InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Healing ❯ Welcome Home ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The alarm on his cell phone woke him promptly at 4:30 a.m. Sesshomaru cracked one eye open and carefully disentangled his limbs from the miko's. Stretching one long arm out, he reached over and turned the alarm off.
He heard the miko give a soft grunt in her sleep as she subconsciously registered his movement. She turned over to face him, and still asleep, latched onto his pillow, burying her face in it's depths. She sighed softly, and her deep slow breaths continued. Not sure why he was compelled to do it, Sesshomaru leaned forward and placed a light kiss on her naked back, right between her shoulder blades. She sighed again, and he watched as small goosebumps began to coat her milky skin. That she enjoyed his slightest touch, even in her sleep, instantly aroused him, but he did not have time. He also, quite frankly did not want her to wake, as he did not wish to explain where it was he was going and what he was doing.
Reluctantly, he removed his body from beneath the warmth of the silk sheets and stood. Moving with all he stealth and grace of a well-honed warrior, he grabbed a pair of pants, his cell phone, a shirt, and a pair of shoes. Quickly and quietly, he opened the door to the bedroom and headed into the living room. Pulling on his pants, he flipped open the phone. As he began to do up the buttons on his shirt, he spoke quietly into the phone.
“Send the driver. And tell him to be silent when he arrives. Inform him that I will need to stop by the office before we go to the airport.”
That done, he sat down to put on his shoes.
As he waited for the car, he thought about how best to spend his final day with the miko. He knew the ways in which he wished to spend the day with her, mainly involving those long legs wrapped around his waist. But there were things that needed to be taken care of first. And, as loathe as he was to admit it, he would actually enjoy just spending some time with her. The ookami was right, he, Sesshomaru, had come to care for the little mortal miko in his care. Too bad he was going to have to give her away.
He was drawn out of these mental musings by the sound of an approaching
vehicle. Standing, he walked stealthily to the door, grabbing his keys from the little silver dish on the table beside it, and left his home, locking it up behind him.
The sleek black car came to a halt at the end of the drive, and Sesshomaru walked down to meet it. Opening the door he sat down gracefully and sank into the leather seat. The interior was full of things he would have no use for, but that the whelp would surely enjoy. The dark glass that separated him from the driver slid down, and Sesshomaru spoke. “To the office” e instructed the driver. The glass slid back up, and Sesshomaru began to do a mental checklist of the things that he would have to take care of before going to pick up Inuyasha.
First off was going to the office to shower and change into his freshly dry-cleaned suit. It would not do to smell of the miko when he arrived at the airport. Second, he would switch out vehicles, for the same reason. He would leave nothing to chance. Inuyasha was not to know about the woman yet. Beyond that, things were simple. Meet the whelp when he arrived, get him to his new residence, make his excuses for leaving, and spend the remainder of the day with the miko.
They would need to go shopping. She would need a dress and shoes for the dinner, among other things. An overpowering sense of sadness began to encroach on the taiyoukai at the thought of helping the woman become as beautiful as possible, only to hand her over to another. He barely heard the driver as he was informed that they had arrived at the office building, his growl was so loud.
Sesshomaru's growl was cut off by the driver's question. “Thank you. Have another car here in thirty minutes.”
“Of course, sir” He heard the driver say as he stepped fluidly out of the car.
It was time to begin the preparations.
Sesshomaru stepped out of the lobby of the building, and out onto the sidewalk, noting the fact that the first rays of morning light were beginning to peek over the horizon. Another sleek black car replaced the one he had previously occupied before showering and changing, and he opened the door and sat inside.
The leather was cool, and he leaned his head back against the seat with a sigh. His hair was still damp and heavy from his long shower, and his black suit smelled fresh. He was satisfied that there would be no lingering scent of the miko upon his person. He barely felt the smooth movement of the car as it headed in the direction of the Tokyo International Airport without his even having to request the destination.
Closing his eyes, he kept his thoughts away from the miko.
The plane was late. Typical; even when not trying, the whelp was a pain in his ass. Sesshomaru glanced down at his watch. The flight was thirty minutes late and counting.
Finally a female voice came on over the loudspeaker, informing the people waiting at the gates that flight 4032 New York to Tokyo was arriving.
