InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel, My Sanctuary ❯ Just Getting Started ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Angel, My Santuary
Prologue : Just getting Started
Author : Sami-chan ^.~
Rating : PG
Author's Notes : Hey minna-san! Well, here's yet **another** story by me. My other ones are starting to wind down a bit and I just couldn't get this idea out of my head so.. here it is.. the Prologue anyway ^^ Let me know what you think ok? I'm also really open to ideas on this one because I have a general plot in mind but for the most part.. I'm blank ^^ Either way I hope you all enjoy this story as well as the others I have posted for your pleasure ^^ Please feel free to drop me a line anytime!
Oh and for those of you wondering about the title, this story was inspired, partly, by the manga "Angel Santuary" It only seemed right to put it in the title ^^
Anywho! Enjoy minna-san!
ja mata~~
Disclaimer : I don't own Inu yasha.. but I sure wish I did...


~~Summer~~Inu yasha Age 8~~

He thought she would be like all the rest. Nothing but a fling for his father to occupy his time with. Sure, he knew there had been talks about marriage but that wasn't new. His dad had been married plenty of times and he knew this relationship wouldn't last because she would be like all the rest.

Self centered, uncaring and conceded.

And he was right. She was all those things and more. The one thing that was different about her though, was a young girl attached to her leg. She was so small and delicate against the long adult leg of her mother, soft blue eyes peeking out from behind her skirt giving her a glow of innocense.

The introduction were made.

The woman, Rei Higurashi and her daughter Kagome, were to become part of his family in the next week, the wedding date and planning having been settled, to his suprise, months ago. It took a lot for the boy to suppress the rage that this news brought about in his young heart but he just kept reminding myself that it wouldn't last.

Just like all the others.

From the first time he met his new 'mother' he hated her, loathed her with everything he had because she was exactly like all the others before. She was only looking at his father's bank accounts and it made him sick with discuss. Young, cold eyes glanced over to the young girl but never softened. She would be like her too...

As they say, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

He made it a point to pick on his new 'sister' as much as possible in those first few days. As all little boys do, he taunted her and teased her, called her names and pulled her pig tales when she wasn't looking. She never cried but she didn't yell at the boy either.

Her lack of response to his torment confused him to no end, making the boy wonder daily why she didn't yelling for her mom like the obviously spoiled brat she was.

It was a week after the wedding and the boy found himself lying in bed, staring towards his white ceiling, all the important thoughts of an eight year old working though his mind. Suddenly a small sound caught his attention.

He slowly sat up and listened again.

Again, a small sound fluttered in his ear but he wasn't sure what it was.

Shuffling out of bed and over to his door, he followed the sound down the hall to the room across from his. It was 'her' room.

Frowning but still curious, he leaned an ear against the door and listened. Soft whimpers reached his ears, causing him to pull away suddenly, as if he had been burned.

Crying? The girl was crying?

Slowly,he opened the door and peeked inside. To the left of the door, Kagome sat on a large feather bed, her tiny arms wrapped in a tight grip around the throat of an over stuffed teddy bear. In the fading light of the sun, small tear tracks twinkled on her puffy cheek before a pudgy hand wiped them away.

She look up towards the door, a deep scowl on her face. "What?" she whimpered.

He stepped in and closed the door behind him. "Why are you crying?"

Kagome looked away, choosing instead to cuddle closer to her bear. "Nothing."

He frowned and moved over to sit on the end of the bed. "If it were nothing, you wouldn't be crying. Tell me."

For a long moment, the room was silent.

"Mama yelled at me."

He raised an eyebrow quizically. "So? What the big deal?" he said, "My dad yells at me all the time. What did you do?"

She sniffled. "I was born."

He blinked once. Then again. "You," he paused, not really sure he had heard her right. "Were born?"

Tiny hands reached up once more to wipe away her tears as she nodded. "Mama, she said that I was a mistake. That she never wanted me and that I should just go away so she can be happy." New tears rolled down her cheeks, "She said I was just a worthless nothing and no one wants me."

The boy stared at her for a long time in disbelief. Many of his step mothers were mean and greedy but to him this was a new low. Telling her own child that she wished she was never born... It still makes him almost openly gag.

