InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My beloved, my mate, my only ❯ Ch. 13 I really don't like him ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Just a quick thanks to Jem89 for your review. I'm glad you are looking forward to reading more!
And to everyone else who is reading this story…thanks…though I would appreciate it if you all would leave a review as well….it only takes a minute…really!
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Last time…
He stood besides his father then, his eyes never leaving her own, and spoke, finally breaking the tense silence.
“Kagome, I would like to introduce you to my father, the great Inu no Taisho and Lord of the Western territories and of the House of Moon. Though those closest to him may call him Sugimi-sama.”
She bowed respectfully and with great relief and waited for Touga to introduce her before rising.
“Father, this is Kagome, holy priestess and-”
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Ch. 13 I really don't like him
A sudden booming growl met her ears, making her cringe at the angry sound and fear to creep into her heart with his next words.
“TOUGA!!” Kagome suddenly screamed in terror, cutting of the Western Lord's tirade. She was not expecting for two demons to suddenly materialize beside her, seemingly out of nowhere, and was rather frightened when they had. Yet she screamed in fear as they grabbed a hold of her arms, roughly forced them behind her back, and placed a gleaming sword to her neck and a clawed hand to her soft belly.
Touga immediately turned to see why Kagome had screamed with such fear and alarm and upon seeing two of his fathers guards restraining her, he was instantly furious.
“WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS, FATHER?!! COMMAND YOUR GUARDS TO RELEASE HER!!” Touga demanded, fear for the little miko suddenly making his heart beat madly within his chest.
He could feel his beast howling madly, rattling its mental cage and demanding to be set free that it might save the girl that had captured his attention. It quickly promised death to those who would dare injure her and Touga could not help but to agree as well.
“WHAT?!! YOURS?!! YOU DARE CHALLENGE YOUR ALPHA?!!” he asked incredulously, not believing his only son would dare question his word or claim the human woman as his.
“HAI! I CHALLENGE YOUR DECISION!!” Touga answered, his voice now held a rough bestial quality that sent chills down Kagome's back.
The force of the youki that was beginning to be released by the two inu's was beyond anything Kagome had ever felt. It nearly left her breathless with its intensity, and she was beginning to fear that Touga was actually going to fight his own father in order to keep her safe.
Neither one wanted to stand down to the challenge the other had posed. And from the little she knew about inu demons, she assumed that Touga was challenging his father for Alpha status and thus the role of Western Lord.
What was amazing to Kagome and took some of the fear off her mind was the fact that though they were both flaring their youki wildly, somehow she was able to feel Touga's youki actually beginning to overpower the older inu's. And if he was this powerful now as a young man, she wondered in awe, how much more powerful would he be in the future once he reached adulthood?
As she continued to watch transfixed with the way they both stood across from each other threateningly, great iridescent winds began to swirl around their bodies, their eyes began to bleed red, and their faces elongated taking on a more canine appearance.
Kagome began to panic. `How could they battle one another, they were father and son, for kami's sake! And this - this wasn't how the things were supposed to be once she met the Inutaisho! Apparently she hadn't even needed to say or do anything for her to change time so disastrously!! She had to stop them! As she opened her mouth ready to shout some sort of apology, a feminine and musical voice could be heard over the sound of the wind and growls making her snap her jaw shut.
Though the female's voice was rather soft, it held a stern authority that cut through the noise. “Cease this display immediately!!”
“KNOW YOUR PLACE, BITCH!!” came the abrupt and rather rude reply from the enraged Western Lord.
“Are you frightened of a young human girl, Sugimi-sama? For surely you would have named her crimes before you handed her over for execution for simply standing in your presence?!!” the beautiful woman countered, seemingly unafraid of her youkai mate.
Though the woman might have not been afraid, Kagome sure was. The thought that he was planning on having her executed hadn't even crossed her mind! The priestess had just thought that she was going to be detained to be questioned or - or something similar but not to be killed.
Kagome had to think of a way to get out of here, to escape, before someone was in fact killed over something as stupid as her being human. Though she didn't think the Inu no Taisho would really kill his own son, she certainly knew he probably wouldn't hesitate or even think twice about killing her.
Perhaps she could channel some of her holy energy out of her body to rid herself of the youkai restraining her, but she didn't know if she could do it before they sliced her throat or ripped out her stomach. She wasn't very fast, and seeing as how everyone around here constantly appeared out of nowhere, the chances that she could do it before they killed her were slim to none. She had to find another way before anyone got hurt.
