InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 12 Too many introductions ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

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Last time…
She nodded unable to do anything else at the moment. Kagome knew she had to get herself together. This was all just going to fast and she seriously doubted her sanity at the moment. This was Touga after all, she shouldn't be feeling…..shouldn't be feeling this….ugh she decided to finish that thought later.
“Commander, we will continue on without stopping to make camp.”
“Very good my Lord.”
Kagome placed her arms around his waist and pressed her cheek up against his chest. It was rather hard, but still comfortable and warm enough to make her somewhat sleepy. `This,' she thought, `is going to be a long night. I really hope we get there soon.'
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Ch. 12 Too many introductions
Her ears were begging to be popped. She briefly wondered why she had fallen asleep on an airline. Where was she going that she had to take a plane? Not only that, but why was her seat so hard and uncomfortable. Jeez, whatever airline she was on, she would definitely make sure that it was the last time she used this particular company.
She slowly peeled her eyes open, the blinding light of the sun making her squint in sudden pain. “What the hell? Did I fall asleep outside of the plane or what?” She asked herself, not realizing she had spoken out loud.
A deep and very masculine chuckle tickled her ear and made her jerk in alarm. She opened her eyes with a start and stared straight into a pair of golden pools of amber who only returned her gaze with curiosity, amusement, and something she was unable to name.
“Oh kami, Touga, you nearly,” she said while trying to get her heart to stop racing now realizing who she was with, “you nearly scared me to death!!”
He chuckled again. “That was certainly not my intent Kagome, I apologize for frightening you. I did want to inform though that we will be arriving at the Palace of the Moon within 10 minutes time. I know you must have been very tired to be able to sleep for over nine hours, but perhaps you should stay awake now as an exorbitant amount of time asleep may not be healthy for a human or anyone for that matter. And well…quite honestly I was hoping you would be awake when we arrived so you could meet my father the Inu no Taisho.”
“Oh…I…” She couldn't think of an appropriate reply at the moment. His beautiful face was so very close to hers. And as if that was not unnerving enough, he had apparently been carrying her bridle style in his arms all this time. Or perhaps he had only picked her up a few hours ago. She was suddenly curios and decided to ask rather than assume.
“Have you been carrying me like this for over nine hours?” She asked rather worried that he would no longer be able to feel his arms if he had indeed carried her for so long.
“Hai, I have. You are as light as a feather miko, and I rather enjoyed having you snuggle up to me in your sleep.” He said with a roguish smirk. Kagome wasn't really able to reply to such a sweet remark as she was barely trying to gather her scattered wits about after so much sleep. And besides whatever she could possibly say probably wouldn't sound to smart at the moment.
So they continued on in silence and Kagome made no move to remove herself from his hold, as she was too comfortable now to do so. Their cloud slowly descended a after few minutes into what she would only describe later as `the fabled land of enchantment.'
Touga gently set her down on her feet and looked around at the huge expanse of beautifully manicured golf course he called a courtyard. Kagome momentarily wondered why there was no one about to greet their Lord as the rest of their demon escorts arrived behind them. Yet before she could turn her thought into a spoken question, two perfectly symmetrical lines of youkai soldiers charged at them from seemingly out of nowhere, making her squeak with surprise, and courageously take up a position behind Touga's shoulders. Though, she did jump behind him, the memory of her dying in the claws of several demons in the youkai village came to her mind; therefore, she wouldn't call herself a coward but more of a wary and cautious guest.
The miko quickly noted how the taiyoukai was not even mildly surprised by having more than a hundred soldiers suddenly appear before him but rather he seemed as if he was expecting them all along, almost as if this a normal way for him to be greeted whenever he returned. A rather large and gruff looking youkai with earth brown hair and eyes made his way forward between the lines of the assembled youkai and walked towards them with great confidence. She could easily tell he must be a demon of importance and rank simply by the way he swaggered forward and the way he slightly flared his reiki as he passed the line of soldiers. He swept into a rather exaggerated bow once he stood before the Western Heir and greeted him in a thunderous voice.
“My Lord Touga, welcome home. I trust you are well?”
If Touga was not a youkai of respectability and propriety, he would have rolled his eyes at the pompous attitude that his fathers General was exhibiting. He really didn't need a whole contingent of warriors to greet him upon his return, much less some haughty display of power the General seemed wont to make.
