InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel, My Sanctuary ❯ The Line Between You and Me ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer : I don't even own this computer yet (damn credit cards!)

---My Angel, My Sanctuary---

Chapter 3
--The line Between You and Me--




"I said NO!"

"Just lis-"

Kagome whirled on Inu yasha, eyes blazing as she glared at him, trying to make out his features in the dark interior of the car. "I said no Inu yasha! I REFUSE to go on a date with that ass!"

"You're already at the resturant Kags, what could it hurt?!"

"I wouldn't *be* at the resturant if you haven't tricked me!" she folded her arms over here chest, pouting like a small child. "Telling me you were gonna take me out to a special dinner, just the two of us. Damn bastard lying fuc-"

"Kagome!" He looked at her, mouth wide like a fishing trying to breath on land. "What the hell has gotten into you! You don't talk like-- like-- that?!"

She huffed. "Yeah yeah, sweet innocent Kagome never says a bad word.. Just go fuck yourself! And while you're at it take Kouga 'cause he sure as hell won't be hanging out with me!"

Inu yasha almost smirked. He choked on the chuckle that began to creep out of his throat. Gods how he loved this girl...

"Kags.. Please." He put on his best puppy face, the one he *knew* she could never say no to. "For me?"

Kagome tried not to look. She glared out the window but even the shiny glass seemed to be against her that night because all she could see what Inu yasha's pouting face reflected back at her. With a growl of indignation, Kagome throw open her car door and jumped out of the car before slamming the door shut.

Inu yasha smiled in triumph and moved to lead her into the resturant.

She whirled on him, evadently still angry about the whole situation. "You owe me for this one mister! And I mean BIG!"

Inu yasha only nodded before taking her arm and leading her into the resturant.

'I'm so sorry Kagome..' he glanced at her sad face as they moved to the greet the head waiter. 'I would never ask you to do this if there was another way to keep you by my side...'

With a deep sigh he moved his attention to the man who had apparently already asked him something.

"Yeah umm, Table for 4 reservation under Komitsu, Inu yasha."

#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&a mp;#&#

Inu yasha huffed, slumping back in his chair and folding his arms over his chest. "Where the hell are those two?"

Kagome shrugged, a small gleam of hope shimmering in her eye. "Maybe we've been stood up."

Inu yasha had to push down his smirk. "Doubt it.. Damn it I'm hungry!"

"Well let's order something and they can order when they get here.. They're only thirty minutes late. I'm sure they'll be here soon."

Inu yasha thought about it for maybe a second before nodded viguously in agreement. Kagome couldn't help but giggle at the speed with which Inu yasha had not only flagged down a waiter but also managed to order at least 2 servings of each appettizer- all the while charging it to Kouga's tab.

He's beautiful golden eyes glittered with mischief as he turned to her, a tiny smile on his lips that he only ever shared with her. "You want anything Kags?"

She smiled and waved the waiter off, "I'll just steal some of yours."

He gave a hardy laugh and for a moment the two were alone in the universe. "If you can wrestle it away from me that is!"

She slapped his shoulder playfully, "Oh we'll see baka... We'll see!"

#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& #&#&#&#

Kagome laughed, setting down her champain glass full of sprite. "Oh Gods I remember that night! You were a freshman that year, ne? You and Miro' were so plastered! You guys spent the whole night walking up and down the street, your pants around your ankles, singing 'The Boys in the Hood' at the top of your lungs!" She wiped the tests from her eyes, "It was priceless!"

((For anyone that cares, I have seen someone do this... My husband... Drunk off his ass downtown in some Germany city... Ever seen someone do a combat roll in front of a taxi?))

Hours had passed since they had arrived at the resturant. Kouga and Yura had been long forgotten to hearty converstation between two old friends - maybe more. Neither seemed to remember that they were short two guest but at the same time they didn't much care either. They were together, as they had always been, and they were happy. In their eyes, that was enough to make the whole evening worth while.

Inu yasha blushed, taking a sip of his drink in an attempt to hide his face. "It wasn't that bad," he said into the glass. Suddenly he smirked, "And I seem to remember someone else was equally as drunk when she decided she could fly like Tinkerbell! Complete with fairy tutu!"

((NO I've Never been that drunk ^^))

Kagome blushed, though she laughed. "Yeah well.. Let's just agree that you and I just shouldn't drink deal?"

Inu yasha shook his head, "No.. No there really is enough stupidity in the world without us adding to it."

There was a slight pause, a confortable silence falling betweent he pair. Inu yasha glanced down at his watch, smiling slightly. He stood up suddenly, causing Kagome to raise an eyebrow in confusion.


"Come on," he motioned for her to follow him as he laid some money on the table. "I wanna show you something."


Kagome smiled as she stared out over the city from her seat on the top of the water tower, securly held against Inu yasha's side on the narrow platform used for yearly maintance.

