InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 4 The tale ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ch. 4
Kagome's heart pounded, her lips went dry and she nearly bolted upright at the first contact never experiencing something quite so sensual before.
She had a feeling she should probably be disturbed by this or at the very least feel some sort of aversion to it, but perplexingly she was fascinated….no more like entranced by what his tongue was doing to her.
When he first lowered his head to her leg she was unsure of what he was planning to do but she certainly didn't think he was about to lick her blood off then continue cleaning her cuts with his tongue. It felt so…so…wonderful. His tongue was so perfectly warm and moist making her think of all the other amazing things he would be capable of doing with it. She closed her eyes letting the feeling overcome her.
`Really Kagome, get a grip!' She tried to think through the haze that was beginning to muddle her mind. `He's just trying to help with your injuries not try to get to second base with you or anything. Really you're 18 and still haven't even had a mind shattering kiss let alone be felt up by some Adonis. Just a little more wouldn't be too wrong would it? I wonder if this is a dog thing or something. Gah!! If it is then why has Inuyasha never done it before? I bet it wouldn't feel half as good as Toug…oh…Kami…he needs to stop…I might just…”
Immediately opening her eyes to look at him, she took notice of his own eyes. The edges were beginning to bleed red and his youki began to shift and crackle with energy. He looked so dangerous making her even more aware of his power, and only added to his appeal greatly, making the priestess restless with something she was unable to name.
He lapped at her blood as a cat laps at warm milk that has just been served on a silver bowl. His tongue a bit rougher than the human male only furthered the intense sensations making it even more enjoyable.
The inuyoukai couldn't seem to get enough of her sweet blood. It was remarkable. It tingled upon his tongue with some unknown power making it all the more delectable. He knew he should stop but his beast seemed to be unable to leave the girl. He wanted to push her down under him upon the soft grass and lick her thoroughly satisfying her until…..
`No…no…I need to regain control, don't want to hurt her…need to stop…woman no longer bleeding. Stop.'
He felt himself wrestle with his desire to take this further as any inu might do while trying to woo a mate, but he is not just any inu; he is a taiyoukai with honor and trustworthiness. He would not fail this priestess who put her trust in him to do her no harm but heal her wounds.
His healing saliva had already sealed the cuts on her legs so now he was just cleaning the area around them and down her leg where her blood had left a painted crimson line.
That was enough. He needed to stop now and pull himself together. Why had she affected him so? If he had to fight with his beast to release the girl so be it. He had never lost control of himself and he was not about to begin now.
Slowly he was able to reclaim his thoughts, reluctantly removing his hands from the miko, his eyes returning to their normal amber color, the scarlet gradually receding.
“Touga-sama.” The miko spoke softly with concern and twinge of nervousness at his demeaner. “Are you….are you alright?”
“I…I..apologize Lady Kagome…I did not mean to frighten you…your injuries are now taken care of, you should be well enough to walk with no pain.” He stood as he spoke backing away from her and looking around the area no longer meeting her eyes.
`What, Lady Kagome? Why is he reverting to formality all of a sudden? Could he…could he be embarrassed or something? He's never called me that before.' Thought Kagome finding it odd that the great inu Touga could possibly be embarrassed. Well he does look quite young and Inuyasha has always acted rather strangely too when he was uncomfortable with something he said or did to her, never looking her directly in the eyes afterward.
“Umm, do you mind if I ask how old you are Touga-sama?”
He turned to look at her now wondering why she was questioning his age.
“I am 250 years of age, but would be considered 17 in your human years. Why do you ask my age?”
“No reason I guess I was just curious. Actually,” she said thinking of something to say that would get their mind of the suddenly awkward and uneasy atmosphere between the two of them. “I'm actually older than you `ya know. I'm already 18 making me an adult and you….well you're still underage.” She smiled at him but faltered when she saw his piercing eyes meet her own as if looking through her down to her very soul. What could he be thinking?
