InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 11 I want to thank you ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Thanks for reading my fic. Here is Ch. 11. ENJOY!!
A quick thanks to Ladydeath31178 - Thank you for your review! I'm so glad you are liking the story and finding it's many twists and turns interesting.
Also to rockerchick - I am glad you think the story is original! That is always good to hear ;0)
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Last time…
“Koiishi, I would like you to meet Totousai -skillful and notable sword smith- who forged the great fang Tenseiga which brought you back to life.” Touga answered hoping to deter the old youkai from embarrassing the young woman further, as she seemed to be growing redder by the second.
“And this,” he added gesturing toward the smaller -and cheerfully smiling- dragon youkai, “…is Ryukensu, the boy who owes you his very life.”
Kagome still seemed to be tongue-tied. There were two youkai's watching her and Touga make out? And one of them was a child? Gah!! Did he just say Totousai had barely forged Tenseiga? To save her life? And why was he acting all calm and cool after a kiss like that? She could barely speak let alone be making introductions. And -and had Touga just called her koiishi and -wait…they seemed…to be waiting for her to say something. Just great.
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Ch. 11 I want to thank you
“Umm…oh…yes Totousai, how are you? Its been rather a long time since I last saw you. Or…actually I guess I haven't even met you this far back so you probably don't even know me yet. But uh…you will. And it is a pleasure to meet you Ryukensu. Are you alright? How do you feel? Are you hurt?” She answered as politely as she could as she was still slightly flustered and feeling quite awkward with the whole situation.
The young dragon youkai laughed at the girls sudden questioning. She had just come back to life and she was asking about his welfare?
“I am well my Lady.” He answered with a slight bow of his waist. “And I must thank you for saving my life. I -I will repay you any way I can. You didn't -you didn't have to save me Lady for my life is -is of no importance.”
“Nonsense, you will not speak in such a manner Ryukensu! You're life is very important!“ She scolded. “You and I will speak of this later.” Suddenly feeling the gazes of the the adult youkai upon her back, Kagome began to blush instantly remembering that they had just seen her lip locking with Touga.
`Oh my gosh!! With -with Touga?!!' She thought frantically. Would Totousai remember meeting her like this in the future? Were these going to be new memories for him of some sort? Darn it!! Was he going to tell Inuyasha she had been…she had been making out with his dad?!!
Sensing the sudden alarm coming off of the young priestess in waves, Touga immediately sought to pacify her state, though he did wonder what had caused the sudden shift from embarrassment to what seemed like panic and fear. He stepped closer to her and placed his hand on the small of her back comfortingly, while bending down to whisper soothing words of encouragement. Though he seemed to have managed to only make her become even more flustered with his nearness as her heart rate picked up and her body become hotter.
Could she possibly be feeling an after effect of the sword? He wondered. After all, he didn't quite know how it worked yet so that could be a possibility. He furrowed his brows in worry trying to find a reason for her sudden wariness and nervousness. It could not have been what he had said. He was only telling her not to worry, that everything would be fine, that he would protect her now as he should have done to begin with.
Hn. Perhaps that was it. Maybe she just needed reassurance that he would not fail her again. That he would indeed protect her with his life as he should have done in the first place. It was shameful really, he had failed her, failed his first friendship. He needed to redeem himself to her. To make himself worthy to be her friend. But then…do friends kiss as they just had? He rubbed the back of his neck wondering about that as he heard the sudden laughter of the boy and the youkai Totousai speaking some nonsense to the girl making her scent change once again. Perhaps he would think on it more later.
“We must depart to my home now Totousai. I will send payment for the sword once we arrive at the House of Moon, and if ever your services are needed again, I will be sure to seek you out. You have aided me greatly and your assistance shall not be soon forgotten.” Touga said while looking directly at the miko with a smile.
`Why does he have to do that now?' Wondered Kagome. `Does he really have to smile at me like that? I mean, does he want my heart to stop again or something?' She sighed wistfully within her own mind. `I guess its really not his fault he has the most heart-stopping smile I have ever seen. And he is obviously pleased that he was able to return my life to me. And -and well, I don't seem like I'm sounding very grateful for it. Come to think of it I don't think I've even thanked him properly for it.'
“Touga.” She called to him before they could leave. “May I speak to you…umm…privately before we go?” She said turning her attention to the old sword smith then. “Do you mind watching Ryukensu for a little while Totousai?”
