InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Healing ❯ The Taiyoukai's Home ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

He couldn't believe he had done it. Of course, he had been more than curious as soon as the first whiff of his woman had hit his nostrils, but still he wondered whether he was really sane. What had he been thinking, following Sesshomaru through the darkening Tokyo streets? Did he really expect that the inuyoukai was going to meet up somewhere with Kagome? More importantly, did he really think that he wouldn't get caught?

Well, she was his woman after all, and if he had to die to see her again, so be it.

Decision made, he had tailed his boss as he left the building and headed down to an area of town that Kouga could only think of as “seedy.” And that was being generous. To his growing disbelief, he had watched as Seshomaru walked for an hour and then entered a bar that most people wouldn't even have noticed, let alone ventured into. Kouga wondered how the taiyoukai had found the place and what exactly he was going in there for. But he was only left to his curious thoughts, as entering such a small building and expecting not to get caught was completely out of the question.

And so he had waited there, in the shadows of the dark alley, watching the door for any sign of Sesshomaru or Kagome. He had a hard time believing that his woman had lived for so many years, but the scent of her in that office had been undeniably fresh. He didn't understand it, but he knew that Sesshomaru, of all people, had somehow found evidence of her.

After about an hour, Kouga was getting cold and was ready to pack it all in. Turning away from the bar, he began his long walk back to the office and his car. Just as he had gotten about a block away, he heard the door open and the noise of the bar escaping into the night. Turning his head so fast that anyone near him would have heard the air snap from the motion, he only caught sight of two things.

The first was thick white hair and undeniably the tall form of Sesshomaru. The second was a glimpse of two long and well-shaped legs disappearing into the back of a cab.

Since when did Sesshomaru travel to such lowly establishments to pick-up women? He wondered.

Strike that. Since when did Sesshomaru pick-up women at all?


Once they had arrived at his home, he had once again lifted the woman into his arms. This time he carried her into his house instead of her apartment. Being careful of her head so as not to hit it on the door frame, he carried her through the front door. Noting that she reeked of stale cigarette smoke and liquor, he promptly took her to the nearest bathroom.

Now he was in a predicament, hands full of miko, he had no way to wake her. If he could not do so, it was going to be terribly difficult to manage turning on the taps and running her a bath. He had only one course of action, and so with only a slight grimace, he bent his head down to her and pushed his nose into her neck. While she groaned softly, she did not wake. He was encouraged by the fact that she had made some sort of response though, so he did it again, a little more forcefully than before.

Kagome awoke to the feeling of someone nuzzling into her neck. Cracking one eye open she peered at the person who was disturbing her sleep.

Blue met amber and for a moment the world stopped spinning.

“What the hell are you doing Sesshomaru?” She hissed.

He only rolled his eyes at her. “Trying to wake you up, miko, so that you can bathe.” His voice was absolutely dripping with disdain.

Kagome looked around her unfamiliar surroundings. “Where am I? And why do I need a bath?” she asked him suspiciously. After all, it's not every night that one wakes up in the arms of a youkai while he's nuzzling into your neck. Not comforting when you tend to be drunk and easy and he used to want to kill you.

“You are at my home. You need to bathe because you reek of the bar. It is unpleasant.” He seemed bored.

Okay, Kagome was now certain that this night definitely belonged on the Wall of Weird. “So put me down already.” she told him, voice implying that she was stating the obvious.

He unceremoniously did so, almost causing her to fall square on her backside. Looking down at her, he could feel the power thrum from her little body. Secretly he was pleased that she continued to show signs of her old self, but she was becoming rather infuriating.

“Well, are you going to leave and let me bathe, or are you just going to stand there staring?” she asked him haughtily.

“Will you be able to keep from drowning if I leave?” He shot back.

“Oh for Gods sake.” She sighed from between clenched teeth. Before he knew what had happened, she had reached both hands up and shoved him in the chest. He took a large step backward in an attempt to regain his balance and she immediately slammed the door in his face. Sesshomaru heard the lock click into place.

He was tempted at first to break down the door. Then he realized that he would only be damaging his own property. He heard the water start to pour into the bathtub and with a sigh he walked away from the door and down the hall to find her something clean to wear.

************************************************************ *

After 45 minutes, he realized that he was pacing. He had only been responding to her verbal jabs when he had questioned her ability to keep from drowning. And yet, nearly an hour later and she had yet to emerge. He would give her 10 more minutes, and then he was going to break down that damned door, his property or not.

Striding up to the door who's future hung so precariously in the balance, he listened for signs of life. There was no water sloshing, no female voice, no human noises that he could detect. This was troublesome. The last thing he needed was a dead woman in his home. How to explain to the authorities that he, Sesshomaru Taisho, owner of the largest communications company in the world, had a deceased miko in his bathroom? Infuriating! Why had he ever thought to try and help this creature anyway?

And then the lock had clicked, the door had opened, and she had stood there, wrapped in a towel and leaning on the doorframe.

She was breathtaking. Long black hair cascading in waves down her back, face flush from the heat of the water, fluffy white towel hugging her soft curves and barely covering her most secret of places. She was like a glistening, damp ethereal being in his vision. Perhaps helping her was not the worst idea to have ever crossed his mind.

“I see that you've developed a real staring problem over the centuries Sesshomaru.”

He was snapped out of his thoughts by her callous remark. Giving his head and almost imperceptible shake, he sarcastically told her “I am merely thrilled that you did not expire in bathtub.” Tossing the clothes he had selected for her at her feet he continued “You may wear these.” Turning his back on her, he left her to change, determined not to turn back and observe as she bent over to retrieve the clothes.


Thank you to all the folks who have already reviewed this story! I wish more of you would do so! I love feedback, good or bad, and it inspires me to keep on trucking!
Catch you on the flip side!