InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My bestfriend ❯ Slumber party ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Bestfriend

Higurashi shrine.....

Slumber party...:

Kagome blew the bangs out of her face with pure boredom. ".....-think Kagome-chan?" Sango asked. "Huh?" She responded in confusion. Sango sighed and gave kagome 'the look'. " Kagome-chan!" She pouted. Kagome laughed. "I'm sorry." She said with a smile. Kagura cleared her throat. "So, Kagome-chan, Who is it you have a crush on?" She asked, her crimson eye's shining in the light. " I-I, er, uh,um...." She stuttered, looking down at her lap so her hair covered her face. " I don't have a crush...." She lied. The demons' in the room glared at her. "Okay okay......Mrroguph." She covered her mouth with her hands so it came out muffled, but the demons heard loud and clear. " Th-tha lecher?!" Kagura spazzed out. "Miroku?!?" Ayame squeaked. Kagome nodded slowly, flaming blush on her face. Sango busted out laughing.
"Ohmygawd!" Rin gasped. Kagome glared at her friends'. "How about you....Rin? Or maybe Ayame, Sango, Kagura?" She hissed. They instantly stopped. " Sesshoumaru." Kagura sniffed, not even blushing. "Eh,er....Um, Sh-Shippo." Rin squeaked out, covering her blushing cheeks with her evenly shaking hands. " Don't like nobody." Ayame said with narrowed eye's thinking of a certain wolf. "I-Inuyasha." Heads snapped in Sango's direction..... "INUYASHA?!" Everyone shrieked. "What?!" Sango glared, blushing hotly. " He's" Rin started. " -Gruff." Ayame finished. " And uh....." Kagura started. "-My crush." Sango finished with a scowl. " 'Sides, Kagome-chan likes a pervert, Rin likes a runt and you, Kagura like an Ice prince." Sango pouted. " Miroku has good qualities!" Kagome growled. "Sesshy isn't that cold! He's got a different side!" Kagura sniffed. "Shippo is soo Adorable!" Rin piped up. Everyone raised an eyebrow. Rin gasped, covering her mouth.

Outside kagome's window......

"What are they saying?" A gruff voice asked. " Shhhh." A softer voice scolded above. " OW! My back is starting to hurt! Hurry it up!" A more boyish voice whined. "Shaddup runt!" The voice from before scowled. " I'm not a runt! I just happen to be smarter than you, Inuyasha!" The 'runt' gloated. "And you're still a runt, Shippo." Inuyasha said with a smug smirk. "Shhhhhh!! I can't hear what the lovely ladies are talking about if you two don't be quiet." They shut up. 1 minute, 36 seconds later.... "Remind me why I came again?" Shippo asked with a bored look. Inuyasha and Miroku gave eachother knowing looks..... "Rin." They said in unison. Shippo blushed. "Errrr, yeah whatever." He said trying to play it off.
"Little brother." a cool voice said, tired of being ignored. "Gah!" Inuyasha fell out of his tree to land face down at his brother's feet. "Sesshoumaru." He greeted gruffly. "Tell this Sesshoumaru why it is you are spying on these ningen girls." Sesshoumaru demanded. Inuyasha scoffed, flexing his claws. Miroku put a hand on Inuyasha's shoulder. "Don't Inuyasha, remember last time." He scolded. Inuyasha winced. At this Sesshoumaru gave a small,cold smirk. "Miroku has good qualities!" They heard ....Kagome's voice say? Inuyasha choked on his own saliva. "Sesshy isn't that cold! He's got a different side." Kagura spoke next. Shippo broke out into giggles. Sesshoumaru growled. " Shippo is soo Adorable!" They heard rin speak, Making shippo stop laughing and turn a deep shade of crimson. 3 heads turned in his direction. "Aww, Shippo is soo Adorable!" Inuyasha mocked. Miroku fake swooned. Sesshoumaru smirked lightly amusement dancing in his eyes.

With the girls....

" I Just can't believe.......Inuyasha!" Rin gasped. Ayame nodded. " Keh!" Sango snorted, but quickly covered her mouth in embarassment. Kagome burst into giggles. " You even sound like him." Kagura said, her nose wrinkling. " So how's naraku?" Rin asked. Kagura scoffed. "As twitsed as ever, Sadistic freak." She muttered. "I dunno, I always liked his hair." Ayame commented. "Ugh! Ayame!" Kagome laughed. "What?" Ayame said with a giggle. Kagome sighed dreamily. " I like Miroku's eyes." She blushed. Kagura scoffed. "The Hentai houshi is nothing compared to Sesshoumaru's golden eye's and silver hair." Kagura said with a smirk. " Shippo has a cute tail!" Rin pouted. " You're right." Ayame said. "Kouga has a tail too......" Kagome added. A moment of silence passed in thought. ".....Nah!" They all said in unison.

Outside kagome's window......