“Hai I am well General Kenta.” Touga finally answered as he could smell the General was beginning to grow uneasy with the long pause.
“Very good. The great Inu no Taisho wishes to speak to you immediately upon your return. And he would like-” He immediately wavered as he saw a petite and slender woman suddenly stand besides the inu-taiyoukai he was speaking to. The General quickly noted how The Western heir didn't seem at all surprised that a human woman stood beside him, and even more startling, was that as she came out from behind him, the inu prince had only turned his head to regard her with a fond and gentle look.
“I -er- was not aware you would be bringing home a ningen pet my prince. Or perhaps a concubine you wish to mount? I will have the maids prepare a room straightaway and have her accommodated in the southern wing with the rest of the servants and-
Kagome would have been seriously offended if she hadn't pretty much already gotten used to these types of comments by now. And besides she had just gone through something similar to this with Commander Tomikaji only yesterday. Though, she had to admit the ningen pet thing was a bit much.
As she looked to see Touga's reaction, she saw how a muscle in his jaw ticked, so she guessed he didn't like that comment all that much either.
Yet before either one of them could respond to the ignorant and offensive remark, a certain crimson eyed, orange haired youkai made his presence known and spoke for them.
“You will not speak of your prince's guest in such a manner General Kenta. Though she is human, she is to be treated with respect. She is a priestess after all and perhaps would not take kindly to your insults, thereby purifying you into ash. Though I am quite curios. Tell me how was it that you did not detect her presence until now General?”
“Ahhh commander.” The General sneered emphasizing his lower rank. “I see you have returned as well. Though I must warn you, it is unwise of you to speak to me in such a manner, for you are not my equal. And though you may be the commander of the Inutaisho's personal elite guard, you most certainly do not compare to me in anyway.”
“Of course not, he seems much less arrogant.” Kagome said under her breath unthinkingly.
The Generals hackles rose at the human wenches insult. He snarled and moved to get nearer to her to threaten her with his presence but was stopped short by the inuyoukai and the fire elemental. Even some small dragon child suddenly stood beside her baring his fangs at him threateningly.
Though he was quite surprised with the protection they offered her, he was shocked numb to see how his Lord took a menacing step towards him as his eyes bled red signaling he was on the verge of allowing his beast to be set free.
ENOUGH!!” Touga growled allowing his youki to flare warningly, causing everyone within distance to recoil in alarm. Though his beast's hackles had risen with the threat to the small onna, Touga was able to suppress him into the back of his mind enough to give his orders.
“General you will treat my charge with respect or I will see to it that you no longer have a tongue to insult her with. You are dismissed, your message has been delivered and received, I do not need you to escort me to see my own father. Commander Tomikaji, you will tell the Inutaisho that I will be in as soon as I am able, and see to it that servants are called and a chamber is readied for Lady Kagome and the child Ryukensu. They are to be set up in the guest's quarters and are to made comfortable.”
“Hai my Lord.” They both answered simultaneously with a quick bow and made to do as was commanded of them, each eyeing the other with distaste as they went their separate ways.
Touga turned to the silent and contrite looking miko beside him ready to escort her to her room when she spoke.
“Gomen nasai Touga-sama.” She said quickly feeling rather awful that she had let that little comment slip. Though he did deserve it and was being an utter a jerk, she shouldn't have said it anyways. He was one -or perhaps the only- General to the Inu no Taisho and she was certainly not going to get any help if she treated them badly. So far none of the youkai Touga had introduced her to seemed to be very fond of her, she noted with despondency. “I'll ummm apologize to him later if that's alright. I mean I already apologized to Commander Tomikaji so apologizing to your General too couldn't be any worse.”
After raising a skeptical eyebrow he took a hold of her arm and led her forward. “Come Kagome,” he said gesturing to a short youkai maid that suddenly stood before them bowing low to her Lord, “follow the servant and when you have refreshed yourself, she shall take you to the throne room where you will meet my father.”
“Umm okay.” She said still feeling badly over what she had said. Though she did wonder what was up between the two commanding demons as they seemed to have some kind of hostility toward one another.