“No problem, no problem at all. You take all the time you need.” He answered with a conspiratorially wink in her direction as if insinuating she was up to something.
Well technically she was up to something, but not what he thought. Although, she was thinking about doing what he probably thought they were going to do. Ok she was officially losing her mind now.
“Yeah ok thanks, we'll be back.” She said as she looked at Touga for affirmation that he would follow her into the privacy of the trees that began to form the beginnings of the forest further away.
He motioned with his hand for her to take the lead as he followed closely behind her.
Once they walked into the privacy of the trees she turned toward him -and would have locked eyes with his if she weren't so nervous to be alone with him- and began the small speech she had managed to prepare on their walk over.
“I would like to -to thank you for saving me Touga-sama. For bringing me back to umm life…” He was starring at her oddly and she couldn't help but squirm with his undivided attention though trying desperately to finish what she was trying to say. “…and -and because if it weren't for you, I would still be…umm…dead right now…and-” She tried to continue while wringing her hands in anxiety looking away from his intense golden eyes and choosing instead to look down at the grass below her feet.
She felt him place a clawed finger gently under her chin and lift her face up to meet his still intense, but suddenly rather warm and affectionate honeyed eyes.
“You would credit me with saving your life, when if -if it hadn't been for me you would not have lost it to begin with?” He asked incredulously.
“Hai.” She answered without hesitation. “You -you came back for me Touga, you didn't leave me.”
He growled suddenly turning away from her in anger and frustration. “I did leave you!! Can you not see this Kagome? I left you to fend for yourself!! I abandoned you in my ignorance not thinking about what could happen to you, a miko, in a village full of youkai! Yet you still believe I-”
“You saved me Touga!!” She said raising her voice as well, trying to get him to understand. “You could have just buried me and been done with it, but you didn't leave me!! You could have simply felt sorry for my death and went on with your life. But you didn't Touga, you came back for me and when you found out I was dead you -you found a way to restore my life to me!! Don't you see?” She said while placing her small hand on his tensed shoulder trying to get him to turn around and face her. “I'm here now because of you. Will -will you allow me to thank you properly?” She asked finally seeing that he was turning toward her of his own accord. Not like she would have actually been able to move him if he hadn't wanted to. And though she really had no idea how she was going to thank him `properly', or what she was going to say in order to do so, she was sure that this would be the only private time she would have with him for some time to come.
“You are unlike anyone I have ever met Kagome. And before I allow you to `thank me properly,' I would like to ask you for….for your forgiveness.” He said gravely while holding up a hand to stop any protests she was about to make. “I know I have failed you. I was not a good `friend' and should not have allowed my beast to push me to anger and abandon you. You are right miko, I do not know what true friendship is and can only hope that you will grant me the honor and allow me another opportunity to learn its true meaning.”
Kagome stared at him, suddenly wanting to memorize every part of his handsome face, every part of this moment, and every word he had spoken to her. “Hai, Touga-kun…I will forgive you and would….would be honored to call you friend.”
And before she knew better of it she asked, “Now may I thank you properly?”
“Hai Kagome, you may thank me, though I still don't know why you would want to do such a gesture after-”
She lifted up on tiptoes and placed her mouth over his in a sweet, somewhat shy kiss effectively silencing his contradiction. She molded her lips over his feeling the silken sensation of his own pressing back against hers while his arms wrapped around her waist pulling her body closer to press up against his. She felt every hard contour and grove of his muscles and chest through the thin silk of his clothing as she placed her small hands on him to balance herself. The feeling of her body molding into his own effectively heated her blood to an almost unbearable degree.
The miko had never done anything quite this bold before and suddenly felt a sense of empowerment and confidence, and though her conscience piped up telling her repeatedly that this was wrong and warning her to back away, she couldn't help but feel a deep yearning that overwhelmed and overruled every thought.
He returned her kiss, nipping at her bottom lip and taking it between his teeth suckling on the plumpness. Though before he could do more she withdrew slightly from his mouth and a small smile suddenly graced her fair lips.
