InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 5 Is this even possible? ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry I took so long with this chap. I wasn't too thrilled with the way it came out, as I edited and reviewed and rewrote several times. Hopefully it came out ok and at least made some sense. (I am my biggest critic!) Didn't want to dwell on it too long and hold up the rest of the story becuz of it but hopefully the next chap will be much better. Now at least I can finally move on!!
>>>Yes, I am a review junkie, though I will not hold this story up for ransom for them (like some other authors)…but would appreciate your input and honesty anyways. Only takes a minute to do…really!! ;.) Thanks!!
Ch. 5 Is this even possible?
The large demon was disturbing to look at and smelled like something had just died and was beginning to rot all over its praying-mantis-like body . His two eyes were irregularly enormous and mirrored everything it looked at, including the sickened face Kagome was making while staring directly at it with disgust. Its mandibles snapped open and shut while drooling some sort of slime that sizzled down to land at two of its eight appendages, while a small loin cloth covered a minute area between its body leaving little to the imagination.
“Huummmann….tasstty.” It said while looking intently at the young miko as if Touga were not present and standing before her chivalrously as one would stand before a helpless female.
`What is he thinking?' Thought Kagome irritably. `I said he gets to kill them since I'm unarmed, not that I can't kill them or that I'm powerless or something. I am not helpless and have dealt with youkai much greater in power than this bug many times before.'
Granted she had had her friends, a very protective hanyou, and her bows and arrows, but still she knew that she would help in any way possible just as she had always done with her friends whether they had asked for her help or not. She would not just stand back like a damsel in distress, she was a modern woman of the 21st century after all, no matter what these inus thought of her. She would just infuse something strewn about the area like a branch or rock to push her spiritual powers into it and launch at the demon to purify him. She would not allow Touga to believe she was a priestess who was unable to even defend herself.
The miko quickly returned her focus on the insect shuddering slightly upon hearing the bugs intention to consume her for lunch and as the putrid smell intensified after it opened its jaws to speak. “Why do they always have to speak, I mean really, is it too much for them just to stay quiet and attack and not state their intentions every time,” she mumbled softly to herself, though she knew with the inu's hearing that he no doubt heard her little comment.
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Admittedly, Touga didn't take too kindly to being ignored, even by this repulsive low level insect youkai. `He is going to pay with his life for refusing to acknowledge my presence and power,' he thought immediately. His aura stirred with anger and displeasure as he rushed forward, without so much as drawing his sword, opting to use his claws to finish it off as quickly as possible. Though he would never admit it, he was beginning to feel light headed with this youkais foul odor, his senses thrown off balance by the intense smell bombarding his extremely sensitive nose.
“Hn…you wont be eating her today you repulsive, foul-smelling filth, now die!”
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`Huh,' mused Kagome watching him advance on the bug with wonder at this suddenly familiar exchange. `That suspiciously sounded like Inuyasha. In fact he charged right in without a second thought with only his claws while shouting `die.' Where have I seen this before?
Wait…Inuyasha does always spew his mouth while he rushes in to attack but there's someone else who's always shouting die? I know of heard it before but where? Hmmm.'
“That's it!” she shouted with a finger poised in the air.
`Inuyasha rushes recklessly into fights with either his claws or his Tesusaiga drawn and Sesshoumaru always goes around saying `die Inuyasha,' or `die filthy hanyou,' or the likes. Wow, they really are both so much like Touga!' She thought in excitement and surprise.
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The insect moved so quickly that the young inuyoukai was a bit surprised when his claws did not meet flesh wondering how something so cumbersome and with so many appendages could possibly move so quickly. No matter, he was still faster and would catch it off guard running his claws through its heart relishing the feel of his blood. The inuyoukai was displeased that his time with the onna was interrupted. He just wanted to get this over and done with and be able to continue to study the miko that had walked alongside him this day. She -for a human- was uncharacteristically interesting, he admitted reluctantly to himself, and thus wanted some more time to speak with her.
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Kagome noticed how fast the insect youkai moved, yet she still knew that it would only take Touga a second or two before he killed it off. She had great confidence in his abilities though she had yet to see him in action. What the miko truly desired to see was the taiyoukai in a real battle against some exceptionally fearsome opponent, knowing it would surely be a sight to behold. Of course she wouldn't want him to get hurt but it would still be thrilling to watch nonetheless.
