InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Best Mistake ❯ Finally ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay this is last chapter, I think ^_^

Sorry for the wait!!

Many thanks to Coca for helping me with this chapter! I wanted to make the lemon interesting, and who better to go to than a person who has written a lot of lemons! So thanks to Coca, I give you huggles!


Warning! This chapter contains sexual activity! If you are too young to read this or are bothered by the act of having sex do not read! You have been warned!


Inuyasha ran with Kagome in his arms. There were no words to express how happy he was. He never thought he would ever have a mate, or anyone who loved him besides his mother. All he was ever lead to believe was that a hanyou's life was full of sorrow and hate, which is all he had ever experienced. And then Kagome came along and woke him up and turned his life upside down.

She trusted him and had never thought him as a lowly half-breed. She was his first real friend and showed him that he could make other friends. She was the reason he lived, his heartbeat was just for her. For the first time he wondered how he had ever considered leaving her to follow Kikyou to hell. She was his angel.

But he was nervous about mating. He wanted to be mated to her but the actual act of mating is what scared him. He knew next to nothing about the female body. Myouga had tried to explain it to him before, but he could only tell him so much with Inuyasha trying to crush him. He didn't even know if Kagome was ready, but judging from the nervous scent she was giving off, she was just as shaken as him. So he stopped and put her down on her feet, he didn't want to push her into anything.

"Inuyasha what's wrong?" She asked fidgeting.

"Are you-um ready for this?" They were going to have to talk about it so he might as well get to the point.

"I'm not that clear on the subject really."

"Okay, I'll try to explain it." Inuyasha sat down on the ground and Kagome sat in front of him.

"So-uh how do demons m-mate?" Kagome asked, blushing at her own question.

"Uh" Inuyasha tried to remember all he could from the conversation with Myouga.

"Mating is what demons do when they find a mate a want to be with them forever. I think humans have ceremony or something."

"Yeah it's called marriage."

"Well when demons mate a bond is formed between the two. Their lives are connected and become one. So it's like they can't live without one another."

"So if I died?"

"Then I would die too eventually from the heartache. But you don't have to worry about that because I won't let anything happen to you."

"Inuyasha, I'm human. One day I will grow old and die, I'll have to leave you." She said sadly.

"No you won't, not if we perform one of the mating ceremonies specifically designed to lengthen the life of a mate."

"How do we do that?"

"You would have to mix your blood with mine, then you'll have to sleep for a few days."


"So my blood can make the changes to lengthen your life. Your body will be stronger than normal humans. You won't get sick and you'll age like me."

"So we have to do that while we're um-mating?"

"Yes, because that is the time when your energies and love for one another is at it's strongest."

"MYUOGA!" They both yelled in unison. Myouga was perched on Inuyasha's left shoulder.

"Where'd you come from?!" Inuyasha yelled.

"I went to find you at Kaede-sama's hut and the others told me of how you were looking for Lady Kagome. I followed your scents and happened to find you here. And you're discussing the mating process, I've been looking forward to the time when you two would realize that you were meant for each other!"

At that time Inuyasha and Kagome both turned deep red and a clawed fist smashed Myouga.

"Shut up!" Inuyasha grumbled trying to hide his pink cheeks.

"But Lord Inuyasha you couldn't have made a better choice!" Myouga hopped over to Kagome and onto her shoulder and bowed deeply to her.

"I will serve my Lord's Lady always." Kagome got even redder and started laughing nervously while Inuyasha grabbed Myouga from her shoulder.

"Will you just stop it and tell me why you were seeking us in first place?!"

"Well it was just going to be a short visit, but now that I know you intend to make Lady Kagome your mate there are things we need to discuss."

"Such as?"

"Such as your birth rights."

"What birth rights?"

"Lord Inuyasha, you are the second son of the great demon lord Inutaisho, former Lord of the West. Naturally your brother is the ruler now because he was first born."

"Feh, so what?"

