InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My bestfriend ❯ Befriending Ayame ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Bestfriend

Disclaimer- I don't own Inuyasha

Kagome: Age 15,Miko with Un-trained powers,Black hair with red highlights and Azure eye's.

Miroku: Age 16, Monk in training...(Due Un-controlable habits.) Raven black hair and Violet eye's.

Sango: Age 16, Demon slayer in training, Ebony black hair held in a high ponytail and Brown eye's.

Miroku groaned, drowning out his teacher with his thoughts. ' Did she take my advice?' ' Did she dump that possesive wolf?'

Miroku sighed, Feeling drowsy all of the sudden...He lay his hands on his desk and put his head on his arms.

' Eh why not? I'm smart enough to take a nap'


He was in a field...A beatiful field of flower's. There on a bench sat his Tenshi. " Kagome!" He callled out to her.

She turned her head in his direction, Her azure eye's meating his own, she smiled brightly waving him over.

He quickly obliged, Skipping over to her. She smiled as he sat next to her. " There's something I have to tell you Miroku-sama..." She whispered. " Yes, Kagome-sama? And please call me Miroku.." he stated, Looking into her eye's. " Miroku...I..." She strarted, Then blushed, Coughing into her hand nervously. " M-Miroku I...L...I..." She sighed, She inched closer to him. " Screw it!" she swore, Pushing him off the bench and straddling him. Miroku watched with wide eye's. " Miroku..." she purred seductively. " Y-y-yes?" he asked, Trying to keep his voice steady. " Miroku..." She purred once again. " Kagome..." He moaned, She was teasing him. " Mr. Kazaana..." She grumbled. " Hm?" He qeustioned. " Mr. Kazaana..." She said in a more stern and dissaproving tone. " What?" he growled. " Mr. Kazaana!" She shrieked, All of the sudden becoming the voice of his proffessor.

End Dream

Miroku fell out of his dream word with a loud ' Thump!' Several student's giggled and snickered. He looked up into the angry eye's of his teacher. " Hehehe..." He laughed nervously." Sleeping in class?" His proffessor hissed. Miroku gulped and nodded slowly. Mr. Ako sighed, Pointing towards the door and handing miroku a detention slip. " One more time, Mr. Kazaana and I'll have to call your parents, Oh and you would do well not to fantasize about Miss. Higurashi in class." Mr. Ako scolded. More snickers and giggles. " Yes sir." Miroku replied, Slipping out of the classroom.

Miroku grumbled as he neared the door of Detention, Or as some kids called it Hell.

As he entered the classroom he looked on in suprised, Spotting Kagome, His Innocent little kagome was in detention...Wait! Did he just call her his? Oy vey, He needed to get her outta his mind. He walked over to the teacher, Placing his Detention slip on his desk. He siddled up to kagome, Lecherous grin on his face. " What has the Oh so Innocent Kagome done that places her in this cursed void? Not something too Naughty was it? If it was , Why wasn't I invited?" Miroku whispered, Making kagome blush. " I didn't do anything, I just fell asleep." She said, Smackig him on the arm Hard. " Owww, Kagome-sama, You hurt me." He whimpered.She rolled her eye's giving an un-lady-like snort. He grinned at her. " You know I'm just kidding, Koi." He said playfully.

She blushed, Crimson burning her cheeks and the top of her nose. She growled, Bonking him on the head. He whimpered, Before falling to the ground, Unconcious. She sighed, picking him up and hauling him over to his chair. She made a noise in the back of her throat as drool dribbled onto her hand. She sat him up, Only for his head to hit the desk. She squeaked, Looking up to find the teacher still asleep. She sighed in relief.

" Miroku-sama...," She whined, poking him. " Oh! Look It's Sango-chan In Lace underwear!" She giggled, But all she got was a snort and a mumble. She growled, then sighed. " Miroku-kun," She purred. " I'm naked..." She whispered in his ear, Instantly he snapped awake.