“That was only a thank you for being there for me when I had had a nightmare the other day. I hadn't forgotten that I had said that I had to thank you properly in the morning. And this…
She placed her hands on either side of his face and brought down his lips to hers once more and allowed a fair amount of passion to overwhelm the kiss this time and show him how much she truly wanted to thank him. He immediately pushed his tongue once again to the seem of her lips -not allowing her to think about pulling back- and requested entrance to her mouth. Kagome didn't hesitate in opening her mouth for him and couldn't help the moan that escaped her lips at the feel of his tongue darting into her mouth teasing hers, coaxing it to join in the sensual play. It intertwined with hers over and over again, the slightly rougher texture adding to the already heightening desire to taste more of his unique and sweet taste. She tried remembering that he was a poisonous youkai, as he had healed the cuts on her legs, and she knew she was no doubt tasting some of his poison right now, but somehow the haze settling over her mind made it almost impossible to concentrate on that important fact.
He suckled on her tongue, remembering the way she had done to him not so long ago, and immensely enjoyed the way she tasted and mewed in pleasure. He couldn't help but feel how responsive she was to him, as she allowed him to pass his tongue over her small blunt teeth, then explore every hidden crevice in her hot mouth. He especially loved the way she would pass her own tongue over his sharp fangs cutting herself in the process and allowing her blood to mingle in their mouths enhancing the already over stimulating sensation.
Before Kagome could even process what was happening, she felt his hands on her butt suddenly lifting her up off of the ground. She would have squeaked, as she automatically wrapped her long legs around his waist, if her mouth wasn't so preoccupied at the moment. Then another fact slowly made itself clear, the miko suddenly felt herself pressed up against the rough trunk of a massive tree. She could not help but wonder how she didn't feel the movement of their short trip. But once he began to push his body against hers grinding his obviously large arousal into her inner thigh making her whimper with the new pleasure he was invoking on her body, she really didn't care.
Leaving the satisfaction of her mouth he began to place open kisses on her eyes, jaw and chin. And upon hearing her ragged breathing, he began to drag his tongue down her neck, nipping and sucking as he went along down the slender column until he reached her collar bone. Then he decided to continue his torturous exploration by licking and kissing his way back up until he reached the outer edge of her ear, his hot uneven breathing causing her to shiver with a sudden consuming desire.
She was drawn to his own ears loving the angular and elf like shape they had, and while he dragged his sharp fangs down the side of her neck once again, sucking her pulse point repeatedly, she traced his closest ear with her tongue taking the tip into her mouth and sucking on it gently, eliciting a ragged moan and what almost sounded like a deep vibrating purr resounded deep down in his throat and chest. He pushed up against her harshly then, moving up and down against her sensitized body, pressing his hardened member roughly against her. It felt like nothing else she had ever experienced before. It -it felt like she would soon burst with the sensation if he didn't draw even closer to her.
Through the haziness and fervor of her mind she recognized that one of his palms was intimately pressed up against her breast. He began to massage it, and roll her aching nipple between his thumb and forefinger, while never ceasing to push himself up between her legs suggestively grinding into her, making her moan even louder with all of the stimulation he was giving her youthful body.
His other hand was not idle either. She could feel how it glided up her outer thigh feeling her smooth skin, slowly moving up past the length of her short skirt. His deadly claws ghosted over her skin lightly as his large hand moved slowly to her inner thigh coming ever closer to her now soaked panties.
“Kagome…” He said in such a deep guttural voice that she knew it had to belong to his inner beast. “Ask me Kagome.” He whispered huskily against her neck, his warm breath fanning against her already heated skin making her shudder as he continued to press his hard body against hers.
She couldn't help but shiver at the sound of his voice. It didn't frighten her, being so near to him and his beast. On the contrary it sounded extremely sexy, his deep voice saying her name with such hunger and desire . A fluttering sensation soon overtook her lower belly making her rub herself up against him trying to alleviate the sudden ache between her legs as well.
“Toug -Touga, please.” She said unsure of what she was begging for, but if he asked it of her she knew she would willingly do it. “Oh kami, please, Touga.”
He nipped at her shoulder tenderly, and just as his fingers were getting ever closer to her aching heat, she unexpectedly began to feel a slight prickling and tingling sensation all over her skin. Obviously her miko powers were rising within her, though she was unsure why. Her foggy mind was unable to register the aura's of more than a dozen youkai heading straight for their little secluded area. Fortunately, Touga's loud growls and flaring youkai finally cut through her haze and alerted her to the fact that something was wrong, and perhaps someone was about to intrude on them. She just hoped it wasn't Totousai or Ryukensu again. She didn't think she would be able to live it down if they caught her in such a compromising position again.