“Uh…I mean…well at least in human years anyway…but uh…I know you're not human or anything…so I guess you're still older in demon…or you know…whatever…”She was rambling now and well she knew it but couldn't seem to stop. He only stared at her saying nothing, showing no emotion on his handsome face making her squirm under his close scrutiny.
Oh no, had she offended him somehow?
“Touga-sama I'm sorry, I didn't…” She was not allowed to finish as the taiyoukai interrupted her apology.
“Kagome, you have not offended me nor is there any need to apologize…let us just be on our way ne?”
He had drifted into his own thoughts for a minute or two when he suddenly took notice of the miko desperately trying to dissuade the uneasy air between them, though her ramblings were quite humorous he did not wish to delay any longer.
“Yeah…ok…yeah…I am much better now so we should leave…but thank you Touga for umm…you know…for lick…umm…shoot…I mean for healing the cuts and stuff. Yeah.” She was a bright red tomato color now and was sure she could easily blend into the fruit section at the grocery store. Gah! She had almost thanked him for licking her? She should just turn around now and walk the other way, as far from him as possible.
His soft quiet laughter made her want to stand up and run. The great dog general- though not quite the general yet- was laughing at her.
Wait a minute, how dare he? He was the one that started the whole thing by licking her! And then now he thought he was going to laugh at her because she felt nervous -and if she admitted to herself tingly all over- and shy? Well, she was going to make certain he knew what it was like to be embarrassed and nervous; she was not going to be the only one.
“You know Touga,” she said dropping his honorific purposely and fluttering her eye lashes at him, “if you would have kept up the all that licking you might have found yourself on your back in the soft grass. I would have probably been straddling you and showing you what my tongue was capable of doing, so I guess it was a good thing you stopped when you did.” She sighed almost regretfully.
The inuyoukai's eyes visibly widened and his mouth unexpectedly went dry. He couldn't believe what he had just heard! His mouth tried forming words, not even sure of what he was going to respond to the brazen girl.
“Well,” continued Kagome, “we've wasted enough time don't you think? So lets just go and this time you can definitely lead. I don't think you'd be able to handle me if you have to clean any other wounds again. So…” She stood and waited for him to lead the way starring at him expectantly.
Once he was able to close his mouth and regain his senses he walked off toward the western border without another word. Really what more could he say? Yes, please show me what you can do to me with your tongue and mouth. Though, if she happened to fall again then….
“So,” began Kagome reeling with her small victory while following a step or two behind the taiyoukai watching his dazed expression. “This should be fun.”
“Hn.” Responded the youkai barely acknowledging her statement his mind still on the possibility of her `accidentally falling' again.
They continued to walk on quietly with no words exchanged between the two for over an hour.
Unable to stand the silence any longer, Kagome thought it was the perfect time to start her promised tale, hoping that he was not somehow angry with her over her earlier comments.
She cleared her throat.
“You might not believe what I'm about to tell you, since I still have trouble believing it myself, but I hope you hear me out first before you say anything.” She took his slight nod as an indication for her to continue the story he was waiting for her to begin.
“Well see I'm from the year 2007. I live with my otouto, my ojii-san, and my okaa-san in a umm, large village by the name of Tokyo. We are caretakers of a shrine that has been in our family for a very long time. When I was only 15 yrs. old a woman-centipede demon came out of the well and drew me to her time….”she continued with the story of meeting a hanyou bound to a tree, leaving out that she had had a crush on him for the longest time, and added how she had met the rest of the inu-tachi. She explained the importance of the jewel known as the Shikon-no-tama and its promise for corrupted power.
Immediately remembering part of the jewel she carried, she looked down to her small bottle of shikon shards which oddly enough were no longer glowing with any power. Perhaps they were no good in this time period since the jewel had yet to be created. She'd make sure to take more time to inspect them later. She wanted to just finish her autobiography for the time being.
She briefly touched on the dark hanyou who wanted to rule the whole of Japan through the Shikon-no-tama and how her friends and herself were trying to stop him at any cost.
Regretfully she had to mention Kikyo and her involvement with Inuyasha and the group in order for him to understand what that woman was doing by the well.