She swiftly came to her senses though, suddenly becoming aware of what her stupid brain was thinking without her ultimate consent. She knew that those thoughts were only from the silly little school girl side of her for she really knew that a great battle, just like the one she wished to witness, had killed Touga. He was not a legend or a story to be retold, but a real being with emotions, breath, and blood, and he was not invincible as she seemed to be thinking.
She chastised herself over her own childish notions.
Her thoughts were abruptly interrupted with an unexpected rumbling beneath the earth where she stood patiently watching Touga try to get his claws into the bug. She felt her miko powers manifest themselves warning her of an immediate danger but as she watched Touga who was still swiping at the mantis-youkai barely missing slicing him in half, she began to grow suspicious of the bug noting it only seemed as if it was distracting him, not even bothering to fight back but disappearing then reappearing as if diverting his attention. What was it doing? Why was it only running and blocking his advances?
The rumbling of the earth increased until she was having difficulty trying to remain standing, something that neither combatant seemed to take notice of as they were too engrossed in their game of speed; her powers now wildly screaming for her to run or purify the threat.
`Som…something is coming from out of the ground behind me,' she thought frantically searching for anything that could possibly be used as a weapon around her.
The priestess made a dive to her left, just as the ground gave way beneath her reaching for a nearby tree branch hoping to infuse it with her holy powers.
She scrambled to her feet looking around her as more fowl smelling mantis-like youkai popped out of the ground all around them like unwanted and bothersome weeds. She covered her nose and mouth with the sleeve of her uniform briefly wondering if the stench was even bearable for the sensitive inuyoukai who rapidly reappeared beside her giving the insects a very low and threatening growl.
Touga wasted no time in allowing any more to rise from the ground, quickly attacking them without so much as a second thought as his youki flared around him in annoyance Kagome inwardly cringed upon feeling his powerful aura so close to her though she knew that this must only be a portion of it if she were still able to stand without falling over. She already recognized Sesshoumaru's reiki and it was magnificent and powerful when he choose to let it flare and knew that his sires would be even greater and definitely on a grander scale than what she felt now.
Kagome looked down at her hand as if suddenly noticing what she was holding. `I must really look stupid standing here with my stick while he goes all out slicing bug after bug without even breaking a sweat; dammit he's not even leaving any for me!! I guess I should be grateful but I don't want him to think I'm just some useless human….I'm a miko for kamis sake. I need to start purifying something! I will not be called useless by any inu again!!'
Just then the perfect opportunity presented itself as some insects made their way toward her. She was able to erect a small barrier around herself, courtesy of Kaedes continuous training, while at the same time plunging her glimmering power induced branch into the bodies of those daring to get too close to her purifying them on contact, or in some instances simply the body parts that the point came into contact with.
Their shrieks of death and mutilation made her skin crawl and their putrid smell only intensified with their deaths. She was sure she was going to be sick, she had that unwanted feeling in the pit of her stomach that she was about to vomit.
These wretched youkais seemed to be using their unique order to their advantage making their prey loose their concentration and ultimately succumb to their death.
Her barrier began to waver around her almost causing her to stumble as the youkai continued to swarm around her attacking her already weakening bubble slicing, kicking, and hitting it over and over hoping to harm her enough to abandon her protection.
Kagome glanced around trying to pinpoint Touga`s location searching for his aura between the others. When she finally spotted him amidst all the chaos of ground erupting youkai, she noted he was taking down the insects with little difficulty, though by the looks on his face the smell was also affecting him greatly.
He turned toward her then feeling her eyes upon him -taking in her sickly countenance- a look of worry briefly touched his features. The bugs he currently battled with took his slight distraction as the perfect opportunity to swipe him in the chest while yet another slashed him across his back.
“Oh no, Touga.” She whispered with alarm. “He…he's getting hurt because of me. I'm so stupid, I didn't mean to distract him!! No this cant happen to him! Not because of me!!”
Seeing his blood begin to stain his white haori crimson and leave a scarlet trail down his seemingly unbreakable body frightened her. She immediately reacted to his injury and tried running toward him in a panicked attempt to aid him. But seeing his only reaction was anger for what they had dared do to him, this oddly enough angered her as well.
Unexpectedly, righteous fury quickly replaced her growing anger. She was not going to allow something to happen to him, nor allow history to be changed simply because of her weakness and humanity or merely because she was a reincarnation of a miko more powerful than her.
Her aura spiked dangerously a beautiful shimmering pink expanding outward from her small slender body.
“Touga!” she called to him attempting to gain his immediate attention as she tried to successfully contain her purifying powers until he left the area; she didn't want to harm him by accident.