As Ryukensu was about to be led forward to his own room he suddenly grabbed her around the waist and squeezed her tight before he let the maid escort him away.
Kagome was rather startled with his sudden show of affection but managed to give him a small smile of encouragement as he disappeared down the hall.
As soon as Touga placed a chaste kiss on the back of her wrist, her own little wide-eyed, stout maid led her down several winding and beautifully furnished hallways. The priestess bemoaned the fact that she hadn't even gotten a very good look at the outside of the palace with all that had happened but she hoped she would have time to wander around later. Or perhaps Touga could even show her around. As she looked at the lovely paintings and stunning vases and pottery that adorned the halls, she came to realize that though everything was quite lovely and elegant, somehow it looked more like a museum than a home.
And really how fast can a short legged youkai walk? She thought as she hurried after her little maid who finally stopped before a beautifully carved door. And before she could even stand in awe and admire the detailed artwork, she was being ushered inside.
“Come, come, Lady, I shall take you to the hot springs to bathe and then I shall help you change into something more…” the maid eyed her fuku distastefully, “…presentable.”

Kagome would have protested since she had wanted to look around and then maybe eat a little, but since she mentioned those two magical words `hot springs' and `bathe,' how could she say no to that? She didn't even remember how long it had been since she had truly indulged in such a luxury.
“Arigatou, that would be very nice. And please, call me Kagome.”
The miko noticed the quick intake of breath of the stout servant and wondered what she had said that had surprised her so.
“Goodness me! No! Though you are a ningen,” she said the word like it was something filthy, I have been informed you are to be my Lord's guest. And as such you are to be treated with respect, though we all know that you will not be staying long. For once you you meet the Inu no Taisho, you will come to understand that humans have never been welc-”
The little maid gasped as if suddenly catching herself saying something that was utterly forbidden and inappropriate. Though Kagome had to secretly admit that her declaration had sounded rather rude, she also understood the prejudices and war between youkai and humans were to be expected in this era as well.
Although, the youkai -who Kagome made a mental note to ask what kind of demon she was later- had brought up something that made her pause and take stock of what she had just revealed. As she was being ushered out of the room and down a series of interconnected halls once more, the miko began to wonder why she had said that once she met the Inutaisho she would no longer be staying long. Does he despise humans as much as his grandson Sesshoumaru? That wouldn't make sense though if Touga was anything to go by. He certainly didn't hate her….well….at first he was a little arrogant and had thought he was better than her; but then he got over it pretty fast. Although, she continued to wonder as she tried to keep up with her bossy little maid, his two top officials had already made it very clear that they didn't like her. In fact Touga had to come to her defense both times -even though she didn't need him to. But what would she do if the Inutaisho rejected her and didn't want to help her?
Kagome felt a sudden shiver pass down her body. She was suddenly feeling quite apprehensive about this introduction. Maybe she should tell Touga that she didn't want to meet him yet? No, he would wonder why she was being so discourteous after all that he had done and was still doing for her.
Maybe she could stall the meet and greet somehow? Perhaps cause some kind of distraction? Yeah right they'd probably kill her if they found out it was her. The General and the Commander would probably the first in line and they'd enjoy it too. Hmm. Short of locking Touga in her room and keeping him busy somehow, she didn't have a clue. Though her imaginative mind did supply plenty of ways to keep him entertained.
`Alright Kagome focus!' She chastised herself. `Pay attention to-'
“EEPE!!” She yelled out as she stumbled out of an apparent door she hadn't even known she'd gone through, her mind much too preoccupied to even notice she was now outside.
She quickly tried to regain her balance, having stubbed her toes rather painfully on a protruding stone. Thankfully someone caught her as she was about to fall and onto the gravel below.
Though as she found herself looking into a pair of ruby red eyes, whose irises seemed to flicker with a tiny yellow and orange flame that mesmerized her with their dance, she suddenly noticed that someone was clearing their throat rather loudly.
Kagome quickly broke eye contact -though it was rather hard to do seeing as how she was in some sort of odd trance- and was about to thank her savior when he decided to question her first.
“Are you hurt my Lady?”
“Commander?!! I…er….mean no, no I'm fine arigatou.” She said while trying to extricate herself from his hold, really not expecting it to have been him who had just saved her.
