InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mute ❯ Chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: OK, so I don't own don't either... unless... `' Kagome using sign language. This chapter shall be in InuYasha's point of view.


Her hips were swaying beautifully with the music, taking my breath away. I couldn't really make out her features from here but I could slightly tell her face was flushed. Walking towards the stage I could see her features and god did she look good.

Her hair was in two buns on the side, showing off her flushed pretty face, her lips were curled into a small smile in all their rosy glory, and her blue eyes screamed ecstasy. Baggy black pants hung low on her hips, and she was wearing a purple and black layered tee that was a little too short showing off her small tummy.(A/N layered tee: a long sleeve shirt with a t- shirt over it.) With her hands wrapped around the bars she swayed and danced to the pumping music, while I was looking in awe from the crowd. Right then and there I decided she was no angel. She was a caged goddess. My caged goddess.

Shaking my head I started to dance a little, after loosing myself in the music I looked to the stage again only to find she was not there. Turning around I saw her standing in front of me smirking. I smiled widely at her and placed my hands upon her waist. She started rocking her hips and moving her upper body to the beat, I joined her, and we soon began to grind. I loved the way our bodies fit together, so perfectly, so in tune with each other.

Leaning down I put my lips passionately upon hers, and we kissed with the fever we were dancing. I wanted more, so much more. Feeling her against my body all flushed and sweaty, her lips as tasty as ever. She was teasing me whether she meant it or not. I never felt this way with Kikyo anymore, with her it was always mellow, and half felt. Her job at the hospital seemed to tire her out more and more each day.

Pulling away, I took her hand and headed for the exit. She followed without any sign of complaint, and when we got into my car, I pounced on her like a cat upon a mouse. Where had all my control gone? Slipping my hands around her waist I pushed them upwards trying to unclasp her bra, she pulled away slowly and looked at me with huge innocent eyes. I looked down a little, and then shot her a questioning gaze, before realization hit me...she was still a virgin.

"You haven't... you've never had sex before have you?" I managed to get out. She shook her head and looked at me timidly with those big beautiful eyes of hers. I sighed and smiled at her slightly. "You don't want your first time in a car do you?" I laughed a bit when her cheeks turned red and she shook her head no.

Taking her hand I placed a kiss upon it and she rested her head on my shoulder. "You looked good up there ya know. No you looked better than good you looked great." She chuckled a bit and that was the first time I ever heard something of her voice. It sounded a little choppy but still sweet, and I instantly fell in love with that laugh. "You need a ride back to your place?" she shook her head no and pulled away from me, I turned to face her as she started to sign.

`No, I don't want to go home yet. I just want to go somewhere quiet.'

"I know just the place." I smiled and turned the car on, and drove off to my favorite place to be alone.

Pulling up to a secluded lake I stepped out of the car and took her hand. She smiled a bit and followed me beneath a willow tree. I loved the feel of her hand in mine, she was perfect for me. Quiet, beautiful, exotic, guilty, but innocent at the same time. Who wouldn't want her?

Sitting, staring out at the lake with my arm around her, everything was serene, and beautiful. Sighing I placed my head upon hers, she started to trace little designs on my hand and I smiled. Yes, she was my goddess.

Few Days Later

It had been 3 days and I haven't had any time with Kagome since. It was driving me mad. I would see her laughing in class, and smiling, and knowing that none of the smiles were directed at me made me feel a little disappointed inside. I had to see her. Did she know what she was doing to me?

Walking down an empty hallway, I headed for her dorm room door. I was really glad that she didn't have any roommates cause that's where we went to spend some time together when we didn't want to rush. I knocked twice, and waited for her to answer hoping she would be home. When she didn't I growled a little in frustration, where could she be? I turned around and walked down the hall, turning the corner I saw her but she wasn't alone.

"So Kagome, you have plans tomorrow? pause Oh right you can't talk can you? Just shake your head yes or no." when she shook her head no I smiled a little. If she had plans that meant they were with me. And since she surprised me last time, it was my turn to surprise her.

"Alright well if your plans get cancelled just find me." The boy walked off and I made myself known to her. She gave me a surprised gasp, and I gave her a devilish smirk in return.

"So Kagome, what are your plans tomorrow?" I raised my eyebrow as she stepped closer.

`Spending all my wonderful time with you. sigh now that I think about it I should have gone on that date.' I growled playfully at her and she just smiled.

"Well since you surprised me last time, its my turn ya know." I wrapped my arms around her, and she nodded her head. When I heard someone coming down the hall I instantly pulled away from her, and took 2 steps back.

"Well Ms.Higurashi..."

"Oh hey InuYasha Kagome!" I heard Miroku say. Kagome nodded silently and I turned to face him.

"Miroku where are you off to?"

"Well I came to find you and I saw you walk here so I followed."

"Oh I was just going for a walk when I ran into Kagome here." We each looked to her and she smiled before waving and running off to her dorm room.

"Well looks like she had somewhere to go..."

"What did you want Miroku?"

"Oh, well since, the days work is done you want to head out for some drinks?"

"Sure why not?" I smiled slightly and followed Miroku to the parking lot.

Ok well here's another chapter I hope most of you enjoyed it, though I think its pretty bad... but oh well.