InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ My Bloody Princess ❯ Silence ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

My Bloody Princess

By Paper Stars

Rated: R

Chapter Four: Silence


"Through the wind and the rain,

She stands hard as a stone,

In a world that she cant rise above,

But her dreams give her wings,

And she fly's to a place where she's loved,

Concrete angel."

Martina McBride "Concrete Angel"


The week flew by quickly for Kagome since her private little display of tears at the cemetery. It was now the day of the party that everyone had been so hyped about. Sango had been talking about it all week, and even Henya had decided it would be bad for her little `Weeds Store' if she didn't show up. With her fake ID in hand, Kagome walked back to the shit- whole she guessed was a house.

It took her a while because it was very humid out, and her thoughts had seemed to drift her off to different places, but she finally walked up to the front door. Opening it, she walked in and went straight to her room without a second thought, but the moment she got to that door she froze.

The lock that she had on her door was undone. It was discarded on the floor, and her door had a very large dent on the top left side. Kagome immediately assumed someone had broken in to steal money and the few other half expensive items she owned. Her breathing became heavier, and she felt her hair stand on end.

Slowly, and more cautiously than she thought she should have been, she opened the door and peered into her room. Holding her breath she saw a figure moving around her room, almost in a drunken lure. He (The body size looked to be the build of a male) was lugging around, and Kagome was lost for words.

Opening the door more it creaked suddenly and the man's body jerked up, peering at her. Fear swept over her when she realized it was a very drunk or stoned Hichi. His face has grease all over it and it looked like he had tried to save in his drunken state because there were little cut notches all over his cheeks.

This normally would not have made her fearful, but the glazed look in his eyes would have made any normal person tremble.

"C'mere Kagggommeeee..." He said, flopping on the mattress that made up her bed and motioning for her to come sit by him with a flick of his wrist. She remained by the door unmoving, but rather amused by his antics. He was acting as if she would just jump on top of him and fuck him right there. Let his dick be in the same place on her that it was just in her mother a couple of hours ago. "I just want to have a wittle funnnn..." He told her, smiling and running his hands through his greasy hair.

Kagome still hesitated, the humor of the situation gone.

By now, the drunken Hichi was getting a little angry. He stood again and headed towards the door slowly. Kagome stood her ground and prepared for the worst.

It came

. The next few moments fell on her like a blur. He had grabbed her right wrist in a painful motion, squeezing her poor flesh tightly and pulling her towards him with all of his strength. He then spun her around, and flew her across her own small bedroom.

Kagome yelped as she hit her wall, and tumbled on her bed with a large thud. She tried to catch her breath, but found that the wind had been knocked out of her. Hichi was back on her bed in almost one second, and now straddling her.

She pushed at him, gasping, her lungs still screaming for air.

"Get the FUCK off of me!" She screamed once she was able to, desperately trying to punch him, kick him, do anything to get him off of her. He pinned her wrists by her head with one hand and she could clearly smell the alcohol on his breath. She screamed. With his left hand he pulled under her skimpy shirt and fondled her breast, jerking it with his blistered fingers.

She gasped , preparing to scream again, but then she felt a sting on her cheek. His hand had quickly removed itself from their previous position, and he had slapped her with his palm. She screamed again, this time with all of her might.

He got off of her, and grabbed her arm, jerking her to the wooden floor. Laying on her stomach, she felt his sharp shoe make contact with her right side, and she was flipped over by the strength of the kick.

A few more swift movements by him, and her stomach was bleeding painfully, indents of shoe prints and blood surging out of them. "You little fucking whore! You fuck everyone! Why don't you wanna screw me?! Am I not good enough for you?!" He surged, mostly out of anger.

She got up her courage and looked him straight in the eye, gathering what dignity she had left in her current position and spat, "Fuck you!"

He screamed at her and lunged, grabbing her raven hair and pulling her yet again, this time with the intent to drag her out into the hallway. She was about to scream out for the fourth or fifth time but they both heard the front door screen shut, and her Katanas' voice yelling, "Kagome! I'm back you little bitch! Did you kill yourself yet?"

Hichi looked down at her and her body became rigid when the feeling of cold, sharp metal came in contact with her throat. He glared at her, but the glazed look had still not left his eyes.

"If you fucking tell ANYONE, I will fucking slit your throat. And don't think that buying a new little lock will work. I got past this one, I can get past all the others." He spat maliciously, "I'll fuck you little Kag- chan, don't you worry."

"Hichi? Are you hear? Kagome?" She heard her Katanas' voice again, and Hichi rose from his crouch, taking the sharp knife from her neck. "Yes, I'm hear babbbby" Hichi then slurred in a lighter tone, stepping on her bleeding stomach in quest to reach the door.

"C'mon, I wanna get some chow."

He slammed her door shut, and Kagome closed her eyes not moving. She heard her Katana giggle, then the sound of the front door closing. Soon after, the sound of Hichi's old buick came to her ears, but faded.

Wetness fell down her cheeks, and she curled herself into a ball ignoring the sharp protests coming from her stomach. She sobbed, but not too loudly, and eventually rose back up to her feet.

Looking at her clock, (Which read 6:24), She dimly thought that she still had 3 hours to take her shower, bandage her stomach, change her clothes, and pull herself together in time for the party.

Kagome rubbed her hands to her eyes, and tried to cling to the only happy thoughts she could think of. Her grandpa... But eventually only bad thoughts spread throughout her mind.


:: Rape. ::


:: Dirty. ::


:: Dead. ::


:: Crying. ::


:: Knife. ::


:: Alone. ::


:: Silence... ::

Kagome stripped herself of her clothes, and stood in front of the rusty bathroom mirror. She cleared her throat and with a tears running down her cheeks muttered;

"Once upon a time there was a girl, She was weak, and ugly. She was a slut and dishonored the memory of the only person who had ever been kind to her in her entire life. Her mother hated her, her mother's boyfriend tried to rape her, and for one in her lifetime, the girl finally felt what it is like to truly want to die."


A/N: I'm really sorry if this chapter went a little to fast, but I bet all of you think Hichi is such a bastard. . I also know all of you people are really anxious to get some Inuyasha and Kagome mush, but that won't be for a while! Gomen!

Next Chapter: Party