InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch, 10 The Mistake ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A sincere thanks to my first 2 reviewers!!
Inu-baby : I am so glad you are liking this story and this pairing. I will update as soon as I can!
Inu inu luvluv : Thanks I hope you continue to enjoy it as it progresses!
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Last time…
The miko closed her eyes, no longer worried for her safety. Inuyasha was here after all, he would find the boy she had sacrificed her life for and watch over him. Everything would be ok. She could finally let her mind and body have the rest it so desired.
She allowed her cloudy mind to slowly conjure up the image of the one person she longed to see again, of the one person who's face was now etched into her subconscious…even as her heart beat one last time.
Just for him.
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Ch. 10 The Mistake
The sun descended on the valley below, a magnificent and entrancing mix of red, orange, and gold swirls. A light breeze swept through the long silver tresses of a beautiful male youkai as he watched the play of colors upon the evening sky.
Touga continued to meditate high above the world, his reiki cloud sustaining his tall frame easily, as he contemplated the young woman who now monopolized his mind.
He soon came to the grudging realization that it would be best if he actually attempted to track down the miko and…well would not apologize per say, but ask her not to give up on their friendship. Yes…that was it. He would ask her to bear with him and not abandon their friendship like…he…had just done. Hmm. Perhaps there was another way?
It was his first friendship after all and he was not too keen on losing it so quickly.
Though he was new to friendship, he figured it was much like having an ally.
Though a much more audacious, defiant, intelligent, and beautiful ally. Who also happened to be a powerful miko and a human woman, which meant…she would be much more likely to be…preyed upon by other youkai…and even human men.
He had left her while she was unarmed and though a priestess, she would be unable to defend herself against men twice her size who were intent on harming her or ravishing her body.
He had to find her. He could kick himself for his stupidity. Why had he allowed his beast to become so dominant? He sighed. He was never one to lie to himself and he would not begin to now. Touga reluctantly admitted he could not only blame this whole situation on his beast. He was so used to others obeying him without question that he did not like the fact that a simple human woman had challenged his authority. His instincts had only wanted him to respond as he would of with any bitch, yet he should have known he could not have done that, the girl was no inu.
She was right about one thing though. He did not, and still does not, know the true meaning of friendship. Perhaps…it was not too late to learn it, if she allowed.
He decided to backtrack to the forest clearing and hoped she had not yet left.
Though, if she had it would be a simple matter to simply track her, and follow until he caught up to her. She could not had not gotten very far. She was a human after all and they were known to be slow creatures.
He allowed his youki cloud to bring him down slowly to the forest floor. It would be much easier to track her scent from down below than it would from the air.
He ran through the trees, a white blur passing wild animals and lower level demons without pause, as they went about their business not even noticing the demon that had spared their lives.
Touga soon arrived at their previous camp, his eyes and nose intent on finding the little onna. Yet, he soon realized that she must have left the camp several hours before for her smell was no longer as strong.
What had he expected he would find? She was a strong woman and he had sent her off to a youkai…village. He had…sent her…a ningen woman, alone, unarmed, and unaccompanied into a village full of dangerous demons?
`What the hell is wrong with you Touga?' He chastised himself. `Did you not think she could get hurt on the way…or worse, get killed when she did arrive at the village? Apparently you weren't thinking about it while your beast was busy thinking of all the ways it would make her submit.'
He ran off again, scenting her trail as he went. She had indeed headed for the village he had told her about and had felt only a couple of lower level youkai in the area, but nothing the little onna was unable to handle. She had already demonstrated her power when she had purified a whole group of insect mantis alone.
He soon arrived at the edge of the village he had instructed her to travel to. And now that he was here, he was rather surprised with her resiliency. Not only had she made it this far in an era not her own, but she had done it rather quickly for a human.
She was an impressive woman indeed.
He began to take note of the village's nervousness and apprehension, obviously due to the priestess' presence. But something was wrong. He could feel it, his instincts warning him of danger as he entered. The occupants were clambering to greet him bowing and offering their services, their goods, -and even their daughters- to him and his family. He continued on, oblivious to them all but one thing. The smell of the little onna's blood.
He rushed forward throwing everyone that got in his way into the sides of the road and into huts and stands uncaringly. Where was she? What happened to her? Who would dare harm her? Touga's heart beat with trepidation. Was he too late to renew his friendship with the miko? There were too many unanswered questions and until he saw her alive and well before him he would not regain his calm.
As the smell of her blood increased, so did his speed. He followed her scent until he came upon a small unassuming area behind several homes. Touga was in no way prepared for the horrific and unimaginably repugnant scene he came upon.
