InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 3 Clumsiness is a good thing ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

If there are any grammar and spelling mistakes, I apologize (Gomen-nasai--bows). I dont have a beta. I'm trying to get chpts. up asap since I know what it feels like to be left waiting and wanting more of the story so hopefully you wont wait to long for updates. Again...this is going to be a pretty long story.
I already have an outline in my head that hopefully I'll be able to put into words.
And dont worry Touga had to be a little arrogant, I'm better than you type...well at first....I didnt want him to be all lovey dovey with humans. He had to find a reason to (and that reason is Kagome of course!) I know he might be a little OOC but we really dont know what hes like afterall, especially being all young. So hopefully you wont be too mad at me for making him a bit of a meanie. He'll get much better dont worry.
Oh, theres also some action coming up...I just wanted to wait a bit so they could get to know each other a bit first.
Ch. 3 Clumsiness is a good thing!
Kagome had never swooned or fainted a day in her life, well not unless it was for lack of oxygen or by rapid blood loss, but right now she felt the edges of darkness creeping upon her foggy mind.
“No….no, it …it can't be you….no you are not Touga!!” She said while trying to remain on the feet that at the moment were trying to find their footing instead of giving out on her and dropping her to the ground.
“You're not supposed to be here, it's not right….you're…you're …wow…you really are wow…no..uhh…that's not what I meant.”
Kagome had to sit down before she fell on her butt in front of Inuyasha's and Sesshoumaru's dad. If he was really here and she just wasn't making him up in her mind; then that meant she had fallen through the well even further back in time! But that was impossible wasn't it?
`No of course not,' she thought grimly. `I'm the keeper of the shikon-no-tama, a modern day girl of Tokyo, who fell down a well 500 years into the past and who fights fairy tale characters daily, how can this possibly be out of the question?'
She had her arms wrapped around her slim legs and her head in resting on her knees trying to regain her orientation. She didn't feel so good.
Kagome looked up to find the inuyoukai staring straight at her with a mix of curiosity and interest as if she were some kind of new insect that just had been discovered and had to be studied before identified correctly. She felt herself blush and the heat rise to her cheeks at his close scrutiny.
`Odd,' she thought, `he doesn't look like the great dog general that Myoga and Inuyasha have spoken of. He looks so young, maybe Inuyasha's age of around 17 human years or so. He only has one sword strapped into his obi and he isn't even wearing any armor or anything else that makes him look like the powerful warrior general or youkai that could easily rule all of Japan or even the world as Myoga so often points out.'
Well if he was going to stare at her so openly, then she was going to take advantage of the situation and do likewise. Of course this was like the upteenth time she had been staring at him in the last hour or so. But no matter she was only trying to bring her scattered thoughts back in line.
“Ningen, you dare lecture me on etiquette when you yourself are staring at me so openly. Then I must assume by your somewhat amusing reaction that you know of this Touga? Of course I would not doubt that you have heard of me within your own race but I am curios…what exactly do you know about me? You said that I am not supposed to be here. Knowing this is true, to some extent, I should actually be patrolling my fathers borders at this very moment, not speaking to some discourteous onna. Yet, I cannot help but believe you meant something else entirely.
Tell me girl, what is the Inu no taisho supposed to be and why am I not supposed to be here?”
Kagome bristled at his arrogance, wow not as bad as Sesshoumaru but still enough to give you a headache. If she really was stuck in this time with Touga, she supposed she needed to be pleasant in order to get his help to return to her own time. Or…wait no at least back to Inuyasha's time.
“Look,” began Kagome diplomatically, “can't we just like start over or something? I didn't mean to offend you Touga-sama. I'm just used to youkai following me all over Japan trying to kill me and trying to steal the shik…..uh….a very important jewel worth a whole lot that I carry with me. Perhaps you'll let me explain, though I warn you now, I won't be able to answer all of your questions or divulge too much information. But,” she added hastily lest he change his mind and do away with her, “I will gladly do my best to give you answers and maybe we could be friends?”
She flashed him a warm smile. She really did want to get to know him more. She had only heard very few stories, or perhaps they had turned more into legends, from Myoga and even Inuyasha's telling, though usually only after much insistence from her, Sango, and Miroku and even Shippo pressing them for stories about the great dog general.
As he was about to speak she cut him off quickly. She knew she hadn't really been nice to him. Guilt really was a pain in the ass.
“Gomen nasai Touga-sama, I shouldn't have spoken to you like that. Though I'm just a human girl, let's just be friends please? I'll bet you'll be like the only taiyoukai ever to have a human miko for a friend! And then that'll definitely make you really popular and I bet you'll be sought out by everyone you know trying to get a good look at that interesting girl that your suddenly hanging around with. And you don't have to worry, even though I'm a miko I wont hurt anyone…unless you want me too of course.”
