InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ MSTing Toby's "Koga" ❯ Going to the Movies ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

MSTing Toby's Koga

By Belle…in retaliation


Belle, S'rac, J'dee, and Raine all ran down the black, florescent-lit hallway of the Cineplex, the sound of their shoes dulled by the thick, red carpet.

"Keep running!" J'dee cried and they all looked for a beautiful glowing Exit sign.

"Come on!" Belle huffed as they came to a T in the hall. "It is incredibly unsafe to have no marked exits!" She headed to the left thinking she saw movement at the end of the right.

"Aw, I'm hungry! Can't we stop at a concession stand?" S'rac asked and Raine tapped him on the head gently.

"We're being chased and threatened with one of the most painful experiences known to fanfiction-dom. No…we can't stop at a concession stand," she sighed and then they all stopped.

"Is that a group of people just STANDING there?" Belle asked.

"Looks like it," Raine replied.

"We have to warn them!" J'dee cried and they all began to run down the hallway.

"Run! Hurry! Don't just stand there!"

"Found you guys at last, boy did you give me the run around," Toby said as he stepped out from around the corner behind the all too familiar group. He pulled out the huge rocket launcher and the runners stopped. The two young men in the new group turned to face Toby, one's hand was on his sword's hilt and the other was preparing to attack with his staff.

"Crap," J'dee sighed.

"Oh man," S'rac whined.

"Damn it!" Raine hissed.

"This is going to be painful," Belle said as she bowed her head and the rocket launcher threw out a huge net that quickly wrapped around the two groups, crushing the nine people together. S'rac had the staff of the one young man hit him in the face, J'dee and Raine were trapped with one of the young women, the one with the huge boomerang, being spared some room because the boomerang prevented the net from constricting around them too tightly. The young man in red was trying to draw his sword only to find that if he tried he'd hit the other young woman and the small boy that were trapped against his chest by the net. Belle was stuck, tightly wound against the other young man, who's staff was giving S'rac some breathing room, the young man's hands were on her butt and she couldn't move her arms to hit him due to the net. The young man didn't seem to mind as much as the rest of the group.

"Alright, now you all can read the fic I wrote for you," Toby said as he strained to drag the net to one of the nearby theater doors.

"Come on, Toby, please don't do this," J'dee begged even thought it took her whole willpower working overtime to keep from screaming death threats at him.

"We'll read the fic…but when we have time," Raine added.

"Get your hands off my butt or I'll…I'll…." Belle started.

"Will you bear my child," the young man asked and Belle blinked.

"Oh….no," she looked at Toby. "You…you didn't write an Inu Yasha fanfic with us in it did you?!"

"What? A fanfic? What's a fanfic and what's it have to do with me?" the other young man asked.

"Oh boy, this is going to be interesting," S'rac said. "Can we get food?"

"Sure, let me just get you guys in here," Toby said before walking out of the theater.

"Did he lock the door?" one of the young women asked.

"There was a click," Inu Yasha said and the group who had been running sighed.

"Perfect," J'dee sighed.

"What's going on Kagome?" the little boy asked and the running group sighed again.

"I don't know, Shippo," the girl said.

"Okay, first things first, we need to get out of this net, I want my bottom out of his hands," Belle stated.

"I find it rather enjoyable," Miroku said and a vein popped out on both Belle and Sango's foreheads.

"Inu Yasha…Shippo, you guys think you can get us out of here?" Kagome asked.

"Sankon Tetsusou!" Inu Yasha cried.

"Fox Fire!" Shippo cried and soon the captives were free of their net.

"Well that was fun," Belle said. "Now let go of my butt before I pound you!"

"It's very nice," Miroku said and there was a loud 'pow' and Sango and Belle glared at the monk on the floor.

"So what is this?" Inu Yasha asked as he looked around the theater to see there were only eight seats, a screen, and a door.

"This is where people, usually anime characters are subjected to a torture known as…." Raine started.

"MSTing," Raine, J'dee, S'rac, and Belle moaned.

"NO!" Kagome cried out in fear. "This can't be happening! Inu Yasha, you have to get us out of here!" They all looked at the hanyou and the white-haired half-breed sighed.

"Fine," he huffed as he approached the door. "Sankon Tetsusou!" Inu Yasha went flying as soon as he touched the door. Belle looked at the feet as they twitched in the air.

"Owwies," she stated.

"Oh that jerk!" J'dee cried and the others looked at the door.

"What is it?" Sango asked and Shippo hopped over to Miroku's shoulder as he looked at the door beside J'dee, getting a grope then a hit to the head as well.

"A sutra, the whole door is a sutra," J'dee sighed and the group looked at each other.

"He's getting better, you have to admit that," Raine stated and the others crossed their arms and nodded.

"Hey Toby! What about the food?" S'rac cried and the group looked at him and sweatdropped.

"Threaten him with one of the most painful experiences in all fanfiction-dom…." Raine sighed.

"…and he still thinks with his stomach first," Belle finished.

"Don't worry, S'rac, I didn't forget," Toby's voice called. One of the walls lifted up into the ceiling to reveal what looked like a concession stand behind glass, a small hole in the bottom to pass food through and Toby behind the counter in a theater worker's costume. "How can I help you?"

