InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Muse ❯ At the Karoake Club ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
The Karaoke club was musky smelling and filled with smoke. Inuyasha stepped into the cloud of nicotine and scanned the room. There was a sea of people scattered haphazardly around the place, laughing and drinking. While an older gentleman finished up his rendition of ‘Thriller’ by Micheal Jackson on stage. It was obvious the man had, had a bit too much to drink by the way he was attempting to shimmy his hips in the famous M.J. Fashion.
Familiar laughter caught Inuyasha's attention. He looked to his right to see Sango and Miroku sitting at a table giggling together at the old man's performance. They had only been dating just a few short months, but it was obvious to Inuyasha that they were perfect for one another.
He began heading over to the table, maneuvering around chairs, tables and the occasional wanderer in the sea of sitting arrangements. As Inuyasha was approaching the table Miroku caught site of him and raised his hand in a friendly gesture.
"So nice of you to join us!" he said smiling joyfully.
"So nice of you to pick the busiest night of the week to come to the club, Miroku." Inuyasha said trying to hide his distaste, as the girls behind him began to giggle wildly as they each pressed their ears against a cell phone. The Club was eighteen and over, but these girls looked to be no more than sixteen. How did they ever mange to get in? Inuyasha thought annoyed.
"In a good mood as always, I see." Miroku said as he subtly tried to rap his arm around Sango's shoulders. She was obviously aware of his futile attempt and appeared to be quite unwilling to let it fly. She swiftly bonked him on the head and smiled at Inuyasha.
"Come on, Guys. Let’s try to have a little fun, ok? Besides, this is supposed to be a celebration! We've finally formed a legitimate band! What better place for music lovers to go then a karaoke bar?" She flicked her ‘bonking wrist’ elegantly and rested her hands around her glass of soda. She looked from Inuyasha to Miroku (who was now rubbing his head) trying to create a chain reaction of smiles. it wasn’t working.
Inuyasha rested his arms onto the back of the chair and leaned back. He was only eighteen, but it felt as if he had lived for hundreds of years. The older gentleman on stage gave a bow, nearly losing his balance, and not so gracefully exited the stage.
The Owner of the club came on after him, clapping his hands enthusiastically. His belly jiggled as he laughed and smiled his big toothy grin. He walked up to the microphone, which he appeared to swallow into his beard as he began thanking the gentleman,
“Thank you Dave, that certainly was…er… interesting” Inuyasha and other bar patrons laughed aloud at the comment. The man seemed to miss the double meaning and did another sloppy bow before falling over his barstool.
"Up next, it appears we have...uh...correct me if I am mispronouncing this...En-ow-assa?"
Inuyasha's eyes widened. No way, He thought glaring at the Emcee there is no way he is beckoning me onto the stage! I just got here! How could this portly Son of a Bitch even know I was coming?
Inuyasha turned a suspicious glance towards Miroku.
"MIROKU YOU BASTARD!" He screamed suddendly;slamming his hands on the table.
Sango immediately cut in "Actually, it was me who signed you up. I know... maybe you would want to sing to get some of your frustration out?" She smiled hopefully.
Miroku chuckled light heartedly "Your audience awaits."
Frustrated, and annoyed, Inuyasha stood erect and began heading for the stage. The manager was scoping the room absent mindedly until his eyes locked on Inuyasha.
"Here he is folks! let’s give him a big hand of encouragement!" The crowd began to clap politely, some a bit more enthusiastic than the others.
Inuyasha walked up the stairs and into the light. The audience was completely silent now. His amber eyes shifted around the crowded room as the whispers began.
He could hear everything they were saying. He'd heard it all before a million times.

"White hair? I've never seen such a thing. Do you think he dyes it that way?"
"Look at those eyes! It’s almost creepy."
"I've never seen such a strange looking person,and so young too!"

The manager looked over the top of his spectacles, at Inuyasha. They were as thick as bullet proof glass, It was obvious he couldn’t see what all the fuss was about (let alone his own nose.)
"Welcome to center stage, Enowassa! What a crazy name, are you named after a relative?"
Inuyasha looked at the manager and stared blankly. The lights on the stage had already caused the large man to sweat a great deal. His stomach moved slowly up and down with his breathing, as if it was nodding in approval.
"No, i' not. no need to make a fuss over it. Nothing special, just a name." He said grinding his teeth, yet, keeping his stare strong.
"Ah, I see. Well, how about we give him one more big applause folks, as we hear Enowassa's version of..." He raised his glasses squinting at the monitor while leaning in close to the screen. Inuyasha hadn't noticed it before. He turned to read the title of the song he would be singing. He nearly burst into flames on the stage.
Sango may have saved Miroku once, but the minute he was off this platform, Miroku was a dead man.