The wind and reiki began to die down from at least one of the angry inu's much to her relief. The Inu no Taisho soon had himself under control - thanks in part to his mates words - and it seemed he was taking the time to study his son with interest. Touga was still partly transformed making him look more like a wild beast than a man. His eyes still glowed red while his youki billowed through his clothing and hair eerily.
The Inutaisho looked at the demon who stood before him in his half bestial state challenging his position as Alpha. A hint of concern and something akin to nervousness passed over his eyes as he attempted to regain himself.
“Calm down pup, your mother is right. The girl has not warranted such a harsh welcome for up until now, she has done no wrong. Her only offense at this moment is to found in her wretched human heritage.”
An angered growl tore through the palace and seemed to reverberate off of the decorated walls with the Inutaisho's thoughtless remark.
“Let me finish speaking, Touga. She will be released - but on one condition.” The Inutaisho said while looking at the youkai that held her in a silent command to only release her if this condition was met. “And this condition shall be, that if she ever uses her holy powers to harm or purify anyone living in this palace, I will have her thrown out to the farthest reaches of my kingdom where she will have to fend for herself or die. Though her death would not concern me, it is unwise to allow such a creature to roam free in a palace full of miko fearing demons. Thus she will also be constantly escorted by at least one of my royal guards at all times.
“No.” Touga spoke allowing his youki to pull back into his body and reverting back to his humanoid form. “I will escort her.”
“Surely you know you cannot accompany her at all times. You are the heir to the West and as such, have many responsibilities and duties that must be looked after. You cannot constantly be babysitting a weak, insignificant human Touga, I will not allow it.”
Though Touga did not immediately reply he did snarl at his father's reference to humans.
He didn't like his father's stipulation but at the moment it seemed he had no other choice but to agree. Besides, Kagome would never intentionally or maliciously purify another demon without a motive and she would be safer from any who would wish to harm her if she had a constant guard. So perhaps….
“Hai, I accept your condition.”
As soon as he had said this, Kagome felt herself being released with a none-to-gentle shove forward. Though she turned to glare at her oppressors, the menacing and guttural growl from Touga seemed to do a much better job at frightening them.
The inuyoukai's eyes took on a pink hue as he immediately went to gather her up in his arms. He couldn't help but press his nose into her hair and neck and place a gentle kiss upon her temple. He bared his fangs at the two youkai who remained obliviously close to their own death.
They seemed to be rooted to their spot as they watched the tender display in shock.
Kagome couldn't care less what they thought at the moment. She was in Touga's arms and it felt wonderful. She had been so frightened but now - now everything would be alright again. And even though she could see how his eyes were still tinged pink and his stripes were jagged, she couldn't help but feel safe and protected in his arms.
Mine,” he growled softly into the curtain of her hair, making her shiver with the guttural baritone of his voice and his obvious claim on her. And even though she had never wanted to be seen as a mere object, she couldn't help but feel different with Touga, as if she were his to protect, his to love and cherish.
“Touga,” she whispered softly, as she placed a small hand on his cheek soothingly. “I'm fine.”
“Hai, she is quite fine. Now leave her be son, and finish introducing the woman to me,” the Inutaisho added, quite displeased with being so thoroughly ignored.
A snarl of displeasure erupted from Touga's throat even as his eyes returned to their normal honey hue.
“No, she has been through enough for today. I will be escorting her back to her chambers.”
With that said, he didn't bother to wait for an answer as he quickly picked up the priestess, held her against his chest protectively, and walked out of the throne room and out on the Western Lord.
Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck a bit confused as to why he had picked her up, but not complaining in the least. She could still feeling the anger radiating off of him in waves, and though she wasn't quite sure what to say or do to make it better, she did at least let him whisk her off without a word of protest.
“Touga,” she said quietly, as he walked briskly down the many thankfully, empty halls,
“I'm still able to walk you know; there really isn't anything wrong with my legs.”
“I know, but I wish to carry you, to feel you close to me.”
“Alright,” she giggled giddily, “I want to feel you close to me, too,” she said, as she tightened her hold around his neck.
