InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Welcome ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: Something tells me this fic is going to be really crappy, but I just saw the new X: Men movie and my finger started moving on their own at the key board.

Kagome moved her hand and watched the different objects move through the air. She giggled, watching her stuffed bunny hop across the room. Her stuffed bear danced on one of the chairs, doing the can-can. There was a quiet knock on the door and everything stopped, dropping to the floor. Kagome sighed and raised her hand. The doorknob turned and the door opened to reveal her mother.

"Hi, mama!" the young girl said cheerfully.

"Uh, Kagome, we need to talk." Kagome looked at her mother, confusion filling her eyes as the older woman walked into the room followed by a bald man in a wheel chair and a white haired woman.

"W-who are you?" Kagome sat up in her bed and watched the visiters suspiciosly.

"Kagome these people are here to help," her mother said cautiosly.

"With what?" Kagome sat at the edge of her bed and looked at her mother curiously.

"With your, uh, problem." Her mother shifted unconfortably in her seat.

"But, I don't have any probl-." Kagome paused. A look of horror struck her face, causing her mother to look away.

"Kagome we can help you manage your abilities," the man in the wheel chair said calmly. "Help you control them."

A tear slid down Kagome's cheek and she looked down, letting her bangs cast a shadow over her eyes. "Whatever, I never liked it here anyway," Kagome mumbled emotionlessly as she walked toward the door of her room. It opened seemingly by itself and she walked through it.

"Proffesor Xaviar and I will make sure your daughter is treated with the most care possible at the Xaviar Academy for the Gifted," the white-haired woman said before pushing the wheelchair out of the room and following Kagome out to the street.

Kagome walked up to the closest car to the building and stood next to it, hoping she had picked the right one.

"Sorry, Kagome, but we'll be taking something with a little more horsepower," the man said, smling and pulling out his cell phone. "This is Professor X we're ready to go."

Kagome watched as suddenly, what looked like a military stealth plane appeared in the middle of the street and the hatch dropped down onto the pavement below. The two people who had come for her walked toward it and she followed, stepping onto the large metal elavator as it lifted back into the plane.

The three people walked past a few seats before making it to the front of the plain where two people sat at the controls.

"This is Scott," the woman said, motioning to the man whering sunglasses. "And this is Logan,"

"Some call me Wolverine," the man said, pressing one of the controls. There was a loud crack as the plane took off.

"Why is that?" Kagome asked, looking around the plane.

Logan raised on of his hands over his head and showed her his claws.

"Oh." Kagome looked down shyly.

"I'm Storm, by the way," the white-haired woman said, shaking Kagome's hand.

"Let me quess. You control weather?" The woman nodded, Kagome smiled weakly.

"So what is it you do?" Logan asked, not taking his eyes of the sky in front of him.

"I can control air pressure," Kagome said softly.

"Interesting." The man hit another button and Kagome felt the plane moving downward. "So, Prof. X. What's her power level?"

The bald man sighed. "She's level 4."

Logan set the plain down slowly and turned around. "Congratulations kid," he siad patting her on the head as he walked by. "You're as powerful as the professor." He opened the hatch and walked out. Kagome and the others followed, making their way trough the circular door and into the school where she was greeted by several students. The girl ignored them and kept walking.

"Your new room is 398!" One of them yelled after her as she turned a corner. Kagome just wanted to get away. She hated it. She wanted to go home. She wanted to be normal. She wanted people to accept her. She wanted her mom to accept her. She ran as fast as she could, passing 392, 393, 394, 395, 396...then, WHAM!!!

She fell backwards and was about an inch off of the ground when she was caught and gently lifted back to her feet. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself nose to nose with a young man no older than she was with brown eyes and raven black hair like hers. After a few seconds, the boy just smirked and walked away mumbling something about 'stupid humans.' Kagome just shrugged it off and walked slowly the rest of the way to her room. The door opened itself and she walked in. A second later, the door closed slowly and Kagome walked over to her bed.

She looked down at it and frowned. It was a regular old bed with pale blue sheets and pillows. She raised her hand and there was a small puff sound. She laid down and curled her self into a ball, hovering almost an inch above the bed on a soft cusion of air. Only minutes later, Kagome had cried herself into a peaceful sleep.

A few hours later, there was a knock at the door and Kagome woke up with a start. She looked around at the unfamiliar room and began to calm down as her memories of earlier in the day flooded back. There was a pause, then whoever was at her door knocked again.

"Who is it?" Kagome yawned sleepily.

"It's yash. They wanna know if you're hungry." A young man asked from the other side of the door.

"No. Just leave me alone!" The girl turned over and closed her eyes.

She heard the door open and she turned back around. She skwinted as the man turned on the light and walked over to her. "You know what? Stop acting like you're the only one here with problems. You're not the only one who was thrown away for being what you are! At least you look human!" The man from earlier growled, ripping off his ring.

Kagome gasped and backed away slightly as the man she had bumped into earlier transformed. His black hair became white. His ears moved to the top of his head and his finger nails sharpened into hooking claws.

A silent tear ran down Kagome's face and the man took a quick step back. "Stop crying!" She choked back a sob. “I said, ‘stop crying’!” Inuyasha growled.

“What do you care!” She screamed, tears flooding her cheeks.

“Keh!” He looked away, admitting defeat. “I don’t,” he whispered to himself, slipping his ring back on. His image flickered as he turned back into a human and walked out of the room.

A/N: REVIEW. I want to know what you guys think. I don’t own Inuyasha or X-Men.