His little miko was being taunted and beaten before his very eyes by several demon males. She had so much blood on her and on the ground he was unable to even distinguish the wounds that had initially caused the outpouring. Her clothes torn and shredded, the exposed skin on her body so slashed and torn, he could not possibly imagine the agony she must be in. They only seemed to be playing with her, taking turns harming her. She was no longer even fighting back her aggressors, but laying there unmoving.
Something fierce and unimaginable stirred up within him. The little onna had trusted him to protect her, to guide her to the only youkai who might have had the answer she sought, to provide sustenance for her, to guard her as she slept, and even soothe her from her nightmares. She had called him mate and friend while he…he had left her, abandoned her in his anger and allowed her to fend for herself and now…he was watching her die. He heard her heart lose pace and her lungs force air into her body while her breathing slowed to a whisper soft rasp.
He had never felt such a fury take over his being before. An earth shattering roar shook the earth as he felt the blood flowing through his veins burning him from the inside out, his heart pounding within him so erratically it drowned out all other sounds, but one.
One whispered word before her heart ceased its rhythm. One word that told him the miko had called out to him, had thought about him before her death. The one simple word that unleashed his beast.
His reiki swirled in a massive cyclone around his body, his eyes bled crimson, as his face elongated allowing his canines to transform into a row of knife-sharp teeth. His inu form suddenly towered over the young woman's attackers. He turned his dark ruby eyes upon the creatures, their sudden stench of fear driving him mad with bloodlust.
“Must kill!!” He growled out in a roar.
Sensing their death was at hand, all of the priestess's attackers suddenly scattered fearing for their lives. They seemed to be unaware that they would not be able to outrun an inu out for their blood.
Touga's beast sensed the chase was on and he howled with anticipation. He was able to sniff each one out as they ran or attempted to hide from him. Did they not know the smell of the miko's blood was upon each one of them, his beast hungry for their immediate death?
He tore through each one of the youkai's, their screams and gurgles of death a sweet, resonant sound to his ears. None survived. His poisonous acid melted their bodies as he crunched them between his teeth. And any remains that might have fallen out of his mouth, only fizzed with the venom that ate away at their flesh.
He quickly returned to the miko, not wanting to be too far from her. His beast sniffed her body, pushing his nose into her hair. Even as it became wet with her blood, she still smelled so sweet. Her calming scent of innocence and purity bringing a sharp pang of anguish to his heart. Why had he allowed her to die? Why had he failed the first true hand of friendship that had ever been offered to him? There had to be a way. If she died here, in his time, would the future forever be irreparably damaged or changed? Would she then cease to exist?
There were too many questions and not enough answers. Yet, perhaps there was someone who would know; a mighty tree of ageless wisdom that the Inu no Taisho had taken him to meet in one of his first hunting trips.
Yes, if anyone would have any resolutions of value, then he would be the one to have them. The mighty tree held a vast storehouse of knowledge and insight that had been passed down to him from previous centuries. Even his own father had sought answers from Bokensu, and still continues to seek his insight to this very day.
If there was any way to restore the little onna's life, then he would find it. He was Touga, Western heir and youkai of honor. He would accept this challenge unflinchingly as he did all things, and would find a way to bring her back to life, or die trying.
He looked down upon the miko again, his heart no longer troubled, as he nudged her gently.
Then much to his provocation, he smelt another smaller demon, the miko's sweet scent still lingering all over his body. His blood stained eyes looked up to find and kill the offending youkai but instead found a child standing several feet away from them watching him without fear, the only occupant of what was now a seemingly deserted village.
Who was he? And why was the little onna's scent all over this small child?
He growled out low, warning him to remain far away lest his beast choose to kill him as well. But much to his consternation, the child only drew closer, and closer ignoring the aggressive way the inu stood before the body of the young woman.
“I wont hurt her. I -I only want to help. She saved me, they were going to kill me but she-” he sniffed tears threatening to fall “- she saved me my Lord. The girl gave her life for me, an orphan of no consequence.” The child youkai finished looking down at his worn, black boots. “I wish to go with you. I know you will find a way to help her my Lord. I have heard you never give up and I will not give up either until I can repay her. I owe her my life.” He finished with certainty knowing he would follow the Western heir whether he allowed it or not.
Touga thought about the child's words for only a minute wondering why the miko had sacrificed her life for this boy. A priestess saving the life of a youkai? Why had she done it?
Perhaps…she needed no ulterior motive to rescue the life of a boy who was about to be killed by cold-blooded youkai. She was truly a rare creature indeed.
