in tubs of bubble bath. But he had a point. Her hair and clothes were stiff with mud and she was starting to itch.
“Fine. But no peeking.”
“Like I've ever peeked.”
Sighing, Kagome undressed in the shower stall. It was true, Inuyasha never showed any interest in watching her bathe. The only times he came near the hot springs were when Miroku got away from camp. She moaned as the hot spray assaulted the sore muscles in her back. What she needed was a long soak but she didn't think she'd be able to stay awake long enough. After washing her hair, Kagome realized she didn't tell Inuyasha about the shampoo and conditioner.
“Hey, Inuyasha?” She called, wrapping a towel snuggly around her. “Did you wash your hair with the shampoo?”
“That fruity smelling soap? No, I didn't know I was supposed to.”
“Here, let me wash it for you. It'll feel much cleaner.”
Making sure her towel was secure; Kagome leaned over the side of the tub and pushed on Inuyasha's shoulders.
“Dunk under a little bit. You hair needs to be wetter.”
Grumbling, he obliged, not wanted to anger the miko enough that she forgot and sat him in the tub.
His eyes drifted shut as Kagome's fingers began to work through his tangled mane. He could feel her shifting and squirming to get a good angle to reach the other side of his head without losing her towel.
“Why don't you just get in the tub behind me, wench?”
Kagome gaped at the half demon, fingers stilling their motions.
“What?” She squeaked out.
“There's room in here for both of us and you'll be behind me so it's not like I'll see nothin. You know you'd rather have a bath than just that shower thing.”
Worrying her bottom lip between her teeth, Kagome mulled over his suggestion. It was true. She wanted a bath and if she was behind him he wouldn't see anything. And it was Inuyasha…
“Alright, scoot forward a little.”
As she sank into the frothy water, Kagome's lips quirked into a smile. Inuyasha may have sounded bold but she watched his back muscles tense the moment her legs settled on either side of his hips. Humming softly, she resumed scrubbing, cupping her hands to bring more water into Inuyasha's thick hair while carefully avoiding his ears. Spying a forgotten washcloth, Kagome lathered it with soap and began to wash his back.
Inuyasha's chest rumbled contently and he leaned back further into Kagome's warm embrace. He never completely relaxed at home, something or other was always trying to kill him, but here, in Kagome's time, in a warm bath with Kagome's gentle scent and the soft fragrance of the bubbles surrounding him, he'd never felt more content.
Dipping the cloth back into the bath water, Kagome grew braver; first spreading the soap along Inuyasha's strong arms, then sliding her arms under his to move the cloth in circles along his chest. Moving downward over his abdominals, she let the cloth slip away, caressing his muscles with her fingertips. Amazed by the softness of his skin here, her hand came in contact with his penis…his semi-erect penis.
Oh, Kami, that's his…it's so soft but firm, too. Kagome continued her explorations, wrapping her hand lightly around his girth and stroking up and down.
Golden eyes flew open when he felt Kagome's touch on his dick. No one (other than himself and only in emergencies) had touched him there before. He could tell she wasn't expecting to grab him there at first but then her motions became more confident.
“K-K-Kagome…what are you doing?”
Flushing, she paused but didn't release him.
“Is this okay? I've never touched…I mean, you're soft and…” stuttering, Kagome decided to continue her ministrations, this time resting her chin on Inuyasha's shoulder.
Groaning, the hanyou gave into the feeling and leaned back to rest fully against Kagome's breasts.
“You can …ahh… you can squeeze a little harder, Kagome,” he panted out, unable to believe she was doing this to him; for him.
Kagome's other hand drifted down to cup and fondle his sack, gently tugging the pliable skin before dancing her fingers over and under his balls. The purring growl and the jerking of his hips told her she was doing something right and Kagome wrapped her legs tighter around Inuyasha's hips so with each thrust he made, he rubbed against the ache between her legs. His hands, so large and tan against her pale flesh, grabbed hold of the underside of her thighs and hitched her closer still, stroking dangerous claws against delicate skin from the back of her knees to her hips.
Their rocking motions caused the cooling water to slosh, adding to the sounds of the couple's panting. Kagome could feel the tension building low in her belly and she quickened her motions on Inuyasha, urging his hips to grind into her harder, wanting the ache to disappear. With a hiss, Inuyasha crushed her against him and jerked, sending her over the edge with a burst of warmth, only to be followed a moment later by the hanyou.
“Gomeeee!” he cried, going slack. His hands covered hers stilling her motions. Both sat breathing heavily for a moment before Inuyasha rearranged himself so Kagome was kneeling facing him. Brushing her damp bangs away from her face, he gave a small smile.
“Kagome? Why did you? You didn't have to.”
She looked into those beautiful sun colored eyes and knew, in that moment, she could tell him everything.
“You've been under so much pressure lately. We can't find Naraku, we have no jewel shards, you lost Kikyou…I wanted to make you feel good. To make you feel…loved.”
He cocked his head, his ears tilting forward to catch every nuance of her voice.
“I…I love you, Inuyasha. I have for the longest time. I needed to show you…”
His finger fell lightly over her lips. Wrapping his arms around her narrow shoulders, Inuyasha pulled Kagome to him and laid his forehead against hers.
“Kagome…I'd hoped…I never thought…” he sighed. “I don't deserve your love. Wait, let me finish. I've hurt you so many times, not knowing how to explain my obligations and feelings for Kikyou and her memories. You stood by me, supported me…loved me, and I could never give that up. I was selfish to want you by my side because I wanted to feel that love. I love you, Kagome. I want to show you,but for me at least, it's forever. Would you want to be with a hanyou forever?”
