InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My bestfriend ❯ Drawing ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My bestfriend


Kagome stared at her sketch...It was perfect. She quickly added the last finishing touches...As in subtitles and crap. Just as she was signing her name she felt someone walk up behind her. "What ya drawing?" Ayame's teasing voice cooed. Kagome gave a 'eep' and covered her picture with her body and her arms. " N-nothing...Just...Sketching." She managed to respond. " Hmm." Ayame dismissed the drawing and began to help her pack up. Kagome quickly zoned into what ayame was saying after finishing her name. "...-eally cute... So... you got any secret crushes?" Ayame asked, eye's sparkling. Kagome chuckled nervously, trying to hide her blush. " N-nope...Sorry...Crush-free." She chirped. " Awww..." Ayame pouted. " Anyways...What'chya drawing?" Ayame giggled, looking over kagome's shoulder, kagome once again moved to cover her picture.

"Who's that?" Ayame gasped..., " Looks kinda like...MMmphgm!" Ayame squealed against the hand clamped down on her mouth. Some of the people that were still packing up sent them weird looks. Kagome laughed nervously, letting her hostage go. As kagome dropped her hand Ayame greedily accepted the oxygen. " DA-YUMN! You trying to kill me Woman!" She shrieked. Kagome sweatdropped. " No..." She said slowly.Ayame huffed glaring angrily at her new friend. Ayame narrowed her eye's at kagome. "Why you drawing a picture of him anyway?" She questioned. " N-no reason...I-I...Just got...Bored! Yeah!" Kagome scratched the back of her head with a cheesy smile on her face. Ayame merely raised an eyebrow. " Ooh-kay..." Ayame quickly changed the subject to what girls normally talk about. ( Not me...I'm just weird! Hehe)

" Ohmigosh! Did you see Inuyasha?" Ayame squealed. " Um...No." Kagome answered, not really paying attention as she balled up the artwork she was working on and threw it in the direction of the trash-can. " Let's go to our next class before we're late." Kagome chirped. Ayame simply nodded still going on. " And Kouga! That jerk! Could you believe what he did to us! Aaaargh!" Ayame growled. " Yeah...," Kagome agreed.

"Total jerk." She stated. " Hey, Do you wanna have a sleep-over! Please please please!" Ayame begged. Kagome thought for a while.

" Well...I guess...Okay." She smiled. " Yay! Then we can buy some movies, Grab some snacks and stay up all night! I'm so glad it's friday!"

Kagome laughed, Her new friend was nice. " Yeah, Watch some horror movies and do some make-over's talking about guys." Kagome teased.

Ayame nodded her head merrily.
Little did kagome know that her art-work didn't make it to the trash-can. It landed by someone's foot. The figure bent down and picked up the crumpled paper, quickly stuffing it in their jacket for later.Kagome smiled as she watched her bestfriend walk up to her at a slow pace. " Hey." She greeted. " Good evening Kagome-sama." He replied.

She smiled warmly, linking arms with him. " Let's go." She said, he simply nodded and smiled at her. They walked in silence...

"You...Okay?" Kagome questioned breaking the silence, staring at him with those eye's of her's. " Of course, I am merely thinking." Miroku replied grinning at her. "Hmm..." was all he got back. " Me and a few friends are gonna have a sleep-over." She stated. That got his attention.

" As in...All you lovely ladies will be wearing you're transparent sleep-wear and talking about your certain crushes...Watching horror movies...Talking about crushes...Sharing your most inner thoughts about naughty things...Doing make-overs...Did I happen to meantion Transparent sleep-wear?" He said this, Adding his lecherous grin to top it off. Kagome turned crimson. " U-uuh...I...Maybe." Was all she could stutter out. His grin widened. "Am I invited?" He asked. " NO! This is a girls night! I was just trying to get rid of the silence! And keep your naughty thought to yourself...As will I!" She gasped, covering her mouth. He wiggled his eyebrow's at her. " So...The Innocent Kagome has naughty thoughts?" He purred. A slap echoed throughout the neighborhood. Kagome walked stiffly by her friend, Trying to soothe her boiling anger.

Miroku rubbed the red hand-print on his face with a smile. " You hit harder than Sango." He said, looking thoughtful. Kagome looked at him with a raised eyebrow. " She's much stronger than me...Have you seen her family heirloom? A Huge Boomerang! Umm...Hir-Hiraikotsu...Yeah!" She stated. Miroku winced at the comment on her giant Boomerang. " Yes Kagome-sama...I have seen it." He groaned. Kagome looked over at him with curiosity, then smiled smugly. " Did you have the pleasure of meeting it head on?" She teased. " Indeed Kagome-sama...It hurt." He managed to get out, rubbing his head at the memory of when she whacked him with it...several times. " Poor baby." Kagome cooed. He sent a mock glare her way. Thinking back on what he did to deserve it anyway...

Flash back

" Houshi-sama! Get back here!" Sango shouted, Giant Boomerang held over her head, ready for whacking. "Gah! Please Lady Sango, I was merely helping your Mother!" He called over his shoulder, only to bump into something for not looking where he was going. Looking up from his place on the ground, he found Sango's father glaring at him. " My wife will not bear your children." He growled. Miroku meekly nodded his head. " Hold em' down dad!" Sango called. Miroku squirmed in the larger man's grasp. Sango came up to him, he soon learned, hoisted over her shoulder glaring at him. She looked Scary! She brought her weapon down...





"Get over here lecher!"

Kohaku tugged at his mother's apron. " Ma'ma...Is that supposed to bend that way?" He asked innocently. She gasped quickly covering his eye's. "Hey I wanna see! This is better than the Video-games!" He whined. " Children shouldn't see such things." She scolded.

" Help me..." Miroku whimpered, crawling out, just to be pulled back. Sango came back, smiling brightly and dusting off her hand's.

"Sister? What did that guy do to make you beat him up?" Kohaku questioned. Their mother shook her head clealy stating. ' don't tell him'

" He deserved it..." Was all sango said.

End Flashback

"....-Ey! You there? You zoned out on me." Kagome stated, waving her hand in miroku's face. He caught her hand in his and brought it to his lips. " I'm flattered that you worry for me Kagome-sama, But you need not, I am fine." He stated, placing his lips to her hand in a chaste kiss.

Kagome blushed prettily snatching her hand away and giving him a half-hearted glare. " Y-yeah W-whatever." She mumbled. He simply grinned.