InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel, My Sanctuary ❯ Careless... ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Angel, My Sanctuary
Chapter 4 - Careless...

Miroku throw open the door, preparing to greet his long time friend only to find a hand around his throat, choking off his air. He looked up at Inu yasha, wided eyed and gagging.

"Inu-- Yasha?" he managed to choke out.

The look the half dog boy shot his friend was cold, almost cruel. If Miroku hadn't known any better, he would have sworn those golden eyes belonged to someone else. If not for the pain and heartbreak swirling, mixing with the intense bloodlust in those eyes, he would have sworn he was going to die.

"Do you," Inu yasha's cold voice began. "Have any IDEA what your little stunt last night caused?!"

In the back of the livingroom Miroku heard the kitchen door swing open and Sango's gasp. His hands came up to claw uselessly at Inu yasha's. He had to warn her not to move. Had to yell for her to run.

"What are you DOING!?"

Inu yasha's eyes snapped up to meet Sango's and Miroku knew it was too late but, instead of jumping her like he had assumed, his capture merely growled, frowning deeply at her.

"You keep out of this!" he barked. "Don't think I don't know you help this damn hentai with his plan!"

Sango was fuming. Miroku didn't even have to turn around to know that she was three seconds from beating some sense into their hanyou friend.

"Put him down right now, Inu yasha!"

He saw the pair of golden eyes flicker between himself and the young woman behind him. He was surprised when Inu yasha let out an annoyed snort and dropped him to the ground in a battered heap. Sango rushed to his side and carefully dragged his prone body away from the still raging boy at the door.

Inu yasha folded his arms, turning slightly away from them with an annoyed 'keh!'. "If I didn't need you two baka alive I'd kill you both for what you did!"

Sango growled, "What we did?! All *WE* did was finally give you and Kagome a chance to talk so MAYBE your dumbass would finally ask her out!"

"No!" Inu yasha growled, turning red flashing eyes on the pair still huddled on the floor. Suddenly Sango didn't feel so big.

"All *YOU* two morons did was put Kagome in a fuckin' heap of trouble! There's a REASON I never took Kagome out and there's REASON I do the things I do for her mother!" Inu yasha crouched down so he was now eyes level with the suddenly very meek young woman. "That little stunt you two pulled last night cost Kagome big. Her mom beat the shit out of her and *almost* took her away."

Sango gasped and Miroku looked away ashamed.

"I- We didn't know."

Inu yasha snorted. "Of course you didn't," he cast a glance at Miroku, "but Miroku did. I've told him before about how Rei blackmails me. He should have known better."

"YOu didn't tell me she beat Kagome!" he choked.

"She didn't until last night!" Inu yasha sighed and ran a clawed hand through his hair. "Until last night things weren't so bad but that's why...I need your help."

Sango raised an eyebrow, "How so?"

Inu yasha stood and motioned for his friends to do the same. Sango carefully stood, pulling Miroku to his feet and helping him to the couch. Once every one was seated, Miroku and Sango on the large couch and Inu yasha in a large arm chair just across from them, Inu yasha spoke.

"I want to get way from here. Take Kagome and run. I don't know how I'm gonna do it though so.. " he sighed, "That's where you come in. I need someone that isn't being followed and spied on to call my brother."

Miroku blinked. "Sessho-" he cleared his throat. "Sesshoumaru?"

Inu yasha nodded.

"What can he do?"

Inu yasha shrugged. "I'm hoping he'll help me relocate with Kagome. He lives in the states now and it would be really easy for the two of us to just disappear."

Miroku looked down at his hands sitting in his lap, a thoughtful frown on his lips. "What about your dad?"

Inu yasha shrugged. "I don't really know. He was just coming in as I was leaving to see you. I heard him talking to Rei in the kitchen about some sort of cruise or something. I think she's suppose to leave tomorrow morning and once she's gone I thought maybe I could explain things to him."

"You think he'll believe you?"

Again, Inu yasha shrugged. "I hope so... But I doubt it. Rei filled his head with so much shit after she got out of 'counciling it's amazing the man doesn't have it spraying out his ears.."

He sighed. "But it's worth a try..."

Miroku nodded. "All right. I'll give Sesshoumaru the call after your step mom leaves. It'll be easier for you to sneak me the number that way."

