InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 2 A perfect youkai ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Just to make sure the lawyers read this the first I dont own Inuyasha or any of its characters, my dream of owning Inutaisho is still alive though! One day!
Everyone please review!! I myself know what its like to read a great story and not review but now I'm changing my tune. Reviews really let the author know how their doing and what can be fixed.
I'll try to answer more questions as to ch. 1 as we go along in the story, trying not to reveal everything at once ya know!
So now on with the story!
This story is updated more often on just look for the story title or author name.
Ch. 2 A perfect Youkai
“I cannot believe it!” Yelled the now hysterically jovial young man to the awed village who followed and stood behind him upon the lakes shore.
“They are alive,' he continued in an awed whisper. “They did not perish!”
Those assembled appeared to be more interested in the fantasy and romance that they were beginning to spin about the god and his maiden than actually realizing the grave danger they were placing themselves in.
For if they were simply to stop and feel, the crowd would suddenly become painfully aware of the powerful demonic aura that was even now growing in agitation and annoyance thereby putting their lives at risk of perishing from a very painful death.
“Ningen,” the young inuyoukai spoke. He neither raised his voice nor spoke another word, yet the command of his voice broke through their amorous musings of fated love.
He was definitely not in the mood to deal with so many ignorant thinking and offensive smelling ningen. His nose was ever sensitive to the smell of sweat, bodily orders, and sickly livestock that all humans seemed to constantly reek of.
As if that were not reason enough, he was one unhappy demon by other circumstances alone. He was dripping wet, his clothes clung to his body and his bangs and hair were slightly plastered over his eyes. And to his exasperation he was holding a dripping wet onna who at the moment was dangling unconscious from his arms. Her steady heartbeat and normal breathing indicated that she was neither dead nor hurt and therefore would be waking up from her state soon.
Though much to his surprise, he began to notice that the one ningen he was holding in his arms did not smell as this and every other human group he was so unfortunate to come across. She smelled oddly different, and if he was not increasing in anger and agitation over these foolish humans daring to come so close to his person, he would take the time to further investigate this girls refreshing smell.
`Perhaps once I begin questioning her and once she is dry and her smell is more defined, I will take a better sniff of her. But first….'
“If you value your pathetic and short existence upon this earth, you will leave with all due haste.” His threatening words of irritation were accompanied by a sinister growl and a douse of his powerful youki that pulsated through the cluster of villagers, from the oldest man to the youngest child.
None hesitated in their attempt to run from this gods vengeful wrath almost instantly disappearing back through the thick foliage and trees, scrambling over one another in their sudden haste to retreat from this frightening creature.
The demon smirked. Foolish, foolish humans. So weak and pathetic… yet uncharacteristically intelligent to run in fear of me.
He sighed as the girl in his arms began to stir. Her heartbeat slightly quickened announcing her arrival into the world of actuality and no longer those of dreams and shadows.
As he looked down upon the girl he carried he noticed how frail and small she looked in his arms. Thick sooty crescent shaped lashes rested upon her face contrasting greatly with her pale white skin almost illuminating her facial color. A curtain of wet inky black hair hung over one of his arms catching the rays of the afternoon sun making it look like shimmering sea waves on a stormy moonless night.
This human really was attractive. Not that he ever stopped to look at one too closely before but he was sure she was a rarity even among her own kind. Though many a demoness possessed a beauty to rival even the stars in the sky none held a quality like this girl. She seemed to posses an innocence about her as if she were unaffected by the world she lived in; almost like she were not a participant but a spectator of all the suffering and misery around her.
“Well there's nothing to do now but make a fire and let the girl rest and dry off.”
He walked further into the woods allowing his youki to spread out around him checking for potential threats and warning those nearby to stay clear of his person and chosen rest area.
Those that were near before though had already fled feeling his youki flare out around him in anger and annoyance. No one would dare go up against such a powerful demonic aura and infuriate the youkai further. None held a death wish but wisely fled to live another day, youki, animal, and bird alike. The clearing was silent and bereft of all sound.
Gently laying the young woman down upon the ground in the small clearing he found, he began a small fire to allow her to remain warm and begin to dry off. He on the other hand needed no such accommodations.
He simply allowed his reiki to come forth drying him off completely within seconds. His hair and clothing once again in perfect place, not letting on that he had just plunged hundreds of feet into a cool lake to save a falling human girl.
`Odd,' the inuyoukai mused, `the girl must have felt the strong shift of his aura.' For as soon as he had allowed a fraction of his youki to surface and dry him, she scrunched up her face in pain and annoyance and began to move around upon the ground trying to rise herself out of her unconsciousness. Could she be one of those rumored mikos that took residence in the villages of the northern lands?
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Kagome felt like a rather large and dirty garbage truck run over her. Her body felt so heavy. She tried opening her eyes since they seemed to be the most stubborn part of her body that was unwilling to obey her desires. If she thought it were possible, she would be scolding and yelling at Souta for trying to glue her eyes shut.
