InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Perfect, for your eyes only ❯ finding a target ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha; everything is property of Rumiko Takashi.
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“Congratulations Kagome!” Sango cheerfully told her.
The `plop' coming from a champagne bottle and the unstopping clapping from her coworkers made her smile and blush out of happiness. Many of her friends came to her and hugged her while praising her for her promotion. After long months of writing meaningless articles she was finally getting to the position she had wanted ever since she started working. She would have her own section in her magazine Shikon Topic. The most important magazine for women in Japan, it held everything women needed and wanted to know; from tips to flirt with men to how to plan a perfect wedding, Kagome thought her magazine was the most complete guide for women.
“Kagome?” A feminine light voice called, everyone stood silent as she stepped into her boss's office. “I hope I didn't interrupt your celebration.”
Kagome shook her head lightly, making her black flock of hair swing from side to side. The bright ruby eyes of her boss met her chocolate ones, Kagome swallowed hard before she watched her smile. Kagura, her boss, got up from her seat and patted her back slowly.
“Now that Sango is leaving the magazine to pursue her dream of becoming a photographer, I think it's up to you to continue with our most popular article in the magazine.” Kagura said, she walked back to her seat and before sitting she pointed a chair in front of her. Kagome got the hint and immediately sat.
“I'm very happy to be in charge of this.” Kagome said with some nervousness, Kagura smiled.
“You do know what this article is about, right?”
Kagome knew everything about the magazine and the job position they had offered her was like a dream come true. The article was the most read page in her magazine thanks to its content, they were mostly advices of how to date the perfect man but it only said which kind of men to avoid. The most important side of the magazine was which man is most likely to date and of course that's the part that readers most enjoyed because it was supposed to relate the events of the writer's dates. Of course, the magazine believed in discretion and the names of the people involved were changed just like the name of the writer of the article would always remain with her initials. Kagome couldn't wait to type in her first article, signed with the letters K.H.
“Of course, Sango has let me have a preview of the work and dedication you must have to write it.” Kagura nodded and smiled.
“I'm glad you know about it, please continue with your small party and I expect you have your first draft by tomorrow morning… understood?” Kagome nodded before walking out and hearing her friends clapping happily once again.
“Okay, okay… let me remind you guys that this isn't only to congratulate me, we are also having a hard time telling Sango we'll miss her, right?” Everyone nodded and Sango shook her head.
“Please Kags, don't make this harder…” Sango said as her voice broke, Kagome wanted to cry and hug her but Sango stopped her.
Sango was a very kind and loving woman, she loved to make others happy but she hated whenever others felt pity for her. Just like Kagome, she held long hair but hers was of a dark russet color. Her eyes were big, bright and full of life; her eyes matched her hair and her skin tone was discretely tanned, something that only Kagome seemed to think that it was unique although her skin was almost of the same color.
“I promised myself and you promised me that we wouldn't cry.” Sango reminded her, Kagome nodded and whipped off the tears on the corners of her eyes.
“And what will you do know? In your first article?” Her coworker asked.
Kagome took a deep breath as her friend, Ayame, handed her a glass of champagne. Kagome looked into her deep emerald eyes as she took a sip of her drink, she thought about it for a second and shook her head. Before Sango, Ayame had been writing that article and had let it go because she found her true love. Sango gladly took over the job until she decided it was time to fulfill a career as a photographer, just like she had always wanted.
“I honestly don't know, I mean I just managed to go out of Kagura's office without throwing up. Maybe I can start tomorrow.” Sango looked at her horrified.
“Oh god no!” Sango blurted out. Kagome arched her brow confused; Ayame pulled away her glass of champagne as she shook her head.
“Kagome, if you don't want Kagura to chew off your head tomorrow morning you should better start looking for someone to date or better yet someone to fu…”
“Okay!” Kagome said before she could continue, the other girls giggled and she stared at them with some doubt.
“How do you know that Kagura will kill me tomorrow?” Kagome asked and the girls looked at each other and sighed.
“We were eavesdropping.” They admitted and Kagome rolled her eyes, she gently grabbed her glass of champagne.
“You know what guys? Maybe you're right, maybe I should start looking for someone… after all, I'm being paid to tell about my relationships and perhaps it's time to go out and get my article ready.” Sango and Ayame smiled widely.