"YEA!" S'rac rushed over to begin ordering half the things in the stand.

"I'm not sitting next to him," Raine stated and Belle nodded.

"Fine, I'll sit next to Chibi," J'dee said.

"We might as well get some food," Kagome sighed. "Look Shippo, there's candy."

"Not too much," Belle added. "Chibis in any form and too much sugar are not a good combo."

"Don't we know it," Sango sighed.

Soon the group had food and when to the seats to sit down as the light began to dim. S'rac sat on the far left, next was J'dee, then Raine, and Belle was unfortunate enough to get Miroku next to her. Inu Yasha and Kagome ended up between Miroku and Sango, to the monk's good luck. Shippo picked Kagome's lap to sit in, sometimes jumping over to Sango's to get the Skittles that the exterminator was snacking on as the screen lit up.

> DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha. If I did, I certainly wouldn't be writing a fan fiction now would I? Oh by the way, if I screwed up on what Kagome's last name is, please tell me and I'll fix it later. Okay? Okay.

Belle: So ready for the pain to begin?

Inu Yasha: What? It's just writing, how could it hurt?

Kagome: [Hitting him lightly] Inu Yasha this is a story about us, it could include sex, violence, and other terrible things!

Miroku: Sex?!

Belle: [Hits him]

S'rac: [Eating] Shhhh, it'sh shtarting.

DEDICATION: To my friends, you know who you are.

Raine: It's kinda hard to be mad with that beginning.

Sango: Why are you here if the story is about us?

J'dee: [Shrugs] Don't know, he just told us to meet him here and then we found out it was for this.


By Tobias

Belle: Well at least it's about a cool character.

Inu Yasha: [Sputtering] THE WHIMPY WOLF! This is about HIM! How come he's not here instead of us?!

Kagome: [Sighs] Be nice Inu Yasha, Koga's helped us out plenty of times.

J'dee: That and he's really cute.

Belle: That's my line.

J'dee: [Smiles and v-signs]

Chapter 1: America

S'rac: But where in America, it's pretty big.

Raine: Yea, but it doesn't say if it's North America, South America, Canada, the United States.

J'dee: I forget that whole thing is America.

Kagome: I keep meaning to visit the United States.

Belle: When would you? A certain person keeps dragging you to the Sengoku Jidai to hunt Shikon shards.

Inu Yasha: [Growling] What are you saying? I'm cutting into Kagome's fun time? Well she should hunt for shards, the wench broke the stupid jewel!

Kagome: [Narrowing her eyes] Inu Yasha….SIT!

Inu Yasha: [Hits floor]

All others: [Laugh]

"Mom, why did we have to move here?" Koga asked, picking up his mother's hope chest.

Inu Yasha: Koga has a mom?

Kagome: I didn't know that.

Belle: I kinda assumed he did, I mean he didn't just appear out of nothing.

J'dee: Well a lot of people believe the world came out of nothing.

She spared him a look as he followed her into the house. He sighed, knowing he had again made her mad. He followed her into their house, and into her room where he set down the hope chest.

J'dee: S'rac….breath please, if you keep eating like that you'll get sick.

Sango: I don't know about the rest of you, but he's making me sick and I'm over here.

Belle: We're used to it.

"Like I said BEFORE we left the shrine, my company ordered me to come here, and my brother can deal run the shrine now." She snapped.

Miroku: A shrine, do you think it could be the one you live at Kagome?

Kagome: Probably, and her brother can watch it…so that means that woman is me.

Inu Yasha: You named your son KOGA! After the wolf! You DO love him!

Kagome: Sit boy!

Inu Yasha: [Hits floor]

J'dee: Ooo, I hope the floor is clean.

Raine: Probably not, this is a movie theater.

Koga sighed and followed her back outside picking up her bed frame. He carried it to her room and set it down, leaving to get her mattresses. He paused when he saw a picture of him and his uncle, who insisted he call him Unc. Koga looked the same when this picture was taken as he did now.

S'rac: I doubt he changed a lot, I mean I still look like I did a few years ago.

Kagome: Yea, we all do, we just change in small ways.

Raine: [Glaring at J'dee's short hair] Isn't that true, J'dee?

J'dee: [Sweatdrops and smiles]

Same black hair, gold eyes, and six foot height. His Unc was only four foot with almondy hair and a huge, bushy belt of the same color. He chuckled and picked up the frame looking at it.

Sango: Yellow eyes? [Looks at Kagome and smirks] Who could the father of your son be Kagome?

Kagome and Inu Yasha: [Blush]

Miroku: [Elbows Inu Yasha gently] Good job, Inu Yasha, I didn't see it in you.

Belle: He probably didn't either.

All others: [Laugh]

S'rac: The uncle sounds like someone else.

Shippo: [Has been eating a large lollipop the whole time, supplied by Kagome] ME!! I'm in this!!!

His uncle was always telling him stories that one day, Koga's father would finally come and reunite with his mother and him. Here he was, sixteen, and still believing in them. It just shows you how convincing uncle could be. Koga chuckled lightly to himself and went back out side. He saw his mother struggling to get a reclining chair inside. Koga hurried over and picked it up from where she was dragging it.