"It's as beautiful as when we were kids," she sighed whisfully.

He nodded, pushing her more tightly to his side as a gust of wind blew against their faces.

"I remember all the times we use to escape from momma." She laughed, "You would always bring me up here and tell me the silliest stories about the different constallitions you would make up."

Inu yasha blushed, "Keh. I didn't make them up."

Kagome gave him a look as if to say 'Oh really?', her eyebrow raised slightly and a smirk on her face. "So, you're saying 'The little goldfish' is really up there somewhere?"

"Of course," he huffed, turning away from her. "You just don't know where to look."

Inu yasha felt her lean back against his arm and turned to find the young woman's face turned to the stars, a gently smile on her lips. "Will you show me then?"

He smiled a leaned his head in next to hers. His free hand reached up and pointed just off the the left. "See that one red blinking star?"

She gave him a look. "You mean Mars?"

"No the red blinking *star*!" He huffed. "You never listen, damn woman. Anyway, it's just to the left of that, over three stars. That bright kinda yellowing star-"

"They all look yellow."

"The REALLY yellow star, that's the start of it's tail." He used his finger to carefully point out the shape. "You see?"

"Oh yeah," she spoke as if humoring a child. "I see it."

Inu yasha grunted and pulled away. "Well if you aren't gonna take me seriously!"

"Oh, don't be like that nii-ch-"

Before she could finish the word, a clawed hand covered her mouth. She looked up, two gray blue eyes staring into golden ones.

"Please Kagome," he removed his hand, allowing it to lightly cup her cheek. "Don't call me nii-chan..."

And then his lips touched her. So softly, so lightly, that she barely noticed until he'd already pulled away and was looking down at her as if searching her face for disapproval. For a moment, it seemed as if he had found some because he pulled away from her, moving to stand until she reached out and grabbed a hold of the front of his coat and pulled him back to her, pressing her own lips hard against his.

The kiss was deep and passionate, two souls reaching out to touch each other in what they knew was a taboo. Brother in sister, though not in blood but still raised to be so, but they couldn't help the fire that burned between them. They were unholy lovers and though they knew it would send them to hell, they couldn't help but be happy in sin.

Kagome was the first to break away, gasping softly for air and one hand coming up to cup Inu yasha's cheek. She smiled softly, relishing the feeling of his skin against her, knowing her long time dream had come true.

Inu yasha's eyes blinked open slowly and a slight smile touched his lips. His hand came up to gently hold her's to his cheek.

"Kagome..?" he whispered softly.


"Don't ever call me nii-chan again."

#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& #&#

It was late when they returned home, even the night lights of the city had long ago flickered out. The roads were still and even the nocturnal creatures of the world no longer stirred. It was the fine line in night between false morning and midnight that cloaked young lovers from the realities of the world.

But cloaks can be pulled away and reality can settle in on the eyes before one has a chance to breath or beg, and not even the cover of night can save a lost soul...

Inu yasha put a finger to his lips, tilting his head back over his shoulder to signal Kagome to be silent as he turned the key in the lock. He slowly pushed open the door, pulling Kagome behind as they entered the pitch black house.

They were so close, almost home-free and Inu yasha let out a sigh of relief... Until the lights flickered on.

In a quick movement, Kagome was pulled behind him. His body stood rigid and ready for a fight but as his eyes landed on the woman he called 'mom' just across the room from him, a wicked smile on her lips, he felt ever ounce of power leched out of him.

His body shook, unnoticable to all save the young woman tucked against his back for protection. She looked up at him then across to the woman who had struck such fear in her unwavering protector and frowned.

A light of knowledge flickered on in the young woman's eyes as she watched the smirk growing more feral on her mother's face and it was then that she knew what had taken place behind those dark eyes.

"You made him do it," she whispered to the room. She stepped out from behind Inu yasha who looked as if he would protest but one look from her mother sent him back to his rigid, unmoving state.

Her mother frown. "I have no idea what you're talking about Kagome-chan."

Kagome frowned. "You made him set me up with Kouga even though he didn't want to.. did you?!"

Her mother gasped, a hand fluttering to her chest. "Me?! Whatever would I do that for my dearest daughter?"

She snorted, folding her arms across her chest. "Bull. You want to set me up with Kouga cause you know as soon as I turn 18 you're gonna be flat on your ass at the front door and you want to get your claws into his money before-"

A sharp slap ran through the arm and jerked Inu yasha back to his senses. He growled and moved to lung at his 'mother' until her dark eyes turned to him.

"Make one more and I swear to the Kami you'll *never* see her *alive* again!"

Inu yasha froze, barely daring to breath.

Rei snorted. "It's bad enough you backed out on your deal with me."

She turned burning eyes to her daughter who stared at her in shock, one hand pressed to her swollen cheek.

"And you," Rei sneered. "Should not talk to your mother like that."