She wiggled her eyebrows up and down making a silly smiley face at him. She knew she was acting rather stupid at the moment and was probably looking even more so, but she couldn't get off on the wrong foot with Inuyasha's dad after all.
Her best friend would want to know what his father was like and she had to do that for him. There was no one who could tell him what his smiles looked like - she mentally noted she had to get him to smile - what his fathers voice sounded like, how intelligent and clever he was and so many other things she herself wanted to know about her own departed father. She had asked her mother those questions and more seeking in a way to know her father personally and not just by others' stories. If she could do that for her friend then….
A low rumble from the inuyoukai before her brought her out of her own fathers memories.
Was he…was he laughing at her? He was! His deep throated chuckle rumbled from his chest and made his eyes shine with amusement.
“Ah girl, you are surely a human set apart from the rest. No one has ever spoken to me as you have and lived to tell the tale. You offer me limited answers to questions I have yet to ask, and then to add to your insult you offer me your friendship, then follow it by giving me an apology.”
He looked as if he was in deep thought giving his reply some grave deliberation.
“Perhaps,” he began slowly, “as you have so freely offered, we will start anew. Then maybe…we shall indeed become friends, though I must be the one to warn you now miko, I require much of my friendships. Hn. A taiyoukai and a human miko. We shall see what comes from this proposition onna, we shall see.”
He smiled sensing her mood shift abruptly from apprehension to an excited and hopeful disposition.
Her eyes went wide. It really, really was not fair that such a youkai should ever smile to a female.
`Please Kagome,' she thought, `what are you thinking looking at Inuyasha's dad that way? Sure he probably isn't his dad yet or anything and maybe his not the great dog general quite yet but you do know his history and his women and,' she added, `he's your best friends dad for crying out loud….remember…. Inuyasha whom you loved for so long and promised to always be by his side, for Kami's sake. I must be stupid or something to feel all light headed just because he smiles at me. Well at least I know what his smile looks like.' She considered with a sigh. `Now I'll be able to tell Inuyasha.'
She knew this was a great new start for them. She would do everything possible to make their friendship work for the short time they had together. Or perhaps not so short, but for however long it would take her to get back to the well and to her friends.
“Arigatu Touga-sama, you will not regret it. I'll be a worthy friend you'll see. Now, where do we begin? Umm…do you want to know how I think I fell out of the sky? And…oh…was it you…did you umm….save me….was that you who…er...caught me?” She couldn't seem to get the words out. She became flustered and embarrassed remembering how she hugged him thinking he was her guardian angel, and …oh no she had hugged him and put her head on his chest!
You're an idiot Kagome, no wonder he felt threatened. He must've thought you were some kind of freak. First you fall out of the sky, hug him, and then argue about some jewel that he probably doesn't even know exists.
Well at least he accepted my offer of friendship and even if I have to tell him I come from the future I don't have to make reference to the fact that I know him…or of him….at all! I'll just avoid any important details, yes that should do it. He's not alive in Inuyasha's time so anything I tell him of that period shouldn't change the time line. At least I hope not.
Thinking about this creature not being alive centuries from now almost made her want to cry. She had to steal herself and not think about that for now, no use dwelling on it. She had definitely just gotten the chance of a lifetime and whatever happens she wasn't going to miss out on this opportunity.
The young heir to the west watched the young women intently. Her moods and shift in smell and aura were incredible. How could she go from hopeful and joyful to embarrassed and anxious, then suddenly sorrowful and finally determined. How could someone live with so much emotion?
“Hai I would very much like to know how you fell from the sky miko, and yes, I am the one who saved you from the fall. Now tell me girl, if we are to become friends then I believe I should call you by your name unless you wish for me to address you as miko or ningen perhaps?”
He smirked boyishly. Seeing him so, Kagome couldn't help but think of Inuyasha's boyish charm. He looked like Inuyasha then, very young and ruggedly handsome. She was suddenly overwhelmed with longing to be with him and the rest of the inutachi right now. `How was she ever going to get back to them?' She wondered.
She stood and dusted her skirt of the dirt and leaves that clung to her backside. She rose proudly before the taiyoukai of the western lands and said in a clear voice, “Gomen nasai, my Lord, my name is Kagome Higurashi and it is an honor to meet you.” She bowed low at the waist giving him his due then added, “I am also sincerely grateful to you for saving my life.”