"Need help?" Koga smirked and his mother snorted.

"Smartass, just like your father." She muttered and went back to the van. Koga sighed and carried the chair into the living room.


J'dee: Smartass.

Raine: Just like the father.

Belle: Who COULD it be?

All three: [Look at Inu Yasha]

Inu Yasha: [Blushing] So he has yellow eyes, we don't know that he's my son. Besides if Shippo is the uncle that doesn't mean that woman's Kagome.

Kagome: [Blushing] Right!

Miroku: What do the stars mean?

Kagome, Belle, S'rac, Raine, and J'dee: Stars?

Miroku: [Points at * with his staff]

Kagome: They mark the change of scenes in a fanfic.

Sango, Inu Yasha, Miroku, and Shippo: Ah.

"Koga, dinner!" his mother called. Koga got up from the floor where he had just finished assembling his mother's bed frame. He cracked his back and then dropped the box spring and mattress on the frame. He nodded as it held and went into the kitchen. He was shocked to see burgers and fries instead of some miso, like he was hoping for.

Belle: I need to try miso, I've seen several recipes, but I've been lazy.

S'rac: OOO let me know when you make it. [Continues eating].

J'dee: [Making face] It's gross to talk about eating when you ARE eating.

Kagome: Well at least he doesn't make you eat in the middle of old battlefields with corpses. [Glares at Inu Yasha]

Inu Yasha: [Rolling eyes] I did that once!

Shippo: Well you wouldn't have met me if he hadn't.

Kagome: [Hugging Shippo] True and I wouldn't give you up for anything.

"What's with the burgers Mom? I was kinda hoping on some miso, maybe with a side of beef to soak in it." He said, and his stomach growled. His mom gave him a look and pointed her spatula at him.

Raine: [Koga] No don't fry me!!

Belle: [Koga] AAA Spatula of Death!!!

J'dee, Kagome, and S'rac: [Snicker]

Inu Yasha: What the Hell was that?

Kagome: When MSTing people usually make fun of the fanfics.

Miroku, Shippo, Sango, and Inu Yasha: Ah.

"I need to make sure I have some American recipes right when you bring friends over. So eat and tell me what you think." She ordered.

Inu Yasha: Don't tell her the truth! Whatever you do!

Miroku: [Koga] Eww these taste like wood!

Inu Yasha: [Kagome/Mom] Sit boy!

Miroku: [Flops to the floor as Koga] They taste great give me more!

All but Kagome: [Laugh]

Koga felt his cringe but he took a bite of a burger. He chewed for a bit and found it wasn't too bad. Actually rather tasty.

"Not bad Mom. Very juicy." He said, putting two more on his plate and handful of fries.

Belle: What cringed?

Raine: Yea…what did he cringe?

Kagome: Maybe the author got tired and needed to SIT down.

Inu Yasha: [Hits ground] HEY! What was that for, wench?

Kagome: Figure it out!

Sango: Play nice, children.

He began eating as his mother finished making some for herself. She sat down and ate quietly. Koga frowned as he ate. His mother usually chattered away as they ate. She was only silent when.....uh oh.

Inu Yasha: Yea, you better 'uh oh' kid, you know you're in trouble when Kagome doesn't talk to you.

Kagome: Humph!

Miroku: Inu Yasha, perhaps you better keep quiet.

Raine: Why bother, his foot is already in his mouth.

Shippo: Inu Yasha lives with his foot in his mouth.

Inu Yasha: YOU LITTLE…

Kagome: SIT BOY

Inu Yasha: [Hits ground]

"Okay tell me." He demanded. His mother sighed and looked at him.

Miroku, Inu Yasha, and Shippo: DON'T ASK FOR IT!

Girls: [Glare]

S'rac: I didn't say it.

J'dee: [Hugs S'rac] We know Chibi.

"I want you to stop calling your uncle." She stated and Koga's frown deepened.

"Why not? I just called him to tell him everything was okay and we were fine." He said.

"And to ask if your father had shown up." She said. Koga sighed. So she had heard.

"So? Unc says he'll show up one day, that this so called explosion won't stop him." Koga snapped. He saw his mother glare at him and mentally sighed.

-Now I've done it.- he thought.

Belle: [Koga] Maybe if I stop moving and breathing she won't yell.

Raine: That never works.

S'rac: I tried it once, I passed out though.

Others: [Give weird look]

"Now listen here mister. Your sixteen, in America, and wanting to be treated like a grown up. Okay fine, then start acting like one. Your father is not coming back!"

"Why? How do you know? Tell me the truth! Did he die or something? Leave us? Stop telling me some foolish story about how a well blew up and trapped him there! Unc says that well blew him here and killed your real brother! You have to admit Unc looks the part!" Koga snapped.

J'dee: It has to be Kagome and Inu Yasha's son. I mean the whole well thing.

Kagome: Souta died! [Sniffles]

Shippo: I get to come to this era!!

Sango: [Hugs Kagome] It's only a story Kagome.

