InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Must we die? ❯ Run to Him! ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 2

Run to Him!

By: RaineGoddes8

"Where the hell is she!?!" InuYasha screamed in his mind, "Maybe I should go get her while the others are still asleep…."

InuYasha sat atop the tree that 50 years ago Kikyo a miko had pined him to, and only three years ago Kagome; the reincarnation of Kikyo had released him from his dead-like slumber. InuYasha's long sliver hair flowed down the God tree's trunk. One leg hung off the side of the branch he was on, and the other rested on it keeping InuYasha balanced. His ears were perked up, as if he heard something in the distance. At first glance you would have thought he was still sleeping, but InuYasha was deep in thought.

" InuYasha!" a warm voice came from the forest

"Yes? Oh, I'm over here Keyana." InuYasha says disturbed form his thoughts

A young woman stepped from the bushes. Her long sliver hair glistened in the morning light. Like her brother she had two perked up dog-ears atop her head. She wore a light blue outfit, a gift from her miko mother, the pants going down to mid-ankle then covered by beautiful clear white silk; her top went mid-way on her torso and finished by the same silk. This outfit was of course made for distraction. Her sword a gift from her father, the Ni-ittou (AN: means two-blade in Japanese… I think) with the power to bring back to life or destroy a hundred men at a time sat beautifully in it's holster. Keyana's golden eyes gleamed as she looked at InuYasha in the early morning light.

"Big brother" Keyana wined as she jumped to the branch that InuYasha was on, " All the others are waiting for you, we must go."

"So!… hey, where were you last night?" InuYasha asked trying to get off the subject of leaving

"It was a full moon remember?" Keyana says with a face only a sister could make, "I stayed with Lady Keade."


"Where's Keyana?" Sango asked

" It is a full moon tonight and Lady Keyana is in her full human form." Meyogua explains "Like InuYasha, Keyana turns full human one night a month. But unlike InuYasha, Keyana transforms on the first full moon of each month.

*Slap *

" I don't believe my sister wants you to tell everyone her secret." InuYasha says sharply.

~ End of Flash-Back ~

"I'm going to squash that little tick!" Keyana says while shaking her fist in front of her face then calming down, " So has Kagome come back yet?"

"No not yet, I was going to go and get her while all of you were still sleeping. But you're not sleeping. What if something's wrong with Kagome?"

" Big brother…you worry to much." Keyana sighs "But…if I were you I would go and get her. I don't think you want that Hojo boy kissing up on her." She laughed and starts to make fun of InuYasha by making kissing faces.

"Oh shut up!" InuYasha pushes Keyana off the tree.

"AAHH! InuYasha your such a asshole!!"


Kagome sat in her living room still crying, though the blood tears had gone leaving only clear, wet, true tears flowing down her face.

"Why?" Kagome wept "…"

As Kagome sat there crying a thought came across her mind.

"InuYasha! Kikyo is going to trying and turn him against me!" Kagome dashed out of her house, just to bump into an onlooker. Again she fell.

"Kagome…. I'm so sorry." Hojo helped her up "Are you alright? Where's your Family? Are they all right??"

"Hojo. I didn't see you there." Kagome said trying to leave "Me? I've been better….. my family….my family is….um…uh… well, I have to go! See ya!"


But it was too late. Kagome had already slipped from his vision, all Hojo saw was a glimpse of her long raven hair. Soon Kagome jumped from the well on her to find the others.

"I have to find InuYasha before Kikyo does."

Kagome dashed to Keadea's hut in the distance, "Just a little farther….I have to get to him before Kikyo does…..WAIT!" Kagome stopped running "what if she has been and gone?…..No, I can't risk thinking that, stay positive Kagome, stay positive. InuYasha might still be sleeping. But, if InuYasha doesn't believe me, I can go to the others right?? Right, I can go to the others if he doesn't believe me." Kagome reassured herself and continued her way to Keadea's hut.

AN: This is my first fanfic so be nice. Okay……….Okay. Please read and review. Thanks…..salute!