….and whose eyes she was gazing into. She added quickly.
`Gah! How embarrassing!' She thought mortified. `Did it have to be him out all people that see's me being so clumsy and graceless? No wonder he thinks humans are weak, I cant even walk straight!'
“Are you sure? You seemed to have….tripped. Perhaps we should take you to the court physician. You are a human after all and your body might-”
“All right, that's enough. You don't need to make fun of me Commander. I won't die over a broken toe or anything, really. I shouldn't have left my shoes in the room that's all, but since I was headed to the hot springs, I guess I thought that was appropriate.” She said looking around for the diminutive maid that should have been leading her there. Though as she began to walk forwards intent on snubbing the elemental and leaving him without another word, she felt a sudden pain shoot up her foot and she nearly stumbled again.
He quickly caught hold of her once more -much to her annoyance- and shot her a look of `I knew humans were weak.' She immediately untangled herself from his arms and stood on one leg, not daring to put pressure on her injured foot again.
He seemed rather amused at her behavior if his smirk was anything to go by. Damn arrogant, orange haired youkai who thought they were so damn hot. And dammit even more because he literally was! He was a fire elemental for kami's sake!
“It seems that you are not as well as you had led me to believe. Perhaps you have broken a bone? Here let me see.”
Before she could even fathom what he was going to do, he had gotten down on one knee, was beginning to peel off her sock of like it was a garter belt -as she had once seen at an American wedding- and was taking her injured foot in his very, very warm hands and looking it over.
“I….you…that is-” She stuttered incoherently. His thumb was massaging the soul of her foot!!
“Nothing seems to be broken. Though to be on the safe side you should still see the physician.” He said placing her foot back down gently and standing to his feet once more.
“I umm, no that's really not necessary. I think I should just get going I don't want to waste any more time and all.” She said still a little breathlessly waving her hand around in a circular motion trying to get her point across. Though she had really wanted something she could lean on as she walked, she didn't want it to be him.
“You said you were on your way to the hot springs?” He questioned.
“Then where is your maid?” He asked looking around and discreetly sniffing the air.
“…er…you see she was quite a fast little thing…and maybe…well she's probably already there?” The miko was really unsure as how to answer that. She didn't want to get the maid in trouble, but she too was looking around for her, and wondered if she hadn't just left her on purpose. Maybe that's why she was so fast! Perhaps the little maid had just wanted to leave her behind!
“Come, I shall escort you then until another servant may be found to see to your needs.”
“No! Uhh, I mean that wont be necessary really. Just point the way.”
“Point the way?” He asked arching an eyebrow at her strange phrasing. “I don't believe I shall. You are a guest here and therefore, I will show you the way. Now come.”
She really didn't want to be standing around arguing with him all day, her toes were still hurting too much, so she just gave in.
“Fine, lead the way Commander.” She said a little bit too disgruntled by his `order.'
He nodded his head and stepped aside as he motioned with one clawed hand for her to proceed him.
The priestess simply narrowed her eyes at his gentlemanly gesture and tried to storm off in annoyance. That plan failed pretty quickly as the pain in her foot hadn't lessened any. And though she stumbled once again, she did manage to right herself and hobble away cursing the stupid and useless rocks before her.
She heard a low chuckle beside her just as she was suddenly lifted off her feet and carried away.
“Eeep!! Wha -what are you doing?”
“It will be much faster this way, for I fear if I had to wait for you to hobble all the way there, I might have to shave a century off my life.”
“Very funny.” She said rolling her eyes at his lame attempt at a joke.
He walked swiftly and though Kagome felt really uncomfortable being in his arms, she didn't have time to give it too much consideration for they arrived before an extremely large, octagonal, outdoor bathhouse where she could see the wisps of warm mist billowing out above the dark, cherry wood building. He immediately began to give orders to the two youkai sentries who were posted on either side of the doors as they simply stood there in shock, mouths agape, and eyes as wide saucers.
“Have they never seen a human before Commander?” She asked rather perturbed with their behavior.
“I'm not quite sure, but perhaps it is because they've never seen a human being carried to the bathhouse by the Commander of their Lords elite guards.”
Did he have to act so smart and sarcastic? She thought as she glared at him, though he seemed to be ignoring her in favor of sending one of them to fetch her another maid.
