InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mute ❯ ~Chap3~ ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Don't own InuYasha! Nope Not me!

`___' Kagome using sign language


When time came for the days lessons, there was a slight change. InuYasha decided that he wanted to get a bite to eat, and well since Kagome was already there he took her with him, so the school couldn't really call it a date. And there they were sitting at a table in a small diner holding a conversation with each other.

"So Kagome, were you born mute or what?"

`I wasn't born mute, I just stopped talking around the age of 4. Don't know why though.'

"So can you talk? Like right now could you say hello?"

`I don't know if I want to try.'

"But, why not?"

`Think about it. I haven't used my voice 14 years.'

"I see. So what do your parents think about this?"

`Well I ran away when I was 16 and haven't seen them since, but last time I saw them they wanted me to go to an institution since the therapists weren't working.' Her face looked kind of sad, and betrayed.

"So basically they've been trying to figure out what was wrong with you for a while, and finally gave up deciding to send you to an institution?" InuYasha asked in disgust.

`Well yeah, what would you do if your kid hadn't talked in forever?'

"I wouldn't send them to an institution! So where did you run to?"

`Well I was living on the streets for about a month, and then a woman named Kaede took me in. So I lived with her until I graduated High School. Simple as that.'

"Oh" he looked at her strangely, taking in all of what she had just told him. Didn't her parents look for her? Didn't they care? "Was it hard Kagome?" she looked at him puzzled and then in understanding.

`Kaede was kind enough. It's ok that only person cares about me, I'm just happy that someone cares.' She smiled sadly, and shook her head to clear her thoughts.


"Oh InuYasha! What are you doing here?" it was a familiar voice and InuYasha turned to the source of that voice with wide eyes.

"Hey Kikyo, just having some dinner with a student, shes teacher me sign language."

"Really. Mind if I join you? You know I hate eating alone." She smiled happily at the two.

"Sure… why not." InuYasha said uncertainly as he looked over to Kagome, but she was just smiling at Kikyo. Inside she was sad though she liked spending time with him alone.

`She's very beautiful Mr.Royama, you are very lucky!' Kagome signed to InuYasha, he smiled slightly and Kikyo looked confused.

"What did she say InuYasha?"

"She said that you are very beautiful, and that I'm lucky." Kikyo blushed a bit and smiled at Kagome.

`Well I'm going to be going now. Bye!'

`Wait do you have to go?'

`Yes, and why are you signing?'

`Never mind, see you in class tomorrow Kagome.' And with that she waved to them and left.

"Where is she going Yash?"

"Oh she had to go study."

"Yes I remember my college days, I did nothing BUT study! Let me tell you that was boring! So what's her? Why doesn't she speak?"

"She's just mute, hasn't talked since she was 4."

"Oh that poor dear."

"Yeah…hey Kikyo after dinner I have to head back to the college to grade some papers okay?"

"Yeah sure just don't be home too late this time."

"Will do."

~College, Kagome's dorm room~


She opened the door slowly, and her eyes widened upon the sight in front of her. There stood her history professor, the man with golden eyes that she secretly admired. She gasped a little, and with her hands asked what he was doing there, all he did was smile and ask if he could come in. She stepped aside and he walked in and sat on her couch. She looked at him like he was crazy, and asked what he was doing there once again.

"I just came to see you. That's all." She nodded and sat down next to him on her small sofa.

`What about your wife?'

"I have to tell you something Kagome."

"Okay then ignore me.'

"I'm not ignoring you its just what I have to tell you is really important."

`Go on.'

"It's hard to say really, I find myself fascinated by you. Your personality, your smile, your eyes, your beauty. The day I first saw you, I thought you were an angel, I just had to get to know you better, and now that I have my fascination grew into something more…"


"Don't call me that, call me InuYasha ok?"


" "

`What do you want do you want me to do InuYasha?'

"What do you want?"

`I want to be yours…'

He looked deep into her eyes at that moment, and was lost in a trance they changed color, they were now a deep blue, like the ocean during a storm, you could get lost in them and drown. She placed a hand to his face, and cupped it there gently, smiling kindly at him. He leaned into her touch and closed his eyes for a moment, before she pulled away.

"What? What's wrong?"

`This, this is wrong. You're married, you can't do that to your wife.'

"Kagome, at least give me a kiss? Please?"

Looking up into his eyes she couldn't refuse. She leaned up to him, and him down to her until their lips met. Its was like fire, when they touched, InuYasha never wanted to pull away her rosy sweet lips tempting him to explore further. He nibbled her bottom lip a little, as if begging for more, and she opened her mouth. He delved in and their tongues met, tasting each other. She was the first to pull away and looked at him dazed, his hand were still on her hips, and hers on his chest. They stood like that a few more minutes, until she backed away, and looked at him hungrily. He turned his back to her and headed for the door, leaving her alone for the rest of the night,, both of them think about the kiss.


Ok that's it for chapter 3. Please review and tell me if I should continue or not, because if I shouldn't I don't want to waste my time. Thanks for reading!!!!