She was having some fantastic dream of a gorgeous looking youkai holding her close and flying off into the sunset with her, when she was rudely interrupted by some unknown source. Her miko powers had suddenly tried to rise within her - rousing her from the lovely dream where she was about to try and kiss him - to protect her from an unfamiliar and powerful demonic youki.
Almost three years of chasing down Naraku's diabolical and crafty incarnations, and not to mention power hungry, shikon-no-tama wielding, miko eating youkais, greatly influenced her survival instincts - thereby strengthening her response time to threats on her life - to mere seconds.
“Inuyasha!!” Screamed a very frightened miko while almost immediately jumping to her feet from the unconsciousness that held her prisoner only seconds before.
Yes sadly, this usually was her first instinct. Calling out for Inuyasha to save her. Though her miko powers had greatly increased and her aim with her bow and arrows was almost always on target, she was no fan of hand to hand, close contact battle. She had neither the strength, training, or -truth be told- desire to try to even touch , let alone wrestle with, any lower level demon or oni. They were disgusting. And any battle with them usually resulted in spilt guts all over her person, her hair, and her clothing.
Kagome's heartbeat was frantic, her eyes quickly scanning the area. She was looking more like frightened prey ready to bolt at any sign its stalking predator than a warrior priestess.
“Wha….where am I? Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku? Anyone?”
To her dismay and utter embarrassment, as she would come to think about it later on, she did not seem to take immediate notice of the young youkai that leaned casually upon a tree not a far distance from her.
Her eyes were still trying to focus on her surroundings seeing as how she had just jumped up from a deep sleep and still felt dizziness sweep her mind.
“If I was some dangerous demon predator who decided he was going to kill and perhaps eat you, you certainly would have died a minute ago.” Said the inuyoukai to the human girl standing not far from him, with slight disgust. Did she not know she was out in the wilderness with no protector?
Kagome immediately whirled around to find the source of the male voice behind her.
“You!!” She said. Wasn't that the youkai in her dreams? And why did he look oddly familiar.
“What do you want and if it's the jewel you came to take then you can't have it!” She added stubbornly raising her chin just a notch and crossing her arms over her chest in a show of defiance and rather ignorant bravery seeing as how she now realized she was unarmed before a youkai of great power.
The youkais perfectly shaped eyebrow raised until it disappeared beneath his bangs apparently portraying surprise at her words and audacity.
The display of arrogance looked so terribly familiar to her. Why was she having such a hard time remembering where she had seen this demon before? His moonlight kissed hair only brought the suppressed memory even further into her conscious. He looked so much like Inuyasha and Sesshomaru though, perhaps he was related to them somehow? He was obviously not them or Sesshomaru - for he looked so much more like him- for that matter….unless he had gotten a new haircut…and new clothes…..and new armor. Which of course was utterly ridiculous. Sesshomaru having an extreme makeover!
Kagome almost laughed out loud at the absurd notion of Sesshomaru getting tired of his looks thereby going to some salon for a makeover. And since they had no salons in feudal Japan maybe it was Jaken who had to do it for him.
She was having such a hard time keeping in the giggles that threatened to take over that her mouth quirked up at the edges and her eyes gleamed with fresh tears.
Get a hold of yourself Kagome, she thought. Now is definitely not the time to be thinking about Sesshomaru in curlers and Jaken polishing his nails. There is a very intense looking youkai in front of you and it doesn't look like he's in a very good mood. And by the looks of it nobody's coming to save you this time. O.k. just keep your cool, look like you know what you're talking about and definitely don't piss him off.
With her internal pep talk done, she proceeded to stare at the youkai before her and let him know with her sapphire eyes that she was not going to cower before him. She is after all a semi-powerful miko and deals with a brash and callous hanyou and life threatening situations on a daily basis. Not much he could do to scare her.
The youkai could only stare at the girl. `How dare she talk to me this way? Who does she think she is? She's just some human girl out in the middle of the forest, alone with me a powerful inuyoukai, the son of the fierce taiyoukai of the west, the great and terrible Inu no Taisho. I could kill her without a second thought and here she is trying to act defiant before her superior.
Though….he continued in thought, he had never had anyone speak to him thus before and he was not certain how to proceed. No matter how ill misplaced, he grudgingly had to admit that her courage was something he had never come across. It of course was non-existent in ningen but even with youkai as well. Who would dare speak to he, Touga heir to the western lands in such a manner? No one who lived long enough to boast of such a dishonor.
“Wench, what jewel do you speak of? You do not appear to be wealthy and your manner of dress informs me of your current occupation as perhaps whore of your village? No matter I simply wish for my questions to be answered, and if satisfactory then you may live to return to your home.”
“WH….WHA…!!” Sputtered Kagome.
“HOW DARE YOU!! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? I'm not a wench or a whore you arrogant, disrespectful youkai!! Hasn't anyone ever taught you good manners? Sheesh, apparently not seeing as how you can go around speaking to me like that and to a miko no less. DON'T YOU KNOW I CAN PURIFY YOU RIGHT WHERE YOU STAND YOU JERK??!!