And though she feared that with his immense youki flaring so closely to her holy energy, it would make her powers rise up in defense and clash with his, to her astonishment nothing of the sort happened. Oddly enough only the tingling sensation remained upon her skin but she sensed no other shifts in her power. It was almost like her aura was not at all disturbed by Touga's reiki.
Kagome tried to detangle herself from his hold as she heard male voices speaking and demonic auras slowly coming closer to them from the trees beyond, only for him to yip and snarl at all her squirming.
“Touga, please you -you have to let go of me. They're going to see us like this.”
“It does not matter, your mine!”
“What do you mean it doesn't matter?” She asked ignoring how he had so possessively declared her his. “Do you know them? Because whether you do or you don't, they're going to see me like this.” She said gesturing to the way her skirt was riding up her thighs almost exposing her panties and all of her long legs as she had them wrapped around the youkai Lord.
After several more irritated growls and snarls, he slowly released her allowing her to slide down his body in the most enticing manner, making her suddenly aware of how she had just been draped all over him, and how close they had actually been to…to…
“Do not leave my side.” He commanded as he abruptly pushed her behind him.
“Hey! Wait a minute why-”
“My Lord Touga!” Said a masculine voice cutting off her little tantrum. “We have been searching for you everywhere!! You're father was beginning to worry when you did not return at your appointed time, and he send us out to locate you and escort you home. Though I would have preferred to have continued my men's training instead of coming to track down a rogue prince.” He said with a mischievous smile.
“Did you perchance encounter some hostility on our borders? Surely there must be a valid reason as to your tardines-”
“Are you going to introduce me Touga because if you're not I'm sure I could be doing something more useful with Totousai and Ryukensu.” Kagome huffed trying to come out from behind his back. She was rather irritated at being ignored like this and rather angry at herself for letting him hide her behind his back to begin with. She was a miko for kami's sake. She shouldn't be hiding behind another demon!
Thankfully, she was able to wrap her anger around herself like a blanket of surety refusing to allow any other emotions to show at the moment. She dreaded to think about what she had just done with Touga and couldn't even think about her stupidity without flinching.
Although….the more she thought about it the more she came to the conclusion that Touga could protect her extremely well, and -and she could watch him in battle, with his body moving about in-
“Ahhh, I see the reason for your delay now. Though….” He lifted his face as if sniffing the air around him. “A human and -and a miko my Lord?” He asked disbelievingly watching her warily now as the dozen other soldiers that accompanied the youkai stiffened and watched her in apprehension and ill concealed anger as well.
“Hey!!” She answered offended with the way he had just said miko and human as if they were blasphemous words, and before Touga could even reply she continued. “What's wrong with being a human and a miko? I didn't bring up your youkai, soldier status did I? Because I'm sure that youkai-”
“EEP!” She scrambled back quickly as she saw the orange haired youkai suddenly materialize before her with a threatening snarl on his lips.
Touga's beast roared in fury as he stepped between the girl and his father's commander. He allowed a large portion of his reiki to flow forth stifling the air and blanketing the
entire area around them, pressing down on them, willing them to submit to his power and to learn their place. He nor his beast were going to allow anyone to threaten what belonged to them.
Kagome blanched. Touga's aura was too strong and crackled around the area encasing them within its power, making her breathing difficult. Though her own powers seemed to spring up in alarm at the threat and fury in the air, she was trying hard to contain them within her . It would not be wise to let her holy power surround her in protection. It would seem as if she were challenging the youkai or threatening his position and rank, not to mention the other youkai soldiers would probably feel even more threatened and could possibly attack her. Or at least that was what she came up with.
“YOU DARE THREATEN WHAT IS MINE?!! SUBMIT!! Touga's beast roared in fury, his eyes turning a brilliant shade of red as his violet stripes of status became jagged.
Kagome hadn't really meant anything by what she said. She just didn't want that orange haired youkai to be acting all snooty with her thinking that somehow she wasn't good enough because of her humanity. But now that she saw how close Touga was to transforming, she couldn't help but feel bad for what she had said in her annoyance.
She really kinda just said it without thinking and well now she could see how the proud demon that had been ready to attack her struggled to control his own anger. His sparkling, ruby red eyes shone with the power of his own reiki though instead of bleeding crimson like Touga's, his began to swirl with a mixture of yellow and dark orange, oddly reminding her of a crackling fire.