She had never met royalty before but she had seen plenty of movies to know you can offend them easily if you treat them like commoners. She hoped she didn't come out sounding like a foolish schoolgirl, which of course she actually was, but she still didn't want to sound like one at the moment.
“Hn. Kagome.” Said the taiyoukai rolling her name off his tongue sounding it out as if testing its weight.
`It must be getting chilly,' Kagome thought as fleshy Goosebumps rose upon her arms making her shiver slightly at the sound of her name.
“So do I tell you my story here or do we go somewhere else? Didn't you say you should be patrolling the borders or something? Maybe I can just tag along while you do that?”
She wanted him to help her start finding the well immediately or at least someone who would know how to return her to her rightful place in time. And what better way than go on patrol with Touga around the western lands? Kagome still had to find the rest of the jewel shards and finish the battle with Naraku after all. She couldn't just be running around even further back in time befriending and chatting with the great dog general.
After another small smile from Touga, Kagome immediately decided that maybe she could do both, of course do one then the other and obviously not at the same time.
“Alright Kagome, I believe I will allow you to patrol the western borders with me, though if we come across any youkai that need to be disposed of you will allow me to do that. I would not want you to get hurt or killed. That would not make me a `good friend' if I simply allowed you to get eaten so quickly, now would it?
“Oh please, I can take care of myself, if I haven't gotten eaten or killed in the past three years then chances are that I'm not going to anytime soon. Besides I have my bow and……arr….oh no. I don't have my bow and arrows do I? Darn it Kagome now you're unarmed!
Well it seems that I'll be letting you kill any youkai that need to be killed Touga-sama, at least for now. But who knows, I might even end up saving the great and feared heir to the western lands life. I'm not as weak as you think I am, I'm still a miko remember, I can purify anything that gets in my way.” She winked at him coyly before sauntering off into the forest.
It might have worked really well, her looking like she knew what she was doing and all and even somewhat flirting with him, but unfortunately she…
1. Had a terrible sense of direction and didn't even know where this western border was located and
2. She had to trip over a giant root that happened to pop out of nowhere and that made her nearly fall flat on her face.
Thankfully, she ended up falling on her knees instead of her face, though, she did end up scrapping both of them in the process.
“Ouch!! Stupid tree!!
“Kagome,” chuckled Touga, “it really is not the trees fault you were walking off in the wrong direction. I think the faster you tell me your story the faster I figure out how you have remained alive for so long!”
He looked on as the miko tried to scramble to her feet her face flush with embarrassment.
Then a familiar scent assaulted his nose.
“Miko,” he exclaimed now realizing where the recognizable scent was coming from.
“You are hurt and you are bleeding!
“Oh great!” She grumbled. Kagome stood and winced in pain. Looking down she saw that her knees were covered in scratches, dirt, and blood. Her right one in particular looked to have a nice size cut in it as blood was beginning to trickle down her leg.
“Gah, what the heck did I fall on?”
She looked at the offending tree and noticed that not only was the root protruding at an odd angle from the ground but there were large prickly bramble bushes growing all around the area as well.
“Are you able to walk?” Asked Touga sounding mildly concerned and somewhat irritated.
“Of course I can walk, I told you I can take care of myself!!”
“Really miko. First of all, when you awakened from your unconsciousness you called out for an Inuyasha who I can only assume you desired protection from, secondly, you say you are able to care for yourself but clearly you are unable to even walk and are bleeding without even engaging in battle. Humans are weak creatures. I cannot even make a similarity of this happening to a youkai because non would be so clumsy and unable to avoid a tree root.”
“Hey, are we back to that now? My name is not miko but Kagome. Ka- go -me. I know you know what it is because I just told you not that long ago and clearly you have a good memory if you remember me calling out for Inuyasha which was just cuz….I ..I thought he was around and could tell me what had happened to me. And besides you don't have to be rude about it ya know it was just an accident mr. perfect-I-never-make-a-mistake-youkai!!” She practically screamed.
Touga couldn't help the way his eyes opened marginally as she snapped at him. He mistakenly thought she might be abashed at her clumsiness or perhaps embarrassed at her gracelessness in front of him, but was not expecting her to come-back at him for pointing out her human failing.
He sighed.
“I did not mean to offend you Kagome.” He stressed her name reminding her that he indeed had not forgotten to call her by name as he himself had volunteered to do so.
“I apologize. But you are still bleeding and if we don't take care of it soon, I fear your blood will only be an invitation for youkai predators seeking an easy meal. Come I smell a stream not far from here where you may take care of your injury.”
