InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Murphys Law ❯ Whats That? ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer (I do not own Inuyasha, but mark my words some day I will)

(A/N)Hello again everyone, hope you all like this chapter. Please review. If you don't I will refuse to update out of sadness.

Jasper: Well were back

Schultzy: Mmmyep

Jasper: I suppose your going to start to write this chapter soon

Schultzy: Probably


Jasper: Well

Schultzy: Well what

Jasper: Aren't you going to pester me about inspiration or something

Schultzy: Oh no, I invited some people over. You're here to take their coats

Jasper: If I don't your going to threaten me with your Satan spawn cat aren't you?

Schultzy: Yep



~`~`~`~`~`~` scene change ~`~`~`~`~`~`~`

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Chapter 2

Inuyasha mentally rejoiced at his good luck. At first when the crow demon had stolen the shikon

no tama from Kagome, yet again, it had seemed like bad luck but when they had gotten it back the people in the village they had chased it to were all talking about a castle that had mysteriously appeared to the north a few days earlier. There was no doubt in Inuyasha's mind that the castle was Naraku's castle. Now he, Kagome, Sango, Miroku, Kirara, and Shippo were in search of the alleged castle.

"Hurry up wench. We don't got all day ya know." Inuyasha called back to Kagome who was struggling with packing her huge yellow backpack. "Well if you hadn't torn thorough my bag this morning looking for ramman I wouldn't have this mess to shove back in here." She replied as she buckled the clasps on the bag. "Feh." Inuyasha responded. Kagome hoisted the bag up on her shoulders and mounted her bike. "Lets go everyone." She called out as she took off with Shippo in his basket. Kirara transformed into her demonic form and Sango and Miroku got on.

"So Sango, do you think we'll actually find Naraku today?" Miroku asked giving Sango's rear end a squeeze. "Pervert!" Sango screamed and slapped him across the face. Miroku lost balance and fell off of Kirara. "Serves you right Miroku, you should know better by now" Inuyasha said standing over the swirly-eyed monk.

"To answer your question Miroku" Kagome piped up "I believe its going to be today because I sense a big chunk of the jewel dead ahead."

Miroku got back on Kirara and the group picked up speed. "What's that?" Sango called out pointing ahead to a lump on the road. Inuyasha took a whiff of the air "It smells like a human." "Whoever it is, is the one with the jewel shard." Called out Kagome as she picked up speed. The group quickly overcame the person on the road. Kagome jumped off her bike and inspected the person. It was a girl with long black hair, who looked to be about 15 years old. `She's wearing modern clothes!' Kagome thought. She opened the girls clenched fist and inside was the chunk of the shikon jewel that she had sensed. It was the same chunk that Kikyou had stolen from her and given to Naraku, its still had the chain in it and everything!

Kagome checked the girls pulse and inspected the various cuts, scrapes, and bruises that covered her body. "She looks like she was in a small explosion but she'll be ok with a little doctoring. But I'm wondering how she got this." Kagome said and held up the jewel.

"Maybe she can tell us." Said Shippo looking at the girl's face. Suddenly the girl's eyes fluttered open and she jerked upright.

"Are you all right? What's your name?" Kagome asked the girl. "I'm all right except for a few scrapes. As for my name, I don't remember." The girl replied with a look of confusion on her face.

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(A/N) sorry its so short, chapters will get longer I promise. Please tell me what you think.

Schultzy: Yay the first guest is here

Panther: Hi peoples (hands coat to Jasper)

Jasper: (mutters under breath)

Panther: So Schultzy where are the other guests

Schultzy: Just a sec (wiggles nose, shakes hips)

(in a big pouf two people appear in the middle of the room)

Kurama: Oh no, not again

Hiei: You two stay away from me

Panther: Hiei!! (Glomps on to Hiei)

Schultzy: Kurama!! (Glomps on to Kurama)

Kurama: Can't breathe

Hiei: Need air

Jasper: May I take your coats sirs?