Hearing her little feminine giggles made his muscles release the tension that had built up within him. He couldn't help but be amazed with how quickly she had gotten over the threat to her life. She didn't seem to be any worse for wear, and though he would have felt better if she would have acted like a frightened human girl - any other would have in her situation - he was also proud that she hadn't, that she was strong.
Kagome saw the way he smiled at her, and she hoped that he was no longer upset over what had just occurred. Perhaps he would need a massage to get him to relax a bit more once they reached her room, she thought with a devious smirk. And how long was this hall anyway?
“How long is it going to take for us to reach my room?” she asked innocently. “Because I just might need you to order us some lunch if its going to take much longer.”
He smirked at her comment and she couldn't help but place a kiss upon his cheek.
Kagome hadn't even realized she had done it, until he suddenly turned his head and looked at her so intently she thought she was going to turn into a puddle of womanly goo and melt right through his arms.
His eyes held hers with such intensity, she felt as if he was trying to look into her very soul and gather up all of her secrets and her inner most thoughts to himself. She didn't even realize they had arrived or even entered her room until she heard the door shut behind them and she felt herself being placed down gently upon a futon.
He had released her and was about to straighten when she quickly caught hold of one of his large clawed hands and tugged him down beside her.
“Onegai, don't leave me, Touga. I - I want you to stay with me for a bit longer. I know you have more important things to do but--”
“Hush Kagome, I will remain beside you for as long as you want me to.” She swallowed.
Was he aware that what he had just said to her had a double meaning? Or perhaps it was just her that was trying to find one.
“Arigatou,” she thanked him, barely above a whisper, as he started to lay down beside her.
“Umm, Touga... I really don't feel like sleeping, would you mind if I umm, if I uhh... gaveyouamassage? I mean I know you're probably all stressed out and stuff and I just want to help you relax. So, is that ok?” she asked as quickly as she could, before she lost the nerve.
He looked at her with surprise, then broke into a charming smile. “A massage, you say? Well, I don't suppose I see the harm in that.” He wrinkled his brow as he spoke again.
“I've actually never had one before, so mayhap it is time to try it, ne?”
“Really?” she questioned happily. “You've never had your body massaged?” Upon the lifting of his brow, she immediately realized how that might have sounded. “What I meant to say, well not your body like that or anything, well you know not sexually, er... well not that it's any of my, it's not what I meant, ok?” she finished in a huff, hating the way he seemed to be laughing at her blunder.
“I was only teasing you, my little miko. Hai, a massage will do me good. How would you like me?” he asked.
`Naked with chocolate syrup of course,' she answered in her mind, surprising even herself with her hentai thoughts.
She coughed trying to clear her mind of all the images she had conjured up with that one answer alone.
“Just - just turn around on your stomach instead of your back, if that's ok?”
He did as he was told and turned on his stomach and placed his arms to the side. Kagome saw the way his long platinum hair was covering him up like a blanket, so she gently swept all his hair to the side and thought about how she was going to start.
“You have such beautiful hair, Touga,” she said suddenly, while allowing some of the silky soft strands to flow through her fingers. Yet before he could even make a reply she quickly pulled up her kimono till it reached her thighs and straddled his waist.
She heard him groan, then say something into the cushion below his head, but was unable to understand his muffled words.
Kagome began to put pressure on his shoulders and knead them quite expertly. She had given a few rubdowns to her ojii-san and her okaa-san on occasion, so she had a bit of practice under her belt, so to speak.
She continued to rub his shoulders then slowly made her way down to his lower back feeling every contour and ridge of his body. She didn't think there was a single ounce of fat on his hard frame.
Kagome swallowed.
She felt how his muscles began to loosen under her touch and she loved the way his taut body felt beneath her, but... perhaps this wasn't as good an idea as she had previously thought. As he groaned when she had placed pressure on a particularly tight knot, she felt her blood pressure skyrocket.
“Touga,” she said lowly, licking her lips. “Umm, perhaps, this - this isn't--”
He turned around when she called him, allowing her to straddle him now face up and in that one place that was beginning to ache with need. He wasn't sure if massages were supposed to cause the male anatomy such discomfort or if they always made the body feel such agonizing desire, but he certainly didn't want her to ever massage any male... ever. He watched as she licked her lips nervously, her small little tongue darting out teasingly. The small gesture made him growl with sudden hunger, and he quickly reversed their positions until her slender body was pressed intimately below his.