He barked out an answer without any hesitation.
The child wasted no time. He saw the inu-taiyoukai lower his massive body to the ground, a sign that he should climb on. Before he did, he turned to the miko and gently lifted her in his arms. Her blood covered body was not very heavy and with the aid of the inu's nose and leg, he was able to climb upon his back with the onna safely in his hold.
Touga bounded off taking to the sky immediately, flying toward the old tree of knowledge, Bokensu. With his great strides and agile body he arrived at the edge of the his lands where the tree resided, calling out to him in barks and growls. He didn't want to revert back into his human form, for he was much faster as his inu beast and would be able to carry the child and the body of the priestess with ease.
“Bokensu, I am in need of your assistance.”
“Ahh, my great Lord Touga, how may I be of service to the House of the West? And who is this you bring along with you?” Questioned the tree in a deep melodious voice that sounded much like the rustling of leaves in a gentle breeze.
“I need to know how I can restore the life of a human miko.”
“Well, that is truly a perplexing question indeed my Lord. In all the centuries that I have stood watch in your forests, I have never had such a question posed to me before.” Answered the tree elatedly. “I believe the answer you seek will be found with the sword smith Totousai. You will find him 25 miles away where the forest parts to reveal a large, mountainous volcano. He will be able to assist you with forging a mighty sword that will restore the life of the young woman. Though why do you wish to-”
Touga hastened to the area he had told him about not allowing the tree youkai to finish his questioning. `How was a sword going to bring her back to life?' He wondered, though at this moment he would take whatever answer had been given to him.
The child thankfully continued to remain silent as he held unto his charge and gripped the thick, silky fur of the inu he rode on.
Touga urged himself to go faster. He could not afford to waste time for the longer she remained dead the more difficult it would be to return her soul to her body.
The inu arrived at the volcano's edge within no time, searching for the youkai Totousai through the harsh sulfuric smell that assaulted his sensitive nose.
“Well, what do we have here MoMo? It looks like a large dog sniffing around for a bone perhaps?” The youkai Totousai asked while coming out of a barrier that had been placed around his home -which happened to be the inside of the volcano.
A growl answered his mocking comment.
“If you do not wish to die old youkai, I suggest you listen to me very carefully. The tree of wisdom, Bokensu, informed me you would be able to aid me in restoring this onna's life with a sword of life you will forge for me.”
“Hmm, Bokensu eh?” He said scratching his beard, then poking his ear with a clawed finger. “You have a ningen woman with you I see. And she's dead. What about the boy?”
Another growl. The old youkai was seriously angering him. “What about him?”
“I don't know, I was just curios is all. Alright, I can forge you a sword. If wielded properly it will restore the woman's life. Though…it would depend how long she has been dead. And…I will also need one of your fangs. Hmm…let me see now, which one, which one?” He said while looking intently at the youkais mouth, his razor sharp fangs still glistening with acidic poison.
“The woman has been dead for only 23 minutes. And you have my permission to remove one of my fangs. Now tell me…how long will it take to create this `sword of life?'
“Hmm…23 minutes eh? Alright how about I have the sword ready for you in two weeks time?”
“TWO WEEKS?!!” He barked sharply.
“No? Alright 3 days then?”
Snarl, Growl.
“Huh, you are one pushy pup. What say I have it ready in one hours time. The sword needs to be ready soon if you want the girl to live you know.”
“I -what?” Snarl, Growl.
“Okay, okay, let me just yank one of your fangs here…lets see…this one should do nicely.” He said while suddenly pulling out a strange instrument and yanking out one of his upper canines.
“You'll regrow it soon enough. Now do not disturb me until I bring the sword to you.” Totousai walked through a barrier set before a small cave to begin working on his creation.
Touga lowered himself to the ground intent on waiting this out with patience. He could not help but wonder what had taken place with the miko before her death. Perhaps the child that waited quietly upon his back would be able to shed some light on the enigma that plagued his mind.
“What is your name boy?”
“Ryukensu my Lord.” He answered firmly and quickly.
“Why did the priestess save your life?”
“I -I do not know my Lord, maybe…maybe because she -she wanted to.” He responded his voice wavering slightly.
“Hn. Tell me everything that happened.”
Ryukensu told the inu Lord everything that had happened. He mentioned how he came upon the miko in the forest as he foraged for food. He told him how she spoke to him throughout her entire journey, even though she did not know who he was as he had never revealed himself to her.