And then the people began to pour out of the ramp. Sesshomaru towered above most of them and kept his sharp golden eyes on the lookout for the hanyou.
It was unmistakable. With a gentle sigh, Sesshomaru stepped forwards toward the head of white hair that was approaching him. As Inuyasha came closer, Sesshomaru could see that his once neatly tied back hair was now coming free of it's binding and tangled wildly. His clothes were wrinkled, and he was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Compared to the other first-class passengers now exiting the plane, the hanyou stuck out like a sore thumb.
“You look like shit.” Sesshomaru told him seriously.
“And you look like the same old stuck-up prick!” Inuyasha retorted happily.
Sesshomaru couldn't help but smile. The two had mended many of their differences centuries ago, and he was forced to admit that he had missed his brother's…. charm.
Inuyasha flung an arm around the taller demon's shoulders. “So how have you been aniki?”
Sesshomaru shrugged lightly, his wide shoulders falling for a moment. “Busy.”
“As always!” Inuyasha said with a laugh. “Come on! Let's get the fuck outta here! I bet you've got a sweet ass car waiting for me and everything!”
Sesshomaru sighed again and began to walk with his brother to the car.
“See? I knew it! This is a bitchin ride right here!”
“Have your verbal skills not improved at all ototou?”
“Fuck that! I've even learned some new words Sess! For example, poon! I love that one!”
“Stop! Just get in the car Inuyasha!”
Inuyasha sniggered. “You're really too easy, you know that?' and then he climbed in.
With a roll of his eyes, Sesshomaru followed, only to be faced with the hanyou removing his right shoe. Sitting down and closing the door, he watched in astonishment as the boy clicked open the heel and pulled out a joint. Before he could say anything, Sesshomaru heard the click of a lighter, and Inuyasha let out a cloud of smoke.
“That right there is the shit.” Inuyasha choked out.
“What exactly do you think you're doing?” Sesshomaru was shocked.
“Tokin up on some of the finest herb the States has to offer.” Inuyasha took another deep hit and relaxed back into his seat. “You want a hit? I'll share you know.” Inuyasha actually giggled.
“That kills brain cells whelp.” Sesshomaru was matter-of-fact in his terse response.
“Pft. Brain cells…. They're like little ants carrying pine needles…. Only without the flamey things on the end.”
Sesshomaru stared at his brother, mouth actually gaping. Catching himself he retorted, “That is indeed quite profound little brother.” He shook his head.
“Thanks.” Inuyasha turned suddenly serious golden eyes on his brother. “I'm glad to be home again.” He turned his face to look out the window at the passing scenery. “I've really missed it here.”
Sesshomaru didn't know what to say. He watched as Inuyasha continued to smoke his joint and stare out the window. He understood, he too had missed his brother, but there was the issue of the miko….
“So when do we get to you place?”
Sesshomaru was jolted out of his thoughts by the question. “You are NOT staying with me Inuyasha.”
“Why not? I've always stayed with you when I had to come visit.”
Sesshomaru refused to answer.
“Holy shit! I thought he was full of it, but Kouga was right! You've got a bitch up at your place! When do I get to meet the girl who you actually deign to share your bed with?” Inuyasha was over-excited.
“Soon enough, I suppose. But for the time being, I have secured an apartment for you near the office.”
“Hey, thanks Sess. Seriously.” Inuyasha paused for a beat. “Do you think I could use some of the company's resources today?”
Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at him. “What would you be doing with them?”
“Now that I'm back, there's someone I gotta find.” Inuyasha cast his eyes on the floor of the car.
“Your miko.” Sesshomaru almost whispered. He knew that this would be the first thing the boy would want to do.
“Yeah. Kagome.” Inuyasha did whisper when he said her name almost reverently.
The rest of the ride was made in silence while both brothers lost themselves in memories of the miko.
I'm back, and so is my favorite hanyou!
I may not be able to update again until next week. I have a piece going for a porn party over at LJ, and it's due, by Saturday. Hot and steamy Inu/Kag/Mir. I'm going to have fun with that one!
Thanks to MomoDesu for the quote, and for reading my shit as I write it! You're the bestest!
And you reviewers are great too! Keep feeding my ego, and I'll keep feeding your imagination!