Kagome's eyes hardened again, her hand moving down to clench at her side. "What *mother*?! Cause all I see is a bitch!"

Again her mother hit her, slapping her across the opposite cheek before bring her other hand up in a tight fist to meet with the young woman's stomach. Kagome gasped, the wind suddenly knocked out of her, and fell to her knees.

"You ungreatful, spoiled *BRAT*!" Rei brought a foot up and kicked her daughter to the ground before stomping on her ribs with a heavy foot. "How *DARE* you treat your mother this way! After all I've given up for you! After all the hell you put me through!"

Kagome struggled not to cry out as her mother continued to beat her to the floor. It wasn't the first time she'd been beaten, though it had been a long time since the last time, which had been just before she moved in with Inu yasha. She knew though that it would not be the last either but...

Her eyes glanced up and caught a pair of horrified golden eyes.

It was the first time Inu yasha had seen it.

'It'll be ok,' she mentally told herself. 'Just like all the times before... She'll beat me til she tire then leave.' She continued to grit her teeth, curling in on herself as her mother's foot moved to her back.

"Why." her mother cried out, each word accompanied by a painful kick. "Won't. you. CRY!?" As if frustrated by the whole idea, her mother finally stopped and stomped off into the direction of the kitchen.

The room was now quiet with only the two teenagers in the room, one breathing heavily from her beating, the other almost unable to breath. A door slammed in the back of the house and the hanyou's senses instantly returned to him.

Inu yasha dashed forward and collected the fallen girl in his arms. "Kagome?!" he whispered in a near panic. "Kagome?!"

She smiled at him weakly and nodded her head. "I'm ok. Don't worry."

Her calm voice soothed over his tattered nerves like a cooling balm on burned flesh but did little to sooth his guilt. He brought her up and gently nuzzled her cheek. "Oh kami, I'm so sor-"

Her index finger gently stopped his appology and her soft smile warmed his frieghtened heart. "It's ok. I don't want to leave you either... I understand."

He pulled her as tightly as he dared to against his body, holding her as if she was about to die. "I'm still sorry."

"Inu yasha..."

He looked down into her closed eyes, "Hai?"

"I'm.. so tired."

Nodding, he gently took her into his arms and carried her up the stairs. He thought briefly of taking her to her room - Her mom would be pissed if she caught him and Kagome together again - but his body wouldn't let him. If she were out of his site tonight he didn't know if he could keep his sanity.

So, he continued down the hallway, carefully shifting the young woman to one arm so that he could open his bedroom door without waking her.

He pulled back his comforter and gently placed Kagome on his bed before moving over to turn on the bed side light. Turning back to the young woman passed out on his bed, he lifted her shirt to just below her breast and looked over her battered ribs.

Aside from a few bruises she seemed to be all right. He didn't smell any blood. His gentle fingers moved down over her ribs and side, feeling for broken bones. He found none but, not for the first time, he noticed a small scar on Kagome's hip.

He raised an eyebrown in confusion, wondering aloud where exactly Kagome had gotten such a scar.


He jerked back, startled and a bit embarassed at being caught.

Kagome sighed and, with a slight wince, pulled down her shirt. "I think it was maybe two husbands before your father... Mom and I got into a fight."

"I told her I didn't want to live with another man that was gonna be mean to me and she told me I had no choice." Her hand rested over the small scar on her hip, now covered by her shirt. "It was the first time mom ever cut me but.."

She pulled up her skirt and Inu yasha stared in horror at the multiude of scars littering her upper thighs.

Tears formed in her eyes and rolled down her cheek. "She stopped beating me when we moved here. I think she was afraid of what your dad would do but now..." She sniffled. "I dunno if-"

In a moment, she was in his arms, held tightly to his strong chest and all she could do was sob. He held her and cooed softly to her, appologies for everything and anything his mind could think up. For not knowing her then, for not being there, for not holding her when she was forced to cry alone. He felt his own eyes water but didn't give himself the satifation of crying. Finally after a few minutes, exashasion took hold of Kagome's body once more and her crying stopped.

Inu yasha carefully laid her back down on the bed, this time climbing into bed with her and pulled her close to his warm body as she shivered.

"Inu yasha?"

"Shh," he kissed her cheek. "Get some sleep. Everything will be better in the morning."

Kagome only smiled and nodded, her eyes closing. "Hai.. everything will be ok.. in the morning." With that, she fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Inu yasha stared at her for a long minute, his eyes gently tracing the lines of her face. Finally he too closed his eyes and settled back for the night, following her into sleep.


A/N : Well there you go ^^ Hope you all liked it!! If you get the chance read and review!! I'm so sorry it's been taking so long but I've been studying for my final coming up this thursday! Damn I hate school! Anywho, thanks to everyone that's reviewed so far! You guys are the ones that keep me going! I luv you all!! Thanks again!
