InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Best Mistake ❯ Kikyou ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Okay, okay here's the next chapter!!

Greg Selm-Orr: Don't worry the flashback was supposed to confuse you, lol! All will be made clear soon, promise!


Kagome didn't take anything through the well with her; she didn't plan on staying that long. She was just going to ask the rest of the group some questions and see where that took her. She landed gently at the down of the well and used the vines to climb out. The clearing was quite but nothing seemed to be wrong. So she shrugged it off and kept walking.

Everything was okay in the village. People were working in the fields like they did every day. Some of the women were at home tending tot heir own small gardens. And the children were running and playing happily. All the houses were intact and no body was rebuilding anything, so there couldn't have an attack. She walked slowly taking in everything to make sure there was nothing she was missing. Then she remembered the sleeping hanyou at home on her bed and took off into a run for Kaede's.

When she walked through the door everyone was sitting around the fire pit talking. No one looked worried at all, just confused to see her back so early.

"Kagome, I thought you said you wouldn't be back until tomorrow?" Sango asked.

"I just came back to ask you guys if anything weird has happened since I've been gone?"

"Actually everything has very quite." Miroku said.

"Unless you count that uproar Miroku started yesterday by hitting on that married women." Shippou said as Miroku gave a gruff cough.

"Now that ye mention it child. I have not seen Inuyasha since yesterday afternoon."

`They haven't seen him for that long?'

"Well actually he's in my time."

"Why would he be in your era? I don't understand Kagome is something wrong?" Sango said.

"I don't know yet. But something definitely happened and he doesn't want to talk about it." She said sitting down.

"Why isn't he here with you now Kagome?" Miroku asked.

"Oh no! I left him asleep; he could be awake by now! I gotta go guys bye!" Kagome ran out of the hut not looking back.

She knew Inuyasha never slept long unless he was really injured so she didn't have much time. She ran passed villagers drawing their curious stares. And back to the forest heading for the clearing. She was almost there when she stopped dead in her tracks by an arrow. It was fired only inches in front of her face and hit a tree next to her. She stared at the arrow in shock, one more step and it would have planted itself through her left temple. She looked over in the direction the arrow came from and saw exactly who she didn't need to see at the moment.

Kikyou was standing about fifteen feet to her left side with her bowstring still quivering from the release of the arrow. Kagome looked in front of her; the well wasn't that far away. She was scared but not frozen and was completely ready to make a run for it until…

"Take another step and I will shot you." Came the statement in Kikyou's usual cold voice.

"What do you want?" Kagome asked still a little shaken.

"What do I want?" Kikyou laughed, and continued laughing until Kagome was sure she had lost her mind.

Her soul stealers wrapped themselves around Kagome, much to her displeasure. And lifted her two feet off the ground. She was about to scream when another one wrapped itself around her face to cover her mouth. She watched as Kikyou walked up to her with nothing but hate mirrored in her dark eyes.

"I think it is time you and I had a talk girl."


The soul stealers carried her, following Kikyou for what seemed like forever. She didn't know what was going on or why Kikyou all of sudden wanted to "talk". The sun was going down now and she was sure Inuyasha had woken up by now. What would he do when he realized she had gone? Would he automatically know that she had gone through the well and come after her? That's what she wanted, for him to find her and save her from his crazy dead girlfriend.

But Inuyasha didn't want to come through the well so she was probably going to be here for a while. She looked up as they came to a stop. She could tell that they were deep in the forest by how close the trees were. The soul snakes bound her to a near by tree and the one covering her mouth unwrapped itself. She had no idea what was about to happen; all she could do was wait and see.

"You asked what I wanted?" Kikyou said but Kagome knew she didn't want an answer.

"What I want is for my life to be restored to me, for Inuyasha to keep his promise to me. But he can't do that, and do you know why?" Kagome shook her head dumbly.

"It is because of you that he can't keep his promise to me. He says he will after Naraku is defeated but he will not come with me to hell because of you." She glared at Kagome.

"I have seen the way you have changed him. His eyes are softer and he is happy, so much happier than he was with me. How it is that a helpless little thing like you was able to make him forget all that we shared together?"

"Kikyou, you didn't really trust each other. How could real love happen between you when you had so many doubts?"

"You do not know of what you speak! You were not there!" Kagome was beginning to get angry at every word that came from Kikyou's mouth.

"I know enough! If you had really trusted him you have known that Inuyasha would never have hurt you! And you would have seen right through Naraku's trick. And if you really loved him then you would never have asked him to become human."

"I asked so we could be together. A miko married to a half-demon would have been unheard of."

"You just couldn't accept him for himself could you? You had to worry about what everyone else thought." Kagome couldn't believe the women standing in front of her.

"Enough! It doesn't matter. Last night proved that he won't leave this world until you're out of the way."

"Last night?" Kagome said in shock, she didn't think Kikyou would have had anything to do with whatever happened to Inuyasha.

"You mean you don't know?" Kikyou took on a wicked smile. "Inuyasha and I almost made love last night."


Inuyasha came back to the waking world surrounded by a wonderful scent. He knew he had fallen asleep in Kagome's bed, and he would never tell anyone but he wished he could do that every night. He had never slept so deep before, he felt fully rested. It had to be the way her scent wrapped around him like a blanket.

He walked down stairs expecting to see her mad at him for taking over her bed. But all he saw was Souta sitting on the couch with his eyes glued to the noisy box. He went into the kitchen and found Mrs. Higurashi cooking.

"Hello Inuyasha, I thought you had gone back with Kagome?" His panic alert came on and he stared at her.

"What do you mean?" He asked slowly.

"Wells he back through the well when she came home from school." Before she could say anything else Inuyasha was gone.

`I have to find her before Kikyou does.'


A/N: Well did that answer your questions or make more??? Don't forget to review!!!!!!!!!!