“Great!” They replied and Sango continued. “'Cause we already asked Kagura for permission.”
“Permission? What are you talking about? Hey…”
Before Kagome could say another word, Sango and Ayame grabbed her coat and forced her out of the building in pursue of a new story that would help her gather her reader's attention. Kagome sighed heavily as her friends made her walk through the big city, it wasn't night time yet but some lights were already on which reminded her why she loved the city so much. It was a town that was never asleep, a place in which even if it was 4 in the morning you would find something to do. Sango and Ayame stopped at the sight of a bar; they smiled at each other and nodded.
“You two need to explain yourselves… now!” Kagome said furiously, Sango sighed as Ayame rolled her eyes and walked towards Kagome.
“You need a story and for that you need a man…” Ayame reminded her, Kagome nodded and Sango continued.
“And for you to find a man… what a better place than a bar?” Sango said pointing at the place, on the top of it there were neon lights with the name of the place, Kagome arched her brow with disbelief. Ayame rolled her eyes like before and Sango grabbed her friend by the arm. “C'mon! It'll be fun and helpful, let's go in.”
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He stared from his giant window towards the sunset that lightly hit the buildings of the city, he breathed in and out evenly as he tried hard not to think about her. The only love of his life, the only woman that had made his heart beat, the only person who had actually been his safety net. He closed his eyes tightly, the image of his beloved would always be there waiting for him to close his eyes lids so he could picture her. He opened them immediately because remembering her also reminded him that he would never see her again. The sun slowly hid and the moon was already arising, letting the darkness and stars coming with it. The sound of the intercom on his large ebony desk made him react, just like it always did.
“Mister Takashi? Inuyasha… hello?” His secretary asked, he strolled towards his table and pressed the button to speak.
“Yes, Rin… what is it?” He asked calmly, like he always did.
“You brother is on the phone.” She replied. Inuyasha rubbed his temples lightly before answering.
“Tell him I'm not here.” He heard the door opening and saw his brother walking in. “I'm not here.”
“I knew you would say that so that's why I called from my cell phone.” Sesshomaru replied as he closed his phone. “It's time for you to do something different.”
Sesshomaru held a silvery white shade of hair color, just like Inuyasha. They both shared the same unusual ocher color in their eyes, a gift from their father. They had been together ever since their father married Inuyasha's mother, Sesshomaru was only his half brother which made no difference to them. Sesshomaru looked more like his mother, his eyes weren't as wide as his brothers and his features made him look like a cold man. Inuyasha, on the other side, used to carry a bright smile on his lips every day; he had the most beautiful sun kissed skin and although he didn't work out he had a very well developed abs along with bulky shoulders.
“I'm going home early, how's that for a change?” Inuyasha suggested; Sesshomaru shook his head.
“How long will this go?” Sesshomaru asked as Inuyasha sat on his big black leather chair. “Inuyasha, you have to leave her behind you. Believing she's still with you will not bring her back.”
“I never said it would.” Inuyasha snapped. “I don't really feel like doing something different today and…”
“You have a lot of work you would like to get finished before you go home?” Sesshomaru finished for him, Inuyasha sighed heavily. “It's been 6 years; I don't think she would have enjoyed this.”
Inuyasha turned his amber orbs towards Sesshomaru's; they didn't even flinch until his older brother gave up and shook his head hopeless.
“If you change your mind I'll be at the bar down the street, I'll wait for you until 3 in the morning. Please change your mind.” Sesshomaru begged as he walked out of his office.
He knew his brother was right, it was such a long time and still there he was wishing she was with him. Every time he closed his eyes he could see her raven hair blowing with the wind, her deep and comprehensive chocolate eyes warming him with every look she took at him. Her crimson lips enlightening him with every smile she shot at him and that beautiful pale skin he praised so much, the kind of tone he wished for their kids to have. But that was it, only a wish. Every day she dreamed about her and just when he was about to touch her cheek or her hand or even her white dress, she would vanish; just like she did 6 years ago. The thought of her made him flinch in pain; he thought it would be better for him to keep on with his work although he was already done with it. After 5 long exhausting hours and staring out the window to marvel at his beautiful city, he was done. Inuyasha thought that it would be better for him to go to the bar, after all the only reason his brother was there was for him.
