InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Healing ❯ Sweet Dreams ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

He had left her there to change, and honestly tired of her attitude, had gone to bed. He had undressed and without sparing her a second thought, climbed between the silk sheets. Setting his cell phone to vibrate and placing it on the table beside his bed he laid back, placed his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling.

She was feisty, he would give her that much. But he had always known that she possessed a fiery nature beneath that sweet exterior. But the bitterness with which she verbally assaulted him this evening, that was new. He wondered again what it was that could have caused such a change in her. He knew now that she was drowning her sorrows for the lost love of the hanyou, but why did she consider it lost in the first place? After all, it wasn't as though she had caused his death. She had told him herself that Inuyasha had made her leave.

Leave? What did that mean really? How was it that she was still alive here in Tokyo? Thinking back, he recalled the way that she had dressed in that ridiculously short green skirt.

And then it him. He sat bolt upright in his bed. How many times had he seen uniforms just like that one gracing the pre-pubescent schoolgirls of this time? How had he not put that together before this very moment? This miko was FROM this time! She hadn't lived for 500 years at all! She had merely returned to her rightful place so many years ago. While he had lived through the past five centuries, she had only lived through, what? Three years? Four at the most?

For a moment he thought about storming out into the other room and asking her how exactly she had traveled through time. If she could go back to his beloved feudal era, then why couldn't he? As one long pajama clad leg slipped out from between the sheets, he caught himself.

If she so desperately loved Inuyasha she would certainly have returned to him. If she had been able to. Apparently, she had not been able to do so. She had somehow become stuck here, in her rightful time. “He made me leave, in case you were wondering.” She had told him that this very night. So, the hanyou had sent her away. Why? Did he not return her love? Or did he sacrifice it to save her? Knowing the half-breed, it could have gone either way.

Relaxing back into the pillows, Sesshomaru resolved that he would get some answers in the morning. He would try the main two sources first. If that failed, he would result to questioning the ookami.

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She couldn't believe it. He had left her here, in this strange house, with no instructions as to where she was to stay. She stalked over to the couch and tried to lay down.

After laying there and staring up at the vaulted ceiling for an hour, Kagome gave up. She couldn't sleep without a blanket. Not to mention the fact that although he had brought her a t-shirt to sleep in, underware did not seem to be a priority for the taiyoukai. She hadn't really expected panties, but come on! Would it be so hard to share a pair of boxers for a night? After all, he was the one who had brought her here. But no, she was stuck with just a shirt. Great. Okay, so the thing was long enough to cover her to mid-thigh, but that was not going to work if he expected her to sleep somewhere without a blanket.

Heaving a sigh, she stood up and started to explore her new surroundings. Nice kitchen to the left of the main room; it seemed to have everything a master chef could want in their home. Did he cook then? She pictured Sesshomaru chopping up veggies and wearing an apron that said “Kiss the cook!” on it. She snorted at the mental image. Time to move on.

Turning around, she faced the door to the bathroom she had just used. “No help there.” she thought to herself. Moving down a long hallway, she came to a door that was tightly shut. It had to be his bedroom. Had to be. Well, she was just going to march in there and get a blanket dammit! And a pair of boxers or something.

Pushing open the door as quietly as she could, she stuck her head in the room. It was dark and she could hear the soft sounds of breathing. Pushing the door open a little wider, she tip-toed inside.

She waited for a few minutes to allow her eyes to adjust to the darkness that now surrounded her. And then she took one cautious step towards the bed. Moving closer, she finally laid eyes on her sleeping host.

She took a moment to marvel at how peaceful and serene he looked. His white hair contrasted sharply with the dark sheets. And were those things really silk? She reached out a hand to caress the fabric between two fingers and a thumb. Yep, definitely silk. She had already surmised that Sesshomaru had become quite wealthy over the centuries, but who would have know that he would actually indulge in something like silk sheets? She looked down at his sleeping face again, thinking that perhaps she had never really given him a chance. She didn't really know him at all, and yet she had assumed that he had not made any changes in the past, oh 500 years. It seemed a little unfair now that she thought about it.

But back to the sheets. Man, she had never dreamed of sleeping in silk sheets. But maybe this was her opportunity? If she was really careful, really quiet, and only stayed for a moment, maybe, just maybe she could slip between those things? Get a real feel for luxury? But if he woke up and caught her...... All sorts of nasty possibilities for her death flashed before her eyes. But surely he didn't go around killing people anymore? He seemed to be highly successful after all, and CEO's or whatever just couldn't go around offing folks.

She stood there in the dark, listening to him breathe in his sleep, fingering the silk sheets and knew she was going to risk it. After all, if she died tonight, what was the harm? She had been out looking for death for years now. At least when the taiyoukai killed her she would have experienced the feeling of being encased in silk.

Mind made up, she carefully moved to the other side of the bed and lifted up the sheet. Breathing out quickly, she then held her breath as she carefully made her way into Sesshomaru's bed.

There! She had done it and he was none the wiser! Kagome did a little dance of celebration in her head, but lost focus as the cool, slick fabric wrapped around her. She sighed softly. Now this was bliss. Too bad she'd only get to experience it for a few minutes.

Her whole body tensed as the taiyoukai beside her shifted his weight in his sleep. She closed her eyes tightly and tried to think happy thoughts. He was not going to wake up and catch her here, in his bed, uninvited. Nope, he was going to stay asleep in his happy little dream-land, chasing squirrels or whatever inu demons fantasized about when they slept. Yep, she was going to be fine. No problems here.

It took everything she had to not scream when a strong arm wrapped around her midsection and pulled her to the demon next to her. Sesshomaru pulled her back in closer to his chest and nuzzled his face into her neck. She was worried that she was totally busted until he sighed softly in his sleep and his breathing returned to the slow steady rhythm that could only mean he continued to slumber.

Not even daring to sigh in relief, Kagome slowly relaxed in his hold. She tried to wriggle out from under his arm, but he only held her closer. Finally, she gave up to the inevitable and yawned. What could she do? She would have to stay here, wrapped in silk sheets, with a successful and attractive man who would most assuredly be there when she woke up in the morning. It all actually sounded like a pretty sweet deal to Kagome.

If you left out the part about impending doom that is.

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