“I believe you can put me down now, unless you plan on getting into the water to bathe with me?”
That had really sounded much better in her head, she thought miserably as she saw the look of surprise etched across face.
“NO!! I mean, not that you would bathe with me or anything -er- well not like I would allow you to see me naked or I'd want to see you naked -Aaaaggghhh! Just put me down!!” She yelled. Horrified with her explanation, she tried to squirm out of his hold.
Another chuckle greeted her ears. “The maid will attend to you shortly.” With that said he turned on his heel and walked away leaving her outside the doors to contemplate her embarrassing words.
Pushing the last ten minutes or so aside she could barely hold herself still as she looked forward to a much needed soak in the hot springs. The pair of youkai sentries who now stood at their posts were eyeing her guardedly and distrustfully, holding on to their weapon of choice even more tightly. She noticed that the elemental hadn't even bothered to open the massive doors for her. How was she going to do that on her own? She wondered.
“I wonder how much these doors weigh?” She asked casually. “It must be tons. I bet you two must be extremely strong in order to be able to open them all the time. So umm, would you mind opening them for me, seeing as how I'm human and all and I'm sure my strength doesn't compare to yours?” She usually didn't like to play the `weak human' card but there were very rare instances where it could actually come in handy.
Yet before either one could gather their wits about them and answer her, or at least attempt to open the doors, a young red-headed maid bustled forward, shoving her out of the way quite brusquely, demanding the guards open the doors for them immediately.
Kagome was pushed in as soon as there was room enough to enter and though she stumbled in rather awkwardly, the youkai maid grabbed her by the arm and held her tight.
Kagome's eyes widened with the sheer expanse of the place ignoring the way the woman's claws dug into her skin. The place could probably hold two of Sesshoumaru's true inu forms comfortably!! It was very lovely, the place was still so naturally green and alive with plant life and so toasty warm it almost made her want to jump in completely clothed.
“Come, come now girl, quit yer gawking. Remove your filthy clothes and get into the water. Hurry now.”
Kagome ignored the woman's sour mood, quickly disrobed, and submerged herself into the welcoming heat as it soothed her body and her mind. After several moments of doing nothing but enjoying the peace and quiet, her maid decided to help her along and scrub, clean, and wash her until her skin shone pink.
After she was pulled out of the water, the miko was then wrapped up in layer upon layer of beautiful -but quite heavy- kimonos. Kagome had to put a stop to the thick layers being placed upon her frame, fearing she would no longer be able to walk with their weight.
Upon exiting the baths she gave the two guards her thanks, though they didn't acknowledge her gratitude choosing instead to stare at her in bewilderment.
She was led through the maze of beautiful corridors once again. The priestess had to admit that with all of the twists and turns they were making and with the way her toes were still hurting, she suddenly wished there was someone actually here to carry her now.
Once they had stopped -much to Kagome's gratefulness- before another pair of massive and ornate doors, she was suddenly overcome with nervousness and apprehension. `No!' She thought in a panic. `I cant be here already, I needed more time to think about what I was going to say!'
She was about to meet Touga's father for goodness sake. She was about to be introduced to Inuyasha's and Sesshoumaru's grandfather. This was altogether something else, for she had never in a million years thought to meet the great dog general let alone his father.
What if she did or said something catastrophically wrong and she changed their future forever? For kami's sake, she could accidentally blurt out something so small and stupid and then -and then….
She had lost her panicked train of thought as the doors were suddenly opened from the inside. She noticed how her hands were beginning to shake so badly, she had to hold them together to keep them still as she slowly made her way into the chamber.
A severe case of butterflies infected her stomach. The sensation in her belly was so pronounced, the miko actually believed she was going to get sick any minute and throw up all over the entrance.
She couldn't help the way fear suddenly trickled over her spine or the way her heart rate and breathing were suddenly speeding up as she continued to walk further in.
Kagome desperately hoped she wouldn't have to go through this introduction alone and she fervently prayed Touga would be present and waiting, for his presence alone would certainly untangle some of her nerves.
The sound of the doors closing behind her were so ominous, that they set her on edge even more. Even the many elaborate kimono's she was wearing were swiftly making her feel as if she was burning up with a terrible fever.