After hearing the great inu growl, Ryukensu thought he should give him more details, afraid that perhaps the prince thought he was stalking her. He mentioned the fact that that was the first time he had ever met a human or a miko and was merely curios about her, and that was the reason he had not shown himself to her. And…that he was rather frightened of her as well, she was a miko after all.
After placating the demon he continued with his story. He told the Lord about following her into town. Of how the gang of youkai had come upon him and tried to force him to steal something in exchange for food. And when he had denied them, they began to beat him calling him a worthless bastard child, and other cruel and mean names.
Then, he went on to explain how the human girl saw him and tried to help him. How she had tried to save him from the nasty and heartless youkai's and how he was not afraid of her powers because she had seemed very kind and had told him she had only wanted to help him.
Ryukensu continued telling him everything he remembered leaving nothing out.
“…and now we are here my Lord.” He ended gently caressing the soft raven hair of the woman he held in his arms, not caring that he was getting her blood on his hands.
It was true then, the miko had sacrificed her well being and her very life, for a little dragon youkai. Touga had much to think about. But his reflections would have to wait until another time, as he saw the sword smith return with an unrevealed sword covered in cloth to keep it hidden from view.
“My Lord.” The demon Totousai said while starring up at him.
“Is the sword ready then?” He asked hoping that it was and that the old youkai wasn't coming out with something else. He did seem rather crazy after all and there was no telling what he could come up with now.
“No…not `the sword', but Tenseiga is ready.” He corrected.
“Hai, Tenseiga -the heavenly fang of life. Another like it has never been created. It can bring back the dead -up to a hundred souls- as well as heal wounds in one sweep . Though I must warn you, it cannot destroy nor kill, as that was not its intended purpose when I forged it. Now let us see it in action. Here my Lord Touga, take it.”
Touga stood ready to test its merit, though he would need to transform into his human form to wield it. A great wind of youki energy swirled around him as he returned his power to his body. As he did so, the passengers that rode upon his back began to fall. Though Touga was able to easily catch the girl in his arms, he worried that the child would plunge down to the earth and harm himself. Yet, much to his relief, the boy was swift and nimble, landing silently in a crouch.
Touga gazed upon the small priestess in his arms suddenly remembering the way she had blushed beautifully as she had called him `mate' at the rivers edge. How her azure eyes sparkled with life and her heart rate increased as he stood close to her and inhaled her scent. He could not help but feel that perhaps calling her `friend' was not the correct word. Was it normal to desire to kiss a `friend'? To hold them in your arms and protect them from all harm? Perhaps…when she awoke…he would have to ask her.
Gently placing her down on the soft earth, he took the heavenly fang of life -Tenseiga- from the smith and unsheathed it. It was magnificent. He could feel its strength and unearthly power cursing through his entire being then flowing directly into his heart. Tenseiga hummed, the sound of a thousand whispered words of life all spoken together by a multitude of creatures, urging him to return the soul of the fallen girl.
Pointing the sword at the miko, he saw the bearers of the underworld materialize before his very eyes. Ugly, short creatures with bulbous eyes and mucous like skin were attempting to harness the soul of the powerful priestess as she seemed to struggle with the sickening creatures to remain unfettered.
Out of simple instinct, the Western heir used Tenseiga to slash through the creatures who wished to take the woman from him, disintegrating their horrendous bodies on contact with the swords suddenly razor-sharp edge.
A blue flash of light surrounded her body momentarily blinding all three of the youkai onlookers as they stood encircled around her in anticipation, hoping that she would open her eyes to the world once again.
Touga took note of how her skin and body was suddenly healed of all wounds and abrasions. Even the blood that covered her from head to toe vanished and her clothes were thankfully restored to their previous state. Yet nothing else happened. She remained still and unmoving.
He was ready to kill the sword smith for implanting false hope in him, when the most wonderful pulsating sound reverberated through his ears.
Touga heard her heart begin to beat, her breathing restored, and saw her eyes begin to flutter as she tried to open them ever so slowly.
He could hardly believe it. The miko Kagome was alive.
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Kagome knew in some part of her muddled mind that she had died. She remembered she had been beaten by five seriously stupid demons, then she had heard a really scary roar, and finally she had called out for Touga.
She slowly opened her eyes now very much aware that somehow she had returned to the world of the living, yet how, she did not know.
The first face to greet her was the very one she had conjured up as her life ended. Was he truly with her now?
“Touga?” She asked to make certain it was him and not a figment of her imagination.
“Hai, miko it is I.” He answered, crouching down beside her, relief clouding his senses at hearing her voice once again.
