InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mute ❯ ~Chap5~ ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: OK, so I don't own InuYasha…you don't either… unless…

`_' Kagome using sign language. This chapter shall be in InuYasha's point of view.

Thanks to those of you who reviewed! Well heres a new chapter. Remember review… it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside…^_^



It was a little weird those first few days, we didn't really know how to go about it. We kissed a few times but other than that nothing really happened. I mean we really couldn't do anything, for there was no place to do it. And no I don't mean `do it'. I didn't know her that well. Which is strange cause I know her enough to want to start an affair with her.

Tonight though, I would definitely get to know her better. We had planned to spend some time together since Kikyo was working the night shift at the hospital, and she told me that I would get a better look into her odd lifestyle. I don't know what was so odd about it, guess I would find out later though because she wouldn't even give me a hint, as to where we were going. And all through class I could see her smiling lightly to herself.

She still sat in the back, just like at the beginning of the year. I could tell she had made some friends cause every so often I would see notes being passed. It wasn't like those teenager notes though, they were more mature than that I'm sure, and since that was almost her main source of communicating with other people I let it pass. Sometimes I would hear laughing though and that would earn her a glare from me.

Sitting at my desk now I could see her over the papers I was grading. She looked up at me, and her light smile turned wicked and I was just a bit scared wondering just where she was going to take me. I stood up, and started to pass out the graded essays, slightly shaking my head at all the poor grades I had to give. I thought they were paying attention, I could have done this and aced it with a concussion. This just means though that I have to ease up on them, and then shove the hard stuff in their face. Yes revenge was oh so sweet when you were a college professor.


Later that day…(cause I'm being lazy)


"I'm telling you Miroku that essay was simple! They should have all gotten a B+ or better!"

"Well maybe they forgot what they were writing about since it was 5000 WORDS! And that's not even the worst part! Its history InuYasha, it may be interesting to you, but well to others its just boring."

"FEH! Whatever! History is an awesome subject, wayyyyyy better than…" I was cut off though as Sango came into the lounge and smiled nice and wide at us.

"Ohh yeah I forgot you two had a little date last night, so how did it go Miroku? Did Sango let you kiss her cheek goodbye?" I started making kissy faces at them until Sango's purse was introduced to the back of my head.

"Miroku was quite the gentleman and I rewarded him with more than that." She said blushing at Miroku, he just wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Oh god damn, I don't think I want my lunch anymore. How cruel can you be!" I slowly started backing out of the lounge, trying to block out the sick image in my head. Leaving them alone, I walked down the hall not expecting to see Kagome, but it was a good surprise.

She smiled at me, with her messenger bag in tow, I swear to god she never left that thing in her dorm. Getting closer to her I grabbed her wrist and she began to follow me to the school roof. Her long delicate fingers squeezed mine as we reached our destination, and I turned to face her.

"Have a good lunch?"

`I didn't have time to eat. Mr.Koyosama wanted me to stay after class to practice.'

"He did? But you play just fine."

`Apparently not fine enough, but oh well, how was your lunch?'

"Well its better now that I got to see you." She blushed a bit and I leaned closer to her brushing my lips against hers. She smiled, and nipped at my lips slightly, teasing me right back. I took her lips with mine, and she dropped her bag to the ground placing her arms around my neck. Though things had started out weird they were getting more passionate.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her to me exploring her mouth for the hundredth time, and loving every moment of it. She always tasted so sweet to me, and though I somehow knew she wasn't as innocent as I portrayed her she was still like an angel to me.

Pulling away from me, she looked timidly at her feet, I smiled at how cute she could be when she did that. She picked up her bag and I took that as a sign that she had to go before people started to wonder where she was. I let her go down first not wanting to be caught just when things started heating up.


That Night (A/N thought about stopping…but then thought that I should be only semi lazy)


I finally got to my house around 7:00, because a few students came complaining to me about the grade I gave them. And I had to explain to them that they should have paid more attention to the subject I gave them. People could be so stubborn sometimes! (Get it?)

When I was just about to get into the shower, my cell began to ring, and when I answered I found it was Kikyo.

"InuYasha! Where have you been!? I've called the house like 5 times!"

"I had to stay at the school for a bit! Damn calm down woman."

"I was just worried."

"Keh! What is it that you want?"

"Well I just wanted to know, what you were doing tonight?"

"Just going out. Maybe hang with Miroku later." I felt slightly bad lying to her. But I had no doubt that it would be worth it.

"Oh I see. Well don't have too much fun without me! I have to go now some guy just came in with a screw driver through his leg. BYE!" And with that she hung up.

I dropped my towel, and stepped into the steaming shower, sighing as the beating water worked on my tense muscles. Grabbing the shampoo I worked it into my hair, and started to think about that herbal essence commercial. I always thought about it while washing my hair, it didn't work that well but women practically had orgasms using it. It bothered me to no end.

I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my waist and hair. Kikyo would always laugh when she saw me like this, I thought I looked pretty cute. Humming, I walked to my closet and picked out a red shirt that clung to me a little just to show off my chest, hey I was proud I didn't work out in the gym for nothing! Then I took a pair of baggy black pants, and threw them both on my bed walking over to my dresser.

Picking out a pair of boxers I put them on, and decided what the hell why don't I put on the other clothes too! I dried my hair, and ran a brush through it a couple of times, then placed it in a low ponytail. Chicks drooled for the ponytail. I may be a married college professor but that didn't mean I had to dress or act like and old geezer.

It was now officially 8:27, I sweat dropped, anime style. I was going to meet Kagome at 10:00. With nothing else to do I went to the kitchen and pulled a beer out from the fridge and sat on the couch. I had no clue where she wanted me to meet her, all she gave me was directions to the place, before running off.

She was a puzzle to me, really she was. She seemed so happy, so innocent, and carefree. Yet I knew that there was another part of her that she hid. A depressed part, a crazy part, a kinky part. And I wanted to get to know all of them, to get to know all of her. I know its probably lust that I feel for her, but I haven't felt like this in so long. I needed this. To feel.


I arrived at a club later that night, and smirked to myself. I see, so she liked raves. Well if she wanted to surprise me she did a little, cause this club seemed a bit more extreme than your normal ones. Getting out of my car I walked to the entrance and stepped in.

The music was playing loudly, and I couldn't help but bob a little to the beat. Strobe lights, were flashing all around me and I had to blink a few times to adjust. Looking around me I saw a couple of dudes dancing together, which grossed me out a little cause some of them were wearing chaps with no pants underneath. Ewwwww…but other than that it was mainly just people loosely paired together grinding. I looked around for Kagome but she was no where to be found on the crowded dance floor, maybe she was at the bar. Making my way through the blob of people I approached the bar and looked around again. Sighing in frustration I ordered a drink and looked up to the stage where the Dj was playing and saw people dancing in cages. My eyes widened when I realized one of those people was Kagome.


Not very exciting I know, and a little corny. Don't hate me please! Remember to review!