The boys listened outside.... Taking in every giggle and gush. "Move over monk!" Inuyasha growled. " OW! Get off me Dog-breathe!" Shippo whined. " Remove your hand from this Sesshoumaru's person." Sesshoumaru said in a chilling tone. Crash, Thud! " OW! Damnit!" Inuyasha hissed from his spot on the bottom. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eye's from within the pile. " I shall need to bathe when I return home." He growled. " Who's hand is on my ass?!" Inuyasha demanded gruffly. " Screw your ass dog-breathe, Somebody's foot is in my face!" Shippo said from beneathe miroku. "Keh!" Inuyasha snorted. " This Sesshoumaru wonders if you fools are really straight." 3 gasps escaped after that comment. " You callin' me GAY?!" Inuyasha roared. " Surely you notice my love for the female body?" Miroku said with mock hurt. " I'm not gay!" Shippo growled. " Keh! Why're you wearing all those pretty colors and tight pants for then?" Inuyasha jeered. "Inuyasha you jerk! I don't wear tight pants! They just aren't as loose as yours." Shippo yammered. "Perhaps if Inuyasha, He wouldn't have evaded Jakoutsu's advances." Miroku stated wisely. Inuyasha shuddered. " Oh! I love those cute fuzzy ears of yours!" Shippo mimicked in a high voice. Sesshoumaru stood from the Dog/human/fox-pile, Letting the other boys fall again in a smaller pile of body parts. "HEY! Fluff-butt! Where ya going?!" Inuyasha hollered, forgetting they were outside kagome's window. A hush went over the room they sat by.

With the girls....

"HEY! Fluff-butt! Where ya going?!" They heard....Inuyasha yell? 2 demon's and 2 human's looked in Kagome's direction with glares. Kagome smirked, " Girls, girls, gilrs. You can't blame me, You two, Kagura and Ayame, Are demons'. Sango you are a Demon slayer, and Rin.....You're training to be a ninja *rolls eyes* as you say, So....Why didn't you sense them?" Kagome asked. The four girls shifted nervously under the miko's stare. "Fine, fine. Don't answer me." She huffed, " So who's gonna bust them?" She questioned. She sighed again when nodbody answered. " I'll do it." She said with a scowl. Standing up in her short nightgown she tried to tug it down for modesty. It was hot now-a-days so she had different sleep-wear for the weather. Stepping lightly on her plush carpet she walked over to her window. opening it softly, she looked out. " Hello boys." She greeted coolly.

With the boys....

"Hello boys." The boys looked up from their place on the ground. She smiled at them. " Lady K-kagome...." Miroku greeted nervously. She narrowed her eye's. "Miroku....Tsk tsk tsk." She scolded, wagging her pointer finger at him like a scolding mother. " Shippo." She said. He squeaked. Rin popped her head out the window,staring at her Shippo. "Shame on you all." She sighed, rubbing her temples. "Miko." Sesshoumaru greeted. "Sesshoumaru." "Where?!" came Kagura's voice. Inuyasha snickered. " Inuyasha." She glared. "Inuyasha?" Sango asked in a quiet voice. "Yo! Sango! Sup'?" Inuyasha yelled. " Hey Inuyasha." She said with a blush. Miroku cleared his throat, " Nice clothes ladies." He said with a lecherous grin. Ayame, Rin and Sango covered themselfs with pillows and blanket's, Stuffed animals. Kagura snorted and Kagome winked. "Indeed." Sesshoumaru snorted. " How's it going lord Sesshoumaru?" Kagura smirked. Sesshoumaru narrowed his eye's.
" Fine, Wind sorceress." He growled. " Hm." She scoffed. " How's your brother,Naraku?" He asked. " He's fine." She said with gritted teeth. " A shame." He said with a sniff. "Yes." She agreed. Everyone else looked confused. " Well......" Miroku coughed, " We should be going, Good day-" Kagome cut him off. " Miroku-sama, We'll talk later." She said with barely concealed rage, Her face shadowed, making her look really scary. " Yes Kagome-sama." He winced. "Good." She said with a bright smile. Inuyasha sweatdropped, speaking his thoughts, " How the hell do you change mood's like that? You PMsing?!" Kagome's smile vanished. " Inuyasha....." Came her Syrupy sweet voice, " Osuwari!" She growled. SLAM! "Idiot." Shippo commented with narrowed eyes.

1 Hour Later, Miroku's room

"Ugh!" Miroku groaned, flopping down on his bed. " Soo tired." He moaned, snuggling into his pillow. As he went to take off his jean's so he could sleep his fingers brushed over his jacket pocket. " Hmm? What do we have here?" He smirked. Pulling the crumpled paper out of his pocket he set it on his desk and undressed down to his boxers. Snatching up the paper and plopping down on his bed he slowly and carefully uncrumpled the paper. Beautiful Violet eyes roamed over the picture and it's writing. Smirking her folded it and placed it in a drawer next to his bed. " Well,well,well....What do we have here? Miss Kagome Higurashi, I never knew you thought that way...." He laughed as he shut his lamp off.
Wouldn't she be suprised? He'd show her......Then...She'd be his. '....Kagome.......'