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Her first day out trying to get a story and Kagome was already sick of it, now she understood why Sango and Ayame were always in such a cranky mood. For the last 4 straight hours she had been listening to strangers speak to her about things she didn't care. When she finally knew that they would be too boring for her article, she would move on after asking for their number and lying about when she would call them. Sango and Ayame weren't far from her; they were in a table having drinks as they kept an eye on Kagome to make sure nothing wrong was going on and also because they didn't want her to flee. The last guy wasn't giving up and Kagome had already run out of excuses, she had no other choice than to hear him babble about random stuff.
“And I knew that it was impossible but I couldn't stop myself from having another drink, I mean the bar was there and I just couldn't walk away so there I was…”
“Excuse me, Hoko?” Kagome said politely, the man beside her gave her a small smile.
“It's Hojo.” He reminded her and Kagome nodded as she stood up.
“Right, it's been so good to have this conversation with you but unfortunately I have to go now. I know it sounds unbelievable but there's just this… thing that it's very important and I really need to leave.” Hojo erased his smile and shook his head.
“Please, just stay a few more minutes… I was just enjoying your company.” He said as he grabbed her hand gently, Kagome looked back at her friends who were shaking in their heads in disagreement.
“Okay.” Kagome surrendered and sat back down.
“So where was I? Oh! Okay… so there I was with another bill on my hand and I was just…”
Kagome rolled her eyes as she nodded, pretending to be interested in her story. While Hojo kept on talking she scanned the room with her eyes looking for other men but half of the room was filled with people she had already talked to. Finally Kagome got tired of Hojo and she couldn't keep on feeling guilty, she looked at Sango and noticed she was staring at her. Kagome pointed at her cell phone and Sango immediately got the hint. Kagome only had to wait for a few minutes before she heard her cell phone ring.
“Hello?” She said as she made a sign for Hojo to stop talking. “Oh, no… please! Tell me this isn't happening.”
“What's wrong?” Hojo asked concerned, Kagome shook her head as she gasped.
“This isn't true; tell her I'm on my way!” She said and hung up; she looked back at Hojo and sighed. “I'm really sorry Joho…”
“Hojo.” He corrected and she nodded.
“Yes, well my… kitten was in the veterinary today and they just informed me…” Kagome bit her lip and pretended to cry. “He passed away!”
“He died? Oh, I'm so sorry… is there anything I can do to help you?” Kagome held her eyes wide open in horror.
“No!” Hojo jumped a bit scared, Kagome hid herself behind fake tears. “I need to get ready… for his funeral, he meant a lot to me. I have to go, immediately.”
“Will you call?” Hojo asked with hope in his voice, Kagome nodded with some difficulty before practically running out of the bar.
Soon after she left, she could hear her friends laughing behind her. Kagome looked at them with a deadly stare; they immediately suppressed any giggles left and got closer to her. Sango grabbed Kagome by the arm while Ayame tried to grab a taxi. Kagome had a look on deception all over her face.
“So, it didn't go that well in your first try… that's fine. I couldn't find any guy until the third night… I thought Kagura would fire me immediately so I made up a few guys to make it up to her.” Kagome smiled a bit, she saw Ayame making a gesture for them to get on the taxi.
“You think I'm doing it okay?” Kagome asked once they were inside the car.
“No, you're doing it great. Don't worry, okay? Everything is going to be alright.” Ayame assured her after telling the driver where to take them.
Kagome was able to notice that the bar that they were going was very fancy. It was an open bar; it almost looked like a club. There were not walls covering the place only a few guards making sure that there were no riots. Sango and Ayame got out first and then Kagome followed them, although the guys that were outside seemed tough Sango and Ayame had no trouble convincing them to let the girls in. A few minutes later the girls were having a few drinks, they were laughing and forgot everything about work. Kagome was able to spot a guy with a silver glossy shade of hair, the blue lights shone on his strange tone as he held tightly an empty glass on his hand, he drank it quickly before he asked the bartender for another drink.
“He looks cute.” Ayame encouraged, Kagome shook her head.
“His hair is too long… and I don't like guys who dye their hair but it's your call Kagome.” Sango said as she eyed the stranger.
“He's not my type, besides he looks like he's waiting for someone… his girlfriend.” Kagome suggested.
“Or boyfriend.” Sango said and they laughed. “The last thing can do is reject you, there's nothing for you to lose.”