Touga snarled once more obviously feeling the youkai's hesitation to acquiesce to his greater power. Though before he could go further in his ire, the commander bowed low, his forehead touching the floor. “My Lord, do not be angered with me, I submit my services and loyalty to you my prince, son and only heir of the great Inu no Taisho. I am here to see to your safety and return you unharmed to the House of the Moon.”
Kagome saw how brief indecision flashed through Touga's countenance before his eyes returned to their normal sun kissed amber and his youki receded within him no longer pressing down on them. And before she was able to speak and find a way to correct her wrong, a shout of alarm rang through her ears as someone suddenly dashed toward her from the trees.
“Kagome-sama, Kagome-sama, are you alright? Are you hurt? I -I will protect you my Lady!” Ryukensu yelled as he was finally able to pass through the thick reiki that had surrounded the small clearing. He knew that Touga would not allow anything to happen to her, but what if they were both in danger? He had to save her, he couldn't let her die again!
Several of the youkai soldiers closest to the boy quickly drew their swords, stopping his advance immediately with the threat of decapitation.
“GET AWAY FROM HIM!!” Shouted the priestess, as she saw how they threatened the small boy she had sacrificed herself for, her miko powers rising around her body with her temper.
Kagome made her way over to the boy while the soldiers quickly allowed her ample space for her to pass through the middle of them, fearful of her sudden wrath. “If one of you so much as touches him…” She said leaving the threat open-ended while hugging the small brave but frightened boy to her side.
“Its alright Ryukensu, you don't have to worry, Touga's with me and I'm alright. No one was going to hurt me.” She said while looking pointedly at the orange haired youkai who was now standing beside his Lord. She did manage to flash Touga a grateful smile as well for his earlier assistance, though upon remembering what they had just been doing only moments ago, it faltered rather quickly and turned into an embarrassed and shy glance instead.
“Hai Ryukensu, Kagome is fine. I will not allow any harm to come to her again, so you need not fear for her safety.” Touga added reiterating what the miko had just pointed out.
“She is under this Touga's protection and as such will be respected and safeguarded from all harm. Do I make myself clear Commander?” He said loud and clear for all of his soldiers as well as the commander to hear and acknowledge.
“Hai my Lord, she will be watched over.” Answered the commander a bit too forcefully if you asked the miko.
The prejudices were so deeply ingrained within the two sides of the human and demon population that it was apparently difficult to meet someone of the other side, so to speak, without taking into account the narrow-mindedness of the other persons species. `Hm.' Thought Kagome. `This time period in Japans history almost equals that of the Americans Civil War. They too were divided among the north and south, among their own brethren, simply for their personal opinion on slavery.'
And although this `Commander' seems to have taken an instant dislike to her for the way she couldn't help but be born, she knew she was going to have to get him to change his opinion about her. She couldn't continue to let him think all humans were er…disrespectful or loud or bad, simply because of her hastily spoken words.
Kagome took hold of Ryukensu's hand and led him forth, after the soldiers had hastily sheathed their weapons, and walked over to where Touga and `the Commander' stood talking now amongst themselves. She stood before the youkai gaining his immediate attention, though she did seem to stand a wee bit closer to Touga.
“I'm sorry we got off on the wrong foot Commander,” she began, “but perhaps we can start again? My name is Kagome, Kagome Higurashi.” She said while slightly bowing low at the waist in reference to his station. When she didn't hear any type of response she looked up to find his upper lip slightly curled and not a very well hidden scowl on his handsome face.
Yes he was handsome alright, as most youkai males of higher status seemed to be. Though he had no markings on his pale and flawless face, he did have some type of mark on his forehead similar to Sesshoumaru's crescent moon, though this one was some type of small red flame that shimmered with the light. He was tall, as tall as Touga yet slightly more bulky in frame. He also seemed to be older, though he kept his youthful features. His lips were thin and firm, his nose slightly pointy though straight and aristocratic. His orange hair knee length and smooth with short straight bangs parted slightly in the middle to reveal his shimmering mark.
Kagome quickly concluded that his mark was really, really pretty and it looked to flicker with each movement he made, almost like a real flame. The priestess narrowed her eyes wondering what it would feel like if she touched it, would it burn? And before she even knew her arm was moving, she saw her fingers hovering over his mark about to trace it, when a clawed hand suddenly wrapped around her wrist stopping her from going any further.
