InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Pain ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha or anyway....By the way, I'm putting myself into this story so see if you can see which cheractor it is.

Inuyasha walked slowly into the large dinning room and watched as all around the table grew silent. A young man stood up from the table and looked to Inuyasha.

"What'd she say?" the man asked quietly.

"Feh," Inuyasha just passed the man and walked toward an empty seat at the end of the table.

The man sighed and sat back down. "She said 'no'." He went back to eating without saying another word. After that, noone at the table said another word unless it was to ask someone to pass something.

After about ten minutes, Inuyasha looked around suspiciously, sniffing the air. "Who's doing that?" he growled deeply, looking around the room slowly, making eye contact with everyone in the room.

"Who's doing what, Yash?" a young boy asked, his confused eyes moving to the hanyou.

The hanyou bagan shaking as if fighting against something as his left hand began to rise into the air. He looked around desperately for the cause of the unwanted movement, but found nothing. His ear flicked as he felt the air being moved and vibrated around his head. Then the air concentrated around one of his ears. His hand was now held horizontally about six inches above the table.

"Inuyasha..." a small whisper called out to him.

"Who the FUCK is said that?!" The hanyou looked wildly around the room.

"Hey, Yash. Are you okey?" The man sitting next to him asked.

Inuyasha ignored the man as his eyes widened at his hand. The ring that held his human form was moving itself slowly off of his finger. "S-stop!" the hanyou cried.

"I like you better this way..." the hanyou looked around for the owner of the soft whisper, but again found nothing as the ring was slipped all the way off of his finger. Inuyasha flickered in and out of reality for a moment before his true form returned.

"I said STOP IT!" The hanyou felt his hand being released as the small titanium ring flew slowly through the air. At that very moment the door opened an inch and a small hand slipped through. The ring shot quickly to the hand and the hand closed around the weghtless object. Seconds later, the hand and its owner were gone.

Inuyasha ducked under the table and covered the top of his head with his arms. Almost instantly, Professer X and Storm were at the shaking hanyou's side. The older woman helped him to his feet and led him out of the room while the man went through the door used by Inuyasha's myserious attacker.

Kagome sat down in her bed and looked down curiously at the small metal object in her hands. It didn't weigh a thing. How could it possibly have made Inuyasha look so different. She heared the doorknob turn slowly and looked up to see Prof. X as he wheeled into the room.

"Kagome, may I show you something?" the man asked quietly. His voice was slightly cold. The girl nodded reluctantly and followed him out into the hallway. They turned onto another hallway and into a waiting elevator. After a few seconds, the doors opened again to reveal a silver-walled hallway. They walked down it and stopped at a large window. Kagome turned to look through it and gasped, taking a step back.

Inside the room was Inuyasha, tears flooding his eyes as he lay, shaking on one of the laboratory tables, his lips were moving, but no words were coming out.

The professor turned to the woman. "Since he was twelve, Inuyasha has been forced to where a hat at all times. He was never let play with the other children after his twelth birthday because of his powers. He wasn't allowed around other kids for more than a half an hour at a time. Most of those times, it was just to go out to buy new shoes or cloths. Even then he was chaperoned." The man sighed. "Inuyasha was alone for a long time. Because he was an orphan, he was under the complete contol of the government. He was kept in a laboratory where they ran countless tests on him, daily. By the time he had turned fourteen, a year ago, we were able to gain custody of him but, by then..." The man's eyes turned back to the hanyou. "...the damage had already been done."

Kagome watched as a young red-haired woman walked over to Inuyasha's side and held her hands near his head. A few seconds passed before Inuyasha began to calm down. And seemed to fall asleep. "What is she doing to him?" Kagome asked, watching Inuyasha's motionless body.

"Sedatives don't work on him so Jean is putting his mind to rest in order to calm him before he hurts himself," the man explained.

Kagome's heart fell deeper into her stomach. "Hurts himself?"

"A while ago he tried to remove his ears and fangs in a fairly violent manner," the man explained as he led her into the lab. Kagome winced. "Fortunatly they grew back by the next day." The man paused at the table where Inuyasha slept. "The ring please." Kagome handed him the ring quickly. The man slipped the small piece of metal around Inuyasha's finger and a flash of light replaced his human appearance. "Then, only a few months ago, a young girl, you may know her as Kitty, curiously removed his ring while he was asleep. He woke up and instinctivly attacked her," the man turned back to Kagome. "He almost killed her...fortunately, Logan was able to stop him in time." He looked deep inside the womans eyes as if reading her thoughts. "He tried, but failed to kill himself later that day. We were able to convince him that it wasn't his fault and eventually, get the knife away from him."

By now, Kagome's eyes were overflowing with tears as she looked down at the unconsious hanyou. "H-he hates himself that much?" she whispered.

"No. It's not himself he hates. It's the image that has been drawn of him. He thinks he's a freak. He thinks he's unwanted. That everyone would be better off without him." The man turned and wheeled away from the table and toward the door. As he reached the door he turned his head and spoke over his shoulder. "So far, we haven't been able to help him, but I have feeling you can." The man wheeled through the door and down the hall toward the elevator.

Inuyasha opened his eyes slowly and looked down at his hands. He sighed, relaxing slightly at his human hands.