"But your brother has yet to take a mate or produce and heir. When you mate Lady you will complete your right as the next ruler of the Western lands if Sesshoumaru is ever killed and still has no heir."

"WHAT?!" Inuyasha bellowed.

"Wow, you mean Inuyasha is a lord too?" Kagome asked looking on in surprise.

"Yes he is, and further more, should Lady Kagome ever become pregnant, your first born will be in line after you Lord Inuyasha." Myouga was suddenly snatched up into a tight grip.

"Look old man, I don't want to be Lord of anything, and I don't want anything to do with my brother! The demons will never accept a half-demon for a ruler, and I don't want the responsibility!"

"But my Lord you don't have a choice, that is way things are and it is what must happen if Sesshoumaru does not produce an heir. You will be lord of the Western lands and Kagome will be your Lady!"

"Huh? Me? Lady of the Western Lands? Myouga are you sure this can't be changed?"

"I'm afraid not"

"Well Sesshoumaru better get to it, I know he doesn't want me ruling the lands anyway so I'm sure he'll produce an heir."

"Yes your right now is not the time to worry about such things. You and Kagome should complete the mating bond as soon as possible!"

"Why the hurry? We got time."

"But your bond will be a great help when the fight against Naraku comes. Kagome will be stronger and you won't have to worry about her as much in battle."

"She won't be that strong."

"True, but she will have some resistance to poisons that I'm sure some of Naraku's minions possess."

"Really?" Asked Kagome.

"Yes, and also my lady, you might want to start practicing your miko powers and learning how to gain more control. We cannot have you defenseless when your arrows run out. I'm sure Miroku and Keada-sama can help you."

"Okay Myouga you've said all you need to say so beat it!" Inuyasha had had enough; they were forgetting the real subject.

"Very well my lord and lady, have a pleasant evening." Even though it sounded harmless, they knew what he meant by that.

Now an awkward silence had settled between them and Inuyasha fumed inside when he realized they were back at square one.

Inuyasha took a deep breath and wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. He looked over at Kagome, who was looking around nervously with a slight blush on her cheeks, chewing on her bottom lip. He moistened his lips with his tongue as he slowly began regaining some courage. He could do this.

`I want to do this.'

He took one of Kagome's hands in his own, causing her to look over at him. She gave him a comforting smile as if to say `I want this too'. With that silent encouragement, Inuyasha stood up and pulled Kagome to her feet. But before they began walking again, Inuyasha gently but quickly tugged her into his arms. He placed his hands on her lower back and slowly tilted his head down, his lips meeting hers in a sweet kiss. Kagome sighed blissfully into the kiss, letting her eyes drift shut. This simple, chaste kiss soon turned to more as Inuyasha nipped at her bottom lip gently. She gasped slightly, her lips parting just enough for Inuyasha to trace the outline of her lips with his tongue before exploring the inside of her hot mouth.

Butterflies fluttered in her stomach as he tightened his grip on her body, and she ever so slowly moved her hands to around his neck, cautiously pulling him closer. Inuyasha moved one clawed hand down to her backside and squeezed gently. He was suddenly pulled out of his haze when heard Kagome squeak. He pulled back from the kiss, a slight smirk on his lips.

Kagome was panting slightly and she looked up at him through clouded eyes, her blush even deeper. Inuyasha suddenly picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder. That one squeak made him remember what they were going to do. And it also made him silently vow to hear all the other noises that Kagome would make during the process. A wide grin suddenly came across his handsome features. This was going to be veeery interesting.


Inuyasha's POV

As Inuyasha raced towards the well his erection became unbearable. It had gotten to the point where anything could arouse him. The feel of Kagome griping the back of his shirt as he ran, the contact he had with smooth skin of the back of her thighs where he held her, the feel of her body heat against his shoulder, and the way her scent surrounded him. It was all threatening to drive him over the edge, and he would happily tumble over so long as it was with her.