Inu yasha nodded. "Thanks. You guys have alway been great friends I'm gonna miss you."

"Miss us?" Sango shook her head, her arms folding over her chest. "I don't think so dog boy! You think I'm gonna let you run off alone with my best friend you got another thing coming!"

He turned furious eyes on the female across from him, a deep growl burning in his throat. "You're gonna stop me?! Even if this is the only way to keep her safe!? How can you-"

"I didn't say I'd stop you, baka!" Inu yasha stopped mid-tangent and blinked. "I said I wouldn't let you go alone." She smiled, "Cause Miro' and I are going too!"

Inu yasha blinked. "You're.. you're.. huh?"

Miroku smiled, grabbing Sango's hands in his own. "How brillant of you my darling! No wonder I can't resist you ever flowing beauty!"

Sango's eye twitched just before her hands pulled free of his.


"And it's no wonder I can't resist hitting you!"

Miroku smiled, a hand coming up to rub his red cheek. "Ah, love hurts so good."


He stepped out of the car and tucked the keys into his pocket as he crossed the yard. Golden eyes stared at the well dressed man waiting on the front porch, a feeling of unease creeping up his spine.

He stopped a few steps away from his father, crossing his arm.


"You're mother told me what happened."

He raised an eyebrow, "She did?"

His lips curled back in a snarl, "How can you be so non-chalant about beating your sister like that?! I thought we were past the two of you fighting?!"

Inu yasha's mouth fell open, "B-beating my sister?!"

"Don't even try to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about Inu yasha!" He grabbed the boy by the shirt, "I was in your room! I saw the bruises!"

He pushed his father's hands away, "I didn't do that! Her fuckin' mother did!"

"You can't lie about this Inu yasha! Do you know how upset Rei was?! I had to send her to a hotel for the night so that she could calm down before her trip!" His father turned and grabbed a bag that Inu yasha hadn't noticed before and chucked it at his son. "And I promised her you wouldn't be here when she came back."

Inu yasha turned wide eyes from his father to the bag on the ground but then, he was suddenly calm as he looked back up. "So that's how it is then? Fine.. Can I at least say good bye to Kagome?"


His eyes narrowed before he turned and left. He left the car, tossing the keys as far as he could from his father's home, and never turned around. He just continued at a easy walk down the street, the sound of his own steps his only comfort.

HIs mind was blank as he moved down familiar streets, nothing really touching his mind, just continuously fluttering around the edges. When he finally looked up again he was slightly startled to find himself staring at a large brown door he hadn't expected to see again so soon..

From inside he could hear his friend moving towards the door just as the tone of that annoying bell finished its chimes. The door swung open and a confused and slightly cautious Miroku smiled at his hanyou friend.

"Inu yasha! Whatcha doing back so soon?"

The inu hanyou sighed, ears drooping. "Miro? We got a problem."


Miroku sighed, folding his arms across his chest. "Well this isn't good. How are we suppose to get the number if we can't get into the house?"

"Forget the number!" Inu yasha ran a nervous hand though his hair. "Kagome probably thinks I've abandoned her! She's probably freakin' out as we speak!"

"Well, we can't sneak in." Miroku leaned forward on to his hands, his elbows proped on his knees. "YOur dad's a full youkai. He'd smell us from a block away."

"I know.. But there's gotta be-"

"Hey guys!" Sango called from the kitchen. "Do you want mustard on these sandwiches?"

Inu yasha cast a knowing glance at Miroku who only smiled that lechous smile of his.

"Oh Sango darling! Can you come here for a moment?"


Touga sighed as he watched Kagome finally cry herself to sleep on her brother's bed. He'd tried repeatly to move her but she wouldn't have it. She just kept crying for Inu yasha and, not for the first time that afternoon, Touga wondered if sending the boy away had been the best idea.

The doorbell rang and Touga moved to answer it, carefully shutting the bedroom door so Kagome could finally get some rest. He moved quietly down the stairs, straighting his clothing as he approached the door.

Sighing once more, his clawed hand reached out and turned the knob, opening the large cherry wood door to reveal a dark haired young woman on his door step.

Touga blinked, "Sango?"

"Hey!" Sango adjusted the bag on her back,"Is Kagome ready for our sleep over?"
