InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Angel, My Sanctuary ❯ Mini skirts could mean life or death ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
My Angel, My Sanctuary
Chapter 2 : Mini skirts could mean life or death
Rating : G

A/N: Oi minna-san! It's so lovely to see you all again! Well here's part 2 of MAMS Hope you all enjoy it! I know it's been a while but I swear! No matter how long it takes to update I will FINISH everyone of my stories! So please just have a little faith ok?
Thank you all again for sticking around! I know it's taking a long time for this! Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!
Take care and if you got the time r/r!

Disclaimer: Don't own Inu yasha but gods I wish I did ...


"So you have to hook Kag up with Kouga, your most hated foe, because your evil step bitch said so..." Miroku nodded. "Yep, no wonder you're in such a pissy mood." Miroku took a bite out of his apple, "I'd be pretty pissed too if I had to hook the love of my life up with the baine of my exsistance..."

Inu yasha growled at the black haired boy acrossed from him. "Shut your trap! You're the only one that knows and I'd like to keep it that way."

Miroku shrugged. "Trust me man, everyone knows. Well, except Kagome possibly... You know," he glanced over at the aforementioned girl, currently waiting in line for her lunch. "For such a smart girl she sure is dence. Think she was a blond in a previous life?"

"You know, normally I'd agree but what I really need is a way out of this mess!"

"Well, why don't *you* ask Kag out, genius? She can't go out with Kouga if she's going out with you..."

"Cause I can't!" he snapped, startling Miroku back. With a deep sigh, the white haired boy looked away. "You can't expect me to taint an angel with my devilish desires."

"Love is never devilish."

Inu yasha shot him a glare. "But the things I would do to her are." A smirk, as tainted as he could make it, spread across his lips, "You have no idea the things I want to do to that angel."

"Is that you talking," he leaned on his elbow, staring directly into the hanyou's eyes. "Or your step mom?"

His smirk deflated with a sigh. " I don't know anymore."

A long pause filled the space.

"Look, can you just help me think of a way to hook Kagome and Kouga up and still keep an eye on then for right now? We'll worry about my love life later..."

Miroku sighed but nodded in defeat.

"Fine... Why not try a double date? Kag and Kouga and you and..." paused, thinking. "Well.... I'm sure you can find one of your millions of followers to go out with."

"Did I hear something about needing a date?"

Inu yasha groaned, his head falling forward with a loud thud onto the table. "Oh gods no.."

Miroku passed the new person a pleasent smile. "Why yes Yura-san. My friend here was just talking about how he needed a date for this double date thing he's going on with Kagome-chan. Are you interested."

Eyes glared at Miroku from beneath white bangs but the boy ignored his friend.

Yura smiled brightly. "Why I happen to be free Friday night if that helps?"

Miroku smiled. "It does indeed. Shall we say 7?"

She nodded and quickly scratched down directions to her house on a spare piece of note book paper. "I'll see you then!" and with that she bounced off into the crowd once more.

"Now why the hell did you do that?!" Inu yasha bellowed.

"Because," Miroku stated simply, placing the paper in his folder, "You needed a way to watch Kagome, and now you have it."

"Oh gods," he head fell forward again, bouncing hard against the table. "Just kill me.."

#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& #&#&#

Sango glanced around the empty auditorum, a eyebrow raised in confusion.

"The note did say after school didn't it?" She rumaged around in her pocket.

"So glad you could make it Sango-sama." a voice called from the shadows of the unoccupied stage.

Sango sighed loudly and folded her arms across her chest. "Can the crap Miro'! What do you want?"

"Mou," he pouted as he moved off the stage to join the young woman in the audiance. "How did you know it was me?"

She removed the note from her pocket and pointed to the last few lines, which she also read aloud. "Come alone and wear that sexy mini skirt of yours. The red one."

The boy only continued to pout. "And I see you only followed half of my directions! Showing up in jeans, really! What if it had been a life or death matter?!"

Her hand met the back of his head.

"Can it Miro' and explain."

"Fine, fine." He rubbed that back of his head. "Look, it seems that one of our mutal friends, we'll call him Mr. X. Any way, it seems Mr. X has a crush on another friend of ours who for the this we will call Miss -"

"Inu yasha has a crush on Kagome," Sango interrupted. "He's had one for years. You're point?"

"Boy you sure know how to spoil a man's fun." She moved to hit him and he threw his hands up in a defensive gesture. "What I mean is, I think it's about time we helped hook the two of them up."

Sango nodded and took a seat, "Continue."

Miroku smiled and took a seat one over from hers. "You see I happen to know of a certain set of dates occurring this Friday and know that it will be the perfect time to place a few... plans into action but I'm gonna need some help."

Sango's lips turned upwards in a devious smile. "I'm all ears..."

#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& #&#&#&

Kouga slammed his locker shut, a wide smirk on his face. He had a date tonight and not just any date. A date with Kagome.

Granted, inu-korro would be there too but that would just make it all the sweeter when Kagome fell for him. Right in front of her over protective dog shit.

"Excuse me."

Kouga turned, scowling at the man who dare interrupt his thoughts about Kagome. "Yeah?" he growled.

Miroku cleared his throat, obviously unimpressed by the young man's show of testosteron. "I've been sent with a message."

He raised an eyebrow, "A message? From who?"

"Kagome-chan has asked me to tell you that plans have changed a bit. She'd like to know if you wouldn't mind if you guys met at the resturant, "La Rocha" at 7 instead of at the house?"

Kouga stared at the boy skeptically. "Why not the house? And further more, why you Houshin?"

Miroku shrugged, his face impassive and revealing nothing. "Said she had some stuff to take care of at school and would be running a bit late. Guess she brought her stuff with her to school cause the resturant is closer to here then her house. As for me, well, we just happen to have 5th period together and she knows my locker is next to yours." He made his point by lightly rapping on one of the lockers just next to Kouga's.

Granted, it wasn't really his locker but Kouga didn't need to know that.

Kouga thought a moment, the small hamster turning the treadmill in his mind a bit faster, before finally nodded. "All right, can you tell her I'll see her at the resturant around 7 then? Do you have another class with her?"

Miroku only smiled and nodded. "Certainly. I shall deliver the message dutifully." And with that, he disappeared down the hall, leaving Kouga to wonder if he'd just been had...

#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& #&#&#&#

Sango leaned against the wall in the girl's bathroom, waiting none too patiently for her target.

'Gods be damn, will that girl just hurry up.'

Just then the door opened and Sango's eyes made out her prey. With a forced smile, she made her move towards the unsuspecting woman.


Yura turned at the sound of her name. "Yeah?"

"I've been sent with a message."


She nodded. "Yeah, Inu yasha and I have 5th period together and he asked me to tell you there's been a change in plans. You guys are gonna meet at the resturant, "La Rocha" instead of at your house. Apparently he got detention," she smirked. "Again."

Yura sighed, shaking her head. "When will boys ever learn? Fine fine. Let him know I'll meet him there?"

Sango merely nodded before leaving the bathroom. Gods she felt dirty playing the little messagener girl but oh how this would be work it in the end...

#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&#& #&#&#&#&#&#