"Inuyasha?" The hanyou turned his head to see a small girl staring back at him.

"Whadda you want?" the hanyou growled.

"I'm sorry," the girl squeeked, burying her head in her arms.

"Stop crying," he said calmly, looking up at the cieling.

"Why should I?" the young girl snapped. "I hurt you! I should be sad!" tears flooded her cheeks.


"It isn't true you know," came the woman's muffled whisper. The hanyou's eyes widened slightly. "You're not alone." She stood up and started to leave the room.

"Wait." Inuyasha stood up and walked up to her until they were only a foot away from each other. He handed her a small metal box. "Never use it." He walked out of the room slowly, his head held low.

Kagome watched him turn a corner before looking down at the small box. She opened it slowly and looked down into it. Inside was a small silver dog whisle. She looked back up in the direction Inuyasha had walked, then back down at the whistle.

Suddenly, there were footsteps coming toward her and Kagome looked up to see a young man and woman walking toward her.

"You must be Kagome," the woman said, holding out her hand. Kagome shook it. "I'm Sango, but you can call me Panther if you want," the woman said before quickly turning into a large black panther and back.

"I'm Miroku. Call me Freezeframe."

"Nice to meet you." Kagome tried to force a smile, then looked down at the small box in her hand then back up to Sango. The woman was looking down at the box curiously. Her eyes seemed to be glazed over. "Are you okey?"

Miroku elbowed Sango on the arm. "Sango, what did the professor say about using infrared vision to pry into other peoples business?" the man asked, his voice displaying a hint of annoyance.

Sango ignored this comment and looked up at Kagome suspiciously. "Did Yash give that to you?" Kagome nodded. Sango sighed and began walking away.

Miroku nodded once again to Kagome before following Sango in the opposite direction.

Kagome walked toward the elevator and waited, standing, deep in thought.

Kagome walked aimlessly through the campus grounds, thinking of random things. Anything to keep her mind off of the way she had carelessly hurt the poor hanyou. Kagome walked back into the large building that was the academy and walked straight for the empty to see that they were just begining to serve breakfast.

She looked up at the clock and frowned. It was only 5:45 in the morning. She had been wandering around for an hour, unable to sleep. She walked up to the counter and placed a dollar down on the counter.

"Coffee, please. Black." She watched as the woman behind the counter filled the cup with coffee and set it down on the table, taking the dollar. Kagome grabbed the coffee and held it up about five feet off of the ground before letting it go. She closed her eyes and consentrated on the small cup. There was a small blowing sound as the molicules in the air began vibrating slower and slower, becoming colder and colder until steam no longer roze from the cup. She looked up at the now cool coffee and grabbed it, taking a long sip of it. "Mmmmm. Perfect," she said, taking a breath between long sips.

"Is it?" a soft yet rough voice asked from behind her. She turned around to see a large boy standing with his arms behind his back. He was at least 6' 1", but only looked like he was 13 or 14. He was wearing a heavy black tactical vest, black tactical pants, a black and grey camoflage jacket and black boots. Covering face were a pair of sunglasses and a black kevlar mouth mask. (A/N: similar to Kakashi's.)

"Who are you?" Kagome asked, slowly lowering her cup to the table.

"No, the question is not who am I? It's what am I?" The boy stepped forward.

"Okey. What are you?"

He leaned forward until he was next to her ear and whispered, "I always say, 'If you don't need to, or in this case, don't want to know don't ask." he slowly backed away and raised a gloved hand to her face. "A level four?" he seemed to smile under his mask. "Finally, possible competition," the boy lowered his hand. "Too bad I've already seen your power." He raised his hand again, this time pointing it at a heavy table. "Now it's only a matter of copying it. The boy pulled off his sunglasses to reveal dark yellow eyes as he lifted the table with his mind. "The name's Mimic. I can look at any power and mimic it." he placed the table back down and put his sunglasses back on. "The only thing is, when I gain a new power, it only lasts for about twently hours." He chuckled softly. "Talk about learning quickly." He held out his hand in front of his hand. "You have a useful gift." He sat down on the invisible chair in front of him.

"You mean, you have my powers now?"

"Nope, just a cheap imitation," he said calmly, laying back as though in a lazyboy chair. "You should concentrate on learning your powers more." He stretched and slowly roze to his feet without moving. "If you studied your powers and the powers of others as I have, you'd be as good as I am." He walked up invisible stairs and sat down sitting cross legged, hovering an inch above one of the tables. He took off his glasses again and looked down at Kagome's pocket, his eyes turning a dark shade of purple, similar to Sango's. A second later, his eyes turned back to normal and he replaced his glasses.


"It was his mother's." The boy said simply.

"You mean." She pulled out the small metal box and looked at it.


"But how-?"

"How'd I know? I read his diary."

"He has a-?"

"No." he cut her off again. "As you should have probably figured out by now, I'm using the professor's powers by reading your I've read his countless times."

"You mean-?!"

"Don't worry. I'm really good at keeping secrets." Kagome thought she saw him wink before he stood up and hovered slowly to the ground and walked away.

A/N: Okey... so I kind of made it obvious but, oh well. RREEVVIIEEWW