" Where!" He gasped, looking around swiftly, Only to spot Kagome with her eyebrow raised and fully clothed. He pouted, Crossing his arms and whimpering. " That wasn't funny, Kagome-sama." He whimpered. " You won't wake up for Sango-chan...But you'll wake up for me?" She asked, Putting a hand to his head, checking for a fever. He grumbled. " Oh! So did you take my advice?" Miroku questioned. Kagome shifted nervously.

" Uh What advice?" She asked, Innocently. " You know...Dumping kouga." Miroku stated. " I uh...Welll" Kagome averted her eye's and shifted in her seat. " You didn't, Did you?" Miroku questioned. Kagome sighed, " No Miroku-sama, I will though!" She said, Smiling brightly...but then her smiled dropped. Miroku sighed, rubbing his temples. Kagome whimpered, catching his attention, He turned his head instantly regretting it, She was giving him the puppy dog look. " Oh no...K-kagome-sama..." He sighed, " Fine, I forgive you, But don't mess up next time you see him, Dump him on his wolf ass!" Miroku demanded, Kagome nodded her head meekly. Miroku grinned, Giving her a hug.

And it just so happened his hand slipped down her back to caress her ass. " Miroku-sama...," Kagome said sweetly. " Mhmm Yes?" he asked.

-SLAP- His cheek now adorned a fiery red handprint. " Keep your hands to yourself!" She hissed. He nodded.


" Kagome!" Kouga called. Kagome froze, Not wanting to break his heart... " Y-Yes K-kouga?" She asked, scared. " What's wrong?" He asked softly. " Kouga, I...I would like to know who you've been seeing behing my back..." She stated firmly. " Wh-Wha?" He asked, How did she know?

" I smelt the perfume on you, And you've been so distant lately...And...And..." She sniffled, Willing herself not to break down into tears.

" Ka-" He got cut off. " Don't.." She stated, Turning away. " Kouga!" A girl called, Catching kagome's attention. " Kouga-kun? Who's this?" The girl questioned, Looking straight at kagome. The girl was a beautiful white-wolf demon, Fiery red hair, Shimmering green eye's and Pale peach lips...She matched kouga with the way she held herself, Arrogant and proud. " HIya! I'm Ayame." She stated, Shaking kagome's hand quickly.

" H-Hello, I'm Kagome..." Kagome said slowly, She was youkai who was okay with being friend's with a miko? Odd.

" Ayame, Kagome, Kagome, Ayame." Kouga said. "I'm Kouga's Girlfriend." They stated In unison. Then their eye's widened, Turning to kouga with furious glares. " N-Now Now, L-ladies...Please calm dow-" He got cut off. " Calm Down..... CALM DOWN?!" They shrieked in unison, Lunging at him...

15 minutes later...

Kagome and Ayame nodded in Unison, Linking arms and skipping off down the hallway... Kouga well, He's a little...Battered up...Heh.

Ginta and Hakakku were talkign together when Kouga entered. " K-kouga! What happened to you!" Gint questioned, Shocked and scared.

Kouga hand a black eye, Scratched all over his face arms and leg's, A sprained ankle, He was black and blue and Red all over. Not to mention the writing in marker all over him, He had hearts and ponies and kisses and other crude remarks and names...That I shall not mention!

" Ka-Kagome...Ayame..." He whispered before passing out, Again... Ginta and Hakakku looked at eachother, Swearing forever.

" Never Piss off a member of the opposite sex." They carried him to the nurse's office. " Oh dear!" The nurse gasped, " What happened?" She questioned. " Uh...Mad women...He was cheating." They said in Unison. " Mm Mm Mmm, Then he deserves it." She said, Tapping her foot and crossing her arms. " W-well could you please fix him up?" They asked politely as possible. " Sorry boys, You do the crime, You do the time." She said, Turning away. Ginta and Hakakku sighed, Dragging kouga to his class, The students burst out laughing. Miroku stared wide-eye'd.

' Kagome...' He thought, Smirking. ' You little Vixen, And hmmm Ayame, A minx she is.' He grinned even wider. He looked over at Kagome, She was sitting at her desk, Drawing. Naughty, Naughty girl she was. He looked over at Ayame who sat in the corner, Smiling smugly.

He now knew Kagome and Ayame had formed a friendship.