Kagome wasn't sure if she was going to continue her rant, be astonished that he so easily apologized, be embarrassed that she actually fell pretty badly in front of the man she was trying to impress, or cry because she knew she couldn't walk very far without her knees hurting so badly.
She didn't have time to make up her mind though for in an instant, he had swept her off her feet and carried her off so swiftly she only felt her hair fly behind her in the wind then suddenly stop when they arrived at the edge of the small stream.
“Wow,” Kagome marveled. “That was so much faster than Inuyasha could ever move. I didn't even feel you run!”
He somehow felt pleased that she would be awed by his speed.
“Who is this Inuyasha you speak of?”
“Uh…well can we talk about that later when I tell you my story? I kinda need to…” She swept her hand out over her legs to gesture the need to wash up when suddenly she realized she was still in Touga's arms.
Blushing crimson, Kagome immediately tried to spring out of his arms almost falling over in her haste.
“What is the matter?” Asked the inuyoukai. “Why is your body temperature rising, are you feeling alright? Just wade into the water and wash up. You'll feel better.” He volunteered helpfully believing her rise in temperature had something to do with her injury.
She immediately took his advice, wasting no time, and took off her socks and shoes and waded into the cool stream. She washed the blood and dirt off her injuries all the meanwhile feeling so self-conscious sensing that his eyes were staring intently at her legs. She wondered if perhaps he still thought she was some tavern wench. She knew that her manner of dress usually aroused the same reaction from those she first met.
She wondered if her yellow backpack happened to make it into this time or if she ended up dropping it at the well in her altercation with Kikyo. She could really use some bandages and anti-septic right about now. The cut on her right leg was rather deep and didn't want to stop bleeding.
“Umm Touga-sama, you don't happen to have some kind of bandages or something would you?”
She really didn't want to tear her school uniform to make a makeshift bandage and stem off the bleeding. She didn't think her mother could afford to buy her another uniform so quickly. She had just bought her this one not too long ago.
The cuts weren't too bad. Maybe she could just leave it that way and let the blood trickle down her leg. Sooner or later it would stop and even thought it would be annoying, eventually she could just stop somewhere and clean it off again.
“No I guess you wouldn't, that was stupid question. I forgot youkai don't trip on tree roots.” She giggled. “I guess I'll just leave it be and just wash off the blood again later on, its not too bad after all.”
“Kagome sit down. I will stop the flow of blood….but….you must trust me to know that I will not hurt you, though you might find it a bit uncomfortable.”
Was she really just going to let it continue to bleed and walk on? He could treat it for her easily but he wasn't sure how she was going to react to his ministration. Quite frankly he wasn't sure why he even offered to help her or how he even came to the conclusion that assisting her this particular way would be beneficial.
Touga had noticed her washing her legs in the water. The way she cupped the water in her hands and poured it over the wounds. The water poured down her long slim legs. That kimono she had on was truly indecent. She almost left nothing to the imagination.
All of a sudden he couldn't help the image that made its way forcefully into his mind. He imagined running his hands down the long expanse of her smooth shapely legs feeling the expanse of her soft, tanned skin.
He gulped. Maybe he shouldn't have offered to heal the wounds. What the hell was wrong with him? He had just met the human girl and he was already having fantasies of his hands touching…..
Thankfully his attention was quickly redirected before he could delve further into what his hands were capable of doing, when the miko began to speak.
“Alright, I trust you. Hopefully its not too painful. So I guess I'll just sit up against that tree over there.” She said pointing to the one closest to her left.
She awkwardly hobbled over there and took a seat, staring at Touga who seemed to be thinking about something intently.
`Too late to back out now Touga,' he thought.
He made his way over to the girl and not only saw the trust in her eyes but felt the trust in her aura as well.
She trusted him? He wondered. A miko trusting a youkai with her wellbeing? He knew this was an unheard of situation but he would not go back on his word. He would aid her even if he had to do this to her.
He took notice that she was looking at him intently. Touga had never backed out of a fight, he had never felt fear, and had never failed at anything he had taken in his mind to accomplish, but here and now, as he drew closer to this small girl, he felt the first stirrings of some emotion that was foreign to him.
He was….could he actually be… was he….nervous?
Touga walked over to the girl and kneeled before her grasping her still bleeding right leg in his hands being mindful that his claws did not pierce her delicate skin.
She stared at him. “Umm…Touga…what are you doing…?” She asked in an almost breathless whisper feeling the intensity of his closeness and a jolt of electricity at his touch.
He stared right back. “I'm aiding you Kagome.” He answered in almost the same fashion making an involuntary shudder pass through her frame.
Then very slowly, never breaking eye contact with her, he lowered his head.
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