InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations: Mimic The Guardian ❯ How Far Down The Rabbit Hole? ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or X-Men...I might end up adding another show (not telling you which) at any chapter... please tell me what you think, readers. I need to know wether I should continue with this fic or not.

A young woman slowly opened her brown eyes and cringed in pain, grabbing her neck. As she looked around, she saw only a small crack in the wall, a bed in which she was laying and a door which was completely shut and appeared to be locked. Her entire body felt weak as she struggled to sit up. Her head was in a pain and confusion she had never felt before as she swayed, making her way toward the door. As she neared the door, she caught the scent of something near her and stopped. Sniffing the air, she turned around and moved toward its source, her mind screaming for her to feed. As she reached the source of the scent, she instinctively lunged at it, her fangs growing. Just as she came within an inch of her target, it dissapeared and she slammed headfirst into a wall.

She whimpered in pain and struggled to get up, only to fall to the ground again.

"Your name is Kagome Higurashi, am I right?" a male voice asked.

"T-t-thirsty," the woman said weakly.

"I'll give you what you want if you answer my questions," he said evenly.

"I-I don't know," the women said, crawling toward him.

The man sighed and knelt down, holding the girl in place and looking into her eyes. They were completely red. 'She hasn't fed for too long. She needs blood,' he thought to himself, pulling up the sleeve of his jacket and cutting his wrist.

The young women stared at his wrist as she moved closer. As she reached him, she quickly lunged toward him and bit into his wrist, drinking his blood. Mimic winced in pain.

Nearly a minute later, the girl released his wrist and wiped her mouth of his blood, her mind slowly clearing.

Mimic flexed his wrist slowly, watching the small cuts heal before replacing his jacket sleeve over it.

"I-I'm sorry," the girl said, looking down at the ground. "I don't know why I did that," she said, shocked at herself and slightly scared.

Mimic tried to concentrate as his blood quickly regenerated. "Don't worry about it," he said, leaning his weight on the wall as his vision began to blur slightly.

Kagome stood up and ran to his side. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?"

MImic stood up as straight as he could and shook his head. "No, I'm fine, don't worry about it."

Kagome sighed. "Sorry," she said quietly.

MImic tried to smile, something he didn't do often. "You don't need to be. You didn't hurt me."

Kagome smiled sadly. "Thanks for saving me."

The young man looked at her and seemed slightly confused.

"You were the one who saved me from that....thing, weren't you?"

He nodded. "Yeah, sorry, I'm not used to people thanking me," he said, walking toward the wall to Kagome's left.

Kagome gave him a look of understanding as she watched him pull a small lever on the wall. There was a small buzzing noise as a thin patch of the wall moved to reveal a sword on a stand. Mimic grabbed the sword and spun it around twice before slidding it into it's sheath with a click.

"Um...who are you?" the young woman asked, watching the sword cautiously.

"You've been bitten," the man said, ignoring her question. "I have two choices now, 1: I go against everything I've been taught and let you live. 2: I let you live at a price to me."

"B-bitten?" Kagome asked, confused. "Whaddya mean bitten?"

"That thing in the alley, it was a vampire. The hominus nocturna. Now, you're one of them," he explained, "The only way I can let you survive is if you live off of my blood and my blood alone."

"But vampires aren't real!" The girl said fearfully.

"Oh, they're very real. As real as that bite mark on your neck," he said, pointing to the two circular scars on her throat.

Kagome felt her neck for the scars and her eyes widened slightly. "So, you mean-."

"You're a breathing, not so alive, blood-sucking vampire," he said, nodding. "So, which is it?"

The young woman looked up at him, her hand still on her neck. "But wouldn't you die?" she asked worriedly.

"Stop worrying about me and answer the question," he ordered.

Kagome looked at him sadly and nodded. "I want to live."

Mimic smirked. "A bit too late for that, don't'cha think?"

"I-I mean-"

"I know what you meant," Mimic cut her off as he held out his hand to help her up.

Kagome looked at the hunter's hand before sighing and standing up on her own. "Do you have a bathroom here?"

Mimic laughed and pointed toward the door. "Yeah, two doors to the left."

........................................................... ........................................................................... ..................................................

Mimic walked slowly down the hall of his apartment, slowly spinning a kunai in his hand as he turned at a blue door and stopped. After knocking lightly, he waited for an answer.

"One second," Kagome called through it. After about thirty seconds, the door opened to reveal Kagome wearing a black t-shirt, and black jeans. "Yes?"

Mimic looked at his watch. "It's 7:30. You go to school, right?"

Kagome nodded.

"Do you want to go today, cuz if you leave now, I can drive you," he said, trying to smile.

Kagome smiled sadly. "I don't have my backpack."

"That's okay. Where do you live? I can take you there."

"I don't know the exact address, but Higurashi Shrine," she said hopefully.

"Don't worry, I know where that is. This might feel a little weird, but it's the fastest way to get there," he said, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"What are you-?" Kagome's question was answered when she felt her body slowly being ripped apart, atom by atom. Seconds later, she felt herself being put back together and the pain went away. She looked around at her bedroom and opened her mouth to speak when suddenly her stomach clenched and she threw up.

Mimic picked a garbage can up and placed it on the ground in front of her. "Sorry, I probably should've warned you about that part too," he said, wincing.

"Ya think?" she growled as she wiped the side of her mouth with her sleeve. "What are you?"

"Something you would not like to become," he said, raising his hand and levitating a small blue backpack toward him. "Is this it?" he asked holding the bag out to her.

Kagome nodded. "Yeah. Thanks," she said quietly as she took the bag and tried not to gag again.

"You do whatever else you've gotta do. I'll be waiting right outside the door."

Kagome nodded in understanding and watched as he faded away.

............................................................ ........................................................................

A/N: guys, I don't know if I should continue or if this is just a waste of my time. SOMEBODY REVIEW!!!!