“Do not touch him miko.” Touga stated flatly suddenly pulling her back towards him.
“Oh…umm…Gomen nasai, I wasn't. Well…I was but -but just his mark. It looks so -so pretty.” She stuttered quite embarrassed yet starring at it once again still wondering what it would feel like her curiosity unappeased.
If she didn't know any better she would have thought that several of the soldiers looking on had snickered with her comment. Even Touga seemed to have found some humor in it as he smirked at the Commander quite evilly.
“Hai Commander, it is….quite pretty.” Touga said trying to keep his mirth from showing.
“Umm what's your name?” Asked Kagome trying to change the topic as she saw the youkai's eyes suddenly begin to turn different shades of fiery red. And even though she felt a bit irritated that he hadn't acknowledged her greeting to begin with, she was still going to try to be civil. He brought his eyes to settle on her face once again scowling at her.
“My name is Tomikaji, Commander of the great Inu no Taisho's personal guards.”
“Really?' Asked Kagome excitedly. “So that means that you're a fire-”
“Hai koiishi, he is a fire elemental. Now we must be on our way back to the palace. I will send for the kitsune woman to be brought to us and you may inquire anything you wish of her from the protection of my home.” Interrupted Touga as he began to usher them forward.
“Kagome-sama?” Asked Ryukensu worriedly clutching unto the bottom of her blouse.
“Do not worry little one,” answered Kagome upon seeing the apprehension written all over his beautiful little face, “you will be coming with us…umm right Touga?” She asked trying to keep down the blush that was beginning take over her nose and cheeks at the endearing name he had just called her in front of every one of his soldiers.
“Hai, you will be coming with us Ryukensu, as you do owe the Lady a great debt ne?”
“Hai, my Lord, I owe-”
“What? No, Ryukensu you do not owe me anything!! You're not under any obligation to me or -or have any debt to repay.”
“Kagome, in youkai society it is expected that when one saves the life of another, the one who has been saved is are under a life debt, obligated if you will, to protect the other from harm until either the protector, or the one under the protection, depart this life in death.”
“Huh?” The miko asked eloquently. “Well it doesn't matter. He doesn't owe me anything and is under no `life debt' or anything of the sort.” She heard several whispered comments from some of the soldiers but was unable to understand the reason.
“You mean to say that you do not wish a youkai to be indebted to you, a human priestess?” Asked Tomikaji snidely and with an edge of incredulity.
“No of course not why would I?” She asked in return.
The commander did not answer her question and instead choose to ignore her once again. Touga knew the way all youkai's thought about humans and miko's even if they had not dealt with one on a personal level before. If he hadn't known about the prejudices of his own kind, he would have been inclined to tear the commander limb from limb with his less than favorable attitude towards the onna.
“My Lord we must be on our way now, your father had something he wished to discuss with you immediately upon your return.” He said trying to lead them forward and waste no more time on such inconsequential matters.
“Hai, let us be on our way. And if you wish to discuss this further Kagome we may do so once we arrive at the castle alright?” He said flashing her an indulgent smile.
Upon hearing the sudden rapid palpitation of her heart and her shallow breathing, Ryukensu became quite alarmed. “Kagome-sama are you alright? Your heart, its -its and you smell different.”
Touga had also heard it and smelt her sudden embarrassment and slight arousal making him smirk in male satisfaction. Well, that was until he realized that the other youkai present could smell it as well, as several of the males suddenly turned their attention to her.
He rushed forward and pulled her up against his chest. He began to rub his face against her soft cheek and the crown of her raven hair, while a low vibrating growl unheard to the human ear warned them all to keep their distance or loose their life.
Kagome was blushing so hard at Touga's sudden intimacy that she was sure she had just invented a new shade of red. She placed her hands on his chest not quite sure if she was intending to push him away in her embarrassment, or wanted to grab unto his haori and bring him closer to her. What was wrong with him? What was he doing to her? She couldn't help but feel as if Buyo was suddenly rubbing up against her. She giggled at this, thinking that perhaps the great Touga wouldn't take to kindly to being compared to a cat.
He heard her feminine giggle and immediately wrapped his arms around her small waist while a cloud of his reiki began to form under their feet. He wanted to be alone with her again, and his home would be the more appropriate place to continue to practice this 'kissing' he had now become so fond of.