"I'M A GENIE IN A BOTTLE!" The Manager announced happily.

He handed Inuyasha the microphone and waddled off the stage as the music began to pick up.
Fuck my life. Fuck my life. Fuck my life.’ Inuyasha chanted internally.Well, that and ‘Miroku you're a dead man. Miroku you're a dead man. Miroku you're a dead man.’
The girls sitting besides Sango and Miroku began cheering wildly as he began to sing.
"I LOVE THIS SONG!" one of them exclaimed in a high pitched squeal.
They began dancing in their chairs; one of them was even holding out the phone towards the stage.
Great’ Inuyasha thought ‘This has to be the worst night of my life.’

"This could be the best night of your life” exclaimed Ayumi. The loud music on the other end of the phone was making it very hard for Kagome to hear her friend properly.
"I don’t know....if my mom ever found out that Yuka's brother sneaked me into a club she would never forgive me!" She said lying on her back twirling the phone cord around her finger. She was dressed for a night on the town, but, she needed just one more push from her friends to get her to be completely willing to sneak out and ride her bike to the Club a few blocks away. "Besides" she said, obviously being coy “The music there isn't even my style. Who listens to Christina Aguilera anymore?" She span onto her stomach.
Come on girls, just one more push I swear I will head out the door!
There was a crackle on the end of the line and Eri's voice came on the line. “WANNA KNOW WHO LISTENS TO CHRISTINA? COOL AND HOT BOYS THAT SING IT AT A KAREYOKE BAR, THAT’S WHO! NOW STOP BEING A PARTY POOPER AND GET DOWN HERE! YUKA'S BROTHER IS EXPECTING YOU!!!" Eri's shouting became all the girls laughing together.
Kagome was over the edge now she was properly motivated to take the plunge. She smiled and tossed her legs over the side of her bed
"See you girls in 10 minutes!"
She grabbed her nice heels and tip-toed down the hall, praying the floor boards wouldn't creek. reaching the door, she took a look over each shoulder.
The coast was clear.
She leaned out the doorway and set her shoes down outside, as to not make any noise. Her long hair was in curls and swung carelessly over her shoulders next to her face as she began to fasten her shoes. Her green dress hugged her curves nicely and blew elegantly as the wind caressed her lightly. She wasn't normally the type to dress up, but tonight felt special. She had even bothered to do her makeup.
Kagome finished fussing with her feet and spun once; just for practice. As she stopped she heard a small noise behind her. She slowly peeked down the hall to investigate. The moon was shimmering in from the windows, illuminating the hallway floors with a slight shine. If there was anyone spying, their shadow would easily be seen. However, the only shadows were that of the branches of the trees outside. They looked as if they were hands reaching into the house to pull Kagome out into the mystery of the night.
She was bursting with adrenaline now, the night was so inviting, so exciting. Kagome dashed out the front door and across the yard to her bicycle, quickly raising the kick stand.
‘Bicycling in heels wasn’t my best idea, but tonight is going to be worth it, I just know It.’ she thought to herself as she began peddling out the front gate and into the dark street ahead.

