InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Perfect, for your eyes only ❯ Kikyo ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

He sighed heavily; Kagome noticed how hard this subject was to him so she let him take his time. There was no rush now that he was willing to let her know about his past and even though curiosity was killing her, she knew she would have to wait. Inuyasha introduced the picture back in his wallet; he let it on a side and introduced his hand inside his shirt pulling out a pair of rings held by a necklace. Kagome stared at them curiously and he showed her the inscription on the ring, they were written in a foreign language.
“It says `Amor omnia vincit', which is latin for `everything is defeated by love'… we choose it as our secret vows to each other to remind us that no matter what, love would always overcome.” He explained as he looked into her eyes, he sighed once again. “I met her and him years ago... I met Naraku first, being his friend for 3 years and his third year in high school just seemed to get better.
“The first day, destiny walked up to me and presented me to my future wife. She was amazingly beautiful, her pale delicate skin, her auburn big eyes, her dark raven long hair and her tentative curves that seemed to make everyone in the room turn to look at her. I… I just couldn't keep her eyes off of her; Naraku however couldn't bear to look at her. I wasn't able to think about something else, everything I could imagine was how I would meet her and the only thing I could think about was her face. But somehow, she wanted me to think about her more than I thought it was possible.
“I'm Kikyo,” the girl said as soon as she sat next to him during recess. “Sorry to bother you, I just thought you were lonely here, you probably don't talk to sophomores… you know, considering you're a senior.”
“Inuyasha.” He said back as he gulped hard, it was impossible for him not to blush and she smiled. “And… I was waiting for my friend but I think he will take some time, I do talk to sophomores…”
Thanks, I don't feel that much of a fool now.” She giggled nervously and sighed. “I haven't been here before, the city is too big for me… would you mind helping me? I'm supposed to go a model agency after this, it's one of the reasons I moved here.” She showed him the address and his heart stopped for a second.
“That's… that's my father's agency.” He said, trying not to sound too excited; Kikyo smiled pleased.
“Great! I mean… then, you can take me there?” Inuyasha was too eager and very anxious so he simply nodded, Kikyo flashed him another smile.
“After that, I think it was pretty obvious how much I liked her… it was impossible not to notice and thankfully, she felt the same way.” He continued, he took a big breath as Kagome kept with her intense stare on him as he told her his story. “Naraku didn't seem to like her tough; I was too blinded by love to ask him so I just thought he might be sad about the amount of time I spent with him. At prom night before our dance, I knew that she was the right person for me… the only person for me.
“You look amazing,” he half whispered as she walked towards him to give him a peck, her dress was completely black with a mermaid tail that fell just above her knees.
“You look like you're going to marry someone,” she joked, he half smiled and stared at his black tuxedo; Inuyasha quickly bent down and stood on one knee. “No, you… you have to be kidding…”
“I wasn't planning to do this today but… I think it's a good excuse.” Kikyo's eyes were starting to water and his lips were curving in a blissful smile. “Kikyo, love, would you marry me?”
“Yes! Of course! Yes!” She screamed eagerly, Inuyasha immediately got up and hugged her. Her eyes were streaming happiness tears and his face was brightened, it was the most perfect moment of his life.
“Anyway, once in college… Naraku ditched and he started working in my father's company, I saw him a lot but whenever Kikyo showed up he immediately went away. I married her once I was out of college; I was 22 by that time and my father passed away, I had no mother so I took over the agency. Kikyo was pursuing her modeling career and she was great at it, our agency hired her immediately and then everything fell apart. We were at a party and drinking a bit too much… Kikyo was with me and when she saw Naraku in such a drunk state that I decided we should drop him at home, she looked at him once like that and started crying. I had no idea what was wrong with her… I wish I never knew.
“Darling, is something wrong? What happened?”Inuyasha asked concerned as he circled his arms around her, she struggled to get out of his enveloping hug.
“Just stop… I…” She couldn't keep talking, her voice kept cracking and sobs involuntarily came out of her mouth. Inuyasha pressed her head against his chest.
“You can tell me everything, what is it?”She sobbed some more as he cuddled her kindly and cleaned her tears.
“I don't mean to cause anything… you know I've never said anything wrong about Naraku, but now… I remembered seeing his face before.” Kikyo whispered, Inuyasha didn't say anything. “When I was 14… I was forced by a guy to have sex with him and… Naraku is him.”
“Your best friend?” Kagome was able to mutter, he nodded as he kept his eyes on the floor of her apartment.
“He had no idea back then and… he was very drunk that night, I can't blame him for not being able to control himself. I did hate him, I wanted to kill him at that moment… he took away something that wasn't his and then he didn't have the guts to apologize. He avoided her! As if not talking to her would make it better… things just got worst. I confronted Naraku and he cried when he acknowledged it… I couldn't be mad at him, he was like a brother to me but he couldn't continue working for me. He started his own agency and left me… for my sake, he said, and for Kikyo's. After a month, his agency was going perfectly but my marriage wasn't the same… just before the holidays, Kikyo left me.”
“What could have changed?” Kagome asked concerned, Inuyasha turned his golden orbs towards her.
“She wasn't the same, she didn't work… I didn't mind that, I wanted her to be her usual self. Kikyo smiled a lot and was always blissful but then… after knowing about Naraku, she was cold and miserable. Her moping attitude was devastating me but I tried everything to make her happy again and nothing worked. When she left me I went everywhere looking for her, I took a trip around Japan in search for her but I had no luck. When I returned I saw the most shocking headline on the papers… my best friend was murdered.” Inuyasha closed his eyes for a moment, exhaling heavily.
“Naraku?” Kagome asked shocked, he nodded again taking a few deep breaths.