"SO?! I AM TELLING YOU THE TRUTH! NOW GO TO BED! YOU HAVE SCHOOL TOMARROW!" she screamed. Koga sighed and carried his plate to his room, closing the door. He paused just before he closed it all the way. He could hear his mother crying. He shook his head and closed the door. He quickly finished his dinner and put the plate on his computer desk. He hopped onto his hammock, settling in as it swayed. Ever since he could remember, he could never sleep on a bed. It never felt right, so his mother got him a hammock with metal stands. He pulled his blanket over his and settled back into the hammock. He sighed again, and looked up at his ceiling. Just once, he wished mother would tell him the truth.


Kagome: That's so untrue, I would tell my son the truth.

Belle: Calm down, Kagome. It's only a story like Sango said.

J'dee: Actually, I'm starting to wonder why we're all here now.

Raine: So far the only ones mentioned have been Inu Yasha, Kagome, and Shippo.

Miroku: I suggest we keep reading. [Puts arm around Belle's shoulder and drops hand on her breast].

Belle: [Pinches hand] Pervert!

'Good morning, this WMMS, the Buzzard, Cleveland's number one rock station. Hey this is Perv Man, wishing you all a horny morning at exactly 6:32. Hope you guys out there had wet dreams about hug tittied women, and you girls dreamed about your own Perv Man. But on to some serious shit. The weather this day is gonna be nothing short of perfect, highs in the mid- eighties with now rain, staying that way till after noon, and then-' Koga snapped off his alarm and yawned.

Belle: Speaking of perverts.

Raine: [Crossing arms] Now did that DJ sound familiar to anyone else?

Belle, J'dee, and S'rac: Toby

Kagome: He's the writer?

Belle, J'dee, S'rac, and Raine: Yep.

Inu Yasha: The one that brought us here?

Belle, J'dee, S'rac, and Raine: Yep.

Sango: The one we get to beat up after this?

Belle, J'dee, S'rac, and Raine: [Evil grins] Yep.

One thing he did have to admit was he liked the local rock station. His mother would just sniff and call the morning DJ a pervert but Koga found him rather amusing. Taking off his clothes from the day before, Koga dressed in black jeans and red dress shirt. Wanting to make a good impression, and not knowing how students dressed, this seemed to be the best combination. He walked out into the living room, socks over his shoulder.

Raine: [Koga] Nothing like sleeping in my stinky clothes from yesterday.

J'dee: [Koga] Nice and ripe for the ladies.

S'rac: What's wrong with wearing clothes two days in a row?

Belle: Don't think too hard on it S'rac, just don't do it.

His mother was still sleeping, not needing to leave for work till eight. Koga made himself some toast and chewed slowly, planning his day in his mind. Koga brushed his hands off and walked to the door way, where his mother's and his shoes were neatly lined. He pulled on his socks and then his shoes. He also picked his black book bag from a coat hook and walked outside.

He looked around a saw some other students walking down the road to school. He followed silently. He saw the school when they passed in the movers van yesterday. It was no more than three blacks away, and it seemed nice here. This town was very small, much smaller than Tokyo, and it smelled very nice. He saw a student look at him and he decided it would be nice to ask where to go when he entered the building.

Belle: [Koga] Hey I'd like to know where the part-youkai students are supposed to go.

Raine: [Random student] Oh, we have a special mythological student entry office, next to the nurse's office.

"Excuse me." Koga said, speaking English, "I just transferred here recently. I was wondering if you would show where to go to meet the headmaster?" The student stopped and gave him a look.

"Head master?" she asked, amused. Koga paused looking for the right word.

"I believe you call him a principle." He said.

Kagome: You don't call them a headmaster?

Belle: [Sighs] A lot of American students don't do a lot of reading and wouldn't have an idea what a headmaster is.

J'dee: [Smiling] I know!

S'rac: You're from New Zealand.

J'dee: SH!

"Oh! You mean principle, Adams! Well her office is on the right as soon you walk in the door. Can't miss it." She said. Koga nodded. She smiled at him, and he grinned back at her, taking in her appearance. She seemed to be wearing some sort of uniform with blue and red on it and an extremely short skirt. It made her chocolate brown skin stand out even more.

"I'm Koga Hitome." He said, extending a hand. She shook it.

Raine: Wait…chocolate….brown…skin….

Belle: [Looking over] I guess it could be called chocolate brown.

Miroku: Where is this uniform? I think I would like it.

Inu Yasha: [Thumps Miroku over the head]

Belle, Raine, and J'dee: Thanks.

Inu Yasha: I'm used to it.

"Raine Johnson. I'm a cheer leader, and today is Friday. First of the year and night of our big game against the Rockets so, we all have to dress like this." She said

Raine: [Vein throbbing on her forehead] I'm a CHEERLEADER!!!

Belle: [Smirking]

J'dee and S'rac: [Snickering] Johnson….

Raine: [Glare of Death]

Others: [Very quiet, very fast]

"Ah. I think it will take me a long time to get used to all of this." He said, looking ahead, seeing the building in sight. He winced as he heard rather loud rap music being blasted in numerous cars. He had nothing wrong with rap music, but he never understood why people had to have blaring at maximum volume almost constantly when not at a concert.

