InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Best Mistake ❯ To Be or Not To Be...The Last Chapter ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: The last chapter yay!!!!!!!!!!!


Inuyasha headed straight for the village to see if she was there. The others were discussing where to head next when he came through the door.

"Inuyasha we've heard a rumor of a jewel shard." Miroku said.

"I don't care where is Kagome?" Everyone was shocked to hear him dismiss a jewel shard so quickly.

"We don't know. She came here for a few minutes and then said she was going back to her world." Sango replied.

"You mean to tell us she never made it back?" Shippou asked on the verge of panic.

"No, she must have left while I was asleep."

"Yes she said ye were in her time. Why were ye there Inuyasha?" Kaede asked.

"It's none of your business! I have to find Kagome" He left the hut and raced back to the clearing.

Her scent was old by a few hours but he could tell she had been here recently. Inuyasha got down and traced her scent back a few feet and came in contact with another scent he was hoping to avoid for a while.

`So, Kikyou does have her.'


Kagome could only stare at her in pure shock. What she said had hit her like a hammer. She honestly felt her heart skip a beat when she heard what the dead miko said.

`Is that why he came through my window last night?'

Kikyou was pleased to see the stunned look her reincarnation's face, it was about time she felt some pain. She got to travel with him, heal him of past wounds, tend to his physical ones, and share every experience with him. It was the life Kikyou would have had if it had not been stolen from her. Kagome, however, didn't have time to notice the looks she was being given, her thoughts were still racing like her heart.

`Is that why he didn't want to go back? Because he knew Kikyou would claim him?'

`Why couldn't he have just told me? Since when has he started back sneaking around?'

`But that still doesn't explain everything, does it? He looked scared, was it because he knew I would find out?'

"You can stop those meaningless thoughts of him." Kikyou's voice was like the ringing of a loud bell that crashed through her thoughts.

"You knew from the beginning that he was mine. You knew he owed his life to me, but you still clung to him, why?"

`Yes, I did know how he felt about her, but that hardly makes him hers! Does it? And I knew he felt guilty about her death, but giving his own life wouldn't bring her back, they might not even end up in the same place after death!'

"Even after he hurt you time and time again by coming to me, you still stayed with him. What honorable women in her right state of mind would put up with such things?"

`Does she really expect me to answer her? And would she laugh if I told the truth?'

"Can you not even answer me?"

"No, I'll tell you what kind of women would put up with it. The kind that's in love." Kagome could have sworn she saw something flicker in Kikyou's eyes, but as soon as it showed itself it was gone.

"In love?"

"Yes. You see Kikyou I love him. So much that I would stay by his side no matter what. Even if he didn't chose me I love him enough that I would let him go. I only want him to be happy and if he finds that with me then it would be a dream come true, but if he doesn't then I can't hold him to me and watch him suffer and be sad. He's had enough sadness in his life and I wouldn't want to the cause of more." The response came as a realization for the both of them.

`How can this girl be so giving?'

"That is what I am, the cause of more pain and suffering to him." Kikyou suddenly felt ashamed. Ashamed for all the things she'd done since her resurrection. She could suddenly remember everything dishonorable and wrong that she had been the cause of. The night she had kill that monk, stealing the souls of dead women, helping to make Naraku more powerful, and all the pain she caused the man she claimed to love.

Kikyou looked at the young girl she had kidnapped and bound to the tree. How many times had she tried to kill this girl? When she should have been trying to be more like her. Her reincarnation, this girl had her soul. She came back and freed Inuyasha from the God Tree so their souls could be together. Why couldn't she see it before?

"Kagome!" Inuyasha yelled as he burst into the clearing.

Kagome was being held to a tree by the soul stealer and Kikyou was standing a few feet away from her.

"Kikyou what are doing with Kagome! Our problems have nothing to do with her!"

"I know that now. I was just about to release her."


Kikyou ordered her soul stealers to release Kagome from the tree, and then she turned back to Inuyasha, who was looking a little shell-shocked.

"Inuyasha, may I speak with you?" He knew they would have to talk sooner or later. She deserved an explanation from him after what he did.

"Kagome wait here for me to come back." Kagome only nodded and watched as they walked off into another part of the forest. She was still a little shocked over what Kikyou had said.

