InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mutations ❯ Bad Things Happen to Good People ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I don't own Inuyasha, X-Men, or Maya. I just found out who owns Maya. It's 'Kagomefromdownsouth'.

Inuyasha walked slowly out of the Blackbird and carefully making his way to the entrance of the building. He looked around then down at the young woman in his arms. She had taken Mimic's sword and refused to let go of it so he and Wolverine had been forced to take her too. He kicked the door open and walked in.

The young woman looked up and both hanyous looked in shock as Mimic was kicked easily into the wall. They looked to the man who had kicked him and the girl struggled out of Inuyasha's arms. She fell silently to the floor and watched as the man who had kicked Mimic lifted his sword and got ready to strike. She quickly pulled Mimic's sword from it's sheath and ran forward.

She made it just in time to stop the sword from hitting Mimic, but it did go through her shoulder and shattered it. With a large splash of blood, she dropped to the ground, unconcsious.

Mimic finally regained the ability to breath and he pushed himself up and quickly knelt beside the young girl. "Maya?" He looked at the large gash on her shoulder and growled, turning his head slightly to look at Inuyasha. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE?!" he yelled.

Inuyasha backed away slightly and was about to answer when the loud sound of clashing metal cut him off. Reaper had tried once again to attack Mimic, but was stopped when Mimic reflexively raised his sword in defense. Mimic lifted his other hand to the handle of his sword and knocked Reaper back across the room. He stood up as his fangs began to grow. He lifted his sword up horizontally and his irises turned from a dark yellow to a blood red.

Without warning, he charged forward and attacked. Reaper held up his own sword in time to weaken the blow but was thrown back and into the wall behind him. He looked up and smirked as Mimic walked slowly toward him.

Mimic dropped his sword and grabbed Reaper by the neck. Reaper laughed and watched as Mimic's fist flew forward, sending him through the wall and out the other side.

Mimic walked through the hole in the wall just as the dust cleared and looked down at the small puddle of blood on the floor. He looked around. Reaper was gone. 'Fuck.'

He growled to himself as he walked back over to where Maya was laying, still unconcsious, on the ground. He knelt down an removed his glove and checked her pulse.

He sighed and replaced his glove. 'Shouldn't have tried to save me.' He lifted her motionless body up and walked past the still frozen hanyou at the doorway. "You're an idiot," he growled.

Inuyasha watched Mimic was he passed and opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

Mimic walked up the stairs and into the Blackbird. Setting Maya down, he walked to the front of the jet and growled at Logan. "I'll give you exactly five minutes to have us into the fucking school or I kill you."

"Was that a threat?" Logan warned, showing his claws.

Mimic pulled a small mirror from his pocket and used it to show Logan the still bleeding young girl in the back of the jet. Logan growled before quickly starting up the jet.

A/N: Why do bad things happen to good people?