"Where are you from? You have a slight accent, hardly notice-able unless you strain a bit." Raine asked.

"Tokyo, Japan." He said. Raine clapped her hands and shrieked.

Raine: [Eye-twitch] I would not shriek over a transfer student from Japan.

J'dee and Belle: [Leaning away from Raine]

S'rac: Yea, you're not that girlie.

"Really? Wow! Why did you come HERE of all backwater places?" she asked. He shrugged.

"My mother's job demanded we do so, so we moved." He said, walking up the stairs with her. He noticed some rather large fellows elbowing each other and pointing at them. He also noticed they wore uniforms as well. Inside it was rather loud and people moving everywhere. Raine pointed to an office where numerous adults and students were gathered.

Kagome: Backwater? We don't even know where we are.

Sango: What's wrong with this place?

Belle: Don't know, but it must be a small town if someone is so excited about an exchange student.

"That's Mrs. Adams office. Have fun Koga!" she called disappearing into the mass. Puzzled by her behavior. He shrugged and walked inside. He waited patiently in line for his turn. When it came he spoke with the secretary.

"Have a seat Mr. Hitome," The secretary said, after he told her who he was, "Mrs. Adams will be out shortly." Koga waited patiently as everyone came in and out. He jerked up in his seat when a bell rang out loudly.

Raine: Don't they use bells in Japan?

Kagome: Some schools do, others might not…I guess.

S'rac: I like Belle, I don't think it's nice to use her.

Others: [Chuckle]

Belle: Go back to eating S'rac…you're not missing much…trust me.

"It's okay Mr. Hitome that was just our way of signaling for classes." The secretary said, not even looking up. He nodded and relaxed a bit. He again reminded himself this would take some time to get used to. The door to the inner office and woman walked out looking a bit frazzled. She sent two students away who looked very depressed.

"I'm sorry that took so long Mr. Hitome. I'm Principle Adams, welcome to our school. We just started last Monday and I already have my pranksters." She said and Koga chuckled. She smiled and picked up a clipboard. She looked it over and frowned and then turned to the secretary.

"Trace, is Chris Honrine the ONLY student who matches Mr. Hitome's schedule?" Mrs. Adams asked. The secretary, Trace, nodded.

S'rac: Chris is me!

J'dee: Don't be so happy about it. You might be a male cheerleader.

S'rac: Toby wouldn't do that.

Raine: Oh dear, someone's on a de Nile cruise.

Belle: He lives on that boat.

"Well, Mr. Hitome, our schooling needs for you are hard to match with a student to show you around. The student we were going to have be your guide leave for two hours in the morning at nine to inter with a DJ at WMMS so we have to give you two hours of study hall. Is that all right with you?" she asked.

"May I ask who the DJ is ma'am?" Koga inquired.

"Oh you've probably heard about him, his radio name in Perv Man." She said, making a face. Koga looked surprised.

Belle, J'dee, and Raine: [Exchange look] Of course.

S'rac: So I'm visiting Toby at the radio station.

J'dee: [Hugs S'rac] Toby's corrupting S'rac in this story!

Kagome: So we get to meet this Toby in this fic?

Belle: Apparently.

"If it would be alright with you I would like to accompany him to the radio station. I find his antics quite amusing." Koga said. Mrs. Adams and Trace looked shocked.

"I suppose so. We have been looking for some one to keep an eye on Chris while he is there." She said.

"Then my timing is perfect ma'am. May I have my schedule?" he asked. Mrs. Adams nodded and gave him a piece of paper. She pointed out the hall to where student was waiting.

"That's Chris right there Mr. Hitome. Welcome to Curtis High."


Inu Yasha: So when is this story supposed to get entertaining?

Miroku: I think the point is it's not…that's why it's torture.

Inu Yasha: [Puppy whimper]

Belle, J'dee, Raine, and Kagome: KAWAII

Inu Yasha: [Blushes]

"You must be, Koga, I'm Chris." The man who offered Koga his hand was tall and lanky. His glasses sat on his nose, and his brown hair was combed back. He carried his bag on his back, and his clothes seemed to billow on him. Koga shook his hand.

"A pleasure. I hope you do not mind but Mrs. Adams said it was alright if I accompanied you on your internship to the radio station." Koga said, following Chris who started down the hall. Chris came to a stop.

"You shittin' me? Old Adam-hadum' said that? Kick ass!" Chris said, grinning. Koga had to grin back. He found this Chris person very amusing.

S'rac: [Sweatdropping] I wouldn't say any of that and I don't LOOK like that.

Belle: Maybe these are really loose representations of us?

J'dee and Raine: Yea!

Belle: [Whispering] We really need to stop lying to him.

J'dee and Raine: [Nod]

"I must say Perv Man is very amusing." Koga commented and Chris laughed.

"You could say that. DAMN! Half the jocks have been trying to go with me but she put them all in their place. But then your at MY thinking level, not an ape's. I mean we got all the same classes." Chris said.

"I think it will be nice going here, everyone seems friendly." Koga said, Chris's smile vanished.

"Wait a while." He muttered.


Kagome: Jocks are all jerks.

J'dee: You have jocks in your school?

Kagome: Yea, they treat Hojo horribly.