“Please go, I'm going to purge the area and purify them all and I cant….I don't…I don't want to hurt you!!”
His low outraged growl appeared to answer for him before his actual words did. Did this girl not know to whom she speaks to? “I am not leaving miko, do you honestly believe you will be able to purify this Touga?” He asked strangely displeased that she did not believe him to be powerful enough to withstand her purifying powers.
`Back to miko are we? What's with this guy? It seems that every time he's angry or annoyed with me he reverts back to calling me miko instead of by my name. Hmph, well I should just let him stay then so I can burn him alongside these disgusting bugs.'
She sighed. She knew she would never hurt him intentionally anymore, no matter what the circumstances. Not like she probably could anyway, this was the all powerful, soon-to-be dog general after all, but better to be safe than sorry she always said.
Seeing the restlessness of the surviving bug youkai as she held back her powers, she knew she had to convince Touga to leave immediately before her control vanished.
“JUST GO OK!! She shouted, trying to make him understand the seriousness of what she was about to do.
“No…I will not leave…this is my responsibility…my land….my duty…I will never run from anything or anyone!!”
“Well it wont be your duty anymore if your not here to do it since I purified you, you jerk, just listen!!”
“Its alright Kagome, let go….you will not harm me…” he tried convincing upon seeing her skepticism and her face begin to perspire with the effort of containing her powers around her body.
“…do you know, I don't think someone has ever tried to purify you before right? How…how can you be sure I wont hurt you?”
“Trust me…as a friend would trust another…so I ask you to trust in my judgment…you will not harm me Kagome.” He tried to hold her eyes with his own, seeing the uncertainty of his request briefly flicker in her beautiful cerulean orbs he was about to persuade her to do as he said yet again.
“Miko! I know that…”
“SHUT UP WILL YA!!” She yelled in frustration interrupting what he was about to say.
“Just don't say I didn't warn you.” She grumbled between her teeth finally giving in. Its not like they had time to be giving winded speeches or be arguing amongst themselves, the bugs were regrouping and trying to surround them ready to resume their attack.
But… if she was certain of one thing, it was this… she did trust him. If he said he wouldn't be purified then she would just have to believe him and hope to kami that she did not kill the great Touga or else she would change the time line and future irreparably and cause who knows how much problems with temporal anomalies and such.
“Well here goes nothing…oh please…kami…please…don't let me hurt the stubborn and prideful youkai.”
Kagome was no longer able to hold on to such immense power, she felt as if it was now trying to claw its way out of her body to purify the demonic threat to her person.
She let her pink aura expand from her body outward suddenly engulfing the small area with a brilliant shimmering fuchsia light that blinded those who looked at it before their bodies began to turn to dust with the raw power she was emitting.
`Oh Touga…please be safe…please be ok.'
Before her pleas for Touga's safety even began she felt another sudden surge of power rising up to meet with hers. This reiki felt magnificent, it neither overpowered hers nor challenged hers in a menacing or threatening manner.
As soon as the light from her aura diminished…she opened her eyes -as she had them closed in concentration- to see the most beautiful sight she had ever witnessed in her young life.
Touga stood before her, his own magnificent youki surrounded him and consumed the area they had just battled in. His beautiful sallow hair slowing moving by an imaginary wind that at the moment was non-existent. His clothes whipping gently against his lean body while his extraordinary reiki swirled a remarkable magenta up to meet and mingle with hers. To her sudden shock, her aura wasn't threatened by his incredible power but rose up to meet and join his, pushing and pulling and merging in an incredible array of color.
What was happening? How was this even possible? Shouldn't her holy powers feel his reiki was an immense threat and would try to purify him?
Kagome was unable to question this unexpected occurrence further, for the sensations of their merging powers was amazing. She was increasingly becoming aware of her body responding to him in a way she never even knew was possible.
She watched him closely and wondered if he felt something similar too.
Yet, he simply stood there gazing at her, his stunning amber eyes gleaming with an intensity that made her knees weak and an unknown fluttering take root deep in her lower belly.
The priestess seemed to be entranced with the taiyoukai before her. Her legs began to move towards him out of their own accord bringing her only an arms length from him. Their reikis seemingly teasing one another without either completely backing away or submitting but continuing to touch and unite at different peaks.
A strange urge came over her. She wanted to touch his face, she wanted to know if it was as soft and perfect as it looked like. She couldn't see or feel anything but him, the world and its sounds suddenly oblivious to the young woman as she stood before the young lord.
Her arm, out of its own accord, slowly reached up to touch him, to feel him.
