InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Bloody Princess ❯ Drugs ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Bloody Princess

By Paper Stars

Rated: R

Chapter Two: Drugs


"...And now I try to make it,

I just want to make you proud,

I'm never gonna be good enough for you,

I cant pretend that I'm alright,

And you cant change me.

Cause we lost it all,

Nothing lasts forever,

I'm sorry I cant be perfect.

Now its just to late and we cant go back,

I'm sorry I cant be perfect..."

Simple Plan "Perfect"


Kagome laid back into Sango's couch and smiled at the TV.

She was still wearing her see-through T-shirt with the short skirt. Sango was wearing a red tube top with the words, "Meow." On it, and a pair of Capri shorts. A few bracelets were on her wrists, and a chocker adorned her neck.

Kagome was currently watching an old re-run of Jackass, and having enough fun to amuse. Sango was currently trying to make her hair look perfect for her `beloved' Miroku. He would be their in a couple of minutes.

Sango had told her they had gotten a full shipment of some hard-to-get drugs. White Light, Pure Sunshine, Ecstasy, that sort of thing. Kagome only had 50$ on her, but she was sure she could get at least some acid or weed.

She had told Kagome that one of his friends was coming, so they could get stoned and have sex galore. Kagome had rolled her eyes at that comment. She would NOT sleep with some guy she didn't know. No way. That crossed even her lines.

"So, have you heard about the new guy at school?" Sango asked as she pulled her hair into two piggy-tails.

"New Guy? Hot or Not?"

"Hot. Heard he has silver hair, and amber eyes."


"Like hell if I know."


"About ours, if not one year older."

"Interesting. Loser? Stoner?"

"Not quiet determined."

"First day today?"

"Yep, You got it!" Kagome giggled like a true high-school girl should, and tried to picture what this guy would look like. Sighing, she guessed that by Monday he would probably be on the `loser' list, and she would never get to meet him. That was the way her life was at that damn Anti-High School.

A knock on the door came a few moments later, and Sango opened it to reveal Miroku and a guy with sandy-blonde hair and blue eyes. He smiled awkwardly at her, and she gave her own smirk. He was wearing a faded mustard yellow baseball shirt, and a pair of dickies blue jeans. Miroku was wearing his usual purple man-slut shirt, and a pair of tan shorts. A pair of flip-flops completed the outfit.

"Kagome," Miroku said, smiling at the look she was giving his friend, "This is Joel."

Joel smiled at her again.

Kagome had determined something very important. She WOULD sleep with some guy she didn't know. Yep, yep! (A/N: I know Kagome seems a bit cheap right now, but she don't worry! Her actions will have consequences! Fuck- I sound like a poser! ><)

"What did you bring?" Sango asked, sitting onto Miroku's lap. Joel answered for him.

"Weed and a new drug called `Blood.'" He said opening a green backpack. His blue eyes looked into her green ones and she melted. Smiling seductively, she purred, "Well, how much does it cost?"

"$20 Per Pill."

Kagome's jaw dropped slightly. "20$?!"

He nodded. "But this shit is worth it. It's imported all the way form anime- country Japan. It lasts all night and gives you no down time once you swallow it."

Kagome thought about this for a moment, before taking out a 50$.

"Got any change?" she asked.

Joel just smiled.


Kagome tilted her head back and laughed. Joel had been right.

The swirls of green and blue never left her mind, and she had never felt so good in her entire life. Next to her Sango and Miroku were fucking like bunnies, and when she watched them it seemed almost surreal. They were moaning and smiling.

Joel was sitting next to her, and his blue eyes was watching his hand intently. Kagome tried to giggle, but it came as a slur, as if she were drunk. Joel didn't seem to notice. He just tilted his hand to the left, and the right.

Blue, Green, Yellow... they swirled and the smallest moan Sango would make was enticing. Kagome was rapidly getting horny at the though of fucking the sweet piece of ass sitting next to her in a daze.

"Want to go to another room?" She asked, her head bobbing from one side to another. He nodded and pulled himself up, and they slowly walked into Sango's bedroom. It was very difficult to do because when you walked your body tilted even more than when you were drunk. But the moment he had closed the door, Kagome's mouth was pressed against his and they were both in heaven.

Their tongue's swirled with one another, and slowly their clothes had managed to find there way of their bodies. Gasping for air she pulled her lips down and kissed his firm chest.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Joel managed to ask through his trip on the Nirvana bus.

Not answering, she pulled him onto Sango's bed with a large thump. They rolled around and fore played for a while, both too intoxicated with the drug and the sensations. Her world had little butterfly's fluttering across the walls of band posters and old clothing. The lights would come on and off in her mind, and she loved when his flesh touched hers.

She had some sense to make him put on a condom before he entered her, but Kagome realized, in that jacked-up state, that she had never felt so pure, or so dirty, in her whole life.

And it wasn't a good thing.


She woke up the next morning felling like shit. Her head pounded, and the area between her legs hurt. She knew they were bruised without even looking. Opening her eyes, her whole body shook at the intensity of the light.

She found she had trashed Sango's room, and her head was right next to a fairly small dick. She moaned in pain and got up only to see Joel slumbering happily. He was holding Sango's pink teddy bear, and a puddle of puke was laying peacefully on his right.

Trying to sit up, she managed to lose her balance, fall of the bed, and hit her head on the table by the door. "Fuck..." She muttered, her voice shaky and cracking. Shaking her head slowly, she looked at the clock and saw the time was 11:24. It was Friday, so she was supposed to be at school.

Why fucking bother?

Wondering if either Sango or Miroku had gone to school, she dragged herself back into the living room. Sango was still on top of Miroku and they were sleeping like they would never get up. Miroku was still inside of Sango.

Kagome gagged a bit, and ran to the bathroom where she vomited any food she had into the rusty toilet. Wiping her face clean she wondered if it was the drugs that made her puke or the sight of Miroku naked.

Sitting back against the wall she in took a few breaths. Remembering how she had felt last night, and how dirty she was, she felt truly like a whore. Even the drugs that were supposed to make her feel good ended up making her feel even worse.

Well she had been sleeping nude in a bed with a guy that she only just met, she had a dream about her Grandpa. Her loving, caring and wonderful grandpa.

His memory was dishonored by her impurity.

She didn't deserve to even dream about such a sweet old man. Her Grandpa was the only family member she had ever loved, and if he saw her now he would be truly ashamed. She decided there, sitting ass naked on Sango's bathroom floor, that that was the last time she would ever take the drug `Blood.'

Putting on her clothes, she left Sango's house with only one thought.

That she was exactly that.


A/N: Hey, next chapter Inuyasha finally shows up! Guess what? It's going to be a cliché and Inu is going to hate Kag well she has a small crush on him at first! Yah!

Next Chapter: Loser