Raine: You mean that guy you're always ditching for Inu Yasha?

Kagome: [Blushes] Er….kinda….

Belle, Sango, Raine, and J'dee: [Smirk]

"This is yours?" Koga asked. Chris nodded and gently patted the rusted hood. The car had once been white but was now speckled with so much dirt, mud, and rust spots it seemed to be warping to brown.

"She may look like junk but I only paid fifty bucks for her and I read as many auto repair manuals on this type as I could get. I got her running perfectly and she stays that way." Chris said. He opened the door which did not surprisingly creak at all and got in. Koga got in and tossed his bag into the back seat. Chris started the car and they pulled out of the parking lot, onto the road. Chris jabbered away about things he felt Koga needed to know about the school, and Koga listened quietly. When they arrived at the radio station building, Koga was well versed on all school activities and sports, as well as who to watch out for, although Chris did not give much detail on looks. They got out of the car and made their way inside and then up. On the fifth floor, Chris stopped out of the booth as the On Air sign was on. Since the broadcast was transmitted inside the building they heard the Perv Man's latest rant.

Miroku: [Tries wrapping arm around Belle again]

Belle: [Narrows eyes] Speaking of Perverts….

Miroku: I shall protect you! [Grabs Belle in both arms and gropes her chest]

Belle: [Slaps him] LET ME GO YOU LETCH!

'I'm not kidding you ladies and gentlemen, and horn bags. This comedian was dead on. He said instead of a president we need a man who is willing to get his winkie whacked. I mean come on, when Clinton was in office and focused on getting laid, the economy was fucking great! Now here come along Bush, now don't get me wrong, we needed his ass in there after 9/11 but hot damn! Our economy sucks! All we need is a man who wants to get laid constantly in office and I am the man for that job! Well, I got to take a break called me at 330-555-2241 or 1-800-PERV MAN.' The On Air sign went off and Chris opened the door.

Inu Yasha: [Cracks knuckles] I've got a lot of things to call him! And those ain't it!

Belle: Kagome, you haven't told him the concept of the phone yet have you?

Kagome: God forbid, he'd order ramen.

Belle: Good point.

The "Perv Man" was a man about 30, with brown hair, and blue eyes. He had alert eyes, and a genuine smile that seemed to be a permanent part of his face. He had a tattoo on his right arm that said, "Suck Me, I'm The Fountain Of Youth!" and one on his left that said, "I may be white but I wait till you see my ding-song." He waved them into some chairs and took a drink of water.

J'dee: Perverted tattoos, how appropriate.

Raine: I'm seeing black and blue body art after this.

All others: [Nod]

"Hey Chris! Welcome back my apprentice! Who's this? You got a fan club now?" Perv Man asked.

"Koga, this is Dave aka Perv Man. Dave this is Koga, and new student from Japan." Chris said and they shook hands.

"Welcome my Asian brother!" Dave said. He grinned and Koga had to smile. "They said Chris was gonna get a leash but it looks like another has joined the Dark Side of the force!" he said.

'We go on in ten seconds Dave.' His operator said and Dave waved at him. He picked up his head set, and swiveled two mikes at them.

"Just go with the flow baby. Flows our leads and you'll be fine." Dave said and the sign came on as Chris pulled on his own ear phones, handing Koga a pair.

'Hey the Perv is back! And his apprentice Perv Boy is here as well! And Boy also brought us a friend from the east, the FAR east! Welcome....Jap Perv!' Dave said.


Kagome: He's turning my son into a pervert!!

Sango: Seems familiar. [Glares at Miroku]

Miroku: [Rubbing various bruises from Belle]

Kagome: Inu Yasha do something!

Inu Yasha: Like what, wench?


Shippo: Kagome, it's only a story.

Inu Yasha and Kagome: [Blush]

Kagome: Oops.

All others: [Exchange knowing look]

"See you guys Monday! You were hot today JP, just hot!" Dave called from his bike as he tore off. They waved at him and Koga shoot Chris an amused look.

"You do this every week day?" he asked. Chris grinned.

"Only the school days."


Belle: Shot him a look, not shoot him a look.

J'dee: Now Belle, be nice.

Belle: Why, I have a premonition of bad things.

Miroku: You're psychic? [Grabs Belle's hand] Please bear my child so our psychic abilities can lead to a psychic child.

Sango: [Hits Miroku with Hiraikotsu]

Belle: Thanks [pulls hands free from Miroku] and I'm not psychic, I just know Toby.

"So what did you think of your first day?" Chris asked Koga. Koga shrugged as they walked won the front steps. They sat on a planter and watched the others head for their cars or head home.

"Very interesting though most of the classes seem very boring." Koga commented. Chris laughed.

"Tell me about it. Man, those profs, they make cutting the cheese seem interesting." Chris said and waved a hand in front face. Koga laughed, watching others give him looks.

Kagome: What is it with boys and bodily functions?

Inu Yasha: We're not like that.

Shippo: What about in winter when you and Miroku were teaching me to write my name in the snow?

Inu Yasha and Miroku: [Blush] You weren't supposed to talk about that.

Shippo: Oops.