Kagome saw no problem with telling him so much of Inuyasha's future since she was reminded again that he would no longer be there. Besides, there was no way he would be able to change what was fated to occur in that time period. She made sure to stay away from the subject of Sesshoumaru and Inuyashas swords, sibling rivalry and anything to do with what she knew about him personally. That would be ok right? She sure hoped so, she didn't want to be the catalyst for some tear in the time-continuum of the future.
Well, she finally made it to the point in her story where she was going to be sent to this time through the well. He continued to remain silent, nodding every few sentences to acknowledge he was still listening, turning to scan the forest as well for any danger never once dropping his guard. He was here to patrol the borders after all.
“…so after Inuyasha came back to the village, I knew he was lying to me about visiting with his clay pot so I decided to go back to my time. He tried arguing with me like always and tried to stop me…as if…so when he uhh…realized that he wasn't going to be able to stop me, I was already at the well. So when I was there fuming and trying to get my backpack on my shoulder I felt her, his dead miko. She came up behind me and told me that it was not my destiny to be with him…er…she thought I wanted him or something….well as more than a friend anyway…which is not quite true…since he's my best friend but nothing more….and so…anyway…” She tried to stop her rambling. She was a bit nervous at revealing the entirety of her relationship with the hanyou to his own father no less.
“Well anyway she umm…told me that my destiny lay elsewhere, that I must find it on my own and if I should return again then she would kill me. Not like she didn't try there and then…or at least I think. She took out a dagger and rushed at me before I could even get my leg over the side of the well. I was kinda surprised to say the least. She had never tried killing me outright before but she was only able to graze my shoulder with the blade- really just a scratch-…then as I was trying to get her off of me, I stumbled back away from her and fell into the well which then turned a strange color not at all like the smooth soothing fuchsia one I remember.
Then, the next thing I know instead of coming out at the shrine in my time, I ended up falling out of the sky…hmm…maybe because the well hasn't even been built yet or something…not sure…but that's when you saved me…and now I'm here with you, about…umm…700 years even further back… I think. I'll have to do my math once I found out what time we're in.”
“You are acquainted with mathematical computations?” He finally spoke up for the first time since she began her account. Out of all the possible responses or questions she considered he would ask, that was not really one of them.
Did he not believe a word she had told him then? She was sure he could smell that she wasn't lying he was an inu after all with one of the strongest senses of smell ever, or at least he should be able to read her aura to know she was not some insane miko that should be locked up in a dungeon somewhere under his palace.
“Y..yes… I can do sums, I can read, and write, and know about history and sciences, about chemistry and the stars. But, really Touga…about what I just told you….you do believe me don't you?” She asked hoping that he wouldn't reject her.
He seemed to be in deep thought and didn't respond to her question immediately making her believe that he was going to leave her behind somewhere to be devoured by any roaming demons for her foolish and utterly unbelievable story.
Frankly, he on the other hand, was very surprised that a young ningen girl not born to a royal family was so learned, where as only royalty and higher beings, such as himself, were instructed in greater knowledge and wisdom such as she was claiming to know.
“Touga, please say something….you know I'm not lying don't you? You could smell it if I was. Please…you've got to believe me….I need your help to find my way home…I need to find that well….or at least….at least someone who will know how to get me home….like another priestess or a holy man….or I don't know…anyone!” She was beginning to panic with fear he would not understand and would send her away.
He continued walking a few steps ahead of her with a crease in his eyebrows signifying either deliberation or anger, she wasn't sure. She tried placing her small hand on his arm to gain his attention. She felt the same jolt of sensation as the first time she had been touched by him but kept her hand on him nonetheless wondering if he had felt it too.
This seemed to gain his attention. He immediately stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the diminutive feminine hand upon his arm and followed it up to her shoulder then to her face.
The priestess knew she should be alarmed or at the very least frightened of this powerful demon prince for touching his person, but was unable to feel anything beyond dread that he wouldn't believe a word she had spoken to him. He had to believe her, he had to!
A sudden snarl from the inu lord before her made her quickly withdraw her hand from where it lay as if it had been burned.