“Yes. I went to his funeral and a week later I was charged with his murder and was incriminated for the disappearing of my wife, the media had everything covered… making me look like a killer, womanizer and a sick man. I started paying them to stop them from making up any stories about me, Kikyo and Naraku. I spend approximately 6.5 million in return of their silence but sometimes is not enough and they find their way to search about me and my life.” Inuyasha pulled out his necklace and handed it to Kagome; she delicately touched the inscription inside the rings.
“Kik… what happened to your wife?” Inuyasha looked away, closing his eyes tightly before continuing his story.
“I got a letter from her mother one day and I immediately went to visit her.
Inuyasha stopped at the sight of a rustic old house, he checked the address and it was the same it was in the letter. He stepped out of his car and walked towards the door, he knocked impatiently. A few seconds later an old woman stepped out, the woman had gray long hair but she somehow looked a bit like Kikyo. She had her eyes very red and was holding a box of tissues in one of her hands, he panicked inside; thinking something had happened to Kikyo but he didn't like making assumptions. The lady sniffed and stared at him curiously.
“May I help you?” She said in a quiet voice.
“I'm sorry, I'm Inuyasha Takashi… I got a letter from Kaede Mitsue, Kikyo's mother.” He replied and she nodded, she stepped forward and closed the door behind her.
“You're my little girl's husband? I imagined someone different, someone bad like to make her cry every night and wake her up by saying your name.” Kaede said cleaning her tears and tossing the box on the ground.
“I have been searching for her for a long time, she left me and… I just want to know if she's okay. I don't care if she doesn't want to see me; I want to know how she is.” Kaede let a small smile curve her lips.
“You're gentler than she had said… it was my idea to bring you here. My daughter… she just sleeps and eats, I figured that if she saw you again she might want to smile again.” Kaede admitted opening the door, she pushed it open and let him in. “I'll be outside, watering my plants… treat her nicely, I know you will.”
Inuyasha walked inside the house, it was dark and the wood beneath his feet screeched with every step he took. The house didn't have much light inside it and had two rooms, he took a look in one but it was empty. The next one, he found Kikyo on a bed curled up in a ball with her clothes, shoes, bags, money and pictures thrown all over the floor. He tried to be as quiet as he could but that damn wooden floor let out its screeching sound and Kikyo got up and looked at Inuyasha. At the sight of him, her breathing became faster and her eyes started streaming down tears. Inuyasha ran towards her and kissed her feverishly, Kikyo was still but her arms were tightened around him.
“I've been worried sick about you, why didn't you tell me you where here?” Inuyasha asked once he had pulled away, she sighed.
“I did something terrible,” She admitted before going back to her bed and curling up, staying in fetal position.
“There's nothing wrong Kikyo, everything… no matter what, is going to be okay.” She shook her head as she got up and kissed his forehead for a moment.
“Before I left you… I was wearing my white gloves because I was in a photo shooting before, I went to visit Naraku and he said he was sorry but all I could think about was that terrible night in which he possessed me and I grabbed a bottle… I smashed it on his head and he fell on the floor. I killed him! I couldn't tell you because… you wouldn't forgive me… I'm sorry; please… say you forgive me!” She yelled as she whimpered, Inuyasha held her closely to him and let some silent tears flow down his eyes.
“I forgive you, I'll always forgive… I love you, you have my heart and no matter what happens, my love will belong to you forever. Amor omnia vincit… don't ever forget it.” Kikyo half smiled as she cleaned her and his tears.
They didn't talk again; Inuyasha and Kikyo were holding each other in silence as they fell asleep. The night was long for Inuyasha; he couldn't keep his eyes off of her fearing that if he did, she would be gone again. When the sun was rising again, his eyes were closed and he was heavily sleeping. Inuyasha woke up a few hours later, when he heard the bathroom door being closed. He got up and looked at the night table where a small note was resting, Inuyasha grabbed it.
`Amor omnia vincit, you'll get another chance with someone… I have always loved and love you. Goodbye.' Kikyo.
Inuyasha ran towards the bathroom immediately, he pressed his ear against the door and he heard nothing. He ran to the kitchen and with a chair broke the door, he found his wife on the bathtub with water flowing and her lifeless body lying inside.
“Kikyo!” He yelled desperate as he pulled her out of the water, he tried CPR on her but she didn't react; his eyes were already pouring down tears as he held her corpse in his arms. “Don't… leave me.”
“I've never told this story to anyone but I trust you enough to keep the secret, I think… I think that maybe I have a chance with you.” Inuyasha half smiled as he let down a tear roll down his cheek.
“I'll never let you down.” Kagome admitted before kissing his cheeks and cleaning his tears. “I'm sorry about everything.”
“Don't be, it's not your fault… just promise me something, whatever happens… don't ever stop being yourself.” Inuyasha asked and she nodded before kissing his lips lightly.
“I promise,” Inuyasha kissed her deeply but immediately pulled away, cleared his throat and got up.
“I should go… it's very late.” Kagome nodded. “I'll see you tomorrow.”
Inuyasha walked out and as soon as he was out of her apartment, Kagome jumped towards her computer. She had plenty ideas and memories to write, she would have written a whole book about his story but something was wrong. When she started typing, her heart just started aching; making her feel like a monster as she retold his life. Kagome finally figured out what was going on, she knew she could write what she wanted but her pick had turned out to be more interesting than she imagined but the problem was that she had also picked the person that was able to make her heart flutter in happiness. Kagome had fallen in love with her lead man; she was in love with Inuyasha.
A/N: I'm sorry I've been busy and lazy… I swear this time I'll update sooner and I'll update my other story by the end of this weekend, this I swear as well. Forgive me please and review!!! =)