InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Cats, Food, and Injuries... ( Chapter 30 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha, X-Men, or Maya.

Mimic sighed and turned into a small cat. He looked around the small room before jumping back up to his chair and laid down before quickly hiding his face in his paws. 'So stupid.'

There was a small knock at the door and Mimic looked up as Kagome entered the room. She looked down at him and smiled. "Hey Mimic." She sat down on the chair next to him and looked at the younger girl on the bed. "She's not awake yet, huh?"

Mimic buried his head in his paws agian and flicked his ear. "No."

"So, what really happened?" she asked, looking down at the cat.

"What'd the teach' tell you?"

"Nothing. Inuyasha said to ask you," she explained.

Mimic sighed again and sat up slowly. "Inuyasha's an idiot."

"Why? What'd he do?"

Mimic cracked his neck. "He brought Maya to the fight. She almost died trying to save me."

"Oh." Kagome looked down at the girl unconcsious girl and then at the bloody sword on the table beside her. "I didn't know cats could crack their necks," she said weakly, trying to change the subject.

Mimic buried his face in his paws again. "They can. They just don't know how."

"Oh." Kagome stood up and straightened out her shirt. "I'm going to go see if there's, um," she looked around. "If I can find anything for Maya to eat when she wakes up," she said, quickly leaving the room.

Mimic smiled slightly to himself. 'Lier.'

He hopped silently off of the chair and padded around to the other side. He then jumped up onto the bed and looked down at Maya's face. She looked like she was sleeping. 'Shit!' he cursed to himself. There was a slight increase in Maya's heartrate as her eyes shot open and she looked around.

Her eyes eventually stoped and focused on the small black cat looking down at her. She sat up and picked up the cat. "Hey there kitty. How're you doing?" she said softly. She cocked her head to the side. 'Did it just smirk at me?'

"Please put me down," the cat said calmly. With a small 'eep' Maya dropped the cat back onto the bed. The cat seemed to frown as it hopped over her onto the chair next to her bed. "I said put me down not drop me," it said evenly before transforming into Mimic.

"Mimic? Why are you a cat?" she asked, cocking her head to the side.

`"I find fur more comfortable," he said, taking off his glasses. "You of all people should know what I mean."

"Just because I'm part snow tiger doesn't mean I have fur," she huffed.

Mimic chuckled and sat back in his chair. "You should rest. or else your shoulder might not heal right," he said, his voice becoming serious.

"Fine, but promise me one thing."

Mimic pulled a small box from his pocket. "Huh?"

"Don't go after your brother again until I get better."

Mimic nodded as he opened the box. "Fine. I won't." He pulled a small syringe from the box and pushed the needle deep into his jugular vein.

"What's that?" Maya asked, looking curiously at the syringe as Mimic injected himself.

Mimic pulled the needle out and placed it back into the container. "It's what I eat. I found it unessicary to eat food when I can get all of the needed nuitrients from a regular injection. It's painful and gives me a lower risk of getting food poisoning," he explained, putting the box back into his pocket.

"So that's why you didn't eat when we went to lunch," Maya said, looking at the wall.

Mimic looked into her mind a frowned. 'She thought it was her.' Mimic sat back in his chair and looked up at the cieling. "I'll make you a deal. If you get better, we can go to lunch again and this time I'll eat."

Maya smiled slightly and looked up to him. "Okey."

A/N: Short because I had a time limit...