"Chris, I've noticed others giving me dirty looks. Why is that?" Koga asked. Chris shrugged.

"Not a clue. I usually get ignored. They hate smart guys like me, aka nerds." Chris said. His eyes lit up and Koga followed his gaze to a group of three girls. Koga recognized one as Raine from earlier. The other two were unfamiliar, but what was also interesting was all three dressed very differently. Raine was in her uniform, but one seemed to have a hard time choosing a hair color of red or blond. She had many piercing on her pale skin, and was wearing dark clothing, that was very revealing. The third seemed to be very average, yet not. She had long brown hair, almost to her waist, and was dead even with Koga's mother in height. Something about her seemed some familiar, like a wisp of a memory....

S'rac: [Whining] I'm not a nerd.

J'dee: At least I look right

Belle: [Shivers] I have a BAAAAAAAAAD feeling about that.

Kagome: Yea, foreshadowing is not good in fanfics.

J'dee: It is rated R.

Raine: [Teasing] Maybe you and Koga get a lemon.

Inu Yasha: What's a lemon got to do with anything.

Belle: [Blushing] Shut up!

Kagome: [Blushing] Inu Yasha, a lemon is a way of saying…er…mating…in a fanfiction.

Inu Yasha: [Falls over]

Miroku: [Grabs popcorn] I can't wait.

All females: [Hit Miroku]

Koga shook his head n turned to Chris. Chris was following the blond/red head very intently. He also sighed deeply, and Koga shook his head. The boy was infatuated.

"Well? Are you going to talk to them?" Koga asked, amused. Chris jerked in surprise and pushed his glasses up on his nose nervously.

"What? No!" he squeaked and Koga rolled his eyes, picking up his bag and standing.

"Where are you going?" Chris asked. Koga snorted.

"To talk to them." Koga said and left, with Chris watching in awe.


Kagome: Sounds like Inu Yasha.

Sango: I don't know, Inu Yasha isn't very forward with you Kagome.

Inu Yasha: I am sitting right here ya know. [Glares]

"Hello." Koga said. Raine turned as the other two looked up.

"Koga! Hi!" Raine cried, lunging at Koga, and hugging him around the neck. Confused, Koga gently patted her back with his free hand.

"Um, hello, Raine." He said. Raine let go and turned to the other two.

Raine: [Sweatdrops] I don't hug strange people.

Belle: I don't know you hug all of us and we're strange.

J'dee and S'rac: -.-;;v

"This is the guy I met on the way to school! This is Koga! Koga, this is Michelle," Raine said, pointing to the brown hair woman who nodded at Koga, "and the fashion victim here is Jaki." She pointed to the woman with blond and red hair.

"Ha ha." Jaki said, shaking Koga's hand.

"Ah yes, the one who Chris is quite taken with." Koga stated. Everyone stared at him as Jaki blushed.

"Chris?! Perv Boy?" Raine said, surprised. Koga nodded.

"He seems to hold himself in rather low regards so I came over to introduce myself and make you aware of his situation." Koga said. He waved Chris over who walked like a man condemned.

S'rac and J'dee: [Look at each other] WE DON'T LIKE EACH OTHER LIKE THAT!!!!

J'dee: He's like a baby brother to me!

Raine: It's a fanfic.

Belle: Yea, just make believe.

"See, I TOLD you he liked you Jaki, but noooooo, you just said, he's too popular for girls like me." Raine teased. Jaki blushed even harder and looked at her feet.

"Oh shut up." She muttered. Koga leaned against the brick wall.

"Nice work." Michelle said, turning to him as the two stood before each other, both looking at their feet. Koga rolled his eyes.

"I thought you Americans knew everything about love." He muttered, noticing a group of what Chris called jocks stomping over to them.

"Yo, you the one called Koga?!" bellowed a rather large fellow. Raine glared at him and wagged at finger at the large one.

"Mitchy! You know my friends are my friends! Stop being so jealous!" she said and stomped her foot. The man glared at her and gently moved her aside.

Belle: How sweet a muscle bound idiot boyfriend, aren't you lucky Raine?

Raine:[Bulging vein] He dies….that's all I'm saying. He dies!

Inu Yasha: She's almost as scary as Kagome.


Inu Yasha: [Turns blue] Um…


Inu Yasha: [Hits floor repeatedly]

Miroku: [Pokes with staff]

S'rac: Ouch, that had to hurt.

"I don't care you just met him today and he been hanging around you and hugging you. Seems to me he wants to try some American women. Get your own you chinc." "Mitchy" growled. Other people had begun to gather around and Koga just realized. He was trapped. He slowly let his bag slide to the ground got off the wall.

"I believe I know what you wish to do." Koga said, assuming a stance. Mitch huffed and spread his arms wide.

Belle: Never been in a fight, but I know when not to get in one and this would be one of those times.

J'dee: Go Koga!

Others: [Stare]

J'dee: You know you're cheering for him.

Others: [Smirk] GO KOGA!!!

"Gonna try to kung fu my ass chinc?" Mitch growled and swung at him. Koga easily dogged the large man but made no move to strike. He hoped to wear the boy out. This went on for almost half an hour. Mitch swing and grabbing, Koga ducking, dodging and side-stepping, neither boy wearing out. Koga was just starting to realize he may have to strike when he felt a hand from the crowd shove him forward.