“Back to miko are we? Are you mad at me, because that's the only time you call me miko instead of Kagome. I do have a name ya know. And -and Touga? I'm really glad to -to see you again.” She said while unthinkingly reaching out to embrace him.
Touga returned her embrace wrapping her up in his strong arms. Then, rather unexpectedly -as not only did he surprise the miko but himself as well- he crushed his lips to hers in a searing and desperate kiss. He didn't know why he did it, perhaps he was simply overwhelmed with emotions he had never experienced before. Or maybe it had been the fact that he was extremely contented that he had indeed found a way to restore her life to her. Whatever had been his reasoning, his thought process was soon overwhelmed by the way the priestess was responding to him with equal fervor, soon matching him in passion and ardor.
He tasted her lips while she in turn frantically mimicked his movements, grabbing unto the back of his haori, holding her body as close to him as she was able. He nipped at her bottom lip demanding she allow him more access to her honeyed depths and to deepen the kiss so he would be able to explore every inch of her mouth. She didn't hesitate to allow him entrance, and as her mouth opened, a soft moan escaped her parted lips as his tongue plunged in to mate with hers. He ravished her mouth over and over again frantically trying to take her in with all of his senses, a fervency and a deep need that rivaled anything he had ever desired before.
As she began to trace his fangs with her tongue while simultaneously bringing up her slim fingers to outline the tip of his pointed ear, he groaned into her mouth with ecstasy. It felt remarkable and fueled the fire in his already heated blood as they continued their almost frenzied pace.
She must have cut her tongue on one of his sharp canines because her blood soon mingled in his mouth making her taste all the more gratifying and pleasing, reminding him of the time he had first tasted her blood. She didn't seem to mind or care that she had nicked herself on one of his fangs for she continued to thrust her tongue into his mouth and lightly suck on his. Either way it mattered not, for the curative properties in his saliva would soon heal the cut.
He was still crouched beside her as he hadn't even had a chance to do much else after he had unexpectedly kissed her. Though when she suddenly began to straddle him, and push herself up against his body, her plump breasts pressing up against his hard chest, Touga thought he would be undone. He wanted to take her right then and there as she pressed her woman's core into his already hardening member and her thick scent of arousal assaulted his sensitive nose. Yet he hesitated, though he was suddenly unsure why. She wanted him as much as he did her but there was something that was stopping him from making her his, and much to his consternation, he couldn't remember what it was.
“Ahem.” Cough, cough.
“He, he , he.” Giggle.
Kagome wasn't really sure what had prompted her to return his kiss. But she had to admit that she had really wanted to. She had even been secretly hoping he would try something that bold when she woke up, and even a little kiss on the cheek would have been good. But the more she thought about it the more she came to the conclusion that thankfully this was no mere kiss on the cheek and he had gone way beyond that. She couldn't even put it into a classification really. It was more like -like having sex with their tongues! It was mind-boggling and crazy, and -and wonderful and she really, really wanted to do it again, even though she knew she shouldn't and that- What the heck?
Why was someone coughing all loudly and who was giggling?
“Well, are you going to introduce me to the young lady my Lord Touga?
“EEEP!!” Kagome squeaked in embarrassment and shame quickly scrambling off of the inuyoukai she was straddling and had just been ravishing with her tongue.
“Who -who are-” She tried asking to embarrassed to even speak coherently yet still wanting to know who had been watching them this whole time.
“Hmm, the woman sounds like an owl. And if I didn't sense her miko powers I would say she was part owl youkai.” Totousai remarked.
“Koiishi, I would like you to meet Totousai -skillful and notable sword smith- who forged the great fang Tenseiga which brought you back to life.” Touga answered hoping to deter the old youkai from embarrassing the young woman further, as she seemed to be growing redder by the second.
“And this,” he added gesturing toward the smaller -and cheerfully smiling- dragon youkai, “…is Ryukensu, the boy who owes you his very life.”
Kagome still seemed to be tongue-tied. There were two youkai's watching her and Touga make out? And one of them was a child? Gah!! Did he just say Totousai had barely forged Tenseiga? To save her life? And why was he acting all calm and cool after a kiss like that? She could barely speak let alone be making introductions. And -and had Touga just called her koiishi and -wait…they seemed…to be waiting for her to say something. Just great.
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(Again another rather long chapter and this time I tried not to end it on a cliffy.)
So there you have it, now we know what happened to Kagome -who didn't die- and how Touga's first sword Tenseiga was made.
That was a rather hard chapter to write -as you can tell by how long I took to post it! Hopefully the next one wont give me much trouble.
So until next time!!