“Commander have one of the men take the boy and follow us to the fortress and make arrangements with the sword smith Totousai beyond those trees there, for proper payment for my new sword Tenseiga.”
“Hai my Lord, as you command.”
Kagome caught her breath when she suddenly felt herself flying above the tree tops. She knew Sesshoumaru could also produce the same youki cloud -as she had occasionally seen him fly on it- and she was elated that she was going to be able to ride on it and experience it for herself.
“Oh Touga this is -this is, wow! It just feels like I'm free, like I'm flying! I know I've ridden on Kirara before but it never felt anything like this!” She exclaimed looking down at the almost transparent cloud below her feet.
He chuckled at her childlike excitement. “We are flying Kagome, though rather slowly. But if you wish I can speed up and-”
“NO!” She shrieked in alarm quickly realizing that though it was wonderful being able to see so many things from such an altitude, it would rapidly become frightening if he added speed into the equation. It was best not to. “Uhh, I mean no…I think that would be a little too scary.”
Touga laughed, the deep rumbling sound making her smile in return. “You mean to tell me that you have no fear of powerful youkai, yet you fear going too fast on my reiki cloud? Ahh, miko, I will not allow any harm to come to you. In fact,” he said with a glint of mischief in his eye, “you might have to worry more about me than the cloud.”
“What do you mean Tougmmphh-”
He pressed his lips to hers smothering whatever it was she was about to say. She instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck and stood on tiptoe to make certain he had more access to her lips. But before they could go any further, a sudden cough slash growl got their immediate attention making her suddenly blush at what she had just been caught doing…again.
`What the hell is wrong with you Kagome?' The miko asked herself. `You've been kissing him all day! You're supposed to be rushing around trying to find a way home remember? Not making out with -with Touga out of all people -er youkai! What are you going to tell Inuyasha, what is he going to think?'
But before she could go any further in her self-chastising thoughts, their earlier interruption manifested itself not far below them.
“My Lord…” Tomikaji began, “…we will not make it to the Western palace before nightfall. Do you wish to continue or shall we make camp for the night, seeing as how we have a frail human woman in our company.”
Kagome heard a growl in answer to his comment, but she abruptly realized that it hadn't come from Touga. Then, if it wasn't him, it had to have come from….her? She almost laughed with the ridiculous unlikely hood but, it was true. She had done a pretty good impression of a growl for a human, she thought proudly. The inu-taiyoukai suddenly pressed his soft, warm lips to her ear and whispered. “Mmm Kagome, you almost sounded like an angry inu bitch. Will I have to teach you to submit little one?”
She gasped at his words and took an involuntary step back, not realizing she was standing on a cloud hundreds of feet off the ground. She would have lost her balance and have possibly fallen off, yet the Western heir's strong arms quickly pulled her back in to press against his chest.
“Be careful Kagome, you must stand still.” He reprimaned before he addressed the fire elemental running not far below them. “Commander we will-”
“No Touga! We don't have to stop for the night. I'll be fine…as long as I'm with you. We can keep going, don't worry about me. Just please don't….uh….don't smile at me right now. I'll probably just end up just falling off this time for real if you do.”
He settled for a smirk. It was good to know that she was as affected by him as much as he was affected by her. “Alright Kagome we will continue, and I will try to refrain from smiling at you too often while we ride my cloud alright?” He asked, though before she could affirm his words he leaned down to press a gentle kiss upon her cheek effectively making her loose her train of thought. “Tell me when you become too tired to continue to stand alright?”
She nodded unable to do anything else at the moment. Kagome knew she had to get herself together. This was all just going to fast and she was seriously doubting her sanity at the moment. This was Touga after all, she shouldn't be feeling…..shouldn't be feeling this….ugh she decided to finish that thought later.
“Commander, we will continue on without stopping to make camp.”
“Very good my Lord.”
Kagome placed her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek up against his chest. It was rather hard, but still comfortable and warm enough to make her somewhat sleepy. `This,' she thought, `is going to be a long night. I really hope we get there soon.'
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Yeah I know no long comments on this chapter. I'm just too tired (as I've been working on my other stories as well).
Well I know that was some fluff (and citrus) but don't get to used to it. (Sorry) The next chapter wont have much of it as they will be going to the House of the Moon and will soon encounter the Inu no Taisho. AND, he is going to demand something of his son that will leave Kagome floored.
So until next time….and as always PLEASE REVIEW!! Arigatou.