"That is what I am, the cause of more pain and suffering to him."

`Is she sorry for what she's done?'


"Inuyasha, I have caused you pain on more than one occasion." Inuyasha knew something wasn't right when Kikyou let Kagome go without an argument, but hearing those words confirmed it.


"I am releasing you from your promise to me, go and be with Kagome."


"I know now that you and I were not meant to be together. Our love was not pure; it was tainted by miss-trust and doubt. Even while with you I had doubts that you really loved me, and always thought you would betray me at the first opportune moment. That is why Naraku's deception worked so well, you can not tell me that you never held doubts about us in your heart." Inuyasha's eyes were downcast and his ears were drooped. He was ashamed because he did have doubts about Kikyou when they were together, he never fully trusted her. But it was almost a relief to hear that she had thought the same thing about him. All this time he thought he had been a fool to believe she would hurt him and she had nothing but trust in him, but hearing that she didn't fully trust him either took away some the guilt.

"It was my fate to die Inuyasha, and I am sorry for letting you blame yourself and believe it was your fault. You were destined to be with my reincarnation, she loves you unconditionally and she defends you fiercely. If it had been her fifty years ago Naraku's trick never would have worked."

"I know she would never believe that I would hurt her." Inuyasha said.

"It is not right for me to keep you from true happiness. Kagome helped me see that; she would let you go if I held you to your promise. Even though it would kill her she would still let you go, because she knows how important it would be to you. She truly is a beautiful spirit, now go and be with her."

"Wait, where are you going to go?"

"I have heard of a temple in the mountains north of here, it is said that they accept all who wish to find peace. I will go there and see if I can find mine. If you wish it I will come back to help defeat Naraku."

"Yes we'll need all the help we can get"

"Then it is settled, go and be happy Inuyasha. And tell Kagome that I am sorry."

"I will." He watched as her soul stealers carried her away. He smiled remembering their conversation, she had released him.

He raced back to Kagome and found her sitting on the ground and base of the tree where she had been held moments ago. She stood up when she saw him, she looked sad like she was expecting him to disappear on the spot and leave her forever. He couldn't wait to her that she didn't have to worry about that anymore, but he was still worried that she wouldn't accept him anymore. He had done so much damage to their already fragile relationship. Always running back to Kikyou and putting her down, how had she ever put up with him?

He would spend the rest of his life making up for it, and it started tonight. He walked over to her hoping he wouldn't end up face first in the ground for what he was about to do.

"Inu-" Kagome was cut off by soft kiss. Bells and whistles went off in her head as she realized what was happening. Inuyasha was kissing her! Her heart thundered in her chest and she was sure he could hear it. Her eyes were wide with shock and didn't decrease in size even after he pulled away.

"Inuyasha what?" She couldn't even finish the sentence, her brain was fuzzy and she felt like her legs were made of pudding. She knew she was going to faint when he reached a hand out to caress her cheek.

"Kagome, if you want me, I can be with you now. Kikyou released me from my promise." Kagome was pulled into his arms for a hug but she still couldn't move. This had to be a dream, she was dreaming. Kikyou released him? He wanted to be with her?

"Kagome?" He was getting scared; she wasn't saying anything and that meant no right? He listen as her voice came out in a quite whisper, that he would have heard if it wasn't for his enhanced hearing.

"Is this a dream?" He smiled and hugged her tighter, that wasn't a no.

"No, it's real I promise. Kagome do you want to be with me?" His stomach balled up into a knot and he struggled to control his breathing as he waited for her answer.

"Y-yes" The instant the word came out she was lifted up into the air and was being swung around by a very happy hanyou. He put her back down on her feet and hugged her again.

"Now I can make you my mate."

`Mate? Wait isn't that what animals do when they-um?' Kagome turned bright red thinking about doing that with Inuyasha! Well it wasn't like she hadn't thought of it before; she just stopped the thoughts before it got too out of hand. But now she was having those thoughts and they wouldn't stop when she told them too.

But they were ended when she was scooped up bridal style into Inuyasha's and he stared to race back to the well.


A/N: Ummm…I guess this isn't the last chapter, anyone mad because I broke the rules?