InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Much Needed Healing ❯ The Dress ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Bitching pad!”
“This Sesshomaru is glad that you approve of your lodgings Inuyasha.”
“Oh cut out that “this Sesshomaru” shit already!” Inuyasha said with an overstated roll of his golden eyes. “It's 2007 and you're a business man, not a taiyoukai. It's just fucking weird now.”
Sesshomaru snorted. “I may currently be a businessman, but I will ALWAYS be a taiyoukai.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever.” Inuyasha had thrown down his suitcase at the door and was already rooting around in the kitchen cabinets. “Rock on!” He held a cup of instant Ramen up in the air as though it were a treasure beyond measure. “Oh how I've missed you my sweet, sweet ramen” he purred to the cardboard cup.
Sesshomaru stared at his brother, mentally forcing his mouth not to drop. “You do realize that ramen is available in the States do you not Inuyasha?”
“Yeah, but it ain't the same.” Inuyasha clutched the cup protectively to his chest.
“Your miko would be jealous Inuyasha.” Sesshomaru told him with a sneer. “You hold that cup as though it were a lover.”
Inuyasha let the hand holding the ramen fall to his side and glared at Sesshomaru. “Why all the sudden interest in Kagome anyway? You never used to talk about her at all and you've mentioned her at least three times now since the airport. What the fuck's that all about?”
Sesshomaru shrugged elegantly. “It was merely an observation, hanyou.” He saw the way that Inuyasha's mouth tightened into a fine line at the rude term and the taiyoukai inwardly smiled. “Besides, I made sure to have your cabinets stocked with this ramen that you so adore. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have more pleasurable things to spend my afternoon on.” With that, Sesshomaru turned to the door.
His hand on the knob, he heard Inuyasha question, “What kind of plans you got?”
The suspicion was evident in the boy's tone, even if Sesshomaru's keen sense of smell couldn't pick it up. He had been careless by bringing up the miko and his “pleasurable” plans.
Casting a cool look over his shoulder, Sesshomaru told him casually, “I have some shopping to do Inuyasha.” He gave the hanyou a quick once over. “Would you care to join me? Your current state of affairs are….lacking to say the least.”
Inuyasha looked down at his rumpled clothes and then back up at his impeccably dressed brother.
“You know Sess, if it weren't for the fact that you supposedly have a bitch living with you, I would swear to all the Kami that you were a queer. I hope you're banging the shit out of her and she's not just some fag-hag or something.”
Sesshomaru snorted loudly. “If you only knew Inuyasha” he said coldly.
He was gone before the hanyou could say anything.
Sesshomaru had the car drop him back at his home where he went inside to find the miko perched on his favorite leather chair, copy of Ulysses in hand, absorbed in her reading. She was quite the picture, wearing nothing but a long sleeved button up Armani men's shirt, legs curled under her, long ebony hair spilling over one shoulder. One little finger came up and flipped the page. Sesshomaru watched as her cerulean eyes moved with the words, taking in each and every syllable, no doubt living the tale in her agile mind. He was impressed by her effortless beauty, but more so by the fact that out of the thousands of books that he owned, she had chosen to read Joyce. It was a difficult read by anyone's standards.
Although loathe to disturb her, and even more loathe to force her to come out and buy clothes, as he preferred her in his own, or nothing at all, it was something that had to be done. With an inaudible sigh, he stalked silently behind her and bent down to place his mouth by her ear.
“Interesting choice in reading material, miko.”
Kagome didn't jump, didn't even suck in her breath. Sesshomaru noted with something akin to wonder that her heart rate never even increased in the slightest. There was no way that she had known that he was there, she had been completely absorbed in the book, and yet he had not startled her in the least.
“I love this book” she told him simply, as she used one lithe little finger to mark her place before closing it. “I read it in high school for an extra credit assignment. I had to write a report on it for missing so many classes when I was traveling back to the Feudal Era.” She flashed him a grin. “It was a really difficult read back then, but I forced myself to struggle through it, and now it's one of my favorites.”