He wouldn't to take her on the rough forest floor, that wasn't something he wanted for their first time. He ground his teeth together and tried to focus on something else, anything else. He had to make it to the well.

Kagome's POV

She was more than a little shocked when he squeezed her butt and when he threw her over his shoulder. But as much as it made her blush, she had to admit that she liked it. Inuyasha had never shown his aggressive side like this and it turned her on for some strange reason. It had to be that she was hanging around Miroku a little too much. And so was Inuyasha because she could still feel the tingle on her bottom from where his hand had been.

But still as good as all this felt there were still some problems to work out. What if she got pregnant? They had to fight Naraku and she wouldn't be able to do anything with a swollen belly and such precious cargo inside.

`And Inuyasha would kill me if I even thought about fighting while pregnant. But does he even want children?'

Kagome shook her head; they could talk about that later. Besides she could always get some birth control pills form a clinic or somewhere. She wanted to enjoy this night.


The well came in view and Inuyasha wasted no time jumping in. The butterflies, the anticipation, and the excitement, all of these things heightened as the magical blue light engulfed them as they passed through time and space. Inuyasha landed gently at the bottom of the old well and jumped out onto the dirt floor.

He put Kagome down on her feet in front of him. Her cheeks were still pink from their earlier activities and from some her own thoughts. She couldn't get her breathing to steady and couldn't take her eyes off his.

His eyes were so emotional and full of passion. Not like she had seen in them when he was about fight, no this was different. It made her heart beat even faster, made her cheeks heat up, and made a knot form in her lower abdomen while a pool of slippery wetness settle between her legs.

Inuyasha stared at her taking in every line and curve of her body. He had never seen such a beautiful creature. His erection had grown rock hard and was now throbbing painfully with need. His control shattered completely when his nose caught the scent of Kagome's arousal.

In one quick motion he had her in his arms kissing her again. It wasn't sweet and gentle like the last one; this kiss was heavy with need and desire. When Kagome came out of her daze she noticed that he had backed her up against the left wall of the well house and was down his knees in front of her.

She was about to ask him what he was doing when he pushed her skirt up and stuck his nose firmly against her cotton-cover womanhood. When he started to growl her breathing became faster.

"Inu-yasha, what are you doing?"

"You smell so fucking good Kagome." He growled.

The combination of his words and the vibrations of his growls against her core made her even more aroused, and her wetness became so intense that she was sure her panties were damp and that Inuyasha could feel it by the way his growls increased.

He gripped the back of her thighs again and started licking her through the thin fabric. Kagome squeaked again but this time much louder. She dove her fingers into his hair with her thumbs right behind his ears and began scratching his scalp lightly.

Inuyasha's senses were completely focused on his soon-to-be-mate; his ears were filled with the sounds of her soft moans and short gasps. His nose was clogged with the scent of her arousal and the light sheet of sweat forming on her body. And he could taste her through her the panties but not as strong as he would have liked.

Kagome's underwear was soaked but she didn't care at the moment. Just when she was about to close her eyes the feeling of his tongue was gone. Slowly her blurry vision started to clear and she noticed Inuyasha was standing in front of her again, but this time he was completely naked.

He was perfect. His skin was tanned and smooth with no evidence of the many battles he'd been in, and his body was toned with muscles. His hair seemed to lay perfectly with not one strand out of place. And for a minute she was a little scared at the sight of his member at full attention. He was large, and she knew it would hurt to take all of him inside her.

But he looked so sure of what he was doing and so god-like, that her fear diminished into a slight nervousness. But none of this went un-noticed by the hanyou. The passion in his eyes changed to concern and she could tell he was beginning to doubt himself.

"Inuyasha, you do know this is my first time right?" She took a deep breath when he nodded. How was she supposed to explain this?

"When a girl is a virgin there's this barrier inside of them. And it has to be broken when they have their first time." The concern in his increased at hearing this.

"Will it hurt you?" He asked

"Yes, and I'll probably bleed a little." She felt a wave of panic wash over her when he started to back away.

