InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mr. Perfect, for your eyes only ❯ time for the truth ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

It was a quiet night which had begun raining; Kagome lazily stepped out of the shower and changed into her recently acquired dress; completely black with a mermaid tail that fell just above her knees, it was topless and the dark color gave her skin a lighter tone. Kagome smiled at her reflection before she started drying her hair, once it was dry she pulled it up and tried her best into making an elegant hairdo which turned out pretty simple but very classy. Now it was time for makeup and Kagome knew exactly what she wanted, she put on some mascara and red lipstick, she added small golden earrings to her look. The strapless high heel sandals helped her look higher and complimented her look. She enjoyed her reflection, knowing that Inuyasha would appreciate her effort but she felt as if something was missing, she didn't have time to figure it out as she heard the doorbell.
“Coming,” She replied and got her purse, according to her watch they were supposed to be at the restaurant already.
She opened the door to look at her date with his usual clothing, a dark Armani suit with his usual dark blue tie and his long silver mane lightly falling down his shoulders. He felt his breath lacking as déjà vu struck him, every inch of her body reminded him of his beloved wife. Her flawless white skin, the crimson lipstick, the dark graceful dress and her hair; everything reminded him of the last day he saw her. Kagome was about to smile when Inuyasha pushed her away, he ran inside her apartment and searched for the closest trash can to throw up.
“Inuyasha?” She asked worried as she pulled his hair up. “Are you okay?”
“I'm fine.” He managed to mumble once he was done, he got up with her help. “Really,”
“Are you sure? I can give you something if you still feel sick,” he shook his head, Kagome went to her kitchen and got him a glass of water, he drank it in silence as he studied her again.
“You look beautiful, like always.” Inuyasha said and she smiled, he took a deep breath as he placed the glass away. “I brought you something,”
He got something out from his pocket; it was a small black velvet box. Kagome was eager to find out what it was and flashed a smiled at him once he opened it and revealed a silver white necklace with shiny bits of diamonds. Kagome looked at it and turned around for him to get the hint. Inuyasha cleared his throat before nervously placing it around her neck; he secured it in the back, she turned around and looked at it.
“I love it, thanks.” He simply smiled in return, Kagome approached him to kiss his lips but he looked down and cleared his throat again.
“We should go, we are kind of late.” She nodded forcing a smile and following him as he walked out the door.
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What could have changed between lunch with her friends and the moment he stepped into her apartment was a mystery to Kagome. She tried to maintain a conversation with him but his answers were simple monosyllables, Kagome stopped trying to make him talk after he gave her a fake smile. She knew something was wrong but she didn't know what, he stopped and got out; Inuyasha opened the car door for her and helped her out. Kagome was impressed by the simplicity of the outside of the restaurant, it seemed like any other place but once they were inside she almost forgot how to breathe. The environment was filled with just a soft music of blues and the gigantic chandeliers were about to touch her head. The whole room was surrounded with enormous vases of flowers and the white and golden colors of the walls made the place even fancier. Inuyasha's hand on her shoulder made her react. He smiled, this time a genuine smirk; he softly pulled her towards the table were his sibling was waiting for them.
“Inuyasha, I'm glad you came… I suppose you are Kagome.” Sesshomaru said as he reached for her hand.
“Yes, nice to meet you…” She said as she smiled at him, Inuyasha held her chair for her and she sat next to him.
“I'm sorry we are late, something came up.” Inuyasha said and Sesshomaru shook his head.
“I wasn't waiting for too long, I just arrived about 5 minutes.” Inuyasha nodded and heard his cell phone ring.
“Sorry, I have to answer this.” He got up and walked out; Kagome looked at Sesshomaru who had a tiny smile forming across his lips.
“I guess you work with him at the model agency, right?” Sesshomaru nodded.
“Yes, it's sort of a family business… our father's gift to us.” Kagome smiled. “And what do you do for a living?”
“Me? Oh I'm a jour…” Kagome suddenly remembered her previous lie and cleared her throat. “I'm a kinder garden teacher, I work with children till noon and then I just go home and try some other activities.”
“Such as?” He asked interested, she smiled again.
“I spend time with my best friends; they are almost like my family… my real family lives too far away from this city like to visit them often.” Sesshomaru nodded and laughed.
“If you weren't here having dinner with me, I would have thought you were imaginary.” Kagome laughed.
“Why is that?” He was about to answer her question when he heard his brother clear his throat.
