InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mute ❯ ~Chap2~ ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Don't own InuYasha! Nope Not me!

`___' Kagome using sign language


Days had passed since the first day, and things were going along quite smoothly, but something kept bothering InuYasha. Maybe it was the fact that the class was always well behaved, that he ran out of ramen, or that he kept finding himself staring at a girl who couldn't speak. Every time he asked a question she would always write it down and have someone else say it for her. And well he was kind of getting annoyed by that, but he didn't know any sign language, so what could he do?

Students filed out of their class, and he spotted the girl he wanted to talk to. "Kagome." The said girl stopped and turned to look at him, confusion written clear in her eyes. "Could you com here a moment I would like to speak with you." She nodded her head and walked over to his desk, and smiled worriedly at him. "Don't, worry you're not in trouble I was just wondering do you know any sign language?" she smiled and nodded to him. "Think you could possibly teach me any?" when she shook her head yes he continued. "Okay, well we could meet around say 5:00 everyday, starting today? That's the only time I'm free really, and I don't want you to have to write every time I ask a question." She smiled and walked out the door. He smirked to himself, and his day continued on.


He was sitting at his desk looking over some papers when she walked in, he smiled at her and stood up from his desk. Studying her he noticed that she had brought 2 books along with her, and of course her messenger bag was ever present. She set her bag down, and walked over to him placing the books upon his desk.

"Well thank you for the books Kagome." He said upon looking at them, they were `Sign Language for Dummies' and `Language of the Hands'. "Ok, well how about we go about it like this: I say a word, and you show me what it is in sign language?" she nodded in acceptance, and stood waiting for him to say something.

"Okay…ummm…. How about yes?" she made a slow movement with her hands so he could see, and he repeated. "Your name?" she made a movement slightly more complicated and he couldn't quite seem to get it. She took his hands gently, and showed him correctly. Things went like this for the next hour, and she ended up teaching him the alphabet.

~Week Later~

Their lessons went well, and InuYasha, and Kagome were soon having their own conversations, of course they weren't very long, or really serious just little meaningless signs. Of course he didn't use the signs himself, he talked while she signed. Sure people looked at them kind of funny but hey they didn't care.

"So Kagome how is everything?"

`Fine. The music teacher thinks I need to apply myself more.'

"I see. Don't worry the guy is always overworking people."

`Yeah, so anyways lessons today?'

"No. not today I can't make its my wedding anniversary."

`Oh…so tomorrow then?'

"Yeah, tomorrow."

He walked away thinking about the girl he had grown fond over in the time he had known her. To him she was beautiful in so many ways, always smiled, and once you got to know her more she was really nice. But the thing that stood out most to her was her eyes, how they always seemed to speak to you. And then when she smiled it lit up the whole room, and he couldn't help but smile back. Maybe he was just amazed by her, or… or what?

Getting into his car he stared ahead a bit. Sighing he started the ignition and drove home.

~~Inu's House~~

"Yash is that you?"

"Yeah Kikyo its me!"

"Oh good! Come on we've got to hurry If we don't arrive on time the restaurant will cancel our reservation."

"Well I'm ready so whenever you want to go."

"Alright lets go then." She smiled at her husband lovingly and he smiled back in return.

They got into their car and had a quiet drive to the restaurant. Kikyo was his loving wife of 2 years, and well he did love her but suddenly found their relationship lacking a certain something. And whenever they talked it was like she understood, but didn't. He loved her though she was always there when he needed her, and him for her. They made their way out of the car and into the eating establishment taking their seats.

He looked around a little bored, and she chattered away about what…he didn't know. A few couples gazed at each other with what seemed to be extreme lust, waiters, and waitresses talked with each other, fish swam in their tank, and the pianist played a happy yet sad song. And it was at that moment that he thought about Kagome again. She played the piano, though he didn't know if she played that well or not, he'd have to ask her.

"YASH! YASHA! What do you want to eat?!" Kikyo snapped trying to get his attention.

"Oh huh? I'll just have the steak with a salad… and to drink I'll have a glass of red wine. Aren't you going to order Kikyo?"

"I already did…"


"Where've you been InuYasha? I mean I've been talking for about half an hour now THINKING that you were listening, but nope, you weren't."

"I was just looking around, you know thinking about stuff."

"Oh I see, can't even pay attention to me on our anniversary. I swear InuYasha!"

"Kikyo you know I love you."

"Yes but I still want you to pay attention. What if I just told you I had cancer!?"

"Then you wouldn't be scolding me right now, you would be crying." He replied flatly

"Hmph!" she stuck her nose in the air, and refused to look at him he just sighed tiredly.

"Kikyo, don't do this okay? Not tonight at least."

"Well when ever I try to talk to you, you ignore me! Why!?"

"You know I'm not the talking type, that I just like silence."

"And you know that I AM the talking type. You should at least try to meet me halfway Jesus Christ!"

"Well I'm talking to you now aren't I?"

"That's only because I'm mad at you!"

"Now you're mad at me! I didn't do anything DAMNIT!"

They were both silenced when their food came and ate without even so much as a glance at each other.

~Next Day~

He was still pissed off about how his anniversary dinner went, when they got home that night he ended up sleeping on the couch, and well, he wasn't a happy hanyou. He glared at his students as they walked in the room, and wrote furiously on the board.

People looked at him oddly as he sat down and graded papers that were on his desk. He heard some laughing and looked up instantly scanning the room for the talkers.

"I want absolute silence! If you couldn't tell before, I am in a very bad mood today. SO DON'T PUSH ME!" everyone shut up that instant and he looked at everyone. He noticed that Kagome wasn't in class that day and wondered where she could be. "Does anybody know where Kagome is today?"

"Uhh… I think she's in her dorm room. Wasn't feeling well or something." One of his students replied, and he nodded his head continuing to grade papers.


He didn't know why he was doing it, he just found himself there… in front of her door. Waiting a few moments, he knocked timidly, about to turn away when she answered.

She looked at him in surprise a spoon in her mouth, and ice-cream in her hand. Smiling a bit she gestured for him to come in, and set down her spoon, and ice-cream.

`What brings you here?'

"Oh well I was just wondering why you weren't in class today?"

`I see. I wasn't feeling well that's all, a bit of a headache.'

"Oh I just love your pajama's."

She blushed a little as she looked down at her bright green pajama shirt, and black fuzzy slippers. When she looked back up at him he was smiling, and laughed a little.

`I don't see what's so funny.' She said with a little smile.

"Yeah, so is your head feeling better?"

`A little.'

"Will you make it to lessons today?"

`Most likely yeah. You want something to eat?'

"No I'm not too hungry, though I would like you to do something for me…"

`What is it?'

"Would you play the piano for me please? I've kind of wanted to hear you play."

`Sure.' She smiled and walked over to where her small piano was in her living quarters, and sat down. Placing her hands on the keys she decided to play one she knew by heart, so she chose one she made up. It was a mellow tune, and it made you feel calm and serene if you were listening.

When he heard her begin to play he smiled to himself. She was so good, she made no mistakes, and her fingers drifted over the keys beautifully. He noticed that his mood changed slightly upon hearing her play, he was calmer then, and he just loved how she closed her eyes when she played. Leaning against the wall, he watched her. `What are you doing to me Kagome?' it was a question that was often repeated.