Kagome gasped as she was suddenly flipped over. Though he tried to keep his heavy weight from crushing her and his lower body to rest between her legs suggestively, she couldn't help but want to feel all of his hard body pressed to every inch of hers.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips to her satiny smooth ones. Touga suddenly felt the way she grabbed a hold of his hair and gave it a tug until she brought him down on top of her completely, not only accepting his advance but boldly making her own. He would have smiled with the little spit-fire of a priestess, who could be timid one second then forward and brazen the next, if his lips weren't so preoccupied.
He slanted his mouth over hers again and again, thrusting his tongue in to mate with hers.
The inuyoukai couldn't seem to get enough of her taste or her passion, of the yearning she awoke in him with each touch of her soft lips.
Feeling they both needed a deep life-giving breath, they soon broke apart.
“Koiishi,” he whispered tenderly, as he looked down upon her beautifully flushed face and swollen lips. “Now I know why humans and other youkai breeds find kissing to be such a worthwhile endeavor. Until I met you, I had no desire to find out why they so ardently championed it as a worthwhile pastime between a male and a female.”
“Whaaa….” Kagome knew she must look a fish out of water as she gaped in astonishment. She could feel the way her eyes had grown wide and round and the way her mouth hung open, but she couldn't seem to get her face to cooperate with her at the moment.
Sure, she knew she was naïve and had only been kissed twice before. Well, technically she was the one that had kissed Inuyasha to keep him from transforming when that witch Kaguya had taken her hostage, and then once when Hojo had actually attempted to give her a peck on the lips but instead ended up kissing the corner of her mouth, but Touga? The most gorgeous male she had ever laid eyes on and he had never kissed or been kissed - well until she came along that is?
“What?!! You - you can't be serious!! You mean you hadn't - I mean no one has ever kissed you - how can that be? And you're so good at it! How did you know what to do then? Is - is it some kind of inu thing or something, because you are so damn gorgeous, Touga, I don't believe for a second that--”
He chuckled, causing her to feel the vibrations as he remained still above her, his chest pressed tightly to hers, though he kept most of his heavy weight off of her and on his elbows, it caused her stop mid-ramble.
“Hai, that is right. You are the first and only female I have ever kissed, Kagome. And it was by instinct alone that I knew how to do it, I suppose... and... I had a very good partner to show me the way, as well. ”
Damn, she so badly wanted it to stay that way. She wanted to be the only woman to ever kiss the inuyoukai, yet she knew that perhaps that would not be possible with the way their lives would ultimately secede and run a separate course. But she really, really wanted to be the only one who would ever kiss him in such a way.
“Umm, do inu demons not kiss, even when... you know... when they uh... get together to have babies?”
He couldn't help but to laugh again. The woman was a walking contradiction. One minute she was yanking on his hair to press him up against her and kiss him until he lost his breath, then the next she was too embarrassed and shy to even mention how pups were produced.
“I do not believe so. Though I know not what every inu youkai couple does in the privacy of their chambers, I know that we are not a breed that has gone around kissing our females to show affection.”
“Then how do you normally show affection?” she questioned, truly interested.
“Well, we show our affection by protecting our female from all harm, by providing for all her needs, by lavishing attention to her body when she is in heat, by... well quite honestly I have never given it too much thought,” he mused. “Aside from what is instinctual, I have personally never shown my affection for any other, well... that is, before you of course, nor I have seen another adult inu male do so either.”
“Oh... you mean not even your father has shown affection for your mother in public?”
“No, other than to occasionally take her wisdom and counsel into consideration. Perhaps that is also a way to show affection.”
Kagome didn't know what got into her with this revealing and shocking surprise, but she quickly managed to get him off guard and roll them over in the spacious and plush futon, until she was the one who lay on top of him.
He laughed outright at her audacity. “Woman, what are you doing to this Touga?” he asked playfully, though trying to sound stern. “Do you wish to take advantage of his royal person?”
She straddled his hips, pulling up her kimono once more to her thighs to allow her more room to spread her legs as she answered him. “My Lord, how could you say such a thing about me. I am but your humble and innocent servant and I have no such wicked or sinful intentions,” she said, trying to keep from laughing. “And though I am not trying to take advantage of his royal highness, I do wish to show him something - if he would so kindly permit?”