"No, it's okay. It has to happen."

"I don't want to hurt you Kagome."

"It's okay, it'll only hurt this first time." She tried to reassure him.

"Are you sure?" She smiled and nodded.

With that out of the way the tense eased and her aroused scent cane back at full force. Inuyasha was standing before her nude after all. She felt like melting when he came close and started kissing her again. She could feel his hardness pressed against her abdomen and it only served to excite her more.

Inuyasha eased her shirt over her head and threw it into the same corner with his clothes. Kagome moaned when he start kissing her neck and nipping at her plus. She didn't even notice when he ripped her bra down the middle with his claws. But she did notice when her hard nipples brushed against his chest. Inuyasha slid the ruined bra off of her shoulders as he close his mouth over her right nipple and began to suckle.

Kagome nearly screamed at the sensation and the image of Inuyasha sucking on her breast was engraved in her memory forever. He switched to her left one, leaving the other swollen and slightly red from his abuse. But Inuyasha was doing more than pleasuring her; he was marking her by leaving red marks of his fangs around her nipples.

He let his hands slid down her hips taking her skirt and underwear with them. Kagome was so wrapped up in the world pleasure he had built around her that didn't even notice that she was being lowered to the ground. Inuyasha finally let go of her nipple and sat his knees to gaze down at her. Her skin was now lightly tanned from their travels, her breast were perfectly round and perky with his teeth marks on them. And her long legs were loosely wrapped around his hips.

He hadn't wanted to take her on the ground but he couldn't hold back any longer. He smiled at the beautiful picture she made and leaned down to lick her neck where he would put his mark. Kagome put her arms around his neck as he began to nip at her ear.

"My beautiful mate." The words made her want to giggle with happiness, but she wouldn't ruin the moment.

She could feel his tip pressed against her wet opening and readied herself for the inevitable pain.

"Are you ready?" She nodded and tightened her hold on his neck. She tried to focus on anything that wasn't below her waist. The feel of his warm breath on her ear, the way his hair felt.

Pain. That's all she felt. One long stab of pain between her legs as he stretched and filled her completely. Tears rolled down her face and she cried out into his shoulder. Her eyes clenched shut as she waited for it to go away.

Inuyasha smelt it as soon as he entered her. He had broken her barrier and she did bleed. He immediately stiffened when she cried out and tried to stay still. His instincts were torn in two, one side telling him not to move and cause his mate more harm, the other insisted he let himself go into her wet inviting heat. She felt so good. She was tight and hugged him with warmth. But smell of her tears and her ragged breath as she tried not to cry was enough to keep him in one place.

Soon the pain died down enough for her to loosen her grip on him. She could tell it was almost hurting him to keep still, so she kissed his cheek to let him know it was all right. It still felt alien for him to be inside of her, but it felt good at the same time.

Soon he was moving above her and pleasuring nerve endings she never knew she had. It didn't matter that it still hurt a little or that it felt awkward. Hearing his moans and grunts in her ear were enough to distract her. She could feel her stomach tightening and she knew something was about to happen.

Inuyasha could feel that she was about to come and cut his tongue with his fang. As soon as she called out his name his seed shot into her and he clamped his fangs down on her neck. Licked his wounded tongue over the mark to mix their blood, his eyes bleed red and he could feel her inner muscles still contracting around his member.

The sensation died down slowly and his eyes returned to their normal color. He pulled out of her and sat up against the wall with her in his lap. He was exhausted because his body had just mated for the first time. So he would keep her there until morning and then sneak her up to her room so she could finish out the rest of the changes in her bed.

He looked down at her with droopy eyes and brushed the stray hairs out of her face.

"You sleep. I'll be here when you wake up, mate."

He kissed her cheek before giving into his exhaustion as well.

……………………… .

A/N: Well how was that??? Some of you have asked to continue this story. So I promise I will think about it because I know there is a lot more I could do with it instead of just ending it there. So maybe one day in the future when my other fic is done.