Raising her head, Kagome didn't answer. Instead she pressed her lips to Inuyasha's in a chaste kiss. The hanyou tilted her head slightly so he could taste her more fully, taking her bottom lip and sucking lightly. He felt her tongue slide out and he allowed his to meet it. A low rumbled began as Kagome let the appendage explore the inside of his mouth, never once shying away from his fangs, while her fingers found his ears and began to rub. Pulling apart for air, Inuyasha shook his head.
“Not in the water.”
Smiling, he scooped Kagome out of the bath ad wrapped her in one of the fluffy towels before carrying her to her bedroom. Pausing only long enough for her to switch on the bedside lamp, Inuyasha laid her on the blankets and opened the towel. He watched, fascinated, as her pink blush spread from her cheeks, down her neck, to highlight her perfect (at least in his opinion) breasts. Unsure of his gaze, Kagome made to cover herself.
That one word sent heat spiraling through her body. Inuyasha crept over her, golden eyes reflecting the lamplight, and drew her into another kiss. When his lips left hers, they trailed over her jaw, down her throat, to suckle on her pulse point. His hands weren't idle. One held him propped over her while the other moved from her hip to her breast, squeezing, then toying with her hard nipple. He seemed fascinated by the tiny bead and swiftly attached his mouth to it. Kagome arched her back with a moan and gripped Inuyasha's hair. Startled by her intense reaction, he pulled away.
“Kagome, is this okay?”
She nodded and swallowed thickly, trying to get her voice back.
“More than okay, Inuyasha.” Kagome's fingers found the base of his ears again and began to scratch lightly. He growled and latched onto her other breast, this time pulling carefully with his fangs before drawing the mound into his mouth. His face was flushed when their lips met again.
“Where else?”
Not wanting to think about him stopping at this point, Kagome led one clawed hand down to the wiry curls covering her core. Inuyasha slid his middle finger between her folds, surprised by how warm and wet she was. When he tickled a curious little nub that was harder than the rest of the flesh, Kagome grasped his upper arms and thrust her hips into his hand.
“Yes, there Inuyasha! Please, keep going.”
He flashed his famous smirk. “I'm not near done with you wench.”
Moving downward, he helped Kagome raise her knees so he could settle on his stomach. With one hand he spread her folds and with the other, he traced the pink, slippery flesh. He wasn't completely naive, he knew the basic points of mating, but he wanted to make sure Kagome enjoyed everything he did to her. Slipping a finger inside her, he watched as her face contorted in pleasure. His nose twitched at the scent she was emitting and he brought his mouth closer flicking his tongue over her nub.
“Oh, Kami!”
Grinning, Inuyasha replaced his finger with his mouth, alternating between lapping and thrusting into her with his tongue. Kagome's legs squeezed together with each thrust, her breathing becoming erratic. All at once, her hips lifted and she screamed out a strangled version of his name as more liquid heat poured into his mouth.
Crawling up Kagome's trembling body, Inuyasha crushed his mouth to hers forcing her to taste her essence on his lips. Looking down at the girl…no, the woman below him, he positioned himself to make her his. When Kagome smiled softly, Inuyasha pushed forward and sheathed himself inside her. She was tight almost to the point of pain and he caught her intake of breath as well as the scent of her tears.
“Kagome, are you okay? Do I need to stop? Kami, did I hurt you?”
She locked her legs over his hips before his could pull out.
“I'm okay, Inuyasha. It hurts the first time and I don't think you're exactly average size. Just stay still for a minute until I adjust.”
Kagome lifted her lips to his as Inuyasha slid his hands under her shoulders. He couldn't hold back a groan as he felt her internal muscles clench and relax around his length. She wiggled under him, raising and lowering her hips experimentally, as sweat began to bead on the hanyou's forehead.
“It's okay, it feels better than before.”
Gently, slowly, he withdrew only to bury himself to the hilt inside her again. Silver and black hair tangled both above and below as their movements became more synchronized. The burning pain Kagome felt was replaced with a building pressure and her body loosened enough so that Inuyasha was no longer fighting for each thrust. He dipped his head to suckle on her breast and had to force himself not to bite down when he felt her hot mouth descend on his ear. Lifting his head, he moved his hands to Kagome's hips, cupping her butt and pulling her up. The new angle caused him to delve deeper inside her and she began to tighten her inner muscles each time he withdrew.
Finally it was becoming too much, and Inuyasha's motions became harder and faster.
“Kami, Inuyasha, there…yes… INUYASHA!!!”
The sound of Kagome crying out his name in pleasure combined with her muscles vice-like grip sent him over the edge. Howling, his youki rose to the surface and surrounded the couple, forcing Kagome's own powers to rise. The red and blue colors mixed, settling into a pulsing violet as Inuyasha continued to pour himself into his mate. As the light dissipated, he collapsed against Kagome's breasts, panting heavily.
Not sure what happened, Kagome settled for stroking Inuyasha's damp bangs until he was able to speak. After a few minutes of silence, he rose up and laid his lips to Kagome's.
“My Mate.”
“What just happened?”
The hanyou chuckled causing him to move inside her and making her clench around him. Groaning, he gave a few leisurely thrusts before pulling out.
“I don't think either of us is up for that again. My youki bonded to your aura. We'll share the same life span now. And this…”
Kagome looked at her mate's chest and saw her name written in blue entwined with the word `savior'. Glancing down at herself, she saw Inuyasha's name in red entwined with `love' just above her left breast. Smiling, she watched Inuyasha turn off the bedside lamp and pull the covers over them. Tucking her into his side, he nuzzled the back of her neck.
“Sleep Kagome.”
Burrowing closer to the man she loved, Kagome shut her eyes.
“I love you, Inuyasha.”