InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Bloody Princess ❯ Loser ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Bloody Princess

By Paper Stars

Rated: R

Chapter Three: Loser


"Where are you walking,

What are you staring at now?

Are you still chasing that dream,

You once told me about?

I loved your face,

That seemed to tell the future.

But for you to protect that precious dream,

I couldn't be with you."

Ayumi Hamasaki "Still Alone"


Kagome's feet felt 80 pounds heavier as she walked back to the house.

Katana and Hichi probably cared less that she hadn't come home the night before, so she knew she wasn't in any sort of trouble. In fact, they were probably sitting on her couch, naked, just like Sango and Miroku were.

When she got back to the house, she was surprised to find that they were gone. Her mother had left her a note with a 200 bill that said, "Be back Monday. Buy Pizza or Something."

What a responsible, loving mother.

Kagome dragged herself to her bedroom, unlocked the door, and fell on the bed without one second thought. She was asleep in moments.

During the weekend Kagome hadn't heard from Sango or Joel, but that was how it usually was. Joel had probably forgotten about her by now and Sango usually didn't call after a big Friday night like that anyway.

Kagome sort hoped she would though.

By Monday, Kagome felt like an anorexic. She had not eaten all weekend, instead blowing the 200 bucks her bitch of a mom gave her on weed. Her stomach was really weak, and when she threw up, she ended up throwing up blood.

At school on Monday, Sango was surprisingly there. She looked a bit happier than Kagome did, and Sango said this was due to the fact that she and Miroku had sex 14 times in 6 hours. Oh, joy.

Kagome was walking slowly now to her second period class, staring at her latest test. Civics. Yuck.

She had gotten an 80% on it though. That wasn't that bad. Turning around a corner she collided with something really hard, which smelled rater good.

"Wha!?" She yipped, falling back before a strong arm steadied her. She looked up into amber eyes. Blinking she realized this must be the new guy that Sango had talked about last Friday.

"I haven't seen you around before." She observed. "What is your name?"

He raised an eyebrow, and a dry look came across his face. "Inuyasha." He said. Kagome smiled inwardly. This guy was hot. His silver hair ran down his face, and his lips looked so kissable.

"Well thank you Inuyasha. See ya around." She said sweetly, walking to the side of him. He rolled his eyes. She would see him around, but like hell he would talk to her. He had already heard a ton of rumors about that girl with crystal green eyes. Her name was Kagome Higurashi, she slept with anything with a dick, and she was the biggest two-faced bitch in the world.

Walking to his second period as well, he wondered silently if the rumors were true. Sesshoumaru had always told him to not judge people by rumors, but this chick looked exactly like the girls in his first hour had said.

Only hotter.

Kagome sat in her seat next to Sango.

It was chemistry, one of the only classes she had with Sango besides Math. Sango seemed to be in a daze, and was totally eye-candying Miroku.

"I met that new guy."

Sango turned her head. "You did?"

"Yep, I collided with him in the halls. Says his name is Inuyasha. He's cute."

Sango looked at Kagome with a funny expression before sighing; realizing Kagome had not heard the latest scoop of gossip the school had to offer. "He is already a proclaimed loser."

"Huh? Why?"

Sango giggled. "A guy from his old school was talking to Henya, and he is a computer nerd. A lot of people think he is gay, and he doesn't do any drugs. I would stay away from HIM, Kag. He will ruin your reputation."

Kagome nodded, but inwardly sighed. He had been hot too. Too bad he was a loser, and if one of the school's princesses were seen hanging around him, there would be hell to pay from the guys, and a ton of rumors from the girls.

That was the way things worked.

After school, Kagome walked with Sango to the back of the school.

Their was rumor to be a huge party on Friday, and Miroku was going to get the fake ID's in exchange for 20$ worth of joints. Kagome had the drugs in her back pocket and they slowly walked to the cafeteria.

The girls had decided to yet again jip the lunch-people, and steal their money so they could go by some more clothes.

Sneaking into it was easy, and the money they got was usually pretty good. Seeing two 50's on the table beside an old desk, they grabbed it and ran to Miroku's house to meet up with him.

Kagome sometimes felt bad for stealing from the cafeteria, but without that money she had no source of income to get her weed or clothes. She was also too fucking lazy to get a job.

Miroku's house was even uglier than hers.

It was a one story run down apartment, which only had three rooms. It was so small, and he had shit crammed everywhere. When they got there he was sitting on his small couch watching some porno, masturbating.

`God! Are all guys so fucking sex-craved?' Kagome thought to herself well they traded the joints for the fake ID's. Sango and Miroku started taking of their clothes and Kagome left without saying goodbye. She hated his house anyway, and they fucked every second they got.

It was so disconcerting.

Kagome decided to go to the cemetery in which her grandfather was buried. It was a long walk up a big hill, but she hadn't been there in a month to pray.

Walking there very slowly she got their at sunset, and stared at the grave for a very long time. The only thing on the grave was, "Taji Higurashi. March 16, 1923- May 18, 1996. Beloved father and Faithful friend." She looked around the graveyard, and seeing no one was there, she let a few tears fall from her eyes.

She never cried when anyone was watching. It was against her own rules.

"Would you be ashamed of me?" She asked her Grandpa's grave. "Would you spit your son for walking out, and yell at your step-daughter for becoming a stripper, and tell your granddaughter that she is a dirty whore?"

Her voice cracked, and she put her hand over her eyes, he body now shaking with sobs. She rarely cried like this but after the realization Friday, she really felt that this was the only way she could express herself.

She wasn't like Sango and screwed guys to make herself feel better, or told nasty rumors to make everything go away... this was really the only way she could express herself. She felt like a ninny for crying, but for once that seemed ok to do as well.

"Why Grandpa?!" She suddenly yelled at the grave. "Why did you leave me?!"

"Why? Why? Why?!" She mumbled.

She thought no one was watching, but a flash of silver hair disappeared from the cemetery, and a saddened face of a boy who she would have seen had her eyes not been so glazed from crying.

Inuyasha had heard her crying, and screaming, and realized the conclusion he had came to before was wrong. His heart had clutched when he had seen her cry.

And for the first time in his life, alls he really wanted to do was take a person's pain away, and make this one girl smile.


A/N: Sorry for the really short chapter and I know, now Kagome seems like a crybaby... but oh well! Review anyways!!

Next Chapter: Silence