InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Murphys Law ❯ Lost past ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Do I really have to say it? (lawyers nod) *sigh* I don't own Inuyasha, happy.

(A/N) Come on people, review. It will get me to update faster, plus it will make me happy : ). So please review. Pretty please. Hope yall like this chappy.

Kurama: I thought we got a restraining order on you two

Hiei: We did

Schultzy: It expired yesterday (holds up important looking paper) see

Jasper: You know they could just leave they don't have an obligation to hang around you like I do

Schultzy: That's why I have my kitty here, I hope you remember him from last time

Satan cat: Meow

Hiei/Kurama/Japer: (collective shutter)

Hiei: I still want you to stay away from me (points to Panther)

Panther: Come on Hiei don't deny our love (glomps onto Hiei)

Schultzy: Any who, I invited a couple more people over

Jasper: Who?

Schultzy: All the patients in the Institute for Insane Fan Girls (Hiei and Kurama pale to a goastly white)

Panther: Hey, they just released me from there. They said something about being a hope less case

Schultzy: Me too

Hiei: You wouldn't(door bell rings)

Kurama: Oh crap



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Chapter 3

"So you don't remember anything?" Miroku asked the girl, now wrapped in a blanket, sitting in front of a campfire on which 12 freshly caught fish were being cooked.

"Nope." Replied the girl examining her bandaged hand.

"Not even your name, or how you got those injuries?" Shippo asked jumping up on her lap

"Uh uh." She said shaking her head

"What about wear you came from?" inquired Kagome. The girl got a confused look on her face and replied


"I thought so. Well, why don't you tell us what you do remember."

"I remember being in Tokyo running to school, don't remember which one though, when a weird man with shoulder length brown hair red eyes and a scar on his back shaped like a spider stepped out from behind a bush and then, nothing. Before or after that one incident I don't remember a thing, not even my own name."

"Another offspring of Naraku?" Sango wondered out loud

"I would suppose so." Replied Miroku "But how did he get into Kagomes time and why did he take this lovely young lady from her home?" With his cursed hand on his chin his other one was now resting on the new girls bottom. A small squeak escaped the girl's mouth and she quickly backhanded Miroku sending headfirst into the nearest tree.

"Pervert!!!" she cried while everyone else burst out in laughter. "I don't suppose I'm in Japan anymore am I?"

Kagome sighed putting her arm around the girl's shoulders "That's not even half of it."

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"Let me get this strait, this is feudal Japan, your all questing for shards of a jewel called the shikon no tama which give powers to demons, the guy that apparently kidnapped me was an offspring of a demon named Naraku who is also questing for the jewel, you were tricked by him 50 years ago, your hand has a wind tunnel in it which will consume you if you don't kill him, and he killed your entire village. Did I miss anything?" said the girl pointing to Inuyasha, Miroku, and Sango.

"Nope, that's pretty much it." Replied Kagome

"So what dose he want with me?"

Miroku offered "My best guess would be that the next time Naraku presents himself to us he will show us his true intentions. After that we'll find a way to get your memories back."

The girl smiled and said "Thanks I'll try to help defeat him any way I can."

"Feh, if you're from Kagome's wussy time, I doubt you'll be much help in defeating Naraku." Inuyasha retorted

"Sit!" screamed Kagome

"Don't mind them, they always fight like this." Shippo whispered into the girl's ear.

"Let's go to the hot springs." suggested Sango "And if you spy on us Miroku…"

"Why Sango I would never do such a thing." Replied Miroku, holding his hands up defensively. Sango just rolled her eyes and pulled the girl by the arm towards the hot spring. Kagome grabbed her yellow backpack and started to follow, when she was about 35 yards away from the campsite she felt a tug on her sleeve. Kagome turned around and found herself face to face with Inuyasha.

"You want something Inuyasha?"

"Are you sure we can trust that girl?" Inuyasha asked worriedly "She might be in league with Naraku and just be pretending not to remember anything"

Kagome replied "I think we can trust her. She didn't really seem like she knew anything about Naraku or the jewel. Also Naraku wouldn't just give us the big chunk of the jewel she was carrying like that."

"I guess, but you and Sango keep your guard up when you're around her." Inuyasha cautioned

"We will Inuyasha don't worry." Kagome said with a smile

Blushing Inu said "Feh, I wasn't worried. I just don't want Naraku to get the rest of the jewel. Of course I

shouldn't expect some one from your weak time to be a real threat."

Kagome screamed "Inuyasha, SIT!!!" and walked off after the other two girls and the alluring hot spring, ignoring the muffled curses coming from the half demon who was currently eating dirt.

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Meanwhile in a castle not so far away

"KANNA, KAGURA, FUKUHARA!!! HOW COULD YOU LOSE THE GIRL? It was a simple task, get the girl, bring her back, use the half of the jewel we have now to extract her soul, and trap it with the demon souls we have to make a new jewel. Tell me how did you three manage to mess up such a simple task."

"Forgive us Master Naraku. Arikos priestess abilities surprised us. We did not know that the entrapment spell combined with Kanna's mirror would have such an effect as this." Apologized Fukuhara, "But we did not leave empty handed." Fukuhara held up a small jar with a swirling blue light in it "Her memories."

Naraku took the jar from Fukuhara and laughed, "Kukukuku, Fukuhara you have proven you might not be so worthless after all."

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Schultzy: Hello everyone

Panther: Hi

Jasper: Hello, may I take your coats

Insane Fan Girls: HIEI, KURAMA!!! (Horde of girls jump on Hiei and Kurama)

Fan girl #1: I got Hiei's shoe! (Holds up shoe)

Fan girl #2: I got Kurama's hair (holds up chunk of hair with piece of bloody scalp attached)

Kurama: Help!

Hiei: Get off of me!

Schultzy: *sigh* Hey girls, I've got Sesshomaru tied up in a closet upstairs (horde runs upstairs)

Panther: Really! Why didn't you tell me? (Runs upstairs after the insane fan girls) I'm coming Sesshy my love

Schultzy: You two all right?

Jasper: I'll get the first aid kit

(A/N) Tell me what you think. I'll try to get the next chapter up by next week and always remember reviews = happiness and smiles. Also I would like to give a shout out to my bro and bestest editor Mark, you know who you are.