She waited at the entrance trying to look further into the large rectangular room, much to nervous to take in its opulence and awesome grandeur and quite unsure as how to proceed. Should she announce herself? After some thought, perhaps that wouldn't do, no one ever did that, at least not in any of the movies she had seen where commoners were meeting royalty. And how long should she just stand there, she couldn't hear anyone talking, so maybe Touga nor his father were even present.
Great. Apparently she would be standing there like a fool for quite some time then if know one was even around! She desperately wanted to stretch out her aura and see if she could pinpoint any demonic reiki but she didn't want to offend anyone or cause a stir by using her miko abilities so she decided to suppress them instead.
But then who the heck had opened the doors for her? She wondered even more anxious than before. Not only was she uneasy with this whole meeting but now she was getting all freaked out. She hadn't sensed any demonic reiki but the doors had been opened for her.
She let out a breath of air trying to compose herself. It wouldn't do for the Inutaisho to see her like some scared, little human girl. She had to regain her composure -and her courage- and remind herself that she was the Shikon miko, powerful priestess, woman of-
Perhaps, the wait wasn't going to be as long as she had begun to hope it would be.
Kagome felt several strong aura's enter the room and since they hadn't entered through her door, she assumed that had come in from elsewhere. She didn't even need to use her miko abilities to pinpoint the youki either, for the reiki they were emitting was so strong and stifling that the hair on the back of her nape was standing on end.
“Kagome, please come forward.” A voice she immediately recognized as Touga's echoed throughout the room calling to her.
She walked forward, desperately hoping she wouldn't fall in the process as it was quit a long way to the front of the room. She held her head high and pulled back her shoulders hoping she would look better than she felt, as she commenced what she was beginning to feel as her `death march.'
After what seemed like half an hour, though it had to have been only a few seconds, she stopped before an elevated wood platform that had all colors and sizes of plush cushions scattered across its expanse making her suddenly envious of their seating arrangements. Touga sat lotus style on one of these lush pillows beside a very elegant and rather large looking silver haired inu. As she allowed her eyes to scan over his features -and not look like she was starring like an idiot- she quickly noted that he had the same color of silver-white hair, a rather pointier aristocratic nose, and thin lips set in a firm line. And much to her surprise -as it hadn't even crossed her mind- she saw that he was wearing a very large, and very fluffy, white two-tailed pelt draped over one of his shoulders that looked extremely similar to Sesshoumaru's. Well except for the two-tailed part…and….it looked somewhat fluffier.
Beside the Inu no Taisho sat a very beautiful and stunning platinum blonde woman with features that would only be found on a fairytale princess. Kagome suddenly felt very self-conscious. She now wished she would have allowed the maid to do her hair in some sort of up do or intricate style, in stead of convincing her that she wanted to wear it down like she always did. Although, its not like she could even come remotely close to looking like some of these beautiful youkai females. Heck, even Kikyo was prettier than her.
Something was beginning to bother her though. It was subtle at first but then it hit her like a ton of jewel seeking demons. Nobody was saying anything. Not one of them had made an effort to speak, but had remained silent as if they were studying her too.
On the contrary as she looked at the face of the Inu no Taisho, looking for any reaction, she immediately noticed how he narrowed his golden eyes at her in an obvious sing of distrust and displeasure.
Her own eyes widened slightly in return. What had she done? She hadn't even said anything yet, so he really shouldn't be looking at her that way right?
Unless….Kagome quickly averted her gaze and turned to Touga, pleading silently for him to giver her some sort of signal on what she should do or say. Perhaps they were waiting for her to introduce herself or something. Why did these things always have to be so complicated? She wondered in growing apprehension.
When Touga only smiled at her, a pearly fang poking over his lip making him look boyish but extremely handsome, she felt even more confused; though she couldn't help but return his smile with one of her own -never noticing the look his parents had exchanged.
He stood besides his father then, his eyes never leaving her own, and spoke, finally breaking the tense silence.
“Kagome, I would like to introduce you to my father, the great Inu no Taisho and Lord of the Western territories and of the House of Moon. Though those closest to him may call him Sugimi-sama.”
She bowed respectfully and with great relief and waited for Touga to introduce her before rising.
“Father, this is Kagome, holy priestess and-”
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