He reached out then and pulled her close, trying hard to soothe away the painful words of her mother as best he could. He felt her stiffen a bit then look up. He smiled his best smile and after a moment she smiled right back.

"That not true," he whispered. "You're not worthless. I want you around."

"Really?" she asked softly.

He nodded and smiled again. "Sure I do! You're my onee-chan right?"

Her smile grew brighter, almost lighting the room, her tears suddenly forgotten. "Really?! I've never had a onii-chan before!"

He laughed a bit. "Well now you do, ok? And I'm gonna take care of you from now on so you don't have to worry about your mama no more, ok? You can just come to me and I'll fix what ever is bothering you."

Kagome's tiny arms squeezed him tightly as she babbled about how happy she was to finally have a big brother. The boy couldn't help but smile at her and hold her even more tightly against him.

From that first moment, he fell in love with her...

~~Fall~~ Inu yasha and Kagome Age 8 and 6~~

Kagome squeezed his hand tightly as she stared up at the large school building. It was huge compared to any other building she had seen before and the thought of being lost in there alone was over whelming.

She turned teary eyes to the boy beside her. "Inu, do I have to go?" she pleaded.

Inu yasha's heart twisted in his chest, hating the look of utter pain in her young eyes. He wanted so much to tell her no, she didn't have to go, that she didn't ever have to leave his side. But he couldn't and he knew it.

He turned to her and carefully fixed the collar of her jacket and smiled at her. "It'll be ok Kagome. I'll walk you to your class and make sure you're settled in and after that I'll be right down the hall. So if anything happens you'll know where to find me ne?"

The girl looked at him skeptically but nodded and took hold of his hand once more. "You promise? You'll make sure I get to class ok?"

He smiled and gently kissed her forehead. "Hai. Now come on or you'll be late."


Kagome looked into the room with growing concern. There were so many people that she didn't know and so much noise she felt like she would be swallowed up in all the chaos.

Inu yasha gave her hand a reassuring squeeze before gently pulling her into the room. They walked over to a stout, older woman who turned to greet them with a smile.

"Well Ohiyo you two." the woman said cheerfully. "I am Kaede-sensai. Will you both be attending my class?"

Inu yasha frowned. "No baba, I'm just here to make sure my nee-chan gets settled in. Are you her teacher?"

The woman nodded. "Hai. And you are?"

Inu yasha ignored her question and turned to the young girl at his side. "See Kagome, she just a nice old lady. You have nothing to be scared of ok?"

Kagome nodded, biting her lip as she looked between the older woman and her brother. "But, do you have to go?"

Inu yasha smiled sadly, "Hai. I do have to go but I'll be just down the hall if you need me ok? Kaede-baba will know what room ok?" He glanced over to the older teacher who nodded to the young girl, confirming her brother's statement.

"Now," he kissed her forehead gently before standing and heading towards the door. "I'll be here to get you right after school so don't leave without me ok?"

Kagome nodded vigiously and smiled to the young man. "Ok Inu!! I'll see you after school!"

With one final warning glance around the room, he turned and left.

Kagome turned to the older woman and swallowed back the tears that threaten her. She would be brave for her big brother, so he could be proud of her. "Umm," she stuttered out, "Where do I p-put my th-things?"

Kaede smiled. "Sango-chan!" she waved over a little girl with a high black pony tail and bight meganta eyes. "Will you please show Kagome-chan around today?"

Sango turned to the new girl who she assumed was Kagome and smiled brightly. "Hai Kaede-sensai!" She grabbed Kagome's small hand in her own and began to drag her towards the lockers. "Come on Kagome-chan! We're gonna have a lot of fun!"

Kagome couldn't help but smile and giggle at the girl. Maybe school wouldn't be as bad as she thought it would be?

~~Fall, 9 years later~~

The dark house was quiet, the occupants having long ago retired for the night to sleep in peaceful dreams. That is, all except for one.

Quietly, she opened the door to her room and peaked out. Making sure the coast was clear, she tiptoed silently out the door, making sure to close it behind her, and down the hall to the room just down and across from her own. Delicate fingers twisted the golden knob, allowing the heavy oak door to swing open, revealing the dark interior.