He made as if to think, furrowing his brows in concentration before answering slowly and carefully. “Hai... I will permit such a thing... but only if it benefits this Touga, of course.”
“Of course,” she agreed, leaning down so that their noses were almost touching and brushed her lips over his, barely allowing him to feel their softness. Though he tried to dart forward and taste their sweet promise, she quickly pulled back and began to kiss his chin, the corner of his mouth, and even his nose softly and slowly, never allowing her lips to touch his.
She smiled at his disgruntled look, but instead of giving in and kissing him as he wanted, she kissed his neck and allowed her tongue to dart out and taste his smooth skin.
Kagome couldn't believe she had become so bold and wanton in his presence. She felt so utterly feminine and desired when she saw the consuming want in his eyes as he watched her tease him, laying utterly still beneath her, allowing her to do as she will with him. What was happening to her, she wondered. She had never known she could act this way with anyone.
Touga growled low in his throat upon feeling the way the woman was slowly torturing him. So his little miko thought she could tease him with no repercussions, did she?
He abruptly rolled them over pinning her beneath his weight - without crushing her - and kissed her so forcefully and with so much need, he heard her whimper beneath him. Her lips were so soft, so inviting, that waves of warmth rushed through his body, shaking him to the core.
His hands found her hips and his claws dug into her flesh, tearing straight through the layers of her kimono, though not hard enough to prick her skin, never breaking his relentless assault on her mouth. His tongue memorized the ridges of her teeth and the soft expanse of her lips before he pulled back, listening in amused delight as she gasped for breath, gripping his shoulders tightly.
And before she could regain her senses he kissed her once more, plunging his tongue into her waiting warmth as he thrust his now heavy arousal against her inner thigh, all the while mimicking the sensual movements of the age old dance of consummating passion with his tongue and groin. When she moaned and whimpered into his mouth he thought he would be undone. He wanted to take her, make her his in every way, but he knew that now was not the time to do so.
“Touga.” She said braking away from his intoxicating taste. “I - I want--”
An unexpected knock on the door interrupted her words making her jump beneath him. The inu smirked with obvious delight as he felt every curve of her body pressed up more intimately into his.
Though he certainly didn't wish to be interrupted, he needed to see what the servant waiting outside of the door required. He didn't even give the miko an opportunity to think about their very inappropriate position before he called for the maid to enter.
“Touga!” Kagome squealed, as he told the servant to come in. He was still sprawled all over her for goodness sake! She tried to push him off of her in a panic, but as the young maid walked in and saw them on the futon, her jaw hit the floor as it unhinged in utter shock. Kagome knew then that is was too late to do anything.
The blonde haired youkai quickly bowed low to the ground upon seeing them in such an intimate position, and begged forgiveness for interrupting, stuttering through her apology uneasily.
“Speak, what did you need?” Touga growled out in annoyance, quickly losing his patience.
“Hai, my Lord. I - that is the great Inu no Taisho requests my Lord and, uhh, my Lady's presence for - for - to present themselves for the afternoon meal which shall be served within the hour.”
“Very well, you are dismissed, now get out.”
“Hai,” she agreed quickly, scraping the ground in another lowly bow before sprinting out through the door as if her life depended on it.
“Touga!” Kagome admonished slapping him on the chest playfully but still bothered with what he had done. “Why did you let her in to see us this way? She's going to tell the whole castle now!!”
“So what if she does, tenshi? I am not bothered by any rumors the servants wish to waste their time in discussing, and neither should you be.”
“These wont be rumors, Touga, they'll be - ugh! Just let me up, please!” she said, rather frustrated with the whole thing. “Your father wants us to join him remember, so I need to, umm... to at least fix how I look before we go to lunch. And well, I am pretty hungry so we should hurry.”
As he kissed her softy one last time, he stood and helped her to her feet as well. Having to go to lunch where the Western Lord was obviously going to be present, brought her a whole bevy of unknown problems. Kagome hadn't given the earlier incident in the throne room much thought -Touga had made sure to keep her mind occupied - but now….
“Maybe - maybe I shouldn't go, Touga,” she said, with a twinge of hesitation and fear.
“Your umm, father doesn't like me very much, and I don't want - I don't want to do anything that might get me killed or something.”
The inu snarled in renewed displeasure and abruptly pulled her up against his chest.