“Yeah… maybe I should stop complaining and try to get my story.” Sango smiled pleased and Ayame let out a small squeal of excitement.
Kagome finished the drink she had on her hand; she harshly placed the glass on the table to get a right vibe. Just when she was about to walk to the table where the lonely man waited Hojo appeared out of nowhere, he smiled before kissing Kagome's cheek lightly. She smiled but behind her mask she was cursing herself for her bad luck.
“What happened to your cat's funeral?” Hojo asked and Kagome faked some giggles.
“Actually, my veterinarian called later and told me he made a mistake… it wasn't my cat.” Kagome lied and he nodded before taking a sip of his beer. “How did you know I was here?”
“When you left I told my buddies we should change the environment so we thought we could come here… it must be destiny that you and I happen to collide.” Hojo said huskily as he grabbed her by the arm lightly.
“Well, I just came here to ask for the phone… I should really go now.” Kagome said as she tried to get her arm free from his grasp.
“You're not going anywhere…”
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Sesshomaru was getting sick of having to drink so much whiskey for that night but it was the only thing he actually called a drink. He wanted Inuyasha to come, he somehow knew he would but he didn't want to wait that long. Sesshomaru wanted to drive back to his home safely instead of crashing half way there. He was very desperate into trying to make Inuyasha forget about her, although his natural instinct as a brother told him he should hate him; Sesshomaru actually cared a lot about Inuyasha and didn't like to see him in such a bad state. It was as if he had no more soul, he didn't smile, didn't laugh, didn't cry, didn't get angry; nothing. Sesshomaru was about to ask for another drink when he felt someone pat his shoulder. For his surprise Inuyasha was there, his Armani suit as neat as always and his cold stare was there too. Sesshomaru couldn't believe his eyes as Inuyasha sat in front of him taking a sip from his brother's drink.
“You came.” Sesshomaru blurted out, Inuyasha looked at him skeptic.
“I thought you wanted me to.” Inuyasha objected as he stood up, Sesshomaru quickly grabbed his arm and forced him to sit again.
“Of course! I just didn't know you were actually going to show up… it's actually pretty good, you're making a big progress.” Inuyasha arched his brow.
“Did you become a psychologist in my absence?” Sesshomaru smiled a bit before making a gesture to a waiter to bring him another drink. “I don't even know what's the point in making me come here, you know I can drink back in my house.”
“The point is… to make you come out of that depressing cloud you call your home and your work. It's time for you to make something different, try to enjoy life…” Sesshomaru suggested and Inuyasha sighed heavily.
“Maybe you're right.” Inuyasha mumbled and saw his brother standing up. “Where are you going?”
“I had too many drinks while I waited for you; I need to go to the bathroom.”
The drink Sesshomaru had asked for arrived shortly; Inuyasha immediately drank it before making a face out of the sour taste it left on his mouth. He held the empty glass between his skinny fingers; he contemplated the glass as the thought of her came to his mind. Before he could start picturing his beloved like he always did, Inuyasha asked for another drink that would help him ease the pain. Soon he directed his eyes towards a girl that was coming to his direction, he didn't want to hurt her feelings so as soon as she was near him he would ignore her but she never got near him. Inuyasha stared at the girl as an intruder stopped her; she seemed uncomfortable to be with him. Something possessed him and he stood up and walked towards them, he was able to listen to their conversation.
“Well, I just came here to ask for the phone… I should really go now.” He heard her say as she slowly tried to pull away from him.
“You're not going anywhere…” the man replied as Inuyasha took a step closer to them. “At least let me buy you a drink.”
“Um… actually I…”
“Are you okay?” Inuyasha asked as he stood next to Kagome, Hojo immediately let her go. He didn't even turn to look at Kagome as he held his eyes on the rude man.
“What? Are you her…?”
“Boyfriend, sort of…” Inuyasha interrupted before he could ask. “I was waiting for her when she called me, she's in good hands. You can go now.” Inuyasha said and Hojo nodded as he took one last look at Kagome, then he left.
“Thank you, it wasn't necessary but thanks.” Kagome said as Inuyasha turned his eyes to meet hers.
Only one word crossed his mind.
A/N: I know I said I would post this story as soon as I was done with the other one but I just couldn't hold it! I can't keep writing only for one fic, that's not how my mind works… hope you enjoyed this, review please!!! =)