InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Healing ❯ Assumptions ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

To the fans of my works and those of MomoDesu: We are starting out on a new fic together! Yay for collaborations! I'm very excited about it as it is the first time that I have ever accepted the idea of working with someone else. I hope that when the time comes, you will all give it a good read and review! I'll keep you posted as it progresses!
The door to the bedroom slammed open and shut as Sesshomaru stalked in after the miko. He had no right to be upset at her behavior towards the wolf, but nonetheless he was angry. He was fully set on informing her that she should discontinue throwing herself at the mongrel when he was struck by the salty scent of tears.
Raising his angry golden eyes to look at her, he saw that she was sitting on the very edge of his bed, still wrapped in nothing but the fluffy white towel, looking lost. Her eyes were vacant as a single solitary tear rolled down her soft cheek.
“I don't have any clothes” she muttered sadly. “I was going to change, but I don't have any clothes.” Another fat tear slipped from her eye and left a glistening path down her face.
Sesshomaru was at a loss until he noticed that her little delicate hands were shaking. He was suddenly consumed with pity for the little miko, a feeling that he was not used to having for anyone. He realized that it had been days since her last drink, and of course she had been a raging alcoholic; he had known that the moment he had first laid eyes on her again in that smoky bar. He understood that she was beginning to withdrawl and that the smallest things seemed like great issues to her.
“It is of no consequence miko. You may continue wearing my things.”
Kagome lifted her head to look into the face of the taiyoukai that had gone from mortal enemy to lover in such a short time. Focusing on his golden gaze, something within her broke. Huge tears began to leak from her sad blue eyes and her breath started to come in hitching sobs. Her eyes closed as her entire body shook from the tears. When strong arms wrapped around her small frame, she immediately threw her own lithe ones around Sesshomaru's neck and pushed her face into his bare chest.
He knelt there, holding this woman that despite every plan he had laid had broken through all his well established barriers. In a few short days she had worked her way into his heart, a place that none had lived since Rin. As she clung desperately to him and he felt the heated little droplets of her tears course down his chest, he began to fear the moment that he would have to let the little miko go. He had felt unbearably alone when he had forced Rin to leave his side, and he had never wanted to go through anything like that again. So, he had reestablished and reinforced his icy demeanor, keeping all others away. Until Inuyasha's wench had come to stir up memories of a beloved past. The time was approaching where he would be forced to send her back to her rightful mate, and a part of him grew cold once more at the thought.
Sesshomaru gently tried to pull away from her. It was no use holding her tenderly, thinking of things that could be, when in reality, there was no chance for them. As soon as she and the half-breed found each other once more, he knew that he would not stand a chance. He recalled the day that he had finally come to find the boy, perched in one of the highest branches of the God tree in his forest, dirty and starving, mourning the loss of the little woman that he, Sesshomaru, now held in his arms. Their love had transcended time, and he was nothing but comedic filler for the Gods.
Kagome felt him begin to pull away from her, and instead of letting him loose, she allowed him only to move far enough away from her so that she could look into his face. She was surprised at the sadness that she found there, and without a thought, she pressed her petal lips to his.
This situation was no longer enjoyable or humorous to Sesshomaru, and despite the pleasure he felt at kissing her, he brought his large hands up to press against her shoulders and push her back.
“Stop miko” he told her plainly. “You do not really wish to do this.”
Kagome's dark blue eyes suddenly filled with anger she spat, “And who are you to tell me what it is I want Sesshomaru? You who hardly know me, who tried to kill me on so many different occasions, who never listens to a thing I say? Why do you feel that you of all people have the right to tell me what I desire? You have no idea who I am, or what I want, so don't ever assume that you understand me!” She raised her tiny hands and pressed them against his bare shoulders. With one forceful push that was laced with the bright pink flash of spiritual energy, she shoved him away from her.
Sesshomaru had not expected the blow, or the amount of power that had been intertwined with it. He felt his shoulders burn as he was forced backwards onto the floor. He watched the angry miko stand, waves of energy pouring off her entire body and was so mesmerized by the sight that he momentarily forgot about the pain she had caused him. Her wavy onyx locks flew about her as though a strong breeze had caught them, despite the fact that no such wind was present. Her eyes narrowed as she looked down in to his face and told him in a hiss, “I am tired of many things Sesshomaru, but your presumptuous nature regarding my personal life and decisions is right up there at the top of the list. You may think that you know everything, but you do NOT. Perhaps it is time that you begin to understand that.”
The taiyoukai was shocked. No creature had ever spoken to him in such a manner, but this tiny little woman had scolded him as though he were a child. Standing fluidly, his eyes narrowed to tiny slits, he gabbed her delicate wrist and pulled her close to him. Glaring hotly into her eyes he venomously told her, “Pitiful onna. You believe that this Sesshomaru does not understand you? That he does not know your desires?” Kagome tried to tug her arm free of his grasp, but his hold on her only tightened until she gave a small squeal of pain. “You will listen to me now wench” Sesshomaru said, giving her a firm yank to focus her attentions on him.
“I understand that you have for many years now, been an alcoholic and a failure, all for the love of a half-breed whelp. You have lost your way, and you have desired nothing more than to be reunited with him. Failing that, you have attached yourself to this Sesshomaru as a second best. As for your desires? You wish for nothing more that to be with that disgusting hanyou, who callously sent you away so many years ago. You think I do not know or understand you? You, miko, cannot possibly think that you would be such an enigma. Every day of your life that you have wasted, you have wasted for only one cause, Inuyasha. This Sesshomaru is also tired; tired of being your copy for a long lost love, a substitute for a creature below my status. I am tired of being your substitute for your addictions, and the whipping boy for your emotional outbursts. I know much about you little onna, and do not think otherwise. It is you who has no understanding of ME, and no desire to even begin to undertake the task of finding out.” His blood boiling with rage, Sesshomaru pulled her closer still, their faces only centimeters apart. Bending low while looking into her eyes, their lashes only a whisper apart he hissed, “You speak of presumption, but it is you that is presumptuous to assume that I know nothing of, the miko from the past that has thrust her life into my own time and time again. From the moment that you stepped into my life, pulling my father's fang from his grave, I have watched you,; as you traveled with the whelp, I studied you. And I discovered that although you do possess certain powers, you are still nothing more than a simple mortal girl, and that is a destiny that you will never escape from. You will grow old and die, your life wasted on a foul-mouthed boy who tricked you into vacating his life and who abandoned you after you had stayed by his side for so many years.”
Kagome was cut by the tiayoukai's cold words. Her eyes brimming wiht tears, she looked into those empty eyes and told him, “You have just told me everything I already knew. But what you'll never understand is that he loved me. He sent me away because he cared for me, worried for me, and loved me. You would never be capable of understanding anything like that Sesshomaru, as you have never loved another. You may pity the way I waste my life on dreams of Inuyasha, but I pity you more for the fact that no one will ever do something like that for you. No one will ever love a heartless creature like yourself, and without love, you may well have never have existed.”
Sesshomaru went cold at her words. They rung true in his heart, and for the first time in his very long life he felt fear. She was correct, no one did love him. Perhaps some part of him had hoped that she would be the one to show him that he could be loved, that he could love in return, but tonight he had crossed a line with his poisonous words, and he knew it. His hand went limp and released it's hold upon her, and she immediately tore herself away from him and fell to the bed crying. Whether her tears were for herself, Inuyasha, or even for Sesshomaru, she didn't know, but Kagome could only cry, and Sesshomaru could only watch.