Inuyasha was back and was with a raven haired beauty of younger age, Kagome was surprised to find out that this was the girl that was in love with his brother. The girl seemed to be younger than Kagome, about 21 years old. She had long black hair and a very halter white dress that matched with her silver heels. Inuyasha stared at his brother who was very much surprised by seeing Rin there, she looked beyond dazzling and it was impossible for him to close his mouth; the sight that she provided him was mind blowing.
“I hope you don't mind I invited Rin,” Inuyasha said as he did his best to hide his smirk, Sesshomaru shook his head.
“Of course not, here…” Sesshomaru immediately stood up and held a chair for her, she blushed as she sat down.
“Thanks Sesshomaru,” She smiled sheepishly at him and then turned to Kagome. “I'm Rin; I guess you're wonder woman?”
“Wonder woman?” Kagome asked a bit surprised, Sesshomaru laughed.
“It's our inside joke, Inuyasha wouldn't have gone out again with someone else unless some extraordinary woman as yourself would have showed up…” He explained.
“And that's why you are our heroin, wonder woman.” Kagome laughed and Inuyasha shot his sibling a look.
“And why am I a heroin?” Kagome asked curiously with a small smile on her face, Sesshomaru sighed.
“Well, that's because when Kik…”
“We came here to have a nice time, not to talk about my life.” Inuyasha interrupted.
Kagome enjoyed the company of Rin and Sesshomaru who seemed to be very close, they didn't appear to be a couple since they remained some distance but it was clear that they both felt something for each other. Inuyasha was acting cold that night, Kagome tried to grab his hands several times but each time he would pull it away to insert in his pocket with no real reason. She sighed heavily, things seemed to be perfect at lunch time; what could have made him change so suddenly? Dinner went by calmly, they had small conversations about each other's work and laughed about some funny anecdotes that Sesshomaru shared with the girls. When it was over, Sesshomaru offered to drive Rin home; her eyes sparkled the moment he suggested it and she accepted eagerly. Kagome smiled at them as they got in their car, Rin appeared to be very in love with him and he wasn't aware of it. The sound of the car's door opening made her react.
“I'll take you home,” Inuyasha said as he held the door for her, she nodded and entered the car.
“It was a fun night, I liked Rin… your brother seems very nice.” Inuyasha nodded as he drove back to her apartment. “Aren't you going to talk to me?”
“Is there anything you would like me to say?” Kagome sighed, it was hopeless. When he began with his silence it was impossible for her to make him talk again.
The trip back to her house was silent; she kept her eyes out on the road to avoid looking at him with such a cold expression marked in his face. When they got there, Kagome immediately opened her door and got out. He stared at her surprised and followed her inside the building; she pressed the elevator button impatiently as he got closer to her.
“I wanted to open the door for you,” He confessed as she sighed.
“I'm really not in the mood for your gentle gestures, okay?” she said annoyed, he arched his brow.
“What are you talking about?” Kagome buried her face between her hands for a moment.
“You're too difficult.” She mumbled as she stepped inside the elevator, Inuyasha looked at her as the doors closed.
It was time for him to say something; any excuse would be able to save him now that everything seemed lost. The thought of Kikyo stopped him as he walked up stairs, what would she think of him? Was it fair for him to be dating someone now that the love of his life was gone? It was hard for him to think about Kikyo and even harder when his heart was divided in two pieces, one piece told him to respect Kikyo and love her until the day he died but the other piece wanted him to move on, to feel loved and that exact piece was slowly making a special place for Kagome. Inuyasha took a deep breath and walked up to her apartment, it was time for her to know. He knocked impatiently on her door, she opened to reveal her eyes red and her make up running down her face.
“What do you want?” She asked sniffing.
“I think I should let you know the truth.” He said as he made his way inside her apartment.
Inuyasha went to her living room and sat down, Kagome took the chance to clean her eyes and blow her nose. She immediately went next to him and saw his wallet on his hand, in it there was a picture of a young girl, himself and another man. She stared at it curiously, the girl especially. She had long silky black hair, big round russet eyes, pale delicate skin and a warm smile across her face. Inuyasha looked at her reaction but she didn't have any so he decided it was time for an explanation, he pointed at the picture.
“That's Naraku, my best friend…” He mentioned as he pointed at the man next to him, he moved his finger towards the girl. “And that's Kikyo… my wife.”
A/N: In case you haven't already, you might probably want to read my new fic `Love for 3' it's kinda fun and romantic about a pregnant Kagome lol, check it out! Oh, yeah… I updated earlier this time because creativity returned to me and I have more time now that I have sent my college applications. Review please!!! =)