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Touga stood motionless. He was drowning in the mikos endless ocean orbs that at the moment were blended with the shimmering rose of her power creating an intoxicating blend. He had never experienced so many strange and intensely new sensations in his long life. How could this ningen woman before him have such an effect on his emotions?
As soon as he had felt her power break free he had countered by releasing a small portion of his youki believing it would battle with her own for dominance and at the feel of her threat would possibly attack her, but to his utter astonishment it did something unheard of and unparalleled. It fused and combined with hers, his demonic reiki and her holy power merged softly without a confrontation.
He was not a youkai of great bursts of outward emotion or feeling really, especially not toward a female and definitely not for a human one at that. Yet, at this instant, so many sensations warred within him, threatening to overwhelm him with something unknown and unfamiliar, and all because of this one little miko.
Touga had a sudden yearning to run his thumb over the girls plump lips and find out if this thing called `kissing' that so many other youkai species made mention of was indeed something pleasant for the body or even a worth while endeavor to partake in with a female.
So wrapped up in his own reflections, he barely took notice that the girls small hand was suddenly pressed intimately upon his face her slender fingers beginning to trace his violet stripe of status and position with great focus and somewhat timid admiration.
His mind and thought process shut down as his own hand found her lips. He gently traced her mouth with his thumb suddenly wondering what they felt like, reminding him that he had already tasted her blood and it was like no other taste he had ever known; powerful, magical, and pure. Perhaps he should taste and feel more of her?
He closed the space between them gently taking her face between both his hands, his fingers entwining in her ebony locks. He slowly brought his own lips down to meet hers, to taste her, to know her, to know what it would be like to be with a female in such an intimate way.
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Kagome was mesmerized with his seamlessly soft streak of violet running across his cheek. It felt so silky and smooth, even more than she had imagined. She traced it with her fingers wondering how such a thing could make him look even more handsome and attractive.
Suddenly feeling his thumb running over her lips, her dormant intelligence made itself known bringing her conscience with it. `What am I doing? This…this is not right…I shouldn't be doing this. I cant allow this to happen…no matter how nice it feels…and oh it feels soooo nice….its only…its just our reikis flirting or something right? This isn't even us…just our reaction to all this power flowing around us.'
Seeing him stare intently at her lips, she knew as any female would, -even with her limited experience- that he was going to kiss her, his lips moving forward to meet hers just a breath away.
`His supposed to fall in love?' She continued her argument with a little less panic. `Not all inu's or youkais fall in love though right? Maybe….just maybe….I could…'
The last thought broke her free from her self-induced trance. `Fate had meant for him to fall in love with another?! Argh…no…no…then I have to stop this now before something regrettable happens!!' She tried to forcibly convince herself.
Kagome was so disconcerted with that appalling thought that she abruptly brought her aura back into her body, snapping it with so much force she stumbled away from his grasp floundering until she fell back on her rear end, exactly what she had feared would happen in the beginning of their journey.
“I'm sorry, I…I didn't…I mean…we shouldn't…this cant…” The miko took a deep breath trying to organize her thoughts and trying to get her wildly beating heart under control. When she had managed to reign in her emotions and her rebellious body, she spoke again only with a feigned coolness and composure she didn't truly feel at the moment, trying to make sense to both herself and the taiyoukai who at the moment was looking at her as if she were a strange and peculiar creature he had just come upon. Again.
“I'm so sorry Touga. I shouldn't have touched you. It will not happen again. Well not in that manner anyway cuz I might touch you again but you know not like that….uh…but I`m sorry anyway…and you were right…I didn't purify you…you`re aura was incredible and amazing and wow…I mean…oh…damn it…” So much for looking cool and composed she reflected noting she was still on the ground looking at him expectantly hoping he would say something already, anything would be good right about now.
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I really wasn't trying to end this with a cliffy or anything, this is just kinda where I wanted to stop for now so I can start a new better chapter. (Not always to thrilled with authors who end all their chpts. with a cliffy…once in a while is pretty good ya know…get readers to look forward to the next installment.
So how do you all think he's going to react? What do you think he'll say to Kagome for ending his first chance at a kiss (yes that is in there for a reason)! Maybe some youkai species just find kissing to be something humans tend to do to show affection as opposed to them who might rub their faces against each other, or lick, or….ya know! Well don't worry, he might still have another opportunity later on…yeah…well hopefully…as long as Kagome doesn't keep pushing him away…yeah….we'll see.
Well until next time….and as always… PLEASE REVIEW!!