It took her eyes a moment to adjust before the blob of darkness began to take shape. A small dresser sat to her left and next to that a desk with scattered paperwork, shuffled about in an orderly mess. Just across from the desk her eyes came to rest upon a full sized bed, a silver haired man curled up like a small child under the warm comforter.

Carefully, so as not to disturb him, the young girl creeped quietly into the room, again being careful to close the door behind her. She made it to the bed and carefully slipped under the covers, snuggling into the warmth they provided.

"Aren't you a little old to be sneaking into bed with me?"

The girl gave a start, a hand flying to her chest to hold down her racing heart.

The man turned to her, chuckling softly, his golden eyes twinkling in the limited light. "I mean really Kagome, your mom's gonna flip if she catches you in here again."

"Mou!" she pouted. "But its so dark in my room! And scary Inu yasha!"

"You're still afraid of the dark?" He laughed, "How old are you again? Nine?"

She hit his shoulder playfully. "You big meanie! I know I'm 15 and I'm starting highschool this year but I can't help it! This house is just so creepy!!" Her bottom lip stuck out slightly as she turned large blue eyes upon the man before her, puppy face in full swing. "Can't I stay with you..? Onegai??"

He tried to ignor it. Really he did. But when she turned those soft blue eyes on him he'd melt to her whim every time.

He sighed. "Fine nee-chan but if mom catches you, I'm denying everything. Got it??"

Kagome's face lit up, a bright smile playing across her lips. "Hai!" She grabbed the comforter and pulled it up to her chin as she turned away from her brother to get comfortable. "Oyasumi, Inu-chan!"

The boy shook his head but still carefully gathered the girl in his arms, pulling her back against his chest. It had been this way as long as he could remember. Since the day their parents had introduced the two of them just before their wedding

With a sigh, he buried his face deeper into her velvetly blanket of hair and take a deep breathe.

Soft lavender.

From the first night she had crawled into bed with him til now it had become an almost nightly thing. If she had a bad dream or just a bad day she would him seek out in the dead of night for comfort and though he would often give her a hard time, he never denied her. To be honest he had become accustom to it and found it hard to sleep on the nights she didn't come to share his bed. It was just a natural thing by now.

Now that they were getting older however, nights like this were getting farther apart and fewer. Her mother, his wicked step bitch, had basically forbid their late night randivous because of their age. They were too old to be sleeping in the same bed, even if we are 'brother ans sister'. Really, he thought she was just trying to play more mind games with Kagome.

As far back as he could remember she'd always been mean to Kagome. From that first moment he had found Kagome cry in her room to the present, her mother has had it in for the young girl for some reason. Kagome said once before that, before she came to live with Inu yasha and his father, her mother would even beat her.

Gods help her if Inu yasha ever saw her lay a hand on Kagome. There won't be anything left of her to find...

It didn't take long before he caught the steady breathing of the girl snuggled in front of him and it brought a warm smile to his face. Truth be told his thoughts for this girl were any thing but 'brotherly'. He loved her. Mind body and soul, he loved her. From the first tears she'd shed she had stolen his heart. And her mother knew it.

She knew it and she exploited it ever chance she got. Seperating them then downing Kagome until she couldn't take it anymore and she would crumple down crying.

He's hold on the her tighten as he fought back the angry thoughts that pleaged his mind. The only reason he hadn't told his dad to divorce the witch yet was because of Kagome. If her mom left, so did she and neither his father nor he wanted to lose the little girl they had grown to love. So they tried their best to protect her, to love her and to fight back against the horrible things her mother said.

A loud yawn interuppted his thoughts and he glanced over at the clock.


They had to be up in 5 hours for school. With a deep sigh to release the last of his negative thoughts into the night, Inu yasha finally closed his eyes and allowed sleep to take hold of his exhasted body.



youkai : demon
hai : yes
kitsune : fox demon
miko : priestess, unusally a virgin woman
hanyou: half demon
otouto : brother
nee-chan : sister
nii-chan : also brother ^^
baka : idiot, stupid, you're an idoit/stupid...
Arigato : thank you ^^
Kami : I didn't use this word this time but I'd like to start. Kami is the word of 'God' or 'God(s)' in japanese. It is both purlar and singlar but in my stories you can assume it is the purlar.

Think that's it.. if I missed any let me know ^.~