InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Muse ❯ It's raining ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

By: itsamel & Nicluv1787


It's raining.
The side walk is slick and wet, the footsteps of the pedestrians making a rhythmic splash as they dash in and out of various shops into the rain. It had been cloudy for the past couple of days; it seemed to be only a matter of time before the sky decided to finally release its self upon the city. Inuyasha sat alone under the bust stop's awning, briskly jotting down notes on a wet, crinkled piece of paper. He paused for a moment, His long white hair sliding carelessly over his shoulder as he looked down the street. He flipped his mane back and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. The 78 bus was always late.
Always had been, and always would be.
Inuyasha opened his amber eyes and stared blankly into the street in front of him. The Rain wasn't going to be letting up anytime soon. He squinted to look into the doughnut shop across the way. It was filled with people staring out the window at the sky as if rain was a foreign object or strange phenomenon they had never witnessed before.
People like that drove Inuyasha insane. How could someone be so stupid? There was no wonder in their gaze; it was just a sheer annoyance. He scoffed in disgust as he averted his eyes. He couldn't help himself but think of all the wasted space; the numerous people who just don't or can’t begin to understand the beauty of the world. They were a waste of the gift that is existence.
For Inuyasha, Music was the expression of his wonder, his amazement, and his love and for the chance to feel these emotions, even though he would never admit it out loud.
A Melody began to form in his head.
"And nothing is sweeter than needed revenge" he hums out as he continues to scribble on the, increasingly, moist paper.
He paused as a memory of his parents’ pops into his head.
"What do you mean 'MUSICIAN'? What about business school? ... We have already discussed this! NO. My final answer is NO!"
He quickly shakes his head to rid himself of the memory. Quickly, he begins scribbling down the words as he hums them aloud.
"I won’t burn long"
He continues to write the song as it continues building up inside him.
"And evidence you've done wrong will be gone"
Just thinking about all the chaos that led him to where he is. The song is building up more and more inside him as his simple hum becomes a song. He couldn't keep it inside anymore.
"And if you've got time anyway, why not watch me hurt!"
His pencil led snaps and hits a puddle by his feet. Inuyasha looks down to realize he is now standing and the bus has arrived. The driver quickly looks away when Inuyasha catches him staring at him. The passengers inside, however, stare openly with mixed expressions of pity and fright.
A mother, near the front of the bus holds her child a little bit closer to her as he steps on in. He glances out of the corner of his eye at an old woman in the front row. She shakes her head and murmurs under her breath.
"Kids these days and their drug habits... What is the world coming to...if my Henry were still alive…"
He slips the driver some change and slinks to the back of the bus.
"Everyone is a critic" he mumbles and places the soaked piece of paper into his raincoat.
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"It's raining" Kagome breathes to herself. "Boy, did I pick a fine day to drop out of college." She leans absentmindedly onto one of the beams that support the arch which reads 'Grossmont Community College'
The crowded halls behind her fall silent with only the sound of the rain making its descent to the puddles below echoing to Kagome's ears. It had been cloudy for the past couple of days; it seemed to be only a matter of time before the sky decided to finally release its self upon the school. Kagome Twirled a strand of her long black hair in her fingers. She looked at her watch, for what felt like, the millionth time in the past five minutes. Her boyfriend was late.
Always had been, and always would be.
Kagome leaned her head against the poll staring off into the distance. 'I don't know why I even bother,' she thought to herself. 'It's always the same thing with him...'
Almost religiously, she pulls around her backpack and begins to rummage for her notebook. Kagome never had a great memory for things, but most of it never really seemed to matter anyways. That is, until she first time she picked up the guitar. Even though she was only ten at the time, she could still remember how the wood of the neck felt in her clumsy hands; the melodies that always seemed to melt off the strings and be carried away to place far more suited to them.
Music was her passion.That is, after all, why she finally decided to chase her dream of being a singer and song writer.
Her family always was very supportive; her grandfather would request a song here or there while she did chores about the house, while her younger brother would sing silly lyrics when she practiced guitar within ear shot to him.
Despite the warm glow of appreciation her family illuminated, her current boyfriend Keith never cared to hear her sing. In fact, all he really seemed to care about was one thing.
Kagome felt a sudden rush of frustration building inwardly. She sunk down to her knees and began writing the lyrics as they formed themselves in her head.

'I guess it doesn't matter what I say or what I seem.
You stuck what I felt in the pocket of your jeans'

'Jeans, his jeans, hitting the floor, right before mine....' Kagome closes her eyes for a moment trying to hold back the tears; the aggravation suddenly shadowed by the shame.
"Come on’s going to be special I promise, just lie down and let me handle it...just kiss me and the rest will come into place..."
A few tears find their way down her face and splash into the puddle near her feet. ‘I want to take it all back...' she thinks. I wanted it to be different...'
She shakes her head as if to rid herself of the memory. Breathing deep she allows her large brown eyes to focus entirely on the words flowing from her heart to her hand. It was anger driving her tears now.

'Ignoring me the morning after wasn't enough
I swear I'm going to cry.
I'm sick of being so tough.'

She closes her notebook, letting just a few more tears roll down the path of her cheek. There were so many thoughts consuming her, just a little longer to release them, just a few more tears,
Just a few more.
Startled by a familiar honk, Kagome jumped up dropping her notebook, thoughts and final tears into a puddle at her feet.
"That is what you get for zoning out like an idiot. You're lucky you’re good at working on me. Otherwise I might just think about leaving you here." Keith pulls the car right in front of the archway. The cigarette he smokes covers his face in a gray fog, his piercing blue eyes are still visible through the smoke.
Kagome looks down. The rain hits the notebook in a rhythmic pattern. The sound reminds her of footsteps running away.
She slings one of her arms out of her backpack, giving herself access to the zipper. She leans down and picks up her notebook. The ink runs out of the sides and down her hands. She begins walking slowly towards Keith's car.
"Everyone is a critic" she mumbles as she zips up her backpack allowing just one more tear to fall.


This is the collaborative effort between the brilliant and humble (lol) itsamel and Nicluv1787 sisters and co- authors of this FanFic “MUSE”. Thanks for reading!
Look out for chapter one coming soon to a computer near you!