Seeing his handsome face go from stunned to furious quickly brought her out of her own ire. Perhaps she went just a tad too far? Well actually…. she never even let him explain what he wanted or never got as far as asking him what she was doing here in the clearing especially since it seemed that she had been unconscious for some time. And well quite frankly she never even got around to asking his name and asking why he looked so familiar and……
She blinked.
Unexpectedly, yet not surprisingly after what she finished screaming at him, his hand was around her throat lifting her off of the ground, his face only inches from hers.
“Wench,” he said in a deep menacing voice a glint of a fang showing from the corner of his mouth.
“You shall not speak to heir of the western lands, the son of the Inu no taisho in such a manner again, for if you do I fear you shall not live to tell me how exactly you came to be falling out of the sky.”
He was not putting excesive pressure around her throat, his claws were pressed lightly on her skin, but his hold was still firm yet allowing her to breath almost normally . Still the pressure of having your body lifted off of the ground only by your esophagus was very uncomfortable to say the least.
Kagome wrapped her small hands around his wrist trying to get him to let go of her. Obviously with his strength she was rather unsuccessful. Since she did not sense a malevolent aura from this youkai she reluctantly infused her hands with a bit of her holy powers allowing them to only skim the surface of her hands. This was a new trick Kaede had taught her not too long ago, bringing her miko power to the surface of her body or infusing objects other than her arrows. It was very handy really.
His almond shaped eyes narrowed. He felt an uncomfortable prickly sensation upon his wrist and momentarily looked away from the girl to see what she had done to him.
He sensed her miko aura and saw a slight pink light come forth from her hands to sting his wrist.
“So you are a miko I see.”
Being so close to the youkais face gave Kagome the perfect opportunity to study him. Though the top of her head only reached to his lips she was in no way deterred by her small stature. And of course she was not checking him out but was simply trying to gauge his facial attributes to see if she remembered meeting him before.
His silver bangs fell in a perfect split curtain to either side of his face with a small opening between his forehead. It seemed he had some kind of marking in the middle but she was unable to distinguish what it could possibly be. Of course now knowing he had some identification mark of his status, her hand itched with the desire to sweep his hair aside and find out what kind of marking he had. And only for that reason alone.
He had two perfect purple stripes, one on each cheek run horizontally below his eyes beginning from close to his perfectly pointed ears and end almost to the end of his violet stripped eyes. Hmm. He had a thin line of violet across each eye just like she had seen on Sesshoumaru.
And those ears….the pointed end was begging for her finger to run over the tip and see just how it felt. And of course that was only so she could have that knowledge for the future as she often ran into Kouga and Sesshoumaru and would no longer desire to do that to either of them.
His lips were not thin but not quite full either. Perhaps a perfect in between with a lovely shape that seemed just right for unknown exploration?
His face was flawless of course, smooth porcelain skin with no mark or imperfection other than his youkai marks of recognition which to her thinking only added to his beauty.
`Gah….concentrate Kagome….no…no….not on his lips but…'
“Wait what? Did you just say you are the heir to the western lands? The son of the Inutaisho? That can't be, Sesshoumaru is the heir to the western lands and the Inutaisho is not….well he`s not supposed to be…..I mean he`s…..isn't he?”
Her eyes widened in fear. It couldn't be could it? She was slowly beginning to recall everything now, well up to the point where he had saved her. That would explain why when she was thrown back down the well after Kikyo tried to run her through with a dagger, that the well somehow went from a familiar soft magenta to a whirling and rather frightening blood red. Then, the next thing she knew instead of coming out of the other side to a well-known well house roof, she instead found herself flying, or more like suddenly plunging back toward earth from hundreds of feet in the sky.
The young youkai sensing the girls distress and frightened countenance placed her back down immediately releasing his grip on her throat and taking a step back from the girl.
“Ningen I do not know of this Sesshoumaru of whom you speak, but be assured that he is not the heir to the western lands nor is he someone of whose name has ever been heard of by those associated with the Inu no taisho.
Why then do you not finish your earlier ramblings. The Inutaisho is not supposed to be what?”
“Umm….well….can you tel….tell me what your name is first please?” Kagome quickly interjected trying to get her incoherent thoughts in order.
He eyed her skeptically for a moment trying to determine her sudden change in topic and her suspiciously meek request. After a minute or so with no answer, he decided that there was no harm in answering the ningens questions. What could she possibly do knowing his identity?
“Girl…. I am known as Touga, son of the great and powerful Inu no Taisho, prince and only heir to the Western Lands, and successor to the House of the Moon and all that lies therein.” He said grandly.
He knew for a fact that he did not know a single thing concerning humans, and he was also sure that he knew that this ningen was probably not like any other. Again she seemed to mock his lack of knowledge for he was rather taken aback with her reaction to his name and importance.
He expected fear, perhaps shock at being so close and interacting with a being such as he, or even be in awe of his rank and title. What he certainly was not expecting was this.