“No! I will not allow anything to happen to you, koiishi. You belong to me and no one will hurt you, especially not my father, for if he or anyone else, dares to lay a finger on you--”
“Touga, you can't possibly fight him, he's your father, for kami's sake. I know he gave an ultimatum and though you accepted, I really won't feel very comfortable having someone following me around like a prisoner all the time. May - maybe its better if I leave - if I find somewhere else to stay. I could go to one of the human villages and ask for a place to--”
“NO! You will not leave my side, miko!” I will settle this with my father and then we will call for the kitsune female to come and--” He faltered for a moment thinking about how the kitsune was going to help find a way to send the miko home, to send her back to a time where they would not be together. “She will be called to come and help you.”
“But Touga, we really need to discuss this some more I think--”
“Come, you said you were hungry, so let me help you right your clothing,” he said, interrupting her protests.
“Yeah right, more like help me right out of them,” she mumbled under her breath, though he was able to hear what she had said clearly, making him laugh outright at her more than true statement. He truly would have preferred to help her out of her kimono.
“You wound me, koiishi, have I not been more than honorable?” he asked, with mock indignation. “Though... as I recall it was you who flipped me over unto my back just a minute ago and--”
“Alright, okay, that's ummm, I get the point,” she interrupted, truly embarrassed with her earlier behavior.
She continued to straighten her kimono and he helped her retie her obi as if had nearly come undone, though neither one gave any notice to the tiny holes that adorned both sides of her hips as they were barely noticeable. When they finished adjusting her clothing, she began to help him straighten his white kimono and hakamas. They reminded her of Sesshomaru's usual ensemble, except for the fact that Touga's clothing had blue flower patters not only sprinkled on the collar and edges of the sleeves, but also on his upper kimono as well. And instead of his obi being blue and yellow like Sesshoumaru's, his was blue and silver offsetting the color of his moon spun hair perfectly.
The way they were fixing each others clothing oddly reminded the priestess of a happily married couple and she sighed as a pang of sadness and grief soon entered her heart for what could never be.
“What's wrong, koi?” Touga asked, smelling the sorrow that had overcome her normally pleasant scent.
“Noth - nothing,” she answered, suddenly pressing herself into his chest and wrapping her arms around him.
“Do not fear or be saddened by what my father says, Kagome. I will not allow anyone to harm you,” he said while returning her embrace.
Kagome thought it was best if he thought that she was suddenly sad because of the Inutaisho's rude welcome. She didn't really want him to think that she was feeling bad because she was going to have to leave, as she herself didn't even want to dwell on that particular hurdle at the moment. It would be best though if she didn't allow such morbid thoughts to get her down. She was about to face the rude and rather frightening Western Lord and she had to have her wits about her to do so.
“Arigatou, Touga, perhaps we shouldn't keep your father waiting, hm?”
“Hai, it would be best not to, shall we go then, my Lady?” he asked, offering her his arm.
The miko smiled. `He is such a gentleman,' she thought dreamily. `Why didn't any of it every rub off on Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru. Man could they use it, they are such rude jerks.'
As they began to enter the labyrinth of halls and make their way to the dinning room where they were to have lunch, she began to think about Touga's sons - though she refused to dwell on how they would be created.
It was interesting how both Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha had tried to kill her when they had first laid eyes on her. And now it seemed she would be adding their grandfather to that list as well. The only one who hadn't tried to kill her was Touga. Hm... That was rather interesting.
Soon they stood before a beautiful screen door that depicted several gardens and ponds under a beautiful crescent moon, cutting short her musings on the royal inu family.
“Are you ready?” he asked, as he felt her stiffen beside him.
“Yeah. I... think so,” she said hesitantly, suddenly feeling not only several strong demonic auras in the room, but also a strange foreboding in the pit of her belly.
Touga soon placed his arm around her waist possessively and slid open the screen door.
They stepped inside only to be greeted by the booming and arrogant voice of the Inu no Taisho.
“Ahh... Touga my son, let go of that useless ningen woman and come... meet your new mate-to-be.”
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Ok. Now I'll go hide before the tomatoes start flying. But really guys….I had to at least add a bit more fluff before some serious drama starts to unfold. I just love fluff.
And who can resist with Touga? *Dreamy sigh*
A little hint for the next chapter….its not who you guys are assuming it is. I hope I'm not tbat predictable in my stories 0_0
Until next time & please don't forget to