Her eyes began to tear at his sudden rejection. `What did I do?' She thought dejectedly. 'I shouldn't have told him anything…I'm so stupid….of course he wasn't going to believe me, who would believe me with a story like that?' The tears slowly making their way down her smooth cheeks. What was she going to do now that he didn't want her tagging along?
The youkai looked at the girl before him. Her eyes wide with apprehension and the smell of salt water in the air. Her eyes brimmed with tears giving them a deep sparkling appearance almost like jewels scintillating in the light.
She was beautiful.
He hadn't meant to frighten her or cause her undue distress. He was just taking it all in bringing some semblance to his thoughts on all she had explained to him. Though the tale was indeed one very much out of the ordinary, he couldn't deny its truth. She was right, he was able to smell the truth and read her aura as well. Every time she spoke, it spiked with the feeling of what she was telling him as if she were relieving it all over again.
He had seen and heard many things in his long life that she would no doubt believe to be an unbelievable falsehood. So how was he to doubt this story after all the other implausible ones he had come across already?
He saw her bow her head and weep quietly, believing he had rejected her no doubt.
Touga placed a clawed hand beneath her chin lifting her face to meet his eyes.
“Kagome.” he said almost tenderly using the clawed finger of his other hand to wipe away the remaining tears streaming down her face.
“I believe you, do not weep. I am not rejecting what you have told me as truth. I was simply taking in the tale and thinking over all its possibilities.”
“Th…then…why did you growl at me when I touched you?” She asked sniffling.
“Do you not feel it miko? That strong youki that pulses not even 3 miles to our far left? I had just suddenly felt the threat when you approached me…that is all. I did not mean to frighten you. I apologize if I did.”
She pulled away from his hand wiping the evidence of her tears quickly.
Kagome pushed out her aura to the surrounding area feeling for the dangerous youki he spoke of. Indeed it was there and drawing closer to them.
“Oh…ok…so…do we keep going or do you need to check it out or something?” She asked trying to sound like if she had not just been crying before him but a minute ago.
“Why would I need to `check it out' as you put it? If he draws closer then I will kill him.”
She nodded with understanding and began to walk off in the direction they had been previously heading.
“You know miko, if you had not told me that you were from the future, I believe I would still have figured it out. Your manner of speech and dress are a sure indicator that you are not of this time. They are quite out of the ordinary.” He said while watching the sway of her hips in that tiny kimono.
“Oh,” she answered. “I thought you had me all figured out before? Didn't you tell me I must be the village whore?” she asked looking back over her shoulder at the tall inu.
At his light blush and apologetic look she only smiled. The priestess had never seen Inuyasha blush. He stuttered with anger, embarrassment, and shock perhaps, but she had never seen him blush once in remorse.
To see this great dog demon do so well…it was truly sweet.
“I was only trying to figure you out Kagome, and at the time my judgment was incorrect…I…”
“Please,” she interrupted. “If you`re going to apologize…forget it. Its alright, I understand, I always get that from almost everyone I meet for the first time, I'm used to it by now. No biggie,” she said shrugging her shoulders. And yes,” she added seeing his questioning look, “this is the way many of the girls from my time dress, and I will not tell you anything more about it.”
He continued to stare at her his eyes opening wide for a minute. This was standard clothing of her time? While he had to admit she looked amazing in this small kimono, he knew he would undoubtedly be bothered by other males remarks or pointed looks in her direction; though he was not sure why. Hmm…maybe he could get her into a much longer and proper kimono soon if they were going to be around others.
00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000
He felt it then, interrupting his musings on female clothing, the youkai they had sensed earlier was heading directly for them at high speed and would be upon them in only seconds.
Wasting no time he rushed for the priestess pushing her behind him, placing himself between her and the danger; just as a large disfigured insect youkai crashed through the trees ahead of them breaking their large trunks like splinters in his wake.
`Great,' thought Kagome, `more insect guts. I'm probably gonna have to have a good scrubbing after this. Well at least I'll be able to take a long deserving bath in one of the hot springs around here, so I guess that counts for something. Let's just get this over with.'