-Do these punks have no honor?- Koga had time to think as he stumbled forward. Mitch's right hook met Koga's face and Koga slammed into the wall. His head bounced off the wall, cutting his temple open a bit. Mitch grabbed the side of his head and began slamming it into the wall. Then he picked him up and tossed him into a planter. Koga slowly pulled himself out, not realizing his wallet dropped out of his pocket. Dazed, but not willing to give up, and for some reason, feeling a.......CALLING in his blood to fight, Koga came back at Mitch again.


Shippo: No doubt he's Inu Yasha's son, no one is that impulsive but someone with his blood.

Inu Yasha: What are you saying, brat?

Shippo: It's quite clear I'm saying you're an…

Kagome: [Shoves lollipop in kit's mouth]

Sango: Good timing.

Kagome: Too much practice.

Michelle saw Koga drop his wallet and she picked it up. She told Raine to drop Mitch but she wouldn't listen. Maybe now she would. Michelle sighed and turned away from the fight and the cheers of other students, instead, focusing on Koga's wallet.

Raine: [Michelle] Woot, free wallet.

J'dee: [Michelle] Ooo, look at all that money and it's all mine.

Belle: HEY! I'm not a thief!

S'rac: What about that time you took money out of Toby's wallet.

Belle: [Crosses arms] He owed me.

S'rac: What about the time J'dee knocked him out and…

Belle: [Shoves lollipop in his mouth]

J'dee: Good save.

Belle: [Smirks] Too much practice.

She opened it to see the pictures. The first was of a woman she saw was labeled, MOM. What surprised her was the pictures were labeled in English. She turned to the next which was labeled, UNCLE SHIPPO. She quirked a smile at the short, lanky man with what looked like a giant fox tail around his waist. The last was very old and folded in four.

Belle: [Sweatdrops] I wouldn't go through it if I knew it was Koga's.

J'dee: [Michelle] Ooo, naked picture of Koga, I think I'll keep this one.

Kagome, Inu Yasha, Sango, and Shippo: [Stare]

Belle: [Blushing] No, I wouldn't!

Miroku: Perhaps a naked picture of myself then.

Sango: [Hits Miroku again]

It showed Koga's mother, when she look much younger. Next to her looked like to be Uncle Shippo, but he seemed to be a kid of about five, with a fox tail waving BEHIND him. Behind Koga's mom and to the right was a woman with a giant boomerang and dressed in tight black armor. A monk with black hair and beads on his left hand had that left arm around her waist. Next to them was what looked like to be a giant cat, with feet of flames. What seemed to draw Michelle was the man with the red robes, head of silver hair, DOG ears, and GIANT sword on the left. His free arm was around Koga's mom's shoulders. He was grinning and Michelle realized some of his teeth were fangs. Next to him, off to the side was a man with white robes, and looked a lot like the man in red. He carried two swords at his side, and had purple marks on his cheeks, as well as some mark on his forehead. To the left of his was a small green man with a stick with two heads, and to right of him was a small girl. Lying at everyone's feet was the body of a man, with a huge spider mark on his back.

Inu Yasha: Naraku!

Miroku: We killed him!

Kagome and Sango: And we took a picture? [Look grossed out]

Raine: Why would anyone carry that picture around?

Shippo: Why would Sesshoumaru help?

Belle: Maybe because he doesn't like Naraku?

Kagome: Yea, that or Rin.

Michelle noticed the bottom of the photo also had a label that looked like it had been added more recently, naming all the people from left to right.


Belle: [Arms crossed] That proves it. Koga is Inu Yasha and Kagome's son.

Miroku: Congratulations, Inu Yasha.

Inu Yasha: Why the Hell did you name our son after that damn wolf?!

Kagome: It's just a story!

Sango: I hope this is over soon.

"Oh my god!" some one screams and Michelle looks up in time to see Mitch slam Koga in the head with a football helmet he got from some where.

"Mitch, stop it already!" Raine screams and Mitch smirks and begins to turn to the crowd.

Belle: Oh please, I wouldn't just stand there during a fight. I'd jump in and stop it.

Raine: Like I wouldn't either?

Inu Yasha: Feh, how would you do that girl?

Belle: [Glaring] Two good kicks. One for each boy. And I'll let you guess where.

S'rac, Shippo, Miroku, and Inu Yasha: [Whimper and cover certain body part]

Girls: [Laugh]

"See what happens when you mess with my woman, huh? No one me-"

"You should have killed me when you had the chance." A voice growled out low. Everyone gasped as they saw Koga pulling him self up on the wall, his finger nails DIGGING into the brick. Blood runs down Koga's face but Michelle can't miss the purple streaks on his cheeks. His black hair seeming to shimmer in the light, and when he looks up, the changing hair no longer hiding his eyes, Michelle screams because his gold eyes are red.

Belle: I would NOT scream! I'm not some crappy horror movie girl, I'm not scared by something like that!

Raine: Quit complaining it's over.

Toby's voice: Actually I just need time to get up the next chapter.

All: WHAT? [Fall over]