“And what grade did you receive on the paper, miko?”
“I suppose I technically got an A.” She flashed him a wicked little grin.
“And how does one “technically” get and A?”
“I suppose the teacher never really expected me to finish the assignment. But when I got the paper back, he had just written this note that said it was the best synopsis that he had ever had the pleasure of reading.” She shrugged.
Somehow, Sesshomaru was not surprised. His miko was many things, but stupid was not one of them.
“Come miko, you need to get dressed. We are going out.”
Kagome looked up at him curiously, one eyebrow raised in a perfect imitation of himself. “And where exactly are we headed?”
“There is a function tomorrow evening for a representative returning back from the United States. You will be accompanying this Sesshomaru. Therefore you will need to be dressed properly.”
“So you're taking me out to buy me some clothes?”
“So I don't have to wear men's shirts all the time anymore?”
“That is correct miko.”
Kagome's only response was an excited squeal as she jumped up off the chair and ran off into the bedroom. In record time she was dressed in the same clothes she had been wearing the night she had come home with Sesshomaru from the bar and was back in the living room wearing a strange expression.
“What ails you woman?”
“It feels wrong wearing these. I don't want to be this person anymore.” She looked sadly up at Sesshomaru.
He walked quickly up to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. “You are not that person anymore. They are merely clothes, and when we buy you new ones, we shall burn the old ones if you so desire.”
Kagome smiled up at the man she now realized was her saviour. “I think I'd like that Sesshomaru.”
Sesshomaru flashed a pure smile back down at her, and they stayed that way, smiling at each other, for what seemed like a very long time before he felt small fingers intertwine with his own. Pulling away from him and giving a sharp tug towards the door, Kagome said happily, “Well come on! Let's go shopping!”
They had been to every high class fashion designer's store, and Sesshomaru was loaded down with bags of merchandise. Kagome had at first been horrified at the idea of him spending so much money on her until he had finally threatened to call in the designers themselves and have everything custom made for her. It was outlandish, but he could do it, and she had finally relented. When she had given in, she had done so with gusto, buying anything that he told her looked nice on her. Unfortunately, they had yet to find a dress that he found to be suitable for the dinner for Inuyasha. And so here they were, at his favorite store, Armani. He was sitting outside the changing rooms, drumming his claws on the arm of the chair, surrounded by bags, while the miko took her precious time slipping into different dresses.
“Miko!” He barked out. “This Sesshomaru loses his patience with you! Do not make me come in there!”
“Keep your pants on!” Came the yelled response from the changing room.
“I would rather have them off.” Sesshomaru grumbled.
“I heard that you hentai!”
“Well you are costly enough!” He bellowed out.
“You made me get this stuff! I didn't want to!”
“You seem to have taken to it quite nicely!”
The curtain on the changing room flew open and before him stood a vision in deep shimmering blue silk. “You're the one who hasn't liked ANY of the damn dresses so far! We could have been home HOURS ago! But NO! So don't even START!”
Sesshomaru's mouth dropped open. The blue silk clung to her curves in all the right places, but not in a tight fashion. The v-neck was enough to emphasize the fact that she had wonderful cleavage, but it gave only the slightest hint of it. The silk was a deep blue that matched and brought out the unusual azure of her eyes and shimmered against the flawless milky white of her skin. Rising from his chair he managed to tell her, “Turn around.”
She did, and time stopped.
Where the front of the dress was demure, the back was positively beyond suggestive. To be frank, there was no back. The entire dress was open until it tapered down to fabric once again right above the curve of her pert backside. Her back muscles rippled as she moved, and Sesshomaru reached out a hand to lift her long black hair up. Holding the thick wavy tresses up he stared at the creamy expanse of flesh.
“This is it.” He whispered softly. “We have found the dress.”