Inuyasha was pissed. He was beyond pissed, He was blind with rage and he wanted revenge. The audience was still laughing and applauding as he made his way back to the table.
Sango stood up moments before Inuyasha reached them.
"Think about what you're doing Inuyasha, it was just a joke. No harm, no foul." She said putting out both hands as if to form a barricade between Inuyasha and Miroku.
"Think about what? He just humiliated me in front of fifty or more people I don’t know!" He was glaring at Miroku who was trying his hardest to control his laughter. Suddenly, Miroku couldn’t stand it any longer and started laughing openly. He leaned over and slapped his knee in hysterics. Inuyasha raised his fist, ready to strike a blow straight into Miroku’s face when someone behind him gave him just enough of a nudge to send him face first into the table. Sango and Miroku both stared at him blankly. He lifted his head and looked over his shoulder to see who had knocked him into the table, there was no one there.
He looked up at the stage which was currently occupied by a middle aged woman leaning over the microphone and singing seductively to a small balding man in the front row. At least there was someone enjoying themselves. Inuyasha thought. The laughter had ceased, and everyone had left Inuyasha’s moment of embarrassment in the past. For all appearance’s it was as if it had never happened, at least to everyone but the band members trying to have a night on the town. Sango reached out her hand and helped Inuyasha to his feet.
"Maybe coming here wasn’t the best idea after all. Miroku and I will bring the car around. I'm sorry, we'll celebrate another night." She Grabbed Miroku by the ear (as he covered his mouth trying to contain the laughter that was now bubbling back up inside him after Inuyasha's down fall) and dragged him outside to the parking lot. Inuyasha adjusted himself in his seat and felt his head. He was bleeding slightly.
"Shit" he exclaimed aloud.
He brushed himself off and headed towards the bathroom, his hand on his head, trying to cover his face.

Kagome was excited! She was beyond excited! She was in a euphoric state and was ready for something amazing to happen!
"KAGOME!" she heard her friends call out in three part harmony. She entered in the back door, sliding by the bathrooms nearly bumping into someone running into the men's restroom. She glided on air over to the table and wrapped her arms around her friends for a group hug. They released and took thier respective seats at the table while another singer took the stage.
"I can't believe you guys talked me into this." She said brushing her hair away from her face.
"So she says" Giggled Yuka wiggling her upper body in a flirtatious manner.
The girls all laughed aloud. It was a liberating experience to be this bold. None of them had ever really snuck out of the house before. Let alone, snuck out of the house to go to a club!
"So, Kagome, how are things with you and Keith?" Eri chimed in; she had the best of intentions. She didn’t know how Kagome felt. Kagome took a minute to collect her thoughts on this matter. She didn’t want to let on that she had given him the most precious gift and felt entitled to stay with him because of it. She didn’t want to let her best friends know that she was as unhappy as she was.
"They're good..." She said looking down and trying hard to smile sincerely.
"HEY!" Ayumi exclaimed wiggling her finger at Eri's face "No boy talk tonight! This is a girl’s night out and there is to be no such discussions as to the matters of love. It is to be a completely loveless night!"
Kagome Smiled at this. Ayumi didn’t know it, but she just saved her life.
“You’re just saying that because you don’t have a boyfriend” Eri said in a mock catty tone.
“That’s not fair!” Ayumi whined
"Anyways..." Yuka said looking from Ayumi to Eri, who were now staring each other down, “we all set up a bit of a surprise for you Kagome!" she said pushing in between the two of them, lest they explode into a full blown cat fight.
"What sort of surprise?" Kagome said blinking curiously.
The girls erupted into laughter right as the emcee on stage announced, "Our next singer is Kagome! Kagome come on down!"

The bleeding had finally stopped. Inuyasha moved his hair from his forehead to inspect the wound one more time before heading back out into the club. He looked himself in the mirror for brief moment and sighed.
His long white hair fell carelessly over his shoulder. His amber eyes looked tired, and troubled. Nothing seemed to be going right tonight. Inuyasha just wanted to go home.
Suddenly, it hit him. What’s taking Miroku and Sango so long? Weren't they just going to get the car and pick me up? If they ditched me, I’m stranded, he thought, the buses didn’t run this late.
Inuyasha raced to the door and dashed into the main room. He began scanning for the entrance when, a song began to caress his ears. His body was soothed instantly, and he felt as if he was being held in the arms of someone who truly loved him unconditionally. He turned towards the stage and he saw her.
Her dark hair curled around her face illuminating her brown eyes. The dress she wore pressed against the curves of her body and flowed away in a teasing dance as she swayed to the music. Inuyasha was speechless. He was feeling something he had never felt before. He sat down at the nearest table and stared memorized by the words flowing from her mouth.

“Oh, winter, sweet winter, hello...steal my sun I'll be your only oneIn the times we knowlife takes money and money makes woeslike your lover leads your heart, lets it grow,keep an eye on the silent skysee the splendor in a short ridebe the slow falling snowin the times we know
He had to know her; never had Inuyasha heard such a voice come from someone so beautiful before. He couldn’t put this feeling into words, but he just wanted to be next to her. He wanted to bask in the glow she radiated. The music ended and the crowd was clapping enthusiastically. Even Inuyasha found himself standing and applauding for this mysterious girl. His feet began to move forward towards the stage. He couldn’t control his body; he just knew that he needed to meet this girl. To have her brown eyes locked into his own, to hold her close to him. As he began making his way through the crowd, more and more people began to stand up in an ovation, blocking Inuyasha's view of the stage. He began to shove and push with all his might. People began whistling and yelling in his ears. Until, at last, they all took their seats and she was gone.

The Applause had just begun when Kagome saw her friends waving their hands as they scrambled for their things. A large man dressed in all black was weaving through the crowd to reach their table. Another, bouncer was heading for the stage. People began standing and applauding, cutting off her view of her friends. She bowed gracefully and headed off the stage towards the back door. She wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but she knew it wasn't good. Yuka's brother was scrambling towards the door pushing, it open waving his arms like broken windmill to hurry Kagome out. She paused for a moment and looked back at the people retaking her seats, she caught a glimpse of a magnificent white light, but before her eyes could completely focus, the door was shut, and she was running for, what felt like her life, to her bike, to ride at a panicked pace into the night.

‘She's here, I can feel it.’ Inuyasha assured himself as he scoped the crowd of people discussing casually among themselves, giving the room a bit of a buzzing feeling. He walked away from the stage and back to the table at the end of the room. He took his seat and stared at the stage intently. He could still feel the way her words encase his whole being. They danced about his thoughts, and enveloped his heart. They echoed endlessly. There hadn’t been a moment she had escaped his thoughts since that night weeks ago.
"Inuyasha, it's time to go" It was Miroku. His hand was placed lightly on the back of Inuyasha's shoulder.
"Not just yet... Inuyasha breathed. "I can't leave just yet..."
Miroku walked over and leaned onto the table to look Inuyasha in the eyes.
"You've been coming to this place every night for weeks, she isn’t coming back. Besides, you promised Sango and me you would give Kikyo a try. So what do you say? Come and breathe some fresh air for awhile, and leave this smoke filled dump." He smiled light heartedly and patted Inuyasha on the back, before heading for the door.
Inuyasha blinked a few more times. The stage had been empty all night. There didn't appear to be anyone planning on singing any sort of song tonight. Maybe he was just wasting his time. Maybe, he should give this Kikyo girl a try. It was better than chasing a girl who he didn't even know the name of. Inuyasha stood and looked around one last time. The people sitting about the room were engrossed in their own conversations; Their own worlds. He sighed heavily and pushed in the chair he had been occupying for weeks now. He lowered his head and walked towards the door without looking back. Not even when a young girl with black hair squeezed passed him to get in.

‘It's here, I know it’ Kagome thought as she entered the club (through the front door this time) nearly bumping into someone walking out. She ran up to the counter where the bartender stood and asked “Excuse me sir, but I believe I left my purse here a few weeks ago."

Itsamel: The lyrics from the song Kagome sings in the bar are not an author's original. They were pulled from the Band "Gregory and the Hawk"
Nicluv1787: 'Genie in a Bottle' is the property of Christina Aguilera & her record label (So dont blame us for it)Just kidding(sort of)
Itsamel: Hey now, Christina Aguilera is very talented and professional.....PFFT. HAHAHAHA. i'm sorry, i couldnt help myself.
Nicluv1787: Okay enough basing on the 'artists' lets get to the point here we need to summarize this chapter, maybe even give out some teasers?
Itsamel: ok ok ok. so, we have Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango finally forming a band and trying to par-taying it thier own special way.
Nicluv1787: While Kagome is celebrating teenage rebellion with her slightly retarded friends... isnt that special?
Itsamel: Thats what mom always used to tell us when we rode the short bus! but i guess that doesn't have anything to do with the amazing song Kagome sang! (at least, not for the sane readers out there..)
Nicluv1787: All true, it was an Amazing song and Inuyasha sure did seem to dig it? hehe, So what's in store next week for our lovely readers?
Itsamel: something tells me there is going to be some major love in the air, come next chapter
Nicluv1787: I wonder what happens... oh wait I already know, Haha well I guess we'll have to keep them all in suspense until next time!
Itsamel: i can hardly wait! (mostly because i'm feeling too lazy to write.)
Nicluv1787: NOOooo. Oh